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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 4. About the scene

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-14. I used to drink and do drugs, can I still be sXe?
Next Document: 4-1. Aren't you all just mummy's boys?
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    On 19 Aug 1997 Terence David <SandraGail@webtv!net> wrote:
    "Just wanted to talk about the good old glory days when the HARDCORE
    scene was REAL and there was no kickboxing, baggy clothes or attitudes.
    Yeah Yeah, all you "new school" kids are probably sick of hearing about
    the past, but it is brought up so often because of how great it was (at
    least compared to now).  Everybody had something to say and used their
    energy positively and did something productive with it.
    Whether they started a band, did a zine or promoted a show, they were
    benefiting Hardcore and making "our" subculture a better one.  Nowadays
    it seems that H.C. is grasping onto the things that we tryed so hard to
    get away from.  All of the negative aspects of mainstream life seem to
    be filtering into our scene.  Shit talking, fashion, competition, money,
    greed and status (just to name a few of the more blatant ones).  Our
    scene is becoming a small scale version of this shitty world around us.
    As Ray of Today once said, it's time to "MAKE A CHANGE"!!  H.C.S.E. is
    somehting I hold very close to my heart.  It's more than music, fashion
    or the latest karate dance.  It's a way of life.  The past is the past
    and now is now.  But please, let's try to make our scene's future a
    better more positive one.  That means become more productive, more
    positive and leave the brass knuckles and atttitudes at home.  Better
    yet, throw em' away.  We're all in this together and unity is what it's
    all about."

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-14. I used to drink and do drugs, can I still be sXe?
Next Document: 4-1. Aren't you all just mummy's boys?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM