Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ Previous Document: 2. About the music Next Document: 2-2. What's the difference between old school and new school hardcore bands? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge On 15 Apr 1997 <lgumaer@ibm!net> wrote: "Hardcore is the style that began in the early 80s, often applied to bands such as Black Flag, Minor Threat, Sick of It All, Bad Brains, Rollins Band, Fugazi, etc.--sort of "2nd wave" punk bands. They were sloppy punk bands that played with more intensity and heaviness than earlier ones like the Sex Pistols, The Clash, etc. Today's hardcore bands are tighter and much heavier, and can be divided into two general types (usually called East Coast or West Coast, for where the band is, but it's not always consistent). The first type are smoother, with heavy grooves that flow, with a vocalist that sings (or at least tries to) or shouts. The second type is heavier, with tight, stop-and-go rhythms and harsh vocals that are a cross between shouts and low screams." On 10 Jun 1997 Chris97a <chris97a@aol!com> wrote: "Hardcore music by definition HAS to fit a mold, but hardcore lyrics by definition, are SUPPOSED TO BE THOUGHT PROVOKING!!!" On 26 Jun 1997 erik mohr <emandrew@mindspring!com> wrote: "... to me that's pretty much always been what hardcore was, highly politically charged punk. punk that screams an opinion." Nicolas 'Da Ringmaster' <> wrote: "Alright, this is what hardcore means to me: Energy, Positive attitude, Rebellion, Independance, Separating from trends, Not following the masses, Hard-core = hard music" [16] From the D.O.A. website: "D.O.A. popularized the term hardcore as applied to punk rock music with the release of Hardcore '81, a pivotal record from the early west coast hardcore punk scene. "Hardcore was (and is) uncompromising punk attitude combined with social activism. Sort of "punk with a message", but not to be confused with "straight edge" or "PC" movements, later variations of hardcore. West coast hardcore was completely different from the "fashionable" punk rock of art school students and posers - in the early days of punk there was a huge difference between the English-style punks with their fashionably torn and safety-pinned look, and the hardcore 'street' punk who just didn't give a fuck about their appearance. "It's an intelligent movement characterized by a deep anger at the status quo. It is not surprising that it began on the U.S.west coast, where radicalism and rebellion has deep roots... schools don't tell you much about the labour riots of the 20's or other examples of North American civil disobedience... Uncompromising hardcore shocked the complacent hippie mentality, needless to say. "Hardcore will never die where individualistic thought can survive - which of course means it has been constantly oppressed by the vacuous media of North America. The current popularization of 'punk' is more concerned with style than substance, rather a new fashionable trend for the pop machine. "Hardcore survives in bands like Fugazi, NoMeansNo, The Ex, and D.O.A. - hopefully with the current popularity of punk rock more kids will discover that the world ain't exactly a great place, and work for positive change despite the many evil forces in this world. And that is the best definition of hardcore I can imagine." [11] There is quite a bit of disagreement over exactly when hardcore started but here are some people's thoughts: On 10 May 1997 Fitaurari <fitaurari@aol!com> wrote: "And by the way Bad Brains DID invent 'hardcore'!" On 10 May 1997 paul.kaczmarek <paul.kaczmarek@ukonline!co!uk> wrote: "The Germs (April 77) , Black Flag (June 77), he Misfits (first show - April 77), Chain Gang, The Pagans (mid-77), Canada's The Diodes (first lp June 77) and The Viletones (recorded Jan 1978) were already under the 'hardcore' banner in 1977. "There's also a solid argument for giving the first hardcore prize to Chrome, who recorded undoubted hardcore lps in 1976, or Crime, who did the same." On 10 May 1997 Rastapoodle <herblady@zippo!com> wrote: "Your knowledge of the dates of the emergence of the punk hardcore scene is very good. I might add that by 1976, bands like Patti Smith, Richard Hell and the Voidoids, and many that were playing at CBGB's were called punk, and I think that the (mostly) West Coast bands that you cite were the hardcore 'babies' of those groups. (Boy, I'm sure they'd love that designation!) ;-)" On 10 Jul 1997 TSOL12 <tsol12@aol!aol> wrote: "without a doubt BLack Flag was the first HC band...anyone who says otherswise is a fool. People forget that early HC has its roots in punk everyone thinks that the newschool sound is what hardcore is theres more to being a HC band than just the sound." User Contributions:Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ Previous Document: 2. About the music Next Document: 2-2. What's the difference between old school and new school hardcore bands? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Lars Norved)
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