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diabetes FAQ: bg monitoring (part 2 of 5)
Section - How can I download data from my meter?

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Top Document: diabetes FAQ: bg monitoring (part 2 of 5)
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When I originally wrote this section, download capabilities were rare.
Now, almost every meter maker provides this capability, with the
possible exception of some house-brand meters and very small meters. As
a result, I have removed much of the original information.

A great deal of information on diabetes-related software of all kinds
can be found on David Mendosa's web site,

Most meter makers charge extra for the cable and software for
downloading. The cables usually include electronics, and so are not
easily duplicated. Much of the software on David Mendosa's web site is
third party software which can download from a variety of meters.

LifeScan publishes the download protocol, or at least did at one time.
You can download a copy of those specs from

    One Touch II:
    One Touch Profile:

Vic Abell <abe(AT)> has long provided a simple free DOS
program, TOUCH2, to download and analyze One Touch II and Profile data.
This was probably the first widely available third-party program to
analyze meter data. TOUCH2 interfaces to the data port of the One Touch,
downloads the data on command, and provides a variety of analytical
displays. I do not know whether it works with all the latest LifeScan
models. It's available in a couple of forms via anonymous ftp from in the /pub directory, or using a web browser,

User Contributions:

Raqiba Shihab
Many thanks. My husband has Type 2 diabetes and we were a bit concerned about his blood sugar/glucose levels because he was experiencing symptoms of hyperglyceamia. We used a glucometer which displays the reading mg/dl so in my need to know what the difference
between and mg/dl and mmol/l is, i came across your article and was so pleased to aquire a lot more info regarding blood glucose, how to read and convert it.
It was really informative and useful for people who don't know conversion. Thanks to you

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Top Document: diabetes FAQ: bg monitoring (part 2 of 5)
Previous Document: Comparing blood glucose meters
Next Document: I've heard of a non-invasive bG meter -- the Dream Beam?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM