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alt.arts.ballet FAQ 7: Organizations

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Archive-name: dance/ballet-modern-faq/part4
Posting-frequency: bimonthly
Last-modified: Jul. 21, 2004

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Part 7 of seven parts: Organizations

    Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Thomas Parsons; all rights reserved.
    This FAQ MAY NOT be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service,
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    7.1. General
    7.2. Organizations offering help with eating disorders


7. Organizations

	Sandi Kurtz has provided the following list of dance-related

7.1.  General

American Dance Guild
	31 West 21st Street
	New York, N. Y.  10010
	(212) 627-3790
	Fax: (212) 675-9657
	A not-for-profit membership organization that serves the dance
	community with performance opportunities, conferences, workshops,
	scholarships, and publications.  See section 6.2 for information
	about their periodical, _American Dance_.

Congress on Research in Dance
	% Department of Dance
	Brockport, N. Y.  14420
	(716) 395-2590
	One of the few scholarly organizations, topics cover most aspects
	of dance, good journal

Dance Critics Association
	POB 1882
	Old Chelsea Station
	New York, N. Y.  10011
	(212) 254-7905
	Mix of working critics and academics; newsletter

Dance Heritage Coalition
	149 Harmon Ave
	Pelham, N. Y.  10803
	(914) 738-7185
	Catherine Johnson, Coordinator
	Working on preservation and scholarly issues, maintains
	Dance-HC, a listserve for dance

Dance Notation Bureau
	33 West 21st Street
	New York, N. Y.  10010
	(212) 807-7899
	The Labanotation organization offers correspondence courses, too.

Dance USA
	777-14th Street NW, Suite 540
	Washington, D. C.  20005
	(202) 628-0144
	Primarily for dance companies, but publishes newsletter on
	advocacy issues as well

Florida Dance Assn.
	300 N.E. 2nd Ave., #1410
	Miami, Fla. 33132-2204
	(305) 347-3413

Laban Institute of Movement Study
	11 East 4th Street
	New York, N. Y.  10003-6902
	(212) 477-4299
	The Laban Movement Analysis organization (separate from Labanotation)

National Dance Association  (American Alliance for Health, Physical
	    Education, Recreation, and Dance)
	1900 Association Drive
	Reston, Va.  22091-1599
	Dance through a PE perspective

The Royal Acadamy of Dancing

Society of Dance History Scholars
	% Angelika Gerbes
	Department of Dance
	Ohio State University
	Columbus, Ohio  43210
	(614) 292-7977
	Excellent journal "Studies in Dance History"

Society for Stage Directors and Choreographers
	1501 Broadway, Suite 2003
	New York, N. Y.  10036
	(212) 302-5359

World Dance Alliance
	% Dance Magazine
	33 West 60th Street, 10th Floor
	New York, N. Y.  10023

7.2. Organizations offering help with eating disorders

	Many women dancers, under pressure to keep their weight down,
have fallen victim to eating disorders.  For those who need advice about
bulimia, anorexia nervosa, etc., there are a number of groups offering
educational materials & referrals to professionals:

American Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Assn (AABA)
    (212) 734-1114

Foundation for Education about Eating Disorders
    (410) 467-0603

National Anorexic Aid Society
    (614) 436-1112

Nat'l Assn of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders
    (708) 831-3438

National Eating Disorders Organization
    Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital
    6655 South Yale Avenue
    Tulsa, Okla.  74136
    (918) 481-4044

Overeaters Anonymous
    (800) 743-8703

Gurze Books - publishes books on eating disorders, catalog available by
    calling (619) 434-7533.

End of Part 7

--             |  It's easier to apologize afterwards than
                          |   getting something allowed in the first place. |             --Clifford Stoll

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM