Archive-name: culture-french-faq/medias
Version: $Id: medias,v 1.2 1993/11/08 12:15:32 wolf Exp lpj $
Subject: 1. Informations telephonees
Dial for news
"L'info en direct". Service propose par la chaine de television TF1:
36 65 43 21. Ce numero ne peut etre appele de l'etranger.
USA, California, bay area
(415) 981-7999 (repondeur en francais, answering machine, french).
USA, Massachussetts, Boston
*** does not exist anymore (dixit Yves Dehnel <DEHNEL@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU>)
Vous pouvez appeler le BONJOUR pour | You can dial BONJOUR to get news from
avoir des informations du consulat | the french consulate at Boston. In
de France a Boston. En francais en | french on weekdays, in english on
semaine, en anglais le week-end... | week-ends... or perhaps is it just the
ou peut-etre bien le contraire. | opposite.
USA, Michigan, Chicago area
Message compose tous les jours a 10h| Message composed daily at 10am by the
par le service de presse du consulat| press service of the consulate, dial
au (312) 787-6658. | (312) 787-6657.
Subject: 2. Adresses de quelques grands journaux
Addresses for several newspapers
Le Canard Enchaine, 173 rue St. Honore, 75001 Paris
| Le Canard enchaine (journal satirique paraissant le mercredi)
| Les dossiers du Canard (une fois de temps en temps)
| This might not be easy to understand for beginners, particularly for those
| not aware of french politics.
Le Figaro, 37 rue du Louvre, 75081 Paris Cedex 02
| Le Figaro (quotidien)
| Le Fiagaro Magazine, Figaro Madame et Figaro TV (samedi)
| supplements regionaux (Rhone-Alpes, Cote d'azur, ...) (1 samedi par mois)
| Abonnements: Porteur (region parisienne) +33 1 43 87 90 90
| Poste (France et Etranger) +33 1 40 19 09 00
Liberation, 11 rue Beranger, 75154 Paris Cedex 03
| Liberation (quotidien)
| Abonnements: +33 1 42 76 17 12 ou 3615 LIBE
Le Monde, 15 rue Falguiere, 75501 Paris Cedex 15
| Le Monde (quotidien)
| Abonnements postaux: 1 pl Hubert Beuve-Mery +33 1 49 60 32 90
| 94852 Ivry sur Seine Cedex
| Abonnements domicile: meme adresse +33 1 49 60 34 70
Subject: 3. Autres publications regulieres
Other regular publications
Les personnes habitant aux USA et desirant s'abonner a une
revue francaise peuvent contacter
IMS (International Mailing Service), PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY 12919-1518
(800) 428-3003.
France Journal, BP 681, 57011 Metz Cedex 1
| Tel. +33 87 34 17 83 Fax. +33 87 34 19 77
| A vu le jour debut 1992. Ce journal a ete cree pour les Francais
| residant a l'etranger (et tous ceux que cela pourrait interesser)
| pour "garder le contact quand on est loin". C'est un mensuel d'une
| cinquantaine de pages qui couvre les nouvelles regionales principalement
| dans les domaines economiques, educatifs, scientifiques et culturels.
Subject: 4. Ou trouver de la presse et des livres ecrits en francais
Where to find french newspapers and books
USA, CA, Los Angeles
La Cite des Livres. 2306 Westwood Blvd. (310) 475-0658.
French books, magazines (& films).
USA, CA, Mountain View
Printer's Inc. Castro Street. They carry a selection of
non-US newspapers and magazines.
USA, CA, Palo-Alto
Printer's Inc. California Street. They carry a large selection of
non-US newspapers and magazines.
Stanford Bookstore.
USA, MA, Boston area.
The French Library. 53 Marlborough Street, Boston. Non profit
(american) organisation promoting French culture. They have an
extensive lending and reference library housed in 2 adjoining 19th
century mansions in Boston's Back Bay and facilities include French
classes at various levels, video and audio cassette libraries, a film
club, cooking classes, current editions of all major newspapers, art
exhibitions, lectures, and conversational evenings. They also have a
really great party on July 14. Downstairs is a small museum to Marcel
Carne, furnished with memorabilia of the maitre himself.
Out of Town news. Accross the Harvard T station (Cambridge). Very large
collection of non english magazines and newspapers.
Schoenhofs Foreign Language bookstore. Harvard Square, Cambridge. Very
large selection of novels, poetry, history and more (Asterix too!), all
in French. They also have many general and specialist dictionaries.
USA, NY, New-York City
New York City has a large population of francophiles and many tourists from
France, so there are French magazines and newspapers at many newstands.
This is especially true in Soho, Greenwich Village, and the Upper East
Side. The following stand out:
French & Spanish Bookstore (in Rockefeller Center, and at 5th & 19th).
Very large selection of books in French and Spanish, from the sublime to
trash. At the Rockefeller center store, some recordings, magazines, and
newspapers. Dictionaries of all type and description, e.g., technical,
business, pictoral, and french to other languages than english. There are
more dictionaries at the 19th St. store. Fairly expensive. Staff is
helpful and usually speak French (or Spanish).
Hotalings (212-840-1468, 142 W. 42nd st., Broadway/6th Ave) has magazines
and newspapers from all over the world and the United States. If you're
looking for a major paper or magazine from Europe, North America, or South
America, this is the store for you. If you don't see it, ask: many
tourists and expatriates raid this place for their favorites as soon as
they arrive.
Rizzoli's (on 5th Avenue in midtown, and on West Broadway in Soho).
Spring St. Books (Spring St. east of 6th Ave).
Hudson News (Broadway and 8th St., inside Penn Station, etc.)
These unrelated stores have numerous French (and Italian) fashion
magazines, and sometimes newspapers.
Seemingly every newstand on Bleecker St. has French newspapers.
Tower Books (Lafayette, and 4th St.) has a small selection of French books.
UK, London
Tower Records
Piccadilly Circus
Central London
Subject: 5. Ou trouver des disques, cassettes, cd francais
Where to find french records, plates, CDs
Printer's Inc. See addresses above (Mountain View and Palo Alto) given
under "Subject: 3".
Subject: 6. Radios francaise hors de France (sauf RFI)
French radio out of France (except RFI)
FRANCE CULTURE sur EUTELSAT II, canal 26, sous-porteuse 7,56MHz
CANADA & US border
CBE broadcasts in French language. For example, CBEF-Windsor (540 [K|M]Hz)
can be received clearly anywhere in the Detroit, Michigan area.
Radio Canada International (Sebastien MEDARD <2:320/213.12>):
11855 Khz 1400-1700 (sunday) vers U.S.A.
5960 --- 0130-0200MF vers U.S.A.
9755 --- ----------- -----------
6120 --- 0200-0300SS vers U.S.A.
9535 --- ----------- -----------
9755 --- ----------- -----------
11845 --- ----------- -----------
11940 --- ----------- -----------
USA, MI, Chicago area
On the cable:
Channel 21. 11pm. Le Journal de 20h. France 2 (the new name for Antenne 2).
Channel 19. 7-9am. Radio France International (RFI).
USA, NY, New-York city metropolitan area
WNYE: FM 91.5MHz, emissions le matin uniquement, en francais.
Radio du "New York City Board of Education".
WASHINGTON D.C.: France Frequence Washington, 1120 AM:
Du lundi au Vendredi: de 7 a 9h am deux heures d'infos retransmises en direct de
Paris par satellite, de 4 a 6 pm Emission locale FFW musique, sketches, info
locales, rubriques locales, feuilletons et reportages locaux presentent un
visage francophone de la capitale americaine.
Le Samedi : de 7 a 9 retransmission de RFI, de 11 am a 12 pm : emission locale
avec les eleves de lycee francais de Washington. (info provided by
Guilhem Armanet <>, 02 May 94)
(from Yves Dehnel <DEHNEL@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU> 03/15/94)
Il existe une emission de radio francophone, qui retransmet en partie RFI:
"French Kisses" samedi 14-16 h sur WMBR 88.1 FM dans l'agglomeration de
Subject: 7. Radio France International (RFI)
RFI, BP 9516, 75016 Paris
Tel. +33 1 42 30 22 95
Courrier technique des auditeurs
TDF - Ondes decametriques
Le recepteur doit couvrir les bandes hertziennes de 75m (4Mhz) a 13m (21Mhz)
ou 11m (26Mhz).
RFI divise ses emissions sur le monde selon les regions:
A,B,C Afrique du nord A Maroc
B Algerie
C Tunisie
1,2,3 Afrique
4 Afrique et ocean Indien
5,6 Proche et Moyen Orient
7,8,9 Europe de l'est et Centrale
10 Europe de l'ouest
11 Asie et Oceanie
12 Amerique du nord
13 Amerique centrale
14 Amerique du sud
Les frequences sont exprimees en kHz. Sauf mention contraire, tous les
horaires sont donnes en temps universel (UT).
Europe de l'ouest (zones 7,8,9):
Satellite TDF2 - Canal 1 - Frequence 11,72748 GHz
FM - Athenes: RFI Athenes 24h/24 sur 106.7 Mhz
FM - Berlin et Hanovre: programmes en allemand de RFI de 18.00 a
19.00 (heure locale) sur 93.6 et 92.7 MHz
CABLE - FRANCE: sur TV Cable a Paris
PAYS-BAS a Amsterdam (98.5 Mhz) et Gouda
Europe de l'est (zones 7,8,9):
FM - Bucarest: RFI-Delta en francais 17/24h sur 93.5Mhz
- Prague: RFI (en francais) sur Radio-Plus avec CTK sur 96,6Mhz
- Sofia: RFI-SOFIA en francais 24/24h sur 105Mhz
OM-MW SB 1278 (?), TL 945 (?)
Amerique du nord (zone 12)
Heure Frequence Langue Commentaires
00.00-01.00 11670 03/11/91-01/03/92
00.00-01.00 9800
01.00-02.00 11670 &
01.00-02.00 9800 &
02.00-03.00 11670 03/11/91-01/03/92
02.00-03.00 9800
11.30-12.30 21635
12.30-13.00 21635 =
13.00-16.00 21635
14.00-17.00 17720
22.00-03.00 9790
22.00-23.00 11670
22.00-23.00 9800
23.00-03.00 5945
23.00-24.00 11670 &
23.00-24.00 9800 &
: Francais (service mondial)
= : Anglais
& : Espagnol
* : Portuguais
o : Creole
RFI sur le satellite:
RFI is carried on Anik E-1 transponder 17 at 5.65 audio 24 hours a day, and on
6.8 audio when TV5 is dark.
RFI on the Internet (mailing list)
Pour recevoir automatiquement tous | To receive every weekday in your
les jours de la semaine dans votre | mailbox the Radio France Internationale
mailbox la Revue de Presse de Radio | Press Review (in french), you just need
France Internationale, il suffit | to send to the following email address:
d'envoyer a l'adresse suivante: |
| |
| The following message:
Le message suivant: |
| sub frognet- lastname firstname
sub frognet- nom prenom |
Subject: 8. Emissions televisees francaise hors de France
French TV broadcasts out of France
Equipement de reception satellite | Satellite dish required!
requis ! |
CFTM is on Anik E-2, located at 107,3 West on Transponder 14. This televison
station seems to carry a lot of programing orginating in Quebec, News,
information and sports of interest to Quebec. Also they carry films in
french, moslty American films that have been doubled.
SRC (CBC francais) is on Anik E-2, located at 107.3 degrees west, on
Transponder 15. Carries much the same as CFTM, but also has cartoons,
and once in a while movies from France.
CBC on Anik E-2, transponders 07,11,17,19,20 on CBC Late Night sometimes carry
movies from Quebec or France with English subtittles.
TV5 - La Television Internationale, on Anik E-1, Located at 111.1 degrees west
on transponder 17, carries a lot of programing from France, also a limited
amount of programing from Switzerland. Occansionaly plays from the theatre
in Paris (I think this from the credit, but not sure), and news from France.
Scola on S-1 24, at 120 degrees west also carries French News, but I am
not sure of the schedule.
Subject: 9. French material on the Internet (books)
- Association des Bibliophiles Universels (ABU)
Le cap des 25 textes francais est passe en beaute
avec "Le Colonel Chabert" de Depardieux (et Balzac!)
Vos textes sont toujours les bienvenus.
Texts available:
Plutarque - Des opinions des philosophes
Jules Verne - De la terre a la lune
Abbe Moreux - La vie sur Mars
Saint Augustin - De la foi et du symbole
Saint Augustin - Sermon du symbole aux catechumenes
Descartes - Discours de la methode
Fontenelle - Pluralites des mondes habites
anonyme - Chanson de Roland
Moliere - Dom Juan
Queneau - Exercice de style
Vian - Ecceite de la pin-up girl
Racine - Athalie
Pascal - La machine d'arithmetique
Jules Verne - Les forceurs de blocus
Malebranche - Meditations sur l'humilite et la patience
Rousseau - Reveries du promeneur solitaire
Stendhal - Chroniques Italiennes (en cours)
Goncourt (freres) - Germinie Lacerteux
B. Constant - Adolphe
Moliere - L'avare
Moliere - Les fourberies de Scapin
ONU - Declaration Universelle des droits de l'homme
UE - Traite de Mastrichtchte
J.Toubon - Loi
Balzac - le colonel chabert
*** Soon :
Flaubert - L'Education sentimentale
Moliere - Tartuffe
Maupassant - Pierre et Jean
Voltaire - Micromegas
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