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comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Section - [12] What is the ISO "Fast Track" Process?

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [11] What is the ANSI Process?
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Once the ANSI standard has been published, it can be submitted to the ISO
for adoption as an international standard.  This circumvents the need for
a separate ISO Forth committee.

For ISO to adopt the ANS Forth standard requires a two-thirds majority of
ISO voting members.  All no votes are supported by technical comment.


Peter Knaggs <>

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [11] What is the ANSI Process?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM