Archive-name: comp-groupware-faq/products4
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1995.8.8 Version: 3.3 Copyright: 1990 - 1995 (C) David S. Stodolsky, PhD See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Groupware Products - Part 4 =========================== Distemacs group editor/Distedit toolkit --------------------------------------- From: (atul prakash) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Distemacs group editor/Distedit toolkit now available. Date: 10 Jun 1994 20:33:44 GMT DistEdit, v.3.1 toolkit to support building of group editors is now available via anonymous ftp from in the file outgoing/aprakash/collaboration/DistEdit3.1.tar.Z. The system includes distemacs, a fairly powerful group editor based on Gnu Emacs v. 19.22. Distemacs should behave largely like standard Gnu Emacs for single-user situation. However, it offers one attractive feature in single-user mode that is not currently available in Emacs. It provides a "region-undo" command that lets you undo editing commands that are restricted to a selected region, even if those commands were not your last ones. Distemacs also provides extensive support for group editing, such as simultaneous editing, shared selections, shared views, telepointing, ability to lock arbitrary regions, per-user undo and region-undo. Ready to install Sun 4 Binaries as well as papers that describe details of architecture and algorithms used in DistEdit are also available in the directory outgoing/aprakash/collaboration. At present, we have used the system only on Sun4s, though it may well work on other platforms. Also, please note that distemacs is in beta-testing phase and we are interesting in getting feedback. We have been using Distemacs successfully in its own development. For further information, reporting bugs, etc. please contact at the email address below or at -- Atul Prakash Department of EECS U. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Phone: +1 313-763-1585 Fax: +1 313-763-1503 Email: LAN Calendering interfaced to Profs ----------------------------------- From: Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: LAN Calendering interfaced to Profs Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:37:26 GMT In <>, CHRISTOPHER.MANSUETI@CDC.COM (CHRIS D. MANSUETI) writes: >I am interested in finding LAN based calendering systems that have gateways >to IBM Profs Calendering. I am specifically interested in those >calendering systems that can work with Profs realtime (instead of a store & >forward fashion). In addition, if any one has experience with integrating >LAN based calendering systems with Profs, I'd be very interested in >chatting........Chris > >-- >CHRISTOPHER MANSUETI - CHRISTOPHER.MANSUETI@CDC.COM We are begining to evaluate IBM's Time and Place/2 and Lotus' Organizer products. IBM's TAP/2 has a built-in (or companion) component called TAP/Connectivity that allows real-time access to Profs and Office Vision/VM. TAP/2 is client/server and runs on an OS/2 server and has OS/2, Windows and DOS clients. IBM has announced that it will develop a Macintosh client. The Lotus Organizer product is a file share and has Windows and Macintosh clients. With a product from ZIP Office, Organizer will interact with Profs and OV/VM, but I think this is a store and forward transaction. Both products have their strengths. IBM's have the real-time integration with OV/VM, the available platforms, and drag-and-drop scheduling. Lotus' has a very intuitive user interface that is much like a paper organizer. Both products do (or are scheduled to) interact with both cc:Mail and Lotus Notes Address books (directories). Bill Destache The Meeting Room ---------------- The Meeting Room is an electronic conferencing software program that closely models meeting activities, including brainstorming, voting, (anonymous, semi-anonymous, or non-anonymous), assigning tasks, sharing documents, (fully OLE compatible) Includes whiteboard, private chat, e-mail compatibility, and text or audio participation. Instant vote results and automatic meeting minutes add to the ease of use. Participants use their own LAN-connected PC's or access the system remotely. They can be in the meeting all at the same time or enter the meeting at their own convenience, creating a virtual conference room. Information, with downloadable demo, available on the World Wide Web at URL: Send any e-mail requests to: Doug Wagner Eden Systems Corporation 9032 N. Meridian Street, Suite 350 Indianapolis, IN 46260-1820 Phone: 317-848-9600 Fax: 317-843-2271 Virtual Meeting real-time multimedia conferencing ------------------------------------------------- From: (Seth Snyder) Subject: Re: The Virtual Meeting real-time multimedia conferencing software and groupware development framework Date: Tue, 5 Jul 1994 21:52:30 GMT The Virtual Meeting (TVM) is a low bandwidth media rich multi party conferencing system.TVM is a low cost alternative to real-time video or mixed media conferencing. The system is designed to be used concurrently with an audio conference call and adds the ability to control and synchronize applications and the presentation of text, graphics, live sketches, images, sound and QuickTime video on each participants computer from one location. The Virtual Meeting system allows people with ordinary computers and modems to visually communicate while talking on an ordinary audio conference call. The person who has the floor in a Virtual Meeting can control the simultaneous presentation of slides, movies, sound or video clips using the QuickTime Movie Player. A WhiteBoard application is included that features real-time sketching or viewing and annotating on documents that were created with virtually any application. A meeting participant can electronically raise his or her hand at any time. When the meeting moderator recognizes their request, they give that person the conference floor and their photograph is displayed in each participantO?s Current Speaker Window. The meeting protocols supported are moderated and un-moderated meetings as well as circle and roundtable discussions. The Virtual Meeting is scalable. Virtual broadcasting networks can be built to support from two to thousands of simultaneous users. Because of its distributed architecture, TVM conferences have low bandwidth requirements and can be held on a Local Area Network or Wide Area Network using our Conference Server application, or with a modem using the chat or conferencing areas on on-line services such as Delphi, or Genie and Bulletin Board Systems like SoftArcO?s First Class. The Virtual Meeting is a suite of applications for Macintosh and Windows computers and requires no special hardware. Conference Gateway The Conference Gateway manages communications between your computer and your collaborators computers. For Two party conferences a modem or network connection can be made between yourself and your collaborator. In multi-party conferences network connections can be made with our Conference Server application or the built in terminal emulator can be used to connect with collaborators in the public or private chat areas of on online services. Once a connection is established the terminal emulator window can be hidden so the screen can be used for multimedia presentations. The Conference Gateway controls which applications are launched on each collaborators computers. The conference Gateway also handles communications with some presentation and document viewer applications. For Example the QuickTime movie player can be launched on each collaborators computer and told to open a particular QuickTime slide presentation. As the presentation is advanced by the presenter it will be advanced on each of his collaborators computer as well. If the presenter wants to point at something in the presentation he can use his mouse to electronically gesture towards that spot and the cursor will move to that same spot on each collaboratorO?s screen. When the presenter is done giving his presentation he quits from the QuickTime movie player which cause the QuickTime movie player to quit on each collaboratorO?s computer. Current Speaker Window The Current Speaker Window displays the still photograph of the person who has the floor in a multi-party teleconference. This is often the person speaking on the audio conference call. The conference moderator or instructor controls who has the floor and will recognize participants and give them the floor if they raise their hand electronically. The meeting protocols supported: are moderated and un-moderated meetings as well as circle and round table discussions. WhiteBoard For the live creation of graphics on everyoneO?s screen in real time the electronic WhiteBoard application is used to broadcast sketches, drawings and text to all sites as they are being drawn. The WhiteBoard can also be used to create and save sketches for future broadcast to your collaborators. Graphic elements from Macintosh PICT or Windows .BMP files can be easily imported. The WhiteBoard can be used to view and annotate on top of Macintosh PICT or SCRAPBOOK files or Windows .BMP files that have been created by other applications. An electronic pointer is provided so that objects on the WhiteBoard may be referenced in conversation. The WhiteBoard is a collaborative application that allows more than 1 participant to work simultaneously. The QuickTime-a Movie and Slide Player Application The QT Movie Player application allows a conference participant who has the floor of the meeting to control the playback of an Apple QuickTime-a Movie or Slide presentation. Movies or Slide presentations may be Loaded, Cue'd, Started, Stopped, Advanced to Next Frame, Backed Up to a Previous Frame, Enlarged, etc. A Pointer is included so the lecturer, moderator or any designated broadcaster may point to objects of interest in the Movie or Slide presentation. This action will cause an arrow shaped pointer to be displayed at that same spot in everyoneO?s QuickTime window. Facilities are also provided to convert presentations created by any of the standard presentation packages like Microsoft PowerPoint or Aldus Persuasion to the QuickTime-a file format. Launches Any Application and Opens their files Besides the remote controllable applications described above, almost any Macintosh or Windows application can be controlled by the system in order to synchronize the viewing of its special type of documents. A standard spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel can be used to display the same Excel spreadsheets on the screens of all participants simultaneously. Extensibility The modular architecture and the functionality provided by the components makes the system an ideal communications substrate and framework for easily creating new collaborative applications. All the application programs in The Virtual Meeting communicate with each other by sending AppleEvent or Windows Dynamic Data Exchange messages. The Conference Gateway and the Conference Server are responsible for forwarding and broadcasting these messages to to the proper places. Apples HyperCard (on Macintosh) or Asymetrix ToolBook (on Windows) or Visual Basic (on Windows) can be used by end users to create customized multi user groupware applications utilizing the communications services provided by the Conference Gateway. These auxiliary applications can be used for Voting, Group Response, Courseware, Testing, Presentations or Auctions, the possibilities are endless. Traditional development environments like MPW, MacApp, Symantec C++, Borland C++ or Object Pascal can also be used to create add on applications. Developers kits and consulting services are available to assist users in these areas. Communications between Macintosh and Windows Computers The WhiteBoard and QuickTime movie and slide player can be used to communicate between people using Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh Computers. Document sharing and viewing can be accomplished using a cross platform document viewer like AdobeO?s Acrobat Exchange, No Hands Softwares Common Ground or Word PerfectO?s Envoy. System Requirements * The Virtual Meeting for Windows requires a 386- or 486-based Windows- compatible personal computer, Microsoft Windows 3.1, 4 MB RAM and 5 MB disk space. Users also need a mouse or mouse-compatible pointing device and a modem or serial connection. * The Virtual Meeting for Macintosh requires a Mac SE or later Macintosh, Apple System 7 or higher , 4 MB RAM and 7 MB disk space. Users also need a modem or network connection ----------------------------------------- INTERNET Mosaic URL: file:// GOPHER Info-Mac Archives ( info-mac Communication virtual-meeting-demo.hqx Information virtual-meeting-info.hqx FTP in the pub/rtz directory info-mac Communication virtual-meeting-demo.hqx Information Communication virtual-meeting-info.hqx C.A.Facilitator --------------- From: (Brad Cahoon) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: organizations and "interactions" Date: 22 Jul 1994 12:40:52 GMT > When you find the groupware vendors who listen and implement > suggetsions, please let all of us know. I've found McCall, Szerdy & Associates (415 647-1335) to be very responsive to suggestions about their C.A.Facilitator software. The latest version (2.0) incorporates quite a few changes we recommended after using the program with a wide variety of groups here. Real-Time Voting Applications ----------------------------- From: (AlexiaM) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: QUESTION: Groupware for Real-Time Voting Applications Date: 13 Jun 1994 23:13:03 -0400 In article <2t7uhs$>, Bill Robinson <> writes: Does anyone have information on the sources, functionality, and cost of hardware and software products for such a system, including ---Keypads and Receiver (could be hardwired, infrared, or radio) ---Software (Mac or PC-based) for posting,receiving, analyzing, and storing voting results. For the keypads, try OptionTechnologies (somewhere in the midwest) For the software-Mac, try C.A.Facilitator 1800 423-8890. For the PC, try GroupSystems from Ventana. There are others, but these are the best, I believe. Radiology WWW resource ---------------------- From: (Charles Kahn) Newsgroups:,,,comp.infosystems.www,comp.groupware Subject: Announcing CHORUS: radiology WWW resource Date: 8 Aug 1994 16:28:17 -0500 CHORUS (Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology and Ultrasonography) is a multi-author, multi-institution hypertext that contains more than 1100 documents on radiologic anatomy, differential diagnoses ("gamuts"), and related diseases and syndromes. CHORUS will incorporate facilities for distributed authoring, peer review, and publication via the World Wide Web. It's based on Fact/File, a radiology hypertext that has been integrated with a clinical radiology information system since 1990. A developmental version of CHORUS is now available from the Medical College of Wisconsin at: Comments or questions about CHORUS are welcome at: Caucus ------ From: (JBuchan863) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Q: support for styles of conferencing ? Date: 18 Aug 1994 21:48:05 -0400 You might want to inquire at MetaSystems Design Group in Arlington VA. Internet message to should do it. They vend a product called Caucus which is a derivitive of Confer II and I think might be of interest to you. Parallel Universe ----------------- From: (Virtual Universe Product Information) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Multi-user, Real-time environments - New Product Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 18:58:49 GMT THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE IF YOU ARE DEVELOPING NETWORKED, REAL-TIME, INTERACTIVE APPLICATIONS AND WANT YOUR PRODUCT TO REACH THE LARGEST POSSIBILE USER BASE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST, THE *PARALLEL UNIVERSE* IS FOR YOU. NOW THERE IS A WAY TO SERVICE THE END USER WITH REAL-TIME, TRUE MULTI-USER APPLICATIONS IN THE HOME OR BUSINESS USING STANDARD TELEPHONE LINES. The Parallel Universe is a real-time, many-user Shared Virtual Reality (SVR) server designed to be accessed using standard dial-up telephone lines. Applications do not run on the server itself. Rather, a user's application runs on their local computer and communicates with other users sharing the same virtual space(s) through The Parallel Universe. Users working within a common virtual space do so interactively. Changes made by one user are reflected in real-time in the displays of users sharing the workspace. Multiple applications and virtual spaces can operate concurrently on the system, to a practical maximum of 100 users at once (in a full commercial system with all operating with spatially-relative voice communications. Development platforms are 10-user only.). The Parallel Universe accepts each user's data stream via conventional high-speed modem, processes it using proprietary algorithms to determine relevance to other users, and then directs all or part of the data stream to those relevant users. User relevance is fundamental to system operation as it allows the user to have the illusion of having all information available from all other users at all times without the expensive communications bandwidth requirements normally associated with this type of data availability. The Parallel Universe, in full system form, is enhanced by spatially-relative audio teleconferencing. This allows users to communicate with each other, speaking naturally while operating within the same workspace. The audio teleconferencing features distance attenuation designed to emulate "real world" behaviour, and stereo panning using a proprietary system called "Steereo". The Parallel Universe has been designed to operate using a single standard telephone line in order to access the widest possible user base. This design allows developers to present real- time, fully interactive applications to the end-user in the home and/or workplace. [snip] The Parallel Universe is available now as a software only development platform, complete with PC API, that is ideal for companies wishing to capitalize on the increasing demand for true real-time many-player games and concurrent CAD-type applications using PC's as the user node. The Parallel Universe development software is expandable to a full voice-enabled commercial system. Customers are advised that voice-capable systems require custom hardware and are built when ordered. Pricing is quoted at time of order. FEATURES 1. Data Filtering This function substantially reduces network traffic by separating motion packets (motion packets are the ones primarily responsible for network saturation) from other types of packets and only sending the motion packets where they are actually needed by a user at any specific point in time. 2. Internal Object and User Database The server keeps lists of all "objects" and "users" within any number of "universes". Objects may be points, vertices, animations, colours, textures, or user defined. The server holds the current "state" of each universe for updating users as they log on. 3. PC Application Programmers Interface The PC is a large potential market due to the large installed base. Most applications that run on a PC can be ported to The Parallel Universe. A Silicon Graphics API is planned. 4. Low Latency Typical system lags are less than 100 ms with system updates at 25hz. 5. Low/High Bandwidth Capability If real-time interactive, multi-user applications are to reach users in their homes, studies have shown that they must be at a very low cost. This requirement rules out the expense of high bandwidth communications. Since The Parallel Universe can use either low or high bandwidth, developers can get their applications into the home or business without having to wait for high bandwidth installation. 6. Spatially-relative Voice Why bother with a second telephone line or separate teleconferencing service to speak to other users in a multi-user session? The Parallel Universe features fully integrated multi-source voice communications enhanced with distance attenuation and left-right cuing. This is possibly the most advanced voice conferencing bridge available today. 7. Commercialization Path The Parallel Universe allows developers to create applications using a low cost development platform that is the same underlying software as the commercial systems use. This means that developers with market ready applications do not need to wait for further development of The Parallel Universe to commercialize their products. Full system R&D is already complete! If an application is ready for commercialization, so is The Parallel Universe. Royalty rates are low and vary dependant upon application. PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS SUN SPARC running SUNOS 4.1.3 with up to 10 serial ports with 9600bps or faster modems to act as the central server. 80386-or-better-based PCs act as application platforms. PRICING Pricing ranges from US$ 3,500 for a 10 user, software-only, development platform up to US$ 250,000. for a full 100-user commercial system. Many intermediate custom configurations are available. Customers will have a 30 day, full refund trial period on entry level software platforms. Royalty rates on commercial systems are dependant on the application. Please contact the Company for details. Virtual Universe Corporation Suite 510, 700-4th. Ave. SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3J4 Voice: (403) 261-5652 Fax: (403) 237-0005 Internet: Collaboration tools for software engineers ------------------------------------------ From: (John Goodsen) Newsgroups: comp.groupware, Subject: Re: Collaboration tools for SEs Date: 06 Sep 1994 19:18:43 GMT In article <> (Tim Huckvale) writes: For a client that is a software and hardware product manufacturer, I am conducting a literature search for information on tools for supporting collaboration within teams of software engineers. The emphasis is on practical experience with groupware tools for software development, whether with specialist research tools, commercial products or commodity tools such as Lotus Notes. Bull has a product called Scrutiny which supports cooperative, distributed software inspections that follow a formal process similar to what Fagan layed out nearly 20 years in his inspection process. -- John Goodsen Currently on-site at: The Dalmatian Group JP Morgan User Interface Specialists 60 Wall St., New York City Shamrock Coalition ------------------ From: JimBenson@ImageFast.Com Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Shamrock Coalition - any info? Date: Tue, 20 Sep 94 13:57:41 EDT > wrote: > > Does anyone have any information on the activities of the "Shamrock Coalition"? > > As far as I know they are discussing a standard for document repositories, > > but that's as much as I know. > Contact: Cheryl Chadwell 301 587-8202 They claim to have 27 "document management" supporters. Has an API for "Enterprise Library Services" everybody wants their own proprietary "edge" to be a standard ...(sigh) Jim B FACILITY SCHEDULER ------------------ From: (Daniel Mittleman) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: FACILITY SCHEDULER Date: 13 Oct 1994 10:57 MST In article <>, (David Stiller) writes... >I am involved as a volunteer in a community service program. We need a >software program that can help us schedule meeting room and activitiy >space. We are being pressed for better space utilization. > It may not be quite as flexible as some programs you would pay lots of money for, but for the price I recommend "Time & Chaos". It is a PIM like Lotus Organizer which has an easy setup for multiple people to access the same calendar over a LAN (you would build such a calendar for your facility). It is shareware, about $40 to register. You can find it on CICA. plus lots of mirror sites. It is either in desktops or utils subdirectory under or something like that. danny ========================================================================== daniel david mittleman - - (602) 621-2932 Design decision tracking ------------------------ From: Subject: Re: Design decision tracking references wanted Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 14:52:32 GMT In article <> In article <> (Bruce Guenter) writes: > >I am looking for references to papers on design decision tracking, in > >theory and implementation for a seminar. > > Probably the most well known *theory* within the groupware arena for decision > tracking would be the IBIS (Issue Based Information System?) method. It has > been "popularized" by the gIBIS work done at MCC in Austin. Since then it was > moved to a start-up. I have not heard anything for a couple of years about > gIBIS, so I wonder if it is still available? The work done at MCC was spun off to a company called Corporate Memory Systems. Their product, CM/1, uses the IBIS methodology. It is a hypertext based system with a terrific graphic interface. They can be reached at: Corporate Memory Systems 8930 Business Park Dr. Austin, TX 78759 (512) 795-9999 ---------- Aaron Press - IDC Government - "Better Government through IT Reserach" Document Management Software ---------------------------- From: Kent Smith <72227.3201@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Document Management Software Date: 21 Jan 1995 16:13:17 GMT Our legal dept had us look at PCDocs and SoftSolutions, and we settled on SoftSolutions (which was gobbled up by WordPerfect which was gobbled up by Novell). Very pleased with results and support and will expand usage to all departments (as resources permit). So successful that MIS personnel predict it (doc mgmt) will make the sucess of e-mail in enterprise look like drop in bucket. Also, we have an engineering documentation dept (drafting/AutoCAD files) which went with Cimage system. From: Jim Cook <> Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Document Management Software Date: 21 Jan 1995 19:34:37 GMT David Wanderer <> wrote: > > Has anyone had any good results with Document Management Software? > I want it to be able to index all text within posts as well as binary > attachments.... > > Please don't say Notes... > > I've looked at Collabra Share (uses Verity search engine) and it > is pretty slick. > > I want it to be free form where anyone can submit documents to it. Could you define what you mean by Document Management ? I've worked in the document management field for about 6 years now, specialising in full text/relational database integration, and there's a big difference between indexing engines and document management. If you're just looking for text indexing I recommend you try a product called Conquest (Email - VP Marketing & Sales). If you want any further help, please Email me directly - I'm now working with what we call Point Solutions in Document Management - which may be of some interest. From: drabe@MCS.COM (Daniel Rabe) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Document Management Software Date: 24 Jan 1995 23:05:15 -0600 Agreed, many document mgmt solutions don't do full-text retrieval, and text-retrieval systems don't really do document management. Your best bet might be to use a document mgmt solution which incorporates text retrieval. Odesta Systems Corporation of Northbrook, Illinois (USA) has some neat new technology that lets you do normal document management (including partitioning workspaces, setting permissions, doing access control, etc) with a slick UI, and which integrates very nicely with a full- text retrieval engine (I think Verity, maybe others). It works with standard SQL databases (e.g. Sybase, Oracle) and runs on Mac or Windows. You can reach them at, or telephone at (708) 498-5615. Good luck in your quest! Daniel Rabe From: (Fred K Weil) Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: Document Management Software In article: <3hg0mn$> (Anders Wedebrand) writes: Try Documentum, Sarros Mezzanine, PC DOCs OPEN to name but three > > I'm looking for some kind of Document Management System that will help my > organization keep track of all the documents we produce. It needs to have a > Windows client, and preferably a DOS-client as well. What we need to do, as > far as I know now, is to search for keywords among all our documents. > Something like the WordPerfect for Windows QuickFinder or better. We are > currently looking at Novell/WordPerfect SoftSolutions, but would like to be > able to look at some alternatives as well. > > Any help appreciated, > > Anders > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fred K Weil EMail -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageFast --------- From: JimBenson@ImageFast.Com Newsgroups: comp.groupware Subject: Re: What do Workflow automations automate? Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 16:06:22 PDT ImageFast is an off-the-shelf, fully integrated work management system that combines document and image management, workflow, full text indexing and searching, scanning, printing, faxing and messaging. ImageFast works with all documents, files and other objects stored in user-defined visual electronic file cabinets. Since ImageFast hides both DOS and Windows below its own simple but powerful user interface, it is easy to learn and simple to use for beginners, office workers, lawyers and even experienced users. The workflow routing module routes single objects or documents, or folders full of any kind of files, and provides detailed management tracking information for each step of each instance of each workflow type. David S. Stodolsky Euromath Center University of Copenhagen Tel.: +45 38 33 03 30 Fax: +45 38 33 88 80 (C) User Contributions:
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