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Part one of ten. Frequently Asked Questions on with answers. Send corrections, suggestions, additions, and other feedback to <> Basics 1) What is the newsgroup "" about? 2) Where is the Irish culture? 3) I found a lot of nastiness here. Are real Irish people like that? 4) Could you please send me the Irish FAQ? 5) What is netiquette? 6) What is a troll? What should I do when I see one? 7) What are the basics I should know about Ireland? 8) What are the basics about the Republic? 9) What are the basics about Northern Ireland? 10) I'm a bit confused by all the names. Please explain. 11) What about Irish-Americans? 12) Why is there a conflict in the North? 13) Where can I find more information about the flags of Ireland? User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:Section Contents
Ivan Brookes