Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ Previous Document: 2-2. What's the difference between old school and new school hardcore bands? Next Document: 2-4. Who was the first straight-edge band? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge On 1 May 1997 "DAVe B." <skapsr@ix!netcom!com> wrote: "emo is a type of music, which is derived from early 80's hardcore. I don t know the whole story, but emo combines hardcore with more melodic and experimental music. Fugazi is the easiest example of a band i can name that is considered to be "emo" also bands like promise ring and texas is the reason play this vein of music." On 1 May 1997 Kevin Hirsch <hirschk@anet!net> wrote: "Emo is generally said to have started with DC bands like Embrace (Ian MacKaye's band after Minor Threat and before Fugazi) and Rites of Spring (Guy Picciotto's band also before Fugazi), but is in no way limited to them, around '85. The sound was basically a slower more emotional (hence the name "emo") post- version of hardcore. The vocals are usually sung in "whiny" (for lack of a better word) sort of way. "Emotional in this context generally connotes "vulnerability" and/or "troubledness", which is different from the emotionality of the screaming and thrashing generally associated with hardcore. This open emphasis on "vulnerability" and/or "troubledness" represented a major break in the hardcore/punk scene at that time, for it prided itself on tough- and hardness, as it generally does today. Hence, the long running feud between hardcore (sXe) and emo kids. "As for emo today, as most other sub-genres, it has spawned many (sometimes extremely opposite and/or contradicting) hybrids that all stake claim to the label, rendering it somewhat useless. Here are some examples: there's political, scream-and-flail-on-the-floor, emo like Frail, Swing Kids, Impetus Inter, and a slew of San Diego based bands; there's the really slow, discordant, artsy emo like Cap'n Jazz, Joan d'Arc, Evergreen, etc.; then we have the more popular melody/pop-oriented bands like Texas is the Reason, Sensefield, Mineral, Promise Ring, Split Lip (now Chamberlain), etc.; and last but not least we have the slow, stop-and-go, melody-thrash alternating groups like Amber Inn, Still Life, and others I can't think of right now." On 31 Aug 1997 <PolarityHC@aol!com> write: "I believe that Al Flipside called Embrace "emo" and Ian was like "huh", but for some reason the name stuck." On 03 Oct 1997 <> wrote: "i think the band verbal assult invented the word emo. and embrace, as good as they were, weren't the first "emo" band. dag nasty, 3, and 7 seconds all had an emo sound before them." On 18 Nov 1997 .xmikex. <info@jameson!com> wrote: "EMO (E-mo) slang 1)A wimp 2)Anyone not tough enough to listen to your friend's band. 3)Anyone/thing that refuses to floorpunch and hit bystanders in a mosh pit (see mosh). "OK, for real, THIS is my understanding and how my friends and I use this helpful term every day: 1) EMO is an abbreviation of EMOTIONAL. 2) As such, it can (& I think originally was used to) describe a style of music. 3) A lot of bands from the Washington DC area punk scene are considered "EMO" (Embrace being one of the 1st to have this label). 4) The EMO "SOUND" of minimalist drums & guitars, quiet singing building up to a loud screaming racket. There can be a major jazz influence. 5) Anyone can be emo now. Morrissey, the cure, fugazi, endpoint, you name it, they've been labeled "emo" (sinatra) "The people: Emo kids are considered wimps by most "tough guys". This may or may not be true. Classic "emo stories" are of kids crying at shows. (something I recently witnessed at a show...) I guess this public show of emotion is seen as weakness by most in the HC community. Whereas Emo music tends to wrestle the inner demons of personal defeat, loveloss, heartache etc. "Hardcore" tends to wrestle that big hairy smelly guy in the pit next to you. No, seriously, HC tends to deal with taking action to change things rather than ruminate on that might have been. I guess the main difference is that Emo tends to be backward looking, and HC tends to be forward looking. (Yesyesyes, I know there's MASSIVE crossover in musical styles and song subject matter- a lot of HC bands write "personal" lyrics and a lot of emo bands write songs with a social message).I dunno, I like some emo bands, but I prefer HC. "THE STYLE: Hair: often a bit crusty Glasses: Horn-rim ONLY (cat-eyes are also acceptable for the women) Facial Hair: Stubble Piercings: Optional Necklaces: Beads, etc. (mandatory) Shirt: Old t-shirts, dress shirts etc. Sweater: No!no!no! a sweaterVEST. (old) Jacket: Old, thrift shop gear as with all the above. Pants: Dress pants / corduroy. Floods are totally cool. Socks: White Shoes: Black dress shoes "The color palate? Browns, blacks, dark blues etc. "Think "Nick at Night". The look is retro with an edge. Drew Carey if he wore thrift store stuff. A brief list of "emo" bands I or my friends like: (i don't like all these bands. they will have an * by their name if I'm not a big fan) FUGAZI EMBRACE RITES OF SPRING JAWBOX BLUETIP FRODUS TEXAS IS THE REASON* PROMISE RING* (yeech) NONE LEFT STANDING MINERAL MAXIMILLIAN COLBY JAWBREAKER "Perhaps CRUCIAL YOUTH said it best in their glossary of terms when they described it: EMO-CORE: "Mature" music made by cigarette-puffing ex-straightedgers. Heavy on soul-searching, hard to mosh to." User Contributions:Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ Previous Document: 2-2. What's the difference between old school and new school hardcore bands? Next Document: 2-4. Who was the first straight-edge band? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Lars Norved)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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