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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 2/2 [monthly]
Section - 1. Comment obtenir l'adresse electronique d'un site francais ? How to get the electronic address of a french site?

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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 2/2 [monthly]
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Next Document: 2. Les babillards (BBSes) | Bulletin Board systems
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Avez-vous lu la fin de la premiere    | Have your read the first part of this
partie de ce document consacree aux   | document, networking section?  If no,
reseaux ?  Si non, il n'est pas trop  | it's not too late to do it now.
tard pour le faire !                  |
Il s'agit d'une liste exhaustive des  | It is an exhaustive list of all
domaines enregistres dans "fr" dans   | domains registered in "fr". Most
laquelle se trouvent la plupart (mais | french sites (but not all) are
pas la totalite) des sites francais.  | registered in this domain.
Lisez egalement la FAQ du groupe      | Also read the FAQ for the
alt.bbs.internet, disponible dans ce  | alt.bbs.internet newsgroups, available
groupe ainsi que dans news.answers et | in this group as well as news.answers
archivee sur de nombreux sites.       | and archived at many sites.
Differents services existent pour     | Several services allow to get email
localiser des personnes. Pour en      | addresses for people, to know more
savoir plus, lisez:                   | about it read:

                    "how-to-find-people" in news.answers

publie reglierement par J.I.Kamens et | published regularly by J.I.Kamens and
disponible par ftp anonyme et courrier| available by anonymous ftp and by
electronique:                         | electronic mail:

     * in the states         (in /pub/usenet/news-answers)
     * in Europe       (in /pub/faq).

Les Universites et Grandes Ecoles sci-| Scientific Universities and Grandes
entifiques sont generalement connec-  | Ecoles are usually connected to the
tees aux reseau (Earn, Internet), la  | network (Earn, Internet), thus the
mentalite francaise ne semble cepen-  | french mentality beeing somewhat
dant pas suffisamment evoluee pour que| underevolved, only a few of these
les etudiants de ces etablissements   | organizations give access to
aient acces a ces ressources. Seules  | electronic mail to their students.
quelques ecoles donnent systematique- |
ment acces au courrier electronique a |
l'ensemble des etudiants.             |
Ce n'est pas parce que l'organisation | It is not because you correspondant's
de votre correspondant dispose du mail| organization has email that your
que votre correspondant va s'en       | correspondant will use it!
servir !                              |
Si vous cherchez les coordonnees elec-| If you need the email address for
troniques d'une personne ou d'une soc-| someone or for a company, phone, write,
iete, telephonez, ecrivez, envoyez un | send a fax or whatever...
fax, etc...                           |
car meme si c'est une solution de fac-| if it is an easy solution, you'll
ilite vous embeterez les lecteurs et  | bother the readers and won't generally
n'aurez en general pas de reponse     | get an answer (but it is known that
(mais il est bien connu que les gens  | people posting such requests generally
qui postent ce genre de requetes ne   | do not read the FAQs).
lisent pas les FAQs).                 |
Vous pouvez aussi interroger les dif- | You can also ask the different
ferents NICs:                         | NICs:

    US NIC:      WHOIS.INTERNIC.NET   (whois -h blahblah)
    RIPE NIC:    WHOIS.RIPE.NET       (whois -h     blahblah)

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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 2/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: 2. Les babillards (BBSes) | Bulletin Board systems

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM