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comp.groupware FAQ: Bibliography2: Frequently Asked Questions

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Archive-name: comp-groupware-faq/bibliography2
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1995.5.13
Version: 3.2
Copyright: 1990 - 1995 (C) David S. Stodolsky, PhD

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Groupware Bibliography - Part 2

Roles in Meetings
From: (Robin Lampert)
Subject: Literature on Roles in Meetings
Date: 18 Jun 92 00:24:34 GMT
Organization: Cognitive Science and Machine Intelligence Lab, U. of Michigan

--- Purpose of Post
A few months ago, I posted asking for for information or references
to empirical or observational research on the role or activities that
people fulfill in work-group meetings (e.g., recording decisions,
avoiding digressions, keeping the agenda).  This posting is about some of
the information I've found.  (There's more, but this was already way to 

--- About the Literature
* Much of the literature on groups comes from the 1950's and 60's.
  There's a current resurgence of interest in groups and teams.
* Much of the work from the '50s & '60 was done by people affiliated
  with the National Training Laboratories (NTL).
* There are several very different definitions of "role" in the
  literature.  McGrath describes five diffent sets of literature about
* There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books with advice on how to
  hold a meeting.
* There is very little empirical work on groups, meetings and roles.
  (In fact, I probably found as many comments lamenting this fact, as
  articles or books reporting data and results.)

--- What's Included Here
Since I'm still making my way through what I'm finding, I can't
personally recommend all of the following list.  It is an edited
list of responses (from both usenet and other sources -- discussions
with various faculty members, library searches).  I have tried to weight
it towards the most frequently/highly recommended books.  I have
not included the "how to" books.

--- Top Three
Probably the most commonly mentioned authors were Bales, Hackman
and McGrath.  (Note:  The call numbers may not be exactly right,
but they're close.  The UofM libraries sometimes use a slightly
different call number than the standard.)  Some of their works

Bales , Robert F. _Interaction Process Analysis:  A Method for the
Study  of Small Groups_.  The University of Chicago Press;  1950,
and 1976?; c1950; ISBN: 0-226-03618-9.  Call number:  HM 291 .B18
1976  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  76-15042.

Bales, Robert Freed,  _Personality and Interpersonal Behavior_.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston; c1970; ISBN: SBN:  03-080450-7.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  71-84682.  Call number:
HM 133 .B18

Hackman, J. Richard (ed.).  _Groups that work (and those that
don't):  creating conditions for effective teamwork_.  1st ed.
Jossey-Bass, 1990.  ISBN:  1555421873  Call number HD 66 .G761

Hackman, J. Richard. The design of work teams. in: Lorsch, Jay W.,
(ed.). Handbook of Organization Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall; c1987.

Hackman, J. Richard; Kaplan, Robert E.  Interventions into group
process:  An approach to improving the effectiveness of groups.
Decision Sciences; 1974; 5: pp.  459-480.

McGrath, Joseph E. _Groups:  Interaction and Performance_.
Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1984; ISBN: 0-13-365700-0.  Call number HM
131 .M3771 1984
Chapter 18 is especially relevant to roles.

McGrath, Joseph E. and Altman, Irwin. _Small Group Research:  A
Synthesis and Critique of the Field_. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Inc.; 1966.  Call number HM 131 .M135

--- Other recommendations:

Tom McFeat 1974. Small Group Cultures. Pergommon. He examined the
transmission of information in experimental and natural small groups.

If you don't mind going back a few years, you will find some good
ideas in the Role Theory chapter in the Handbook of Social Psychology,
G. Lindzey and E. Aronson (Eds.) Volume 1, 1968  The chapter written
by V. Allen and T. R. Sarbin mentions briefly the work of Bales, who
was the most influential researcher in the 50s and 60s.

Also  Mann, R. D., Gibbard,G.S and Hartman, J.J.(1967)

I suggest you scan recent editions of the Annual Review of
Psychology for reviews of group process research.

Biddle, Bruce J.; Thomas, Edwin J., Editors  Role Theory:  Concepts
and Research.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; c1966.  Call number HM 131
.B58  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  66- 11520.
A fairly comprehensive look at role theories.

Couch, Carl J.  Researching Social Processes in the Laboratory.
JAI Press Inc.; c1987. (John Clark, Department of Sociology,
University of Minnesota. Contemporary Studies in Sociology:
Theoretical and Empirical Monographs; v. 6); ISBN: 0-89232-823-1
Library of Congress Card Number:  87-2758.
Not really about roles, but it is a good introduction to how to do
empirical studies of groups.

Hare, A. Paul. Handbook of Small Group Research: The Free Press of  Glencoe.

Mills, Theodore M., The Sociology of Small Groups. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 

Hosking, Dian-Marie; Morley, Ian E. A Social Psychology of Organizing:
People Processes and Contexts.  Wheatsheaf c1991; ISBN: 0-7450-1053-9
0-7450-1054-7 pbk.  Call number HM 131 .H775 1991.

Polley, Richard Brian; Hare, A. Paul; Stone, Philip J., (Eds.).
The SYMLOG Practitioner. New York, Westport, Connecticut, London:
Praeger; 1988; c1988; ISBN: 0-275-92364-9.  Call number HM 133
.S89 1988  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  87-37684.
SYMLOG is a form of coding which comes out of Bales' work.

Schein, Edgar H. Organizational psychology. 2d ed. ed.; 1972;
c1970. 3d ed. ed.; 1980.  ISBN: 0136413404 0136413323 (pbk.)
Schein, Edgar H. Process consultation; 1969; c1987; 2 volumes.
Schein, Edgar H.; Bennis, Warren G.,  (eds?)  Personal and
organizational change through group methods: the laboratory
approach.  c1965.
Includes appendices about the "National Training Laboratories",
their fellows, associates, etc.

Shaw, Marvin E.,  Group Dynamics:  The Psychology of Small Group
Behavior. 3rd ed.  McGraw-Hill Book Company.  Call number HM 133
.S53 1981

Smith, Peter B. Groups Within Organizations:  Applications of Social
Psychology to Organizational Behaviour.  Harper & Row, Publishers;
c1973; ISBN: 06-318008-0 (cloth) 06-318009-8 (paper).  Call number
HM 131 .S66

Stogdill, Ralph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement:  A
Theory:  The Experimental Evidence. New York: Oxford University
Press; 1959;

Thibaut, John W.; Kelley, Harold H., The Social Psychology of Groups. ? ed.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  Call number HM 251 .T43 1986.

Tubbs, Stewart L.  A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction. 3rd ed.
Random House.  Call numberHD66 .T821 1984

--- A few references dealing specifically with groupware:

Elam, Joyce J.; Walz, Diane  A study of conflict in group design
activities:  Implications for computer-supported cooperative work
environments.  Edited by: Konsynski, B. R. Proceedings of the
Twenty-First Annual  Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences.  Vol.III.  Decision Support and Knowledge Based Systems
Track; 5-8 January 1988;   Kailua-Kona, HI, USA; 1988; c1988; III:
pp. 247-54. x+533 pp.; ISBN: 0 8186 0843 9.

Nunamaker, J. F.; Applegate, Lynda M.; Konsynski, Benn R.
Computer-Aided Deliberation: Model Management and Group Decision
Support.   Computer-Aided Deliberation: Model Management and Group
Decision Support.  _Operations Research_  Vol: 36  Iss: 6  Nov/Dec
1988  pp: 826-848   Jrnl Code: OPR  ISSN: 0030-364X

Olson, Gary M.; Olson Judith S.; Storrosten, Marianne; Carter,
Mark R.; Herbsleb, James; Rueter, Henry, University of Michigan.
The  structure of activity during design meetings. To appear in:
T. Moran & J. Carroll, (Eds.). _Design Rationale_.

Poole, Marshall Scott; Roth, Jonelle  Decision development in
small groups IV:  A typology of  group decision paths. Human
Communication Research; Spring 1989; 15(3): pp. 323-356.

Richard Watson, Gerardine DeSanctis and Marshall Scott Poole
Using a GDSS to facilitate group consensus:  some intended and
unintended consequences
September 1987 [draft?] forthcoming, MIS Quarterly

Graduate course in CSCW
From: (Saul Greenberg)
Subject: Course on groupware
Date: 10 Jun 92 07:58:10 GMT

I taught a graduate course in CSCW this past fall, in the Department of
Computer Science at U of Calgary.  I used a reading list instead of a a text
(enclosed below), and some students presented their own papers not included
in the list. (Videos of systems were also shown).  The critical component 
for learning were the extensive discussions we had.

Student assignments were:
	-presentation and leading discussions of papers in class
	-critical review of 4 papers
	-in-depth critical review of an area
	-a project, usually involving system building or evaluation
Projects included things like:
	-evaluating use of mail, especially on how messages are
	 related to each other
	-implementation of a system that displays who is around, and
	 connecting appropriate media channels
	-foundations of a groupware toolkit
	and so on.

The course worked out really well. The readings were also reasonable,
although I would probably change some of them.

CPSC 601.13
Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Conceptual Overviews

1. Greenberg, S. (1990) ''Feasibility study of a national high speed
communications networks for research and development: Future applications.''
Research Report, Learning and Collaborationg Group , Advanced Computing and
Engineering Department, Alberta Research Council, Calgary, Alberta.

2. Bair, J. H. (1989) ''Supporting cooperative work with computers:
Addressing meeting mania.'' In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Computer Society
International Conference--CompCon Spring, p208-217, San Francisco, CA,
February 27-March 3.

3.Bannon, L. J. and Schmidt, K. (1989) ''CSCW: Four characters in search of 
a context.'' In Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (EC-CSCW '89), p358-372, Gatwick, U.K., September
13-15, Computer Sciences House, Sloug, UK.

General Issues

4. Ellis, C. A., Gibbs, S. J. and Rein, G. L. (1991) ''Groupware: Some 
issues and experiences.'' Comm ACM, 34(1), p38-58, January.

5. Grudin, J. (1989) ''Why groupware applications fail: Problems in design
and evaluation.'' Office: Technology and People, 4(3), p245-264.

6. Johansen, R. (1988) Groupware: Computer Support for Business Teams , The
Free Press, Macmillan Inc., New York. Excerpt, Ch 1 and 2.

7. Cockburn, A. J. G. and Thimbleby, H. (1991) ''A reflexive perspective of
CSCW.'' ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23(3), p63-68, July.  Electronic
mail/Asynchronous Communication

8. Sproull, R. (1991) ''A lesson in electronic mail.'' In Connections: New
ways of working in the networked organization, p177-184, L. Sproull and S.
Kiesler ed.MIT Press.

9. Eveland, J. D. and Bikson, T. K. (1988) ''Work group structures and
computer support: A field experment.'' In Proceedings of the Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p324-343, Portland, Oregon,
September 26-28, ACM Press.

10. Mackay, W. (1988) ''More than just a communication system: Diversity in
the use of electronic mail.'' In Proceedings of the Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p344-353, Portland, Oregon,
September 26-28, ACM Press.

11. Malone, T. W., Grant, K. R. and Turbak, F. A. (1986) ''The Information
Lens: An intelligent system for information sharing in organizations.'' In
Proceeding of the SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, p1-8, Boston,
Mass, April 13-17, Association for Computing Machinery. Reprinted in Olson

12. Borenstein, N. and Thyberg, A. (1988) ''Cooperative work in the Andrew
message system.'' In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p306-323, Portland, Oregon, September 26-28, 
ACM Press.

13. Mackay, W., Malone, T. W., Crowston, K., Rao, R., Rosenblitt, D. and
Card, S. K. (1989) ''How do experienced Information Lens users use rules?''
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
Austin, Texas, April 30-May 4, ACM Press.

14.Winograd, T. (1988) ''Where the action is.'' Byte, December.

15. Winograd, T. (1988) ''A language/action perspective on the design of
cooperative work.'' Human Computer Interaction, 3(1), p3-30. Reprinted in
Greif, 1988. An earlier version appeared in CSCW '86.

16. Lai, K.-Y. and Malone, T. W. (1988) ''Object Lens: A 'spreadsheet' for
cooperative work.''  In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p115-124, Portland, Oregon, September 26-28, 
ACM Press.

Computer Support for face to face meetings

17. Tang, J. C. (1991) ''Findings from observational studies of 
work.'' Int J Man Machine Studies, 34(2), p143-160, February. In the special
edition on CSCW & Groupware. Republished in Greenberg, 1991.

18. Jay, A. (1976) ''How to run a meeting.'' Harvard Business Review, 54(2),
p43-57, March-April.

19. Stefik, M., Bobrow, D. G., Foster, G., Lanning, S. and Tatar, D. (1987)
''WYSIWIS revised: Early experiences with multiuser interfaces.'' ACM Trans
Office Information Systems, 5(2), p147-167, April. An earlier version
appeared in CSCW '86.

20. Mantei, M. (1989) ''Observations of executives using a computer 
supported meeting environment.'' Decision Support Systems, 5, p153-166, 

21. Tatar, D. G., Foster, G. and Bobrow, D. G. (1991) ''Design for
conversation: Lessons from Cognoter.'' Int J Man Machine Studies, 34(2),
p185-210, February.  In the special edition on CSCW & Groupware. Republished
in Greenberg, 1991.

22. Nunamaker, J. F., Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., Vogel, D. R. and
George, J. F. (1991) ''Electronic meeting systems to support group work.''
Comm ACM, 34(7), p40-61, July.

Computer Support for remote meetings

23. Greenberg, S. (1990) ''Sharing views and interactions with single-user
applications.'' In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Office
Information Systems, p227-237, Cambridge, Massachusets, April 25-27.

24. Minneman, S. L. and Bly, S. A. (1991) ''Managing a trois: A study of a
multi-user drawing tool in distributed design work.'' In ACM SIGCHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p217-224, New Orleans,
April 28-May 2, ACM Press.

25. Greenberg, S., Roseman, M., Webster, D. and Bohnet, R. (1992) ''Issues
and experiences designing and implementing two group drawing tools.'' In
Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kuwaii,
Hawaii, January, IEEE Press.

26. Kraut, R., Egido, C. and Galegher, J. (1988) ''Patterns of contact and
communication in scientific collaboration.'' In Proceedings of the 
Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p1-12, 
Portland, Oregon, September 26-28, ACM Press.

27. Egido, C. (1988) ''Video conferencing as a technology to support group
work: A review of its failures.'' In Proceedings of the Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '88), p13-24, Portland, Oregon,
September 26-28, ACM Press.

28. Smith, R. B., O'Shea, T., O'Malley, C., Scanlon, E. and Taylor, J. 
(1989)  ''Preliminary experiences with a distributed, multi-media,problem
environment.''  In Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (EC-CSCW '89), Gatwick, U.K., September 13-15,
Computer Sciences House, Sloug, UK.

29. Fish, R. S., Kraut, R. E. and Root, R. W. (1992) ''Evaluating video as a
technology for informal communication.'' In ACM/SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems, Monteray, California, May, ACM Press. 
In Press.
Dr Saul Greenberg	(
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta CANADA T2N 1N4
Phone: (403) 220-6087   Fax: (403) 284-4707

Also see: CSCW Bibliography  ftp from:
directory: pub/CSCWbibliography/README  

Virtual reality and synchronous CSCW

From: wilk@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Christian Wilk)
Subject: Summary of VR&CSCW
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 13:52:16 GMT

Here is the summary of my request on VR & synchronous CSCW. Every article
is seperated by an underline.


Benford, Steve and Lennart Fahlen (1993), 'A spatial model of
interaction in large virtual environments' In Prodeedings of
ECSCW-93, ed. G. De Michelis, C. Simone, & K. Schmidt, 13-17
September, Milan: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


BrickNet: A Software Toolkit for Network-Based Virtual Worlds

Gurminder Singh, Luis Serra, Willie Png, Hern Ng

Institute of Systems Science
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge
Singapore 0511.


Network-based virtual worlds allow multiple
virtual worlds connected on a network to
share information with one another. The
development effort required to produce a
network-based virtual world is quite large.
The BrickNet toolkit simplifies this
development by providing the standard
facilities required by a wide range of
network-based virtual worlds. It provides
support for graphical, behavioral and
network modeling of virtual worlds in an
object-oriented fashion. BrickNet enables
graphical objects to be maintained, managed,
and used efficiently, and permits objects to be
shared by multiple virtual worlds. In this
paper, the architecture and implementation of
BrickNet are described.


Benford, S., Ingram, R. and Rodden,T. (1992).  Exploiting virtual
reality as a conceptual model for CSCW. In Proceedings of IEE
Colloquium on 'Using Virtual Worlds' (Digest No.093) (pp. 1/1-5).
London, UK: IEE.

Harashima, H. (1993).  Towards intelligent visual media.  Journal of
the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan.  vol.47, no.1,
pp. 18-23.

Suzuki, G., Sugawara, S., Watanabe, K. and Nagashima, Y. (1993).
Virtual collaborative workspace. NTT Review.  vol.5, no.2.  pp. 74-81.

Wexelblat, A. (1993).  The Reality of Coperation: Virtual Reality and
CSCW.  In A. Wexelblat (Ed.)  Virtual Reality: Applications and
Explorations, pp. 23-44.  Cambridge, MA: Academic Press Professional.


I recently read an interesting series of articles on VR in the October
1993 issue of IEEE Spectrum.  On page 30, one of the articles in the
series (entitled "A 'Room' with a 'View'") talks about a research
project, at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory of the University
of Illinois at Chicago, called the Cave.  To quote the short
introduction to the article:

	"To match virtual reality to real tasks, researchers built
	 a smoothly functioning walk-in system mostly from off-the-shelf


You could take a look in /pub/MultiG at  The MultiG project has
generated some papers on CSCW and VR.  Unfortunately not everything is in 
the ftp archive.  You could also talk to Lennart E Fahlen <> who 
can point you to further research.

Collaborative Multimedia
V. Anupam and C.L. Bajaj
Collaborative Multimedia Scientific Design in SHASTRA,
Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Multimedia'93, 
Anahiem, CA.

Subject: Announcing OCEAN WWW pages
Date: 1 Mar 1995 16:18:57 GMT

The new OCEAN department at GMD-IPSI announces its WWW pages at

The people working in this research department at the Integrated
Publication and Information Systems Institute (IPSI) of the German
National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD) provide detailed
information about their work in the area of open hypermedia-based
collaborative applications. The most prominent projects so far are
SEPIA, a cooperative hypermedia authoring environment, and its
successor DOLPHIN, providing meeting-room oriented support for group
work. In addition to publications about these and other projects the
site provides links to related WWW pages in the area of hypertext/
hypermedia and groupware/ computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW).

|  Joerg Geissler           |    Phone: ++ 49 - 61 51 - 8 69 - 9 24  |
|  GMD-IPSI, OCEAN          |      Fax: ++ 49 - 61 51 - 8 69 - 9 66  |
|  Dolivostrasse 15         | Location: room 334 (3rd floor)         |
|  64293 Darmstadt, Germany |    Email:    |
|  |

Desktop videoconferencing
From: (Janicewolf)
Newsgroups: comp.groupware
Subject: Desktop videoconferencing Report
Date: 2 May 1994 18:21:11 -0400

Applied Business teleCommunication's (ABC)has just released its "Desktop
Videoconferencing Report" .  

The report is a 3-ring binder that is updated quarterly.  It includes essays
from industry leaders, comparative product matricies and individual write-ups
on products and manufacturer and distributor contact listings.  

The report is $150 and includes the initial binder and 3 quarterly updates.

Volume 1, Quarter 1 includes:
Section 1 - Introduction
                - Editorial Advisory Board
                - Industry/Vendor Contact list
                - Glossary of Desktop videoconferencing Terminology
Section 2 - Essays
                - Desktop Videoconferencing:  An Introduction
                - Personal Video Communications: Desktop Videoconferencing     
                   and Consumer Videotelephony
                - Networking Approaches
                - Desktop Video for Instruction
Section 3 - Product Reports
Section 4 - Matrix Comparison Charts
                - Features
                - Platforms
                - Networking
                - Packages

From: (Leigh Anne Rettinger)
Newsgroups: comp.groupware
Subject: WWW Desktop Videoconferencing Product Survey
Date: 26 Sep 1994 19:53:37 GMT

I am maintaing a World Wide Web page about available desktop videoconferencing
products.  The survey may be found at the following URL:

Comments and feedback are welcome.  If you do not have WWW access I will
be glad to send you the information through email. 
Leigh Anne Rettinger
Graduate Student, Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University
<a href=>My home page</a>

Mapping Logical Arguments
Newsgroups: alt.hypertext,comp.groupware
From: "Michael Chui" <>
Subject: Re: Looking for Designs for Mapping Logical Arguments
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 1994 19:58:27 -0500

In article <>,
Dave Kosiur <> wrote:
>In article <>, (Peter 
>Johnson) writes:
>> I'm interested designs for representing information organized around 
>> the deconstruction of logical arguments. The general task I have in 
>> mind is the analysis of public policy but I am also interested in 
>> finding other more generic or specific designs, or prototypes which 
>> may provide some ideas. 
>Take a look at the IBIS and gIBIS systems.

	You also might want to look at the following reference:

Smolensky, Bell, Fox, King & Lewis, "Constraint-Based Hypertext for
Argumentation" in _Hypertext '87 Proceedings_, ACM, 1989.

	A gIBIS paper follows Smolensky et al.  A third paper by
Catherine Marshall involving modeling of a type of policy decision-
making process is also included in those Proceedings, and would also
probably be of interest.

Michael Chui

Gesturing in electronic whiteboards
From: (Stephen Hayne)
Subject: Re: wanted: articles on gesturing in electronic whiteboards
Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 17:10:09 GMT

Daniel Mittleman ( wrote:
: In article <2rpbe7$>, (Timur Tabi) writes...
: > 
: >Could someone point me toward articles or books that discuss (in any way)
: >the value of gesturing for electronic whiteboards (a.k.a. group sketch
: >tools)?  Anything I can ftp would be even better.  Thanx, I need this info
: >ASAP, so you do know of one, please let me know.

:     Calgary has a CSCW article list that is ftp-able (maybe Steve or
:     someone will post here how to get it - I can never remember). 

You can get a copy of our initial paper entitled "Gesturing Through
Cursors: Implementing Multiple Pointers in Group Support Systems" from
"" in the directory "pub/papers/Gesture.paper".
This paper won the "Best Paper Award" at the Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences in 1993.  A revised and updated version
has just appeared in the December issue of the Journal of Management
Information Systems.

Stephen C. Hayne, Associate Professor, MIS, University of Calgary
    __!__       (403)220-7161

Shared WhiteBoard Standard?
From: (Jon Steer)
Newsgroups: comp.groupware
Subject: Re: Shared WhiteBoard Standard?
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 19:01:01

In article <> dawilson@VNET.IBM.COM (Dave Wilson) writes:

>In <> Carol Anne Ogdin writes:
>>Not only is there no standard, all products on the market at the moment are
>>both mutually-incompatible and proprietary.

>While I agree on the issue of the lack of interoperability, be aware that
>there is a standard waiting in the wings. I gather that operation and
>datastreams for shared whiteboards are covered in one of the T series
>documents from the CCITT (can't remember their new name - ITU ?). From
>what I hear, the model proposed is rather restrictive (single plane per
>participant, single colour per plane for annotation, etc.) but at least
>it is a start.

>I don't know a great deal about this but will try to find the document
>number once I finish moving offices today !

The Proposed standards are loosely called T.12x , where a couple of the
standards in the group have already been ratified. The ITU numbers for them
are T.123, T.124, T.125.

Basically, T.123 covers layer 2-4 (ISO model) and T.124 covers conferencing

There are currently several vendors of T.12x software stacks which you
can buy.


Groupware from a managerial view point
From: (Hannes Lubich)
Newsgroups: comp.groupware
Subject: Re: Wanted: Books of Groupware
Date: 31 May 1994 08:17:25 GMT

Joshua Kuo ( wrote:
: Can anyone suggest some good books in discussing the development, trend
: use and impact of groupware?  I would like to know more about groupware
: from a managerial view point.  Thanks.

: Joshua

Joshua et al.,
as far as I can see, there are very few books in this area (I've just
finished writing one myself and have done some survey work). Besides
some periodicals (some specific on CSCW, others more related to office
automation, and comp. sci.), here's my list of books (sorry for the poor
 formating, it's just copied from an MSWord document).

CSCW Proceedings (of course):

[CSCWO?86]	Proceedings CSCWO?88, Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative 
Work, Austin, TX, 1986

[CSCWO?88]	Proceedings CSCWO?88, Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative 
Work, Portland, 1988

[CSCWO?89]	Proceedings E-CSCW 89, First European Conference on CSCW, 
Gatwick, Sep. 1989

[CSCWO?90]	 Proceedings CSCWO?90 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative 
Work, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 1990

[CSCWO?91]	Proceedings International Workshop on CSCW, Informatik Reporte des 
Institut fACr Informatik und Rechentechnik Berlin, 4/91, Apr. 1991

[E-CSCWO?91]	E-CSCW 91: The Second European Conference on CSCW, Kluver 
Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Sep. 1991

[CSCWO?92]	Proceedings CSCWO?92, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1992

[E-CSCWO?93]	Proceedings Third European Conference on CSCW, Milan, 1993

Other Proceedings I found useful:

[IFIPO?84]	Proceedings IFIP WG 8.4 International Working Conference on Multi-
User Interfaces and Applications, Heraklion, Sep. 1990

[IEEO?90]	O!CSCW: Some Fundamental IssuesO', IEE Computer and Control Division 
Colloquium, Nov. 1990

[IFIPO?91a]	Proceedings IFIP TC8/WG8.3/WG8.4 Working Conference on Support 
Functionality in the Office Environment, Canterbury, Kent, Sep. 1991

[IFIPO?91b]	Proceedings IFIP TC8 Conference on Collaborative Work, Social 
Communications, and Information Systems (COSCIS), Helsinki, Aug. 

[ACMO?92]	Proceedings ACM CHIO?92 Conference on Human Factors in Computing 
Systems, 37-48, May 1992

Text books and collections of articles) on CSCW and related stuff (incomplete):

[Bae 87]	Ronald M. Baecker (Ed.), William A.S. Buxton (Ed.), Readings in 
Human-Computer Interaction D- A Multidisciplinary Approach, Morgan 
Kaufmann Publishers, Los Altos, CA, 1987

[Bui 87]	Tung X. Bui, Co-oP, A Group Decision Support System for Cooperative 
Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making, Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science Nr. 290, Springer, 1987

[Gal 90]	J. Galegher, R. Kraut, C. Egido (Eds.), Intellectual Teamwork,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1990

[Gre 88]	Irene Greif, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of 
Readings, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, Sep. 1988

[Gre 91]	Saul Greenberg, An Annotated Bibliography of Computer Supported Co-
operative Work, ACM/SIGCHI Bulletin, Jul. 1991

[Joh 88]	Robert Johansen, Groupware-Computer Support for Business Teams, The 
Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publishers, New York, 1988

[Kay 91]	Anthony R. Kaye (Ed.), Collaborative Learning Through Computer 
Conferencing: The Najaden Papers, NATO ASI Series, Series F, Vol. 90, 
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 260, 1991

[Mar 92]	David Marca, Geoffrey Bock, Groupware: Software for Computer-Sup-
ported Cooperative Work, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992

[McG 84]	J. E. McGrath, Groups: Interactions and Performance, Prentice Hall, 
Englewood Cliffs, 1984

[Opp 92]	Susanna Opper, Henry Fersko-Weiss, Technology for Teams D- Enhancing 
Productivity in Networked Organizations, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New 
York, 181, 1992

[Pas 78]	W. A. Pasmore (Ed.), J. J. Sherwood (Ed.), Sociotechnical 
Systems D- A Sourcebook, La Jolla, University Associates, 1978

[Rap 91]	Matthew Rapaport, Computer Mediated Communications, Wiley 
Professional Computing Series, New York, 373, 1991

[Sch 90]	Michael Schrage, Shared Minds D- The New Technologies of 
Collaboration, Random House, New York, 1990

[Sha 76]	M. E. Shaw, Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group 
Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976

[Sha 93]	Mike Sharples (Ed.), Computer Supported Collaborative Writing, 
Springer-Verlag, 1993

[Wil 91]	Paul Wilson, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, The Government 
Centre for Information Systems, CSC Europe, 1991

[Win 86]	T. Winograd, F. Flores, Understanding Computers and Cognition: 
A New Foundation for Design, Norwood, New Jersey, Ablex, 1986


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