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comp.constraints FAQ (Part 2 of 2)

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Archive-name: constraints-faq/part2
Summary: Frequently asked questions about constraints
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: 97.07.17

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
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This is part 2 of the comp.constraints FAQ.   Part 1 contains 
introductory information, and pointers to further information.
Part 2 contains a list of upcoming conferences, and a list of
constraint-related job openings, plus related pointers for both.

NOTE:  This information is updated semi-automatically from the
web pages

This FAQ is Copyright David Joslin, 1996, 1997.  Permission to do
reasonable things not for profit is given to anyone.  Anything else,
ask me. 

Table of Contents:

In the first part of the FAQ:
   [1-1] Introductory papers and texts
   [1-2] Other related FAQs
   [1-3] Acronyms
   [1-4] Complexity of constraint satisfaction
   [1-5] Publications
   [1-6] Bibliographies
   [1-7] Journals
   [1-8] Mailing lists
   [1-9] Newsgroups
   [1-10] Benchmarks and examples
   [1-11] Constraint libraries for Lisp and C
   [1-12] Constraint systems

In this part of the FAQ:
   [2-1]  Conferences
   [2-2]  Constraint-related job openings

Subject: [2-1] Conferences Calendar ================================================================ July 8-12, 1997 -- ICLP '97 <> will be held in Leuven, Belgium. (See entry below) A workshop on logic-based composition of software <> will be held following the conference. July 27-31, 1997 -- AAAI, Providence, Rhode Island. (See entry below) There will be a Workshop on Constraints and Agents <> at AAAI-97, chaired by Eugene Freuder. August 11-22, 1997 -- The European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, ESSLLI'97 <> will be held in Aix-en-Provence, France. August 20-22, 1997 -- The 2nd international conference on the Practice And Theory of Automated Timetabling <> will be held at the University of Toronto. August 23-29, 1997 -- The Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) will be held in Nagoya, Japan. (See entry below) August 26-29, 1997 -- Euro-Par 97 <> will have a workshop on Symbolic Computation, for which papers on constraint programming are invited. September 24-26, 1997 -- The Fourth European Conference on Planning ECP '97 <> (formerlly the European Workshop on Planning, EWSP) will be held in Toulouse, France. October 12-17, 1997 -- The International Logic Programming Symposium <> ILPS'97 will be held October 12-17, 1997 at Port Jefferson, NY. October 16-17, 1997 -- The International Workshop on Tools and Environments for (Constraint) Logic Programming <> will be held in association with ILPS'97. October 16, 1997 -- The Second International Workshop on Interval Constraints <> will be held in association with ILPS'97. October 27-28, 1997 -- The International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving <> (FTP97) will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, in conjunction with CP97. October 28-30, 1997 -- The Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space <> will be held in Oxnard, California. October 29 - November 1, 1997 -- CP97 <> will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria. (See entry below) November 1, 1997 -- A Workshop on Industrial Constraint-Directed Scheduling will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, in conjunction with CP97 <> November 1, 1997 -- A Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet <> will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, in conjunction with CP97 <> November 1, 1997 -- A Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction <> will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, in conjunction with CP97 <> November 1, 1997 -- A Workshop on Constraints and Bioinformatics/Biocomputing will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, in conjunction with CP97 <> November 4 - November 7, 1997 -- ICTAI-97 <>, the IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, will be held in Newport Beach, California. December 9-11, 1997 -- The Asian Computer Science Conference <>, has "formal reasoning and constraints" as one of four focus areas this year. The 1997 meeting will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal. (An alternate site for conference information is <>.) March 30 - April 1, 1998 -- The 9th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications <> (RTA 98) will be held in Tsukuba, Japan. (Submission deadline: September 28, 1997) April 15-17, 1998 -- The Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (CO98) <>, an international biennial conference will be hosted by the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, organized by ISRO and SMG, Brussels. May 15-16, 1998 -- TIME-98 <> the Fifth International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, will be held at Sanibel Island, Florida, conjunction with FLAIRS-98. (See entry below) May 17-20, 1998 -- The 11th International FLAIRS Conference <> will be held at the Sundial Beach Resort Sanibel Island, Florida. (See entry below) Recurring conferences and workshops ================================================================ The First International Workshop on Approximate Reasoning in Scheduling ARS'97 <> was held in Zurich, Switzerland in conjunction with ISFL'97 (February 12 - 14, 1997), the Second International ICSC Symposium on fuzzy logic and applications. There is also an associated Special Issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning <> on approximate reasoning in scheduling. The Asian Computer Science Conference <>, has "formal reasoning and constraints" as one of four focus areas this year. The 1997 meeting will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal. (An alternate site for conference information is <>.) The 1996 meeting <> was held in in Singapore, and included a Constraints and Constraint Programming workshop. AAAI <> is held annually (most years). AAAI-97 <> will be held in Providence, Rhode Island. The annual Constraint <> conference is held in conjunction with FLAIRS (see separate entry). The CONTESSA Workshop <> Constraint Databases and their Applications, was held in Delphi, Greece. CPP, Constraint Programming for Reasoning about Programming <>. The European Conference on AI (ECAI) is held every other year(?). ECAI'96 <> was in Budapest. FLAIRS <> (Florida AI Research Society) is an annual AI conference. Proceedings are available on-line for Constraint '95 <> and Constraint '96 <> The French Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming is held annually. JFPLC'97 <> was held in Orle'ans, France. The International Converence on Logic Programming (ICLP) is held annually(?). ICLP '95 <> was held in Kanagawa, Japan. ICLP '97 <> will be held in Leuven, Belgium, 8-12 July 1997. The International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming <> (CP) is held annually. CP96 <> was held in Cambridge, Mass, August 1996. CP97 <> will be held in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, October 29 - November 1, 1997. The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence is the main international gathering of researchers in AI. Started in 1969, it is held every two years, and is jointly sponsored by IJCAI Inc. (IJCAII), and the national AI societies of the host countries. [IJCAI <>] IJCAI'97 <> will be held in Nagoya, Japan. The Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (?). JICSLP'96 <> was held in Bonn. The International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation <> (LOPSTR) is an annual workshop. The Practical Application of Constraint Technology Conferences <> (PACT) are held annually. "Supported by the Prolog Management Group and CompulogNet, the PACT Conferences demonstrate the application of Constraints and Constraint Logic Programming to industrial problems." PACT'96 <> and PACT'97 <> were both held in London. The Practical Application of Prolog Conferences <> (PAP) are held annually. "Supported by The Prolog Management Group and Compulog Net, the Practical Application of Prolog Conferences are the world's leading showcase for Prolog applications and systems." The International Joint Conference on the Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT) is held annually. TAPSOFT'97 <> will be held in Lille, April 14-18 1997. The TIME International Workshop <> is held annually in conjunction with FLAIRS (see separate entry). The Uncertainty in AI <> (UAI) conference is held annually. UAI-96 <> was held in Portland, Oregon. The International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming <> was held in Schwarzenberg (Black Forest) in January, 1997. General info ================================================================ For information on Prolog-related conferences, see the Prolog Home Page <>. Past conferences ================================================================ Archives of papers, bibliographies, and descriptions of past conferences can be found in Peggy Eaton's archive <>.
Subject: [2-2] Constraint-related jobs This page contains announcements of constraints-related jobs. Send contributions and corrections to <>. (I usually don't have any way of knowing when a position has been filled, so I would especially appreciate being notified if any of these entries are obsolete.) Pointers to other job listings (not specifically constraint-related) are included at the end of this page. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ascent Technology <>, in Cambridge, MA, has several positions open. "We develop and market powerful, distributed software solutions to difficult resource-planning and real-time resource-allocation, situation-assessment, and resource-management problems in the areas of Transportation and Logistics, Defense, and Finance." ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Artificial Intelligence Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology are seeking candidates at the BA/BS, MA/MS and PhD level to work on fundamental research problems in pplanning, scheduling, and operations research leading to unique software applications in spacecraft autonomy, scientific data analysis, and mission operations automation. Problem areas in spacecraft autonomy target mission planning and resource management. Ongoing applications include automated planning of image analysis for the Galileo mission to Jupiter, automated procedure generation for the Deep Space Network track planning, and ground planning to support mission operations for several flight projects. For a further description of ongoing work, interested parties are directed to the summary article in AI Magazine Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1997. To apply, send a resume and other supporting materials via e-mail to: <> or by mail to: Dr. Steve Chien Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 525-3660 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91109-8099 [24 June 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- IC-Parc <> has recently secured funding for 4 new positions, which it proposes to fill as soon as possible. All the positions lie in the area of constraint programming and its application to large scale industrial problems. The main focus is on resource management and planning. The industrial sectors are construction, retailing, telecommunications and oil. Candidates should have a solid background in one or more of the paradigms covered by constraint programming, e.g. constraint logic programming, stochastic algorithms, mathematical programming. They should also have some experience of solving large combinatorial optimisation problems. The programming environment currently used in IC-Parc, both for research and for applications development, is the ECLiPSe platform. For instructions on applying, see <> [8 June 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- ILOG Singapore is looking for dynamic and young consultants (1 to 5 years experience) to join its fast growing Consulting group in Singapore. We are looling for customer oriented applicants with strong interest in solving complex real-life resource allocation/scheduling/optimisation problems. The candidates should have knowledge and/or experience in any of the following areas : Linear and Integer Programming, Heuristics, Search techniques, Constraint Programming, Interior Point Methods, etc. In addition, a good working knowledge in C or preferably C++ will be required. The position will be based in Singapore and will require some traveling in Korea, Japan or Australia. A good command of English is mandatory. Please send your resume to: Gosselin Vincent Director Of Consulting Ilog Singapore 73, science park drive email: Fax: 65-773 0439 [8 June 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- ILOG <> has two openings in their Optimization Technology group in Gentilly, France. The first position deals with parallelism. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Parallel software implementation (knowledge of MPI is a plus), as well as notions of combinatorial optimization, with a PhD or equivalent. The second position deals with the design and enhancement of a general purpose library for expressing optimization problems. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Constraint Programming or Operations Research with a PhD or equivalent. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume by regular or electronic mail to Patrick Albert (, Chief Technology Officer of ILOG (with a cc to [8 June 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Applications are invited for research positions at both post-doctorate and also post-graduate level in the field of Computational Logic at the department of Computer Science, City University. Areas of particular research interest within this field are: concurrent and distributed systems: specification and construction agent based computing logic programming, constraint programming [sequential or concurrent] tools and environments to support the design and construction of systems program analysis, synthesis and transformation design of logic programming languages logic-based formal description techniques the application of computational logic to bioinformatics Individuals would be funded by the European Community under Marie Curie Fellowships provided by the Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) scheme of the Framework 4 programme for a maximum of 36 months (post-grad) or 24 months (post-doc). For further information see <> [21 May 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- At the Programming Research Group of the University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Astronomy/ Department of Computer Science) a position is available for a JUNIOR RESEARCHER (Assistent in Opleiding -- AIO) in the area of constraint programming. We are currently developing a programming notation better suited for this programming style and investigate new ways of expressing its basic ingredients. This area is both of practical and theoretical nature. Therefore the candidates should have either experience in programming languages and compiler writing or a good background in uses of mathematical logic in Computer Science. Requirements: For this position a completed academic degree (masters/doctoraal level) in computer science, artificial intelliggence, or mathematics is a prerequisite. Tasks: Performing research in the above mentioned area with as aim writing scientific publications and completing a dissertation. Some assistance with the courses that are being given by the Programming Research Group. Further information on this area: prof. dr. K. Apt (phone: (+31)20-5924135; e-mail: <>). Applications should be sent by e-mail to: dr. M. van den Brand (phone: (+31)20-5257593; fax: (+31)20-5257490; <>). Deadline for application: May 30 1997 [4/24/97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- A Chandler, Arizona company has an opening for someone with experience using "ILOG Server constraint propagation tool." Contact Bridget Bruch at Technisource <> a recruiter in Phoenix, Arizona, and mention reference number AZ10041. Phone 602-730-6600 / 800-826-6922 Fax 602-730-7907 EMAIL : PHO @ [14 Apr 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- A Bay Area startup is looking for a hardware verification tool developer to work on automated functional test generation from formal specifications. The applicant should have a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Math. Related experience might include functional and/or timing simulation, formal verification, tool development for logic verification, logic design, simulators; synthesizers, ATPG, compiler writing, or constraints-solving systems. Contact: Sharron Lawson Technical Recruiter ConneXion FAX 415.326.4501 [, 4/11/97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Enterprise Integration Laboratory at the University of Toronto is seeking a research scientist for a 1-year contract (with strong possibility of renewal) working in the Intelligent Scheduling Research Group (ISRG). ISRG is a joint project of the Enterprise Integration Laboratory and Numetrix, Ltd., a leader in the supply chain management software industry. The focus of the group is the exploration and application of constraint-directed scheduling technologies to industrial scheduling, distribution, and supply chain coordination problems. We have developed, NumODO, a constraint-directed scheduler with the ability to emulate a variety of state-of-the-art scheduling algorithms. NumODO combines generative scheduling and iterative improvement under the unifying concepts of constraints, textures, and heuristic and implied commitments and allows direct comparison of competing techniques. This announcement (with links to more information about EIL and ISRG) can be found at <>. [4/10/97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Prof. B. Faltings) is looking for Research Assistants/Ph.D. Students with interest in one of the following technologies: constraint programming/constraint satisfaction, spatial reasoning, case-based reasoning, model-based and qualitative reasoning with applications in engineering design, product configuration, and telecommunications. Contact: Prof. Boi Faltings Artificial Intelligence Laboratory LIA(DI), EPFL IN-Ecublens 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland [posted to csp-list, 7 Dec 96] [reposted 10 April 97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Infinity Technology Group Pty Ltd <> is recruiting on behalf of an Australian based client. We have three vacancies for C and C++ constraint based A/Ps based in Sydney and Melbourne Australia. Our client is a very respected developer of scheduling software and wishes to add three experienced people to their team to work on new and existing projects. Strong academic history and at least one year of commercial experience is expected. Applicants should respond to Rod Farrell at Please attach your CV in text or MSWord 6 format. [4/8/97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location: INRIA - Rocquencourt - France Employment Type: Short term assignment Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension Starting date: As soon as possible Design and implementation of declarative interfaces for constraint solving (CLP framework - Concurrent Constraints) and applications. Application must be sent to: Bruno Le Dantec INRIA-Rocquencourt BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France Tel: +33 1 39635035 Fax: +33 1 39635888 The full announcement for this opening can be found at <>. More information about INRIA-Rocquencourt and the DiSCiPl project can be found at: <> and <> [posted 4/3/97] ---------------------------------------------------------------- The KRAFT project is an exciting new project in Constraint Knowledge Fusion from distributed sources involving Aberdeen, Cardiff and Liverpool universities and BT, and coordinated by Professor P.M.D. Gray at Aberdeen University (see EPSRC IMPACT newsletter December 96). Full details are available via URL <> (see also EPSRC IMPACT newsletter December). A vacancy has arisen at Aberdeen, and we are looking for a RESEARCH FELLOW (1A post at upto 29 age point) for two full years, starting around 1st JUNE 1997 (but could be later). The candidate must have a Ph.D. in Computing or AI (or be writing up), and have published research papers. If you are attracted by this project and think you have the capabilities for this post please email or Fax your CV to by 31 MARCH. You will then be sent formal application papers. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Solution Dynamics, Inc. (SDI) has full time positions available for Senior Programmers and Technical Project Leaders working from various sites around the country. Initial training and company indoctrination will take place at our New Jersey offices. SDI is a leader in the use of C++, object-oriented technologies to develop solutions to constrained problems such as scheduling, configuration, routing, resource allocation and planning. Our staff has a background in artificial intelligence and mathematical modeling as well as strong system development experience using OOD methodologies and C++. They interface directly with customers to define functional requirements, design system architecture and support system development efforts. They usually work in small teams of one to five people. email:; telephone: (908)725-5445; fax: (908)231-0444; ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Dept. of Computation, University of Manchester - Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), has an opening for a post-doc in the area of spatial and temporal databases under the project CHOROCHRONOS. The position is available for 12-18 months, but shorter appointments will also be considered. As part of this appointment, successful candidates can spend 6 months at INRIA, Rocquencourt working with Dr. Stephane Grumbach. CHOROCHRONOS is a 3-year research program funded by the European Commission under the Training and Mobility for Researchers program. A major goal of Training and Mobility for Researchers (TMR) networks is to provide an excellent environment for the training of young researchers. For more information about CHOROCHRONOS, please see <>. See also <> for previous papers in this area by Manolis Koubarakis. To apply, e-mail a recent CV (including list of publications and references) to Dr. Manolis Koubarakis ( ---------------------------------------------------------------- Knowledge Engineering Pte Ltd, <>, has openings for project managers and software engineers. "Recepient of the Best Application Award (Artificial Intelligence - 1995) in the First International Users' Conference in ILOG SOLVER & ILOG SCHEDULE in Paris. Knowledge Engineering Pte Ltd, a premier software development company, specializes in the application of object-oriented technologies, Artificial Intelligence, computer graphics, wireless communications and RDBMS to real-world problems. We develop generic software products, undertake turnkey projects and consultancy for clients primarily in the transportation, manufacturing and communication-services sectors. The systems we have developed make innovative use of state-of-the-art technologies, including graphics capabilities, search and constraint-based optimization and other AI techniques, wireless communications and client-server and intranet architecture." Knowledge Engineering Pte Ltd, Changi Airport P.O. Box 8001, Singapore 918199. fax: (65) 543 2109 [comp.constraints, 1 Feb 1997] ---------------------------------------------------------------- ILOG <> has openings for senior consultants. "Ilog markets sophisticated C++ and Java software components for data visualization and resource optimization to Global 2000 companies and ISVs to build strategic core business applications in diverse fields including telecommunications, manufacturing, aerospace, and finance. As an Ilog consultant, you will work directly with customers to ensure their success in deploying Ilog products in their applications. Consultants work with clients both at customer sites and in our offices at all stages of application development, including: * Working with clients to fully understand application requirements * Evaluating product suitability for particular applications * Writing technical specifications for applications * Planning the development process * Modeling business application objects using Ilog class libraries * Writing and debugging application code * Knowledge transfer of application to customer * Providing feedback to development teams In addition, Ilog consultants may give training courses and provide second-level customer support." [comp.constraints, 1/31/96] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Older job listings are here <> Other links ================================================================ The Computing Research Association's list of CS jobs <> has mostly academic positions, and a mailing list. Computists International <> is an organization run by Ken Laws, who puts out several mailing lists. One jobs mailing list is free, another requires membership but is archived on the web page after a one-month delay. The AI Jobs mailing list <> is maintained by Mark Kantrowitz. Also see the Lisp, Prolog, AI postdoc and AI predoc mailing lists <>. Patrick Tufts at Brandeis maintains a page of CS Academic Jobs <>, and a number of related pointers.

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