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COMP.SYS.CBM: Supplier List, v1.1

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Archive-name: cbm-supply-list.1.1
Comp-answers-archive-name: commodore/cbm-supply-list
News-answers-archive-name: commodore/cbm-supply-list
Comp-sys-cbm-archive-name: cbm-supply-list
Version: 1.0
Last-modified: 1997/10/11


| This file is maintained by Jim Brain ( as a
| part of the COMP.SYS.CBM Frequently Asked Questions List. It is
| composed of information gleaned from articles in the USENET newsgroup
| comp.sys.cbm, the FidoNET echoes CBM and CBM-128, electronic mail messages,
| World Wide Web pages, and other mediums. The suppliers listed are assumed to
be operating, but none have been confirmed.

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
+ This file and its contents are (c) Copyright 1994-1997 Jim Brain. Permission 
+ is hereby given to reproduce and/or redistribute this listing in part or 
+ entirety without prior permission from the FAQ Maintainer, as long as no 
+ profit is made from this work.
+ The FAQ Maintainer is responsible for updating the content in this listing. 
+ However, something always slips by the maintainer, so readers are encouraged 
+ to send in comments on the listing, suggestions for imporovement, questions 
+ to include, and error reports. To ease the workload on the FAQ maintainer(s), 
+ please use the appropriate Internet electronic mail address when addressing 
+ messages to the FAQ Maintainer.

+     (For more information about this FAQ)
+ (To comment on FAQ or provide suggestions)
+   (To report factual errors in FAQ)
+   (To answer questions not answered in FAQ)
+     (To request a copy of the FAQ via email)
+    (To contact the FAQ Administrator: please try
+                                  other addresses first)

+ Keep in mind that companies can appear and disappear on a daily basis.  

  The latest version of this file may be obtained from the following places:
  World Wide Web sites:

  FTP sites:
      get /pub/cbm/faq/cbm-supply-list.1.1.txt
  _Notes for this release_:

  This ist will eventually be dynamiclaly generated from a database on


  Lines preceded with a '|" have been modified since the last version of this
  file was posted.  Lines preceded by a '+' have been added since the last
  version was posted.

  If readers of this list wish to make changes, please precede formatted lines
  sent to me with a 'C' so that I can see the changes even if you enclose
  header and trailer text to show context.

  Creative Micro Designs, Incorporated. (CMD)
  15 Benton Drive
  P.O. Box 646
  East Longmeadow, MA  01028-0646
  (800) 638-3263 (Orders only)
  (413) 525-0023 (Information)
  (413) 525-0147 (Fascimile)
+ (Information and Pricing) 
+ (Technical Support) 
+ (Charles Chistianson - Marketing) 
+ (Doug Cotton - Technical Writer)
  CMD Hard Drives, Floppy Drives, GEOS Software, JiffyDOS, RAMLink, Games,
  SID Symphony, IEEE Flash!, Printer Adaptors, Books, Productivity, MIDI SW.

  CMD Direkt (CMD Europe)
  Postfach 58, A-6410
  Telfs, Austria
  0043-5262-66080 (Voice)
  0043-5262-64040 (Fascimile)

  Plus Electronics 
  Postfach 100 263, D-30198
  Seelze, Germany
  05137-50477 (Voice)
  05137-91376 (Fascimile)
+ CMD-Hardware, Mouse 1351, Geos-LQ, Userport-Expander, Action Replay
+ Cartridge & much more, software & hardware.

  Sandinge's Import and Data (CMD Sweden)
+ Stefan Sandinge (Contact)
+ Wallbergsgatan 12		       	
+ S-302 31 
+ Halmstad, Sweden
+ +46-(0)35-186795 (Order, Information, and Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ supplier of products for the C-64/128, some for the C-65 & VIC-20.

  Software Support International
| 2700 N.E. Andresen Road Suite D-5
  Vancouver, WA 98661		
  (800) 356-1179 (Orders Only)
  (360) 695-1393 (Information)
  (360) 695-9648 (Information)
  (360) 695-0059 (Fascimile)
+ gopher:// (Catalog)
  1750 Clone, Miscellaneous Software and Hardware.

  Software Hut
  Folcroft East Business Park
  313 Henderson Drive
  Sharon Hill, PA  19079
  (800) 932-6442 (Orders only)
  (610) 586-5701 (Information)
  (610) 586-5704 (Technical Support)
  (610) 586-5706 (Fascimile)
  Miscellaneous Software and Hardware.

  SOGWAP Software
  115 Bellmont Road
  Decatur, IN 46733
  (219) 724-3900 (Orders and Information)
  Big Blue Reader, and Bible Search Software

  The FGM Connection
  P.O. Box 2206
  Roseburg, OR 97470
  (503) 673-2234 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
| "The Fun Graphics Machine" v6.5: $24.95. A powerful graphics manipulation
| program that gives you full control over how the entire page will look.
+ Features: 3 drive support, compatible with all CMD devices, sideways text
+ entry, powerful graphics tools, multiple formats, able to grab graphic 
+ screens from other programs, and more.
+ Support programs and clip art are also available. Ask about their school
+ and user group discounts.

  Mad Man Software
  The Enterprise Center
  1400 E. College Drive
  Cheyenne, WY 82007-3298
+ (307) 632-1178 (Orders and Information)
+ "CKit 94": a powerful collection of disk compression utilities, all for 
+ Commodore and CMD drives. Extensive REU/RAM cartridge support, and has 2x
+ faster/tighter compression than previous version ("The Compression Kit").

  Horse Feathers Graphics
  N. 27310 Short Road, Dept 641
  Deer Park, WA 99006-9712
+ (509) 276-6928 (Orders and Information)
  Western Graphics for Print Shop, Professional quality
+ "Western Heritage Collection" of Print Shop graphics, borders and fonts. 
+ Make old west Wanted Posters. Write with a rope font. Compatible with the
+ Print Shop and the Fun Graphics Machine. $24.95 "Holiday Vol. #1": 
+ includes Print Shop graphics side A and B, Screen Magic and Doodle
+ graphics. Over 20 holidays represented in 82 graphic files. *NEW* product,
+ $19.95.

  Busy Bee Software
  P.O. Box 206
  Saint David,  AZ  85630
  Eric Lee (Contact)
  (502) 720-4103 (Orders and Information)
+ 9am - 5pm Mon-Fri
+ "The Write Stuff" word processor, in separate C64 and C128 versions, BB 
+ Speller (spelling checker), BB Talker (reads your files out loud), 
+ Illustrator I and Illustrator II programs. CMD Hard Drive and Quick Brown
+ Box versions are available.

  Brown Boxes, Inc.
  26 Concord Road
  Bedford, MA 01730
  (617) 275-0090
  Quick Brown Box Battery Backed Memory cartridges for the C64/128

+ Performance Peripherals, Europe
+ Mchael. Renz, Silcher Street 12
+ 53332 Bornheim	       
+ RamDrive, Battery Backed expansion units, FLASH8 cartridge, GeoShell.

  Commodore Country
  1420 Country Road 914
  Burleson, TX 76028
| (817) 295-7658 (Information and Orders)
+ (817) 477 9674 (Fascimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Hours:  M, W, Th 10-6, Fri-Sat 10-6, CST
+ Closed on Sunday and Tuesday
+ Provide Commodore and Amiga sales and service, and carry new and used
+ software for the C64, C128, and Amiga lines.  Catalog avalable for $2.95
  Living Proof, Ltd
  P.O. Box 80714
  Minneapolis, MN 55408-8714
+ I Paint" v1.5: a powerful drawing program for the C128-D (or C128 with 
+ the 64K Video RAM upgrade), with 640x400 interlace display, extensive 
+ drawing tools, REU support, and can use 24-pin, color and laser printers.
+ "I Port" v1.5: gives I Paint access to color pictures in GIF, MacPaint, 
+ Amiga IFF, GEOS, Doodle, Basic8, Print Shop and KoalaPad formats. Can 
+ output an IPaint file into GIF format.

  Antigrav Toolkit
  P.O. Box 1074
  Cambridge, MA 02142
  KeyDOS ROM version 2 for the C128
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "KeyDOS ROM v2": a plug-in chip for the C128 and C128-D, giving extra 
+ capabilities. Can also be installed in the REU's empty socket.
+ Includes enhanced function key, BASIC, graphics and disk commands. 
+ Compatible with JiffyDOS, Quick Brown Box, CS-DOS and the SmartWatch.

  Creative Pixels, Ltd.
  P.O. Box 502
  Library, PA  15129
| "The Adventures of Eric Hawthorne, P.I.", "The Wings of Circe", "Island 
| of the Dragons", "A Day in the Life of a Prehistoric Man", and "The Ghost
| of Ghengis Khan". $19.95 each.

  64 Disk Connection
| 3312 Brookbridge Rd.
| Virginia Beach, VA  23452-5205
+ Public Domain games, business programs, utilities, educational programs, 
+ music and music programs, graphics, demos, sports, graphics, Print Shop 
+ graphics, foreign languages and more. Thousands of quality programs from 
+ the U.S. and abroad. Also has some accessories and a swapping service.

  Compute Books!
  c/o CCC
  2500 McClellan Ave.
  Pennsauken, NJ  08109
  Various Compute! Books.

  Computer Bargain Store
  3366 South 2300 East
  Salt Lake City, UT  84109
| (801) 466-8084 (Information: 10:30 to 6:30 MDT)
+ (888) 466-8084 (Orders)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Huge selection of new and used Commodore software, hardware, and accessories 
+ at very affordable prices.  Many games and educational programs.  Some hard 
+ to find items.  If you would like a big list e-mailed to you please request 
+ one.

  Disks O'Plenty Software
| 7958 Pines Blvd. Suite 270R
  Pembroke Pines, FL  33024
  (305) 963-7750 (Orders)
+ C64 and C128 Public Domain and Shareware software. Write for a free catalog.

  Home-Spun Software
  P.O. box 1064-TC
  Estero, FL  33928
  Unusual software, Foreign utilities.

  Mega-Disk Software
  P.O. Box 1554
  Ellensburg, WA  98926-1554
  Joshua Brandt (Contact) (Internet Contact)
  Mega-Disk software specializes in public domain and shareware on sets of
  3.5" disk for the C-64 with a 1581, CMD FD-2000, or CMD FD-4000.
  Each set has over 2.5 Megs of files and cost $10 to $20.
  They currently have 3 different sets (SAMPLER #1, DEMOS #1, and GAMES #1).
  Send a SASE to the above address for a complete catalog.

  Powerdisk Software
  6813 Lotus Way
  West Jordan, UT  84084

  Q Enterprises Software
  P.O. Box 77123
  Washington, DC  20013-7123
+ Record Filer I" database program (with label and record printers, and a 
+ support program), $10.00 + S & H ($4.00 for the U.S., $5.00 for Canada 
+ and Mexico, $10.00 for other countries).

  Softside Supply
  c/o Dale Sidebottom
  1001 Estate Circle
  Georgetown, IN  47122
  GEOS Applications

  Caloke Industries (Dept. GK)
  P.O. Box 18477
  Raytown, MO 64133
  Send US$2.00 for catalog + sample disk of programs

  J.P. PBM Products By Mail (Commodore Hardware)
  c/o N. Sheridan
  Mall Postal Outlet - Box # 60515
  Downsview, Ontario  M3L 1BO
| Miscellaneous Commodore equipment and accessories.
  Send US$2.00 For C64 catalog on disk.

  CPI, Department D
  Keystone Software
  P.O. Box 8369
  Pittsburgh, PA. 15218
  (412) 243-1049 (Orders and Information)
  (412) 731-2460 (Fascimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Leroy's Cheatsheets: laminated C64 and C128 overlays for many popular 
+ programs such as Elite, Flight Simulator, Superbase, Swiftcalc and 
+ Wordwriter. Has overlays for some printers and blank overlays that you 
+ can fill in for your favorite programs/utilities.
+ Also carries printer ribbons and publishes programs: Label Maker, Mail 
+ List Manager, and a series of database programsdesigned to organize things
+ quickley (for audio cassettes, baseball cards, CDs/records, home inventory,
+ photos/slides, stamps/coins, and video cassettes). Each database program
+ includes separate C64 and C128 versions.

  KF-PD Software
  c/o Kenneth Franklin
  P.O. Box 470464
  Los Angeles, CA 90047-0464
+ (213) 759-0465 (Orders and Information)
+ 3-8 pm Mon-Fri, 1-7 pm Sat, PST
+ Public Domain and Commercial software, and books for the C64/128, Plus/4 
+ and C16. Also carries the James Hehl collection of Plus/4 utility disks.

  Fred Ogle
  P.O. Box 35427
  Dundalk, MD  21222-7427
  F.OGLE@GENIE.GEIS.COM (Information)
  The Color 64 BBS Software.

  R&K MicroTronics
  34 Hillwyck
  Toledo, OH  43615
  (419) 536-1455 (Information and Orders)
  Commodore repair and sales.

  Centsible Software
+ 8818 College Ave.
+ Berrien Springs, MI  49103
+ (616) 471-1089 (Orders and Information)
+ (616) 473-3456 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Over 2,000 titles of C64, Amiga and IBM software, including hard-to-find
+ titles. Visa and Mastercard accepted.

+ RMS Computer Systems/RM Software
+ 4321 Plaza Drive
+ Suite 303 D
+ Holiday, FL  34691
+ (813) 937-2499 x6006 (Information)
+ (813) 937-2499 x0 (Facsimile)
+ (813) 937-2321 (RMS Online Internet Service Provider)
+ (813) 937-2499 (Cave Of Cerberus C-Net BBS Support BBS Online 10 PM to 8
+ E-Mail
+ General:
+ Sales: 
+ Tech Support:
+ Help Desk:
+ RM Software:
+ RMS Online:
+ Information:
+ telnet:// (Telnet URL)
+ C-Net 128 and C-Net 64 BBS Programs, Shareware, Used SW, CBM HW, CBM
+ repair.  ISP,ISDN,Computer Repair,Tutoring,Web Page Design, Custom 
+ Computer Systems and more.  We now accept Visa, MasterCard, Optima and 
+ American Express, Online Check Debit, Business and Personal Checks and 
+ COD Orders.

  Russian Wyatt
| 1045-5 Maiden Choice Lane
| Baltimore, MD  21229
+ (Internet Contact)
| Quest for Adventure, Genocide, Conquest, and Valley of Light for C128.

  ACS Computer and Video Incorporated
  5344 Jimmy Carter Blvd.
  Norcross, GA  30093
+ (800) 962-4489 (Orders)
+ (770) 263-9190 (Information)
+ (770) 263-7852 (Fascimile)
+ C64/C128 sales and service.

  9323 West Evans Creek Road
  Rogue River, OR  97537
| (541) 582-2120 (Orders and Information)
| (541) 582-2149 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Minimodem-C24 C64/128 modems, expansion port devices, and RS-232 
+ interfaces.

  Computer Bargain Store
  3366 South 2300 East
  Salt Lake City, UT  84109
  (801) 466-8084 (Orders and Information)
  (801) 486-9128 (Fascimile)

  Dave's Computers
  32400 Aurora Road
  Solon, OH  44139
  (216) 467-9793

  EMS Computer Service
  4355 Kinney Road
  Ludington, MI  49431
+ (800) 247-2685 (Orders and Information)
  (616) 845-1540 (Orders and Information)
+ New Commodore hardware, software, peripherals, accessories and supplies.
+ Also has used software, as low as $1.00 apiece.

| Lyben Computer Systems
  P.O. Box 130
  5545 Bridgewood
  Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0130
  (810) 268-8100

  Mid Continent Computers
  2332 North MacArthur
  Oklahoma City, OK  73127
  (405) 946-2888 (Orders and Information)

  Micro R&D
| P.O. Box 130
  721 "O" Street
  Loup City, NE  68853
  (800) 527-8797 (Orders and Information)
+ (308) 745-1243 (Orders and Information)
+ (308) 745-1246 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ C64 and C128 power supplies, mice and printer interfaces. Also has power 
+ supplies and other hardware for the Amiga.

  Andor House/Don Radler
  3907 Southeast 2nd Avenue
  Cape Coral, FL  33904

  Bare Bones Software
  3060 Route 60 East
  Hurricane, WV  25526
  (800) 638-1123 (Orders Only)
  (304) 562-1608 (Bulletin Board System)
  (304) 562-1610 (Fascimile)
  (304) 562-1609 (order Inquires, Information, Customer Support)

  Bruno's Computer Warehouse
  510 Andover Park West
  Tukwila, WA  98188
  (206) 575-8737 (Information and Orders)
+ (206) 575 1923 (Liquidation Hotline 9am to 6pm)
+ Monday, Friday 9:30am-8:00pm
+ Sat. 9:30am-6:00pm
+ Sun. 10:30am-6:00pm
+ (Closed Tuesday-Thursday)
+ New and liquidation software for C64/128, Amiga, Apple, Atari, IBM, Mac 
+ and Vic-20. Also has hardware and computer

  Caloke Industries
  P.O. Box 18477
  Raytown, MO  64133
  (816) 478-6185 (Information and Orders)

  P.O. Box 5160
  San Luis Obispo, CA  93403-5160
  (805) 544-6616 (Information and Orders)
  (805) 544-6576 (Fascimile)
  $5-$10 Commercial Software and Public Domain Software

  Computer Workshops, Incorporated
  3612 Birdie Drive
  La Mesa, Ca  91941-8044
+ (FTP site)
+ Cameron Kaiser (Contact)
| (Email Contact)
+ "Flyer" arcade game, $6.95 + $2.00 S & H. "Mah-Gong" solitaire puzze, 
+ $14.95 + $2.00 S & H. Also available: "New View" image effect generator,
+ and "HyperLink" hypertext/hypermedia authoring system. Each is a 
+ shareware program and is available by sending a blank formatted disk
+ with a self-addressed, stamped disk mailer.
+ Coming soon: a "Wolfenstein 3D"-like game, with 3D graphics.

  Digital Vision, Incorporated
  270 Bridge Street
  Dedham, MA  02026
  (617) 329-5400 (Information)
  (800) 346-0090 (Orders)

  Easy Books Distributing
  P.O. Box 216
  Iowa Park, TX  76367-0216
  (817) 592-4727 (Orders and Information)

  Epyx Incorporated
  1979 Palomar Oaks Way
  Carlsbad, CA  92009
  (619) 431-9888 (Orders and Information)

  Family Computers & Video Games
  510 South First Street
  Mount Vernon, WA  98273
  (206) 336-3586 (Orders and Information)

  2759 Medina Road
  Medina, OH  44256
  (216) 725-7729 (Orders and Information)
  (216) 723-7070 (Fascimile)

  Horse Feathers Graphics
  North 27310 Short Road
  Deer Park, WA  99006-9712
  (509) 276-6928

  Lance Haffner Games
  P.O. Box 100594
  Nashville, TN  37224
  (615) 242-2617

  Landmark Series
  c/o New Horizon Software
  326 Fern Avenue - Second Floor
  Lyndhurst, NJ  07071-2127

  Click Here Software
  Maurice Randall
  P.O. Box 606
  215 East Harris
  Charlotte, MI  48813
+ (517) 543-5202 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "geoFAX" v2.0, fax software for GEOS 2.0 (C64 or C128). Sends and 
+ receives faxes, can scan in pages when used with a fax machine and can 
+ also print faxes and GeoPaint files. Requires SwiftLink cartridge and a 
+ Group III Class 2 fax modem. $39.95 + $4.00 S & H.
+ "geoShell". A command line interface/replacement for the GEOS DeskTop, 
+ for when typing in commands is quicker than using the icons.
+ "geoMorph". Alters geoPaint images in neat and interesting ways.

  Music Software Exchange
  P.O. Box 533334
  Orlando, FL  32853-3334

  Novastar Game Company
  P.O. Box 1813
  Rocklin, CA  95677
  (916) 624-7113 (Orders and Information)

  Quincy Softworks
  9479 East Whitmore Avenua
  Hughson, CA  95326-9745
+ (Internet Contact)
|  TopDesk for GEOS. "DweezilDisks" 1, 2 and 3.5, and "BIGSTAMP" GEOS 
+ utilties.

  Software Clearance Center
  2025 Southwest Freeway
  Houston, TX  77098
  (800) 825-1990 (Orders)

  Software Etc.
  801 South Greenville Avenue
  Allen, TX  75002
  (214) 727-9695 (Orders and Information)
+ Consignments of C64/128, Amiga, Apple, IBM and Mac computers. Used and 
+ pre-owned hardware and software. (Pre-owned items are overstocks and 
+ liquidations from stores, distributors, companies, etc.)

  Surplus Computer Software
  3301 South Harbor Blvd.
  Santa Ana, CA  92704
  (714) 751-2667 (Orders and Information)
+ New and liquidation software for many computers at LOW prices.

+ Blue Marsh Softworks
  Nathan Fiedler
  5711 Mount Pleasant Road
  Bernville, PA  19506

  Terrapin Software, Inc.
+ 10 Holworthy Street
+ Cambridge, MA  02138
  (800) 972-8200 (Orders and Information)
+ (617) 492-0660 (Orders and Information)
+ (617) 492-4610 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WW URL)
+ "Logo", programming language for the Commodore, IBM and others.

  Titus Software
  20432 Corisco Street
  Chatsworth, CA  91311
  (818) 709-3692 (Orders and Information)
+ (818) 709-6537 (Facsimile)
+ Commercial publisher of many fine games, including "Swap", "Crazy Cars", 
+ "The Blues Brothers", "F40 Pursuit Simulator", and more.

+ Computer U.S.E.R.S.
+ 5140 Franklin Blvd.
+ Eugene, OR  97403
+ (541) 726-8500 (Orders and Information)
+ 1-5pm Mon-Fri

+ Mailing Address:

+ 86313 Franklin Blvd 
+ Eugene, OR  97405
+ Commodore Software and Repairs

  West River Computer Center
  1212 Ordegon
  Rapid City, SD  57701-2006
  (605) 348-3389 (Information)
  (800) 272-1591 (Orders)

  5370 52nd Street Southeast
  Grand Rapids, MI  49512
  (616) 698-0330 (Information)
  (800) 272-1591 (Orders)
+ (616) 698-0325 (Facsimile)

  Brantford Educational Services
  6 Pioneer Place
  Brantford, ONT  Canada N3R7G7

  Busy Bee User Group
  P.O. Box 3
  Arivaca, AZ  85601-0003

  701 Brooks Avenue South
  P.O. Box 677
  Thief River Falls, MN  56701-0677
  (800) 344-4539 (Orders)
  Replacement ICs.

  Elliam Associates
  P.O. Box 2664
  Atascadero, CA  93423
  (805) 466-8440 (Orders and Information)

  John Elliot
  35 Crestview Avenue
  Daly City, CA  94015
  (415) 756-9810

  Howard W. Sams & Company
  2647 Waterfront Parkway East Drive
  Indianapolis, IN  46214-2041
  (317) 298-5400 (Orders and Information)

  Jameco Electronics
  1355 Shoreway Road
  Belmont, CA  94002
  (415) 592-8097 (Orders and Information)
  Replacement ICs.

| Jason-Ranheim Company
| 3105 Gayle Lane
| Auburn, CA 95602
| (916) 823-3284 (Technical Support)
| (916) 823-3285 (Orders)
+ (800) 421-7731 (Toll Free Orders outside USA)
+ (800) 421-7748 (Toll Free Orders from CA)  
+ Makers of the "Promenade" EPROM programmer, and more. 

  Adjuntas, Puerto Rico  00601-0971

  Marshview Software Limited
  P.O. Box 1212
  Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada  E0A3C0
  (506) 364-0110 (Orders and Information)
  (506) 536-1462 (Fascimile)

  Midwest Micro-Peripherals
  6910 US Route 36
  East Fletcher, OH  45326
  (800) 522-8080 (Orders and Information)

| L.L. Pankey
  1712 Santa Margarita Drive
  Fallbrook, CA  92028-1641

  RTH Compuware
  805 Timber Lane
  Glenwood, IA  51534
  (712) 527-3863

  Reliance Forms & Supplies Incorporated
  23920 Freeway Park Drive
  Farmington Hills, MI  48334
  (810) 478-6620 (Orders and Information)

  Spheretron (formerly Schnedler Systems)
  25 Eastwood Road
  P.O. Box 5964
  Asheville, NC  28813
  (704) 274-4646 (Orders and Information)
+ Data acquisition/control interfaces, and programming tools, such as the 
+ "Symbol Master Disassembler".

  Skyles Electric Works
| 10301 Stonydale Drive
| Cupertino, CA  95014
  (408) 737-1632 (Orders and Information 9-6 M-F)
+ 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, PST
+ IEEE-488 interfaces, Commodore and Amiga repairs.

  TAB Books Incorporated
  Blue Ridge Summit, PA  17294-0840
  (717) 794-2191 (Information)
  (800) 822-8158 (Orders)

  D-mail U.S.A
  91 Market Street
  Wappingers Falls, NY  12590
  (914) 297-4800 (Orders and Information)
  (914) 297-2483 (Fascimile)

  Cyberteck Software
  928 East Broadway, Suite #317
  Missoula, MT  59802-4303
  Public Domain GEOS and non-GEOS disks

  Yanney Software
  P.O. Box 224
  Lebanon, PA  17042-0224
+ "Pogo Stick": an action/strategy game. $11.95 "Super Pogo Stick": has 25 
+ different mazes, more obstacles and bonuses, save and load games in 
+ progress. $11.95. Combo pack: both for $19.95.

  Rolfe Wagner
  134 Rd 2390
  Aztec, NM  87410

  Basic Fundementals Company
  2235 East Marie Avenue
  Salt Lake City, UT  84109

  PHD Software Systems
  P.O. Box 23
  Moville, IA  51039-0023
+ Brett Tabke (Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ RAMDOS Internal book, SprayPaint128, Karma Assembler 128, Rez80-128,
+ Ack128.

  Sunrise Software
  P.O. Box 1883
  Massapequa Park, NY  11762-1430
  Denny's Quest game.

  Micro Applications and Appliances
  6417 Hawthorne Street
  Landover, MD  20785-1711
  Gary Noakes (Contact)
  Produces "1581 Expressway" and "Tag! You're It!" programs.

  Harv Harris
  981 BrownThrush
  Wichita, KS  67212
  The Tax Survival Kit

  Commodore Users of Wichita
  c/o Robert C. Bales
  1201 East 61st Street North
  Park City, KS  67219-1947
  (316) 744-2580
  The Tax Survival Kit

  Herb's Discount Software
  4406 A Enterprise Place
  Fremont, CA  94538
  (510) 490-6335 (Orders and Information)

  Discount Computers and Software
  641 Southwest 152nd Street
  Seattle, WA  98166
  (206) 431-0180 (Orders and Information)
+ C64s, C128s, drives, REUs, and printer interfaces.

  Beverly James Products
| c/o Jim Selleck
  17710 Olympia
  Redford, Michigan 48240
+ (Internet Contact)
| Original author and copyright holder of C-Net DS2 v11.6, v 2.0 v2.5 and 
| co-author of v3.0.  (Current v3.0 author is Rob Muscedere).

| C-Net 64 DS2 BBS Software
  92 Lee Ave Apartment N3
  Newark, OH  43055
| Michael Bendure (Contact)
| (614) 788-8568 (Information, Orders, and Voice Support Line)
  (614) 522-6563 (Bulletin Board System)
| (Internet Contact)
| URL (C-Net 64 DS2 Home Page)
| Michael Bendure 1:226/1400 (Fido Net Contact)
| Mitron @ Cygnus X-1 (DS2/Image Net Contact)
| Distributes and supports C-Net 64 DS2 v2.0, v2.5, and v3.0 BBS.
| Current author and distributor of DS2 Network v3.04 and v3.1 for C-Net
| Corrdinator and co-author of Comm-Net (A 64/128 BBS network exclusively
| for those machines.)

  Compuquick Media Center
  3758 Town & Country Road
  Columbus, Ohio  43213
  (614) 235-1180
  Commodore and Amiga Dealers and Service. CBM 8 bit Hardware and

  Softdisk Publishing
  Box 30008
  Shreveport, LA  71130-0008
  (800) 594-3370 (Information and Orders)
  LOADSTAR magazine, the Compleat Walt, Dave, and Roger disks. SPORT C64
  novel on disk.

  Henry Sopko
  2705 King Street East Apt #212
  Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA, L8K1Y4

  Herbach and Rademan
| 16 Roland Ave.
| Mt. Laurel, NJ  08054
| 1-800-848-8001 (Orders)
| (609) 802-0422 (Information)
| (609) 802-0465 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ New C128D internal power supplies: #TM93PWS2356, 3 for $2.95.

  New Image Software, Inc.
  P.O. Box 525
  Salem, UT 84653
  (801) 423-2209 (Information and Orders)
  (801) 423-2734 (Bulletin Board System) (Contact)
  Image BBS Sales and Support.

  Parsec, Incorporated
  P.O. Box 111
  Salem, MA  01970-0111
| (617) 586-9159 (Orders and Information)
+ (617) 595-8737 (facsimile)
+ John Brown (Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Sells sets of Shareware and Public Domain disks: Maximum Photos for GEOS,
+ Susan Lamb clip art, games, GEOS, utilities and C128.  Publish Twin Cities
+ 128/64 Magazine.

  Applied Technologies, Inc.
  Lyndon Way 
  Kittery, Maine  03904
  (207) 439-5074 (Information and Orders)
  (207) 439-1061 (Fascimile) (Internet Contact)
  "The Whole Bit" Word Processing Software.

  Juergen Heinisch & Thomas Haberland
  GEOS User Club, GbR
  Xantener Str. 40
  D-46286 Dorsten
  Germany, Europe
  European distributors of TopDesk for GEOS.
| Seattle Labs Inc.
  9606 Northeast 180th Street
  Bothell, WA  98011
+ (206) 402-6001 (Information and Orders)
  (206) 402-6003 (Information and Orders)
  (206) 828-9011 (Fascimile)
  (206) 402-6388 (bulletin Board System)
+ Melissa Thompson (Contact) (Internet Contact) 
+ (Internet Contact)
  Manufacture the C64S emulator for MS-DOS.
  RR#1 (Hwy 552 E), Goulais River
  Ontario,  Canada   P0S 1E0
+ (800) 264-8207 (Orders and Information)
| (705) 649-1251 (Fascimile) (In use at night)
+ (705) 256-0225 (Cellular Phone 12pm to 11pm)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WWW URL) (Price List) (Order Inquiries) (Orders) (Customer Service)
+ Commodore and Amiga books, hardware and software. Is also a distributor 
+ for Creative Micro Designs.

  Computer Station
  2258 Pacific Avenue
  Long Beach, CA  90806
  (310) 595-0899 (Orders and Information)
+ 10am-6pm Mon-Sat
+ Carries a large selection of Commodore computers, drives, printers, 
+ software, and more. Send $3 for their catalog.
  P.A.V.Y Software
  P.O. Box 1548
  Ballwin, MO  63022
  (314) 527-4504
  Landmark, the Computer Reference Bible for the C64.
| 5443 College Oak Drive #26
| Sacramento, CA 95841
| Jack (Contact)
+ (Contact)
  Jack Vanderwhite (Owner)
  Fidonet: 1:203/999
| (916) 339-3403 (Bulletin Board System)
  In addition to offering a disk magazine by the same name, they distribute
  the DWEEZIL DISKS for GEOS, from Quincy Softworks, the English language
  version of TopDesk for GEOS, the Original GEOS Programmer's Reference
  Guide, the Hitchhiker's Guide to GEOS, and back issues of GEOJOURNAL.
| 145 Lincoln Street
  Montclair, NJ  07042
  (201) 783-7264 (Orders and Information)
  Mark Hatten (Contact)
  Manufacture the HART UART cartridge. Gives your C64/128 an RS-232 port 
+ that can run up to 57.6K modems.
  Rod Gasson
| 90 Hilliers Road
| Reynella 5161
| South Australia.
| +61 8 8322-2716 (Orders and Information)
| (Internet Contact)
| (Internet Contact)
| Produces QWKRR128 and Browser128
  Paxtron Corporation
  28 Grove Street
  Spring Valley NY  10977
+ (888) PAXTRON (Orders and Information)
  (914) 578-6522 (Orders and Information)
  (914) 624-3239 (Fascimile)
+ 9-5 Mon Frid, EST
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Specializes in parts and chips for Commodore and Amiga computers. Also 
+ has diagnostic utilities for the C64 and Amiga, monitors, drives, mice, 
+ keyboards, full computer systems and more.
  Engineering Consulting
  583 Candlewood Street
  Brea, CA  92621
  Robert Blumenkranz (Contact) (Contact)
  Manufacturer of Video Poster (cable TV character generator), the
  The Ultra Com Shack 64 Remote Base and Repeater Controller for Amateur
  Radio Use.  Also sells Switching Power Supply for C64 (very cool running
  and 90% efficient). 
+ Intercorp Communication
+ 466 West Harwood
+ Madison Heights, MI  48071
+ CSOFT wares.

+ Popular Communications
+ 76 North Broadway
+ Hicksville, NY  11801-2953
+ Distributes the "pop'Comm" software for Amateur Radio use.

+ P.O. Box 44
+ New Millport, PA  16861
+ (814) 236-7615 (Information and Orders)
+ John Nelson (Contact)
+ (Email Contact)
+ Sells the LOTTOMAN Database products for lotto players.

+ ACS Systems
+ Sacremento, CA  
+ (916) 338-2500 (Information and Orders)
+ Sells 64 to Plus/4 power supply converter.

+ ComputAbility
+ PO Box 17882
+ Milwaukee, WI  53217
+ (414) 357-8181 (Orders and Information: 9am-9pm Central M-F, 11am-5pm Sat)
+ (414) 357-7814 (Fascimile)
+ printers, modems, monitors, disks, printer ribbons

+ The Chilton Book Company
+ attn: Customer Service Dept.
+ One Chilton Way
+ Radnor, PA  19089
+ Handles old Compute's Books.

+ Direct Micro, Inc.
+ 1782 Dividend Drive
+ Columbus, OH  43228-3845
+ (800) 288-2887 (Orders Only: 9am-8pm Eastern weekdays)
+ (614) 771-8771 (Outside USA Orders Only: 9am-8pm Eastern weekdays)
+ (614) 771-8772 (Fascimile)
+ printer ribbons, paper, disks, computer novelties, mouse pads, general 
+ computer supplies

+ Egghead Software
+ (800) EGG-HEAD (Orders and Information)
+ Carries IBM modems and printers, as well as general purpose computer items.

+ Lyco Computer
+ PO Box 5088
+ Jersey Shore, PA  17740
+ (800) 233-8760 (Orders and Information)
+ (717) 494-1670 (Customer Service)
+ (717) 494-1441 (Fascimile)
+ general purpose hardware

+ Media Value
+ 3350 Scott Blvd, Suite 1903
+ Santa Clara, CA  95054
+ (800) 845-3472 (Orders and Information: M-F 7am-7pm Pacific, 12-4pm Sat)
+ (408) 727-9923 (Orders and Information Outside USA)
+ (408) 727-3155 (Fascimile)
+ disks, printer ribbons, mailers, disk boxes etc.

+ Midwestern Diskette
+ 509 West Taylor
+ Creston, IA  50801
+ (800) 221-6332 (Orders and Information)
+ (800) 332-3035 (Orders and Information in Iowa)
+ (515) 782-5190 (Orders and Information outside USA)
+ (515) 782-4166 (Fascimile)
+ disks, disk duplication, labels, custom labeled disks.

+ Montgomery Grant
+ PO Box 58
+ Brooklyn, NY  11230
+ (800) 759-6565 (Orders and Information)
+ (718) 692-0790 (Orders and Information outside USA0
+ (718) 692-3372 (Fasimile)

+ Nick Rossi
+ 10002 Aurora Avenue North, #3353
+ Seattle, WA  98133
+ (Internet Contact)
+ NovaTerm 9.6

+ Utilities Unlimited
+ PO Box 532
+ North Plains, OR  97133
+ (503) 647-5611 (Orders and Information)

+ T. Hermann
+ C.-Rust-Str. 7
+ 81243 Muenchen
+ Geos LQ = Perfect Print LQ, Textprint V3, Storm Disk.

+ D. Doehler
+ Gorkistr. 18
+ 04347 Leipzig
+ GeoCom = Geos-Compiler, MakroForm, Best-Of-Collection, GEOS-software.

+ Muekra Datentechnik
+ Schoeneberger Str. 5
+ 12103 Berlin
+ Action Replay MK VI.

+ Scanntronik Mugrauer GmbH
+ Parkstr. 38
+ 85604 Zorneding-Poering
+ Pagefox, Printfox, Videofox, Genlock, Handyscanner, Videotext Decoder.

+ Basic Fundementals
+ (801) 466-8084 (Orders and Information: 4:00pm to 6:00pm)
+ Sells old issues of Commodore periodicals.

+ G and G Electronics of Maryland
+ 8524 Dakota Drive
+ Gaithersburg, MD  20879
+ (301) 258-7373
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Air-1: A complete interface system for send and receive on CW, RTTY 
+ (Baudot & ASCII), and AMTOR, for use with the Commodore VIC-20. $39.95. 
+ SWL: C64/C128 cartridge for tuning in short-wave radio. $29.95.
+ Morse Coach: A complete teaching and testing program for learning the 
+ Morse code in a cartridge for C4 or C128. $19.95

+ Crawford Amateur Radio Society
+ P.O. Box 653
+ Meadville, PA  16335
+ Digicom packet modem with SW.

+ Home Spun Software
+ Box 1064-H
+ Estero, FL  33928
+ Amateur Radio Software

+ Beach Computers
+ 714 South Patrick Drive
+ Satellite Beach, FL  32937
+ (407) 777-1629 (Orders and Information)
+ (407) 773-8194 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)

+ Jeff's Ink Press & Deli
+ P.O. Box 477493
+ Chicago IL  60647
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Offers a disk of old vic programs and original games like Bounce.
+ Paul MacArthur  
+ attn: X1541 Cable Offer
+ 24 Central Street
+ Braintree, MA  02184
+ X1541 cable pre assembled.

| PC Software
| c/o Paul Creasham
| 61 Inverary Road,
| Wroughton, Swindon
| Wiltshire, England
| SN4 9DL
+ Commodore Action magazine.

+ Video Reflections
+ #1 Court Square   
+ West Plains, MO  65775
+ (800) 308-3022 (Information and Orders)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ repair and maintenance videos for 1541 and 1571

+ Apex Computer Productions Ltd.
+ PO Box 100
+ South Ockendon
+ Essex
+ RM15 5HD

+ Computer Bargain Store
+ (Reid Swenson, President.)
+ 3366 South 2300 East
+ Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
+ (801) 466-8084 (Orders and Information)
+ (801) 486-9128 (Facsimile)
+ (Contact)
+ New and used 64/128 hardware, software, accessories.

+ PC Software
+ Ryan Barrett (Contact)
+ 42 Beaufort Rd
+ Wroughton 
+ Swindon
+ Wiltshire
+ England.
+ (Internet Contact)

+ Computer House
+ 160 King Street West
+ Chatham, Ontario, N7M 1E3
+ Canada
+ (519) 351-9866 (Information, Friday & Saturday 12-6pm)
+ (519) 354-7950 (Facsimile, any time)
+ buys, sells & repairs Commodore hardware & software

+ Ron Fick
+ 12246 Monroe Place
+ Denver, CO  80241
+ 303-252-0735 (Bulletin Board System)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Source for Xetec Products, Lt. Kernal HDs, and the SuperGFX printer
+ interfaces.

+ Caloke
+ Department JK
+ Box 18477
+ Kansas City, MO  64133

+ Roger Wagner Publishing
+ 10761 Woodside Avenue, Suite E
+ Santee, CA 92071
+ (609) 562-3670 (Orders and Information)
+ Merlin Assembler
+ A & A Engineering
+ 2521 West La Palma #K
+ Anaheim, CA  92801
+ (714) 952-2114 (Information and Orders)
+ (714) 952-3280 (Facsimile)
+ Digicom 64 Packet modem.  Order Kit #154 for $49.95 or assembled board
+ for $69.95

+ Lutz Hillmann CD-ROM-Produktion
+ Ziegelstr. 3
+ 01069 Dresden
+ Germany
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Sells the "Brotkasten CD-ROM" series, a CD-ROM with PD/Shareware for the
+ C64/128 and other 8bit computers. 

+ Arkanix Labs
+ 17730 15th NE Suite #229
+ Seattle, WA 98155
+ (206) 706-2231 (Orders and Information)
+ Peter Strinic (Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (Catalog Request)
+ Software development and distribution for C64/128, SuperCPU, Amiga and PC.
+ MODplay 128 v1.0: Play MODs on your C128/C128D with this software. $19.95

+ Craig's Computer Repair and Services
+ P.O. Box 3009
+ Salisbury MD  21802-3009
+ (410) 742-9072 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ New and Used Hardware, Software, Books, and Cartridges.

+ 64 and More Store
+ 221 East Main Street
+ El Cajon, CA  92020
+ (619) 593-1200 (Orders and Information)
+ (619) 593-1201 (Facsimile)
+ 12-7pm Tues-Sat
+ Commodore Hardware and Software

+ Jon Searle (The Commodore Man)
+ Service and Software
+ 1307 Golfview Drive
+ Grain Valley, MO  64029
+ (816) 229-6576 (Orders and Information)
+ Offers over 1000 titles, books, and hardware. Catalog available for nominal
+ fee.

+ David Schlaepfer
+ Im Leeacher 11a
+ CH-8132 Hinteregg
+ CH-01/994'73'74
+ Sells New and Used Hardware and Software.

+ Agson, Inc.
+ 2091 Springdale Road #15
+ Cherry Hills, NJ  08003-4005
+ (800) 444-4060 (Orders and Information)
+ Print Heads for Printers.

+ Fair Radio Sales
+ Limo, OH
+ (419) 223-219? (Contact)
+ (419) 227-6573 (Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ VIC-20 motherboards.

+ Those Designers
+ 3330 Lewis Avenue
+ Signal Hill, CA  90807
+ (310) 427-6742 (Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Makers of the "DiskArt" series of GEOS clip art disks.

+ Fathers & Sons Hobby Shop
+ 149 West Middle Turnpike
+ Manchester, CT  06040-4027
+ (860) 643-8834 (Information and Orders)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ C-64/128 Software  Specializing in SSI-NovaStar Products.
+ Visa/MC/Discover/Amex accepted

+ Karl J.H. Hildon
+ 4 Pollard Drive
+ Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
+ M1R 4G4
+ (416) 447-1750 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ exclusive supplier of The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology

+ The Vintage Computer
+ 520 Silverbrook Drive
+ El Cajon, CA 92019
+ (619) 445-8432 (Orders and Information)
+ Large selection of C64, C128 and VIC-20 hardware, software, drives, 
+ interfaces, manuals, books, light pens, KoalaPad drawing tablets, and 
+ more.

+ Center for Commodore and Amiga
+ (310) 595-0899 (Orders and Information)
+ (310) 424-7813 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Repairs and parts for Commodore 8-bit line.
+ Open Mon-Sat  9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time)

+ DVS Direct
+ 69 Beaver Drive
+ DuBois PA,  15801
+ (814) 371 5640 (Orders and Information)
+ (814) 371 2033 (Facsimile)
+ Large assortment of Commodore parts 
+ Commodore Repair Serivce

+ Software and More
+ 7250 Auburn Blvd.
+ Citrus Heights, CA  95610
+ (916) 725-0228 (Orders and Information)
+  (Internet Contact)
+ Support for older systems. Hardware and software for Commodore, Apple, Macintosh, and IBM 
+ (XT through Pentium). Catalogs for these systems are also available on 
+ their web page.

+ Second hand Software
+ 2332 North McArthur
+ Oklahoma City, OK  73127

+ Raymond Computer
+ 795 Raymond Avenue
+ St. Paul, MN  55114
+ (612) 642-9890 (Voice Mail)
+ (612) 642-9891 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Software, repair, hardware, disk, ribbons, books

  Tech Star Computer Center
  7036 188th South
  Kent, WA  98032
+ (206) 251-9040 (Order and Information)
+ Specializing in Commodore sales and service, C64 and C128 software and 
+ magazines. Also has Amiga and IBM hardware and software. Sells "The 
+ Servant", a great C128 utility that can be put on a chip and installed 
+ inside your C128.

+ Harvey and Associates
+ 1409 Mill Street
+ Laramie, WY 82070
+ (307) 742-3275 (Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Sells the CMD Smartmouse and sets of disks with GEOS pictures, C64 art, 
+ Stereo SIDplayer music, C64 software, C128 software, and printer 
+ ribbons. 

+ Kasara Microsystems
+ 705 Office Park Dr.
+ Hilton Head, SC  29928
+ (800) 248-2983 (Orders)
+ (803) 842-5056 (Information)
+ (803) 842-5057 (Facsimile)
+ Commodore products, services, parts and repairs.

+ PowerDisk
+ 6813 Lotus Way
+ West Jordon, UT  84084
+ (801) 969-4330
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Public Domain and commercial software, computers (C128-D, etc.), disk 
+ drives, printers, etc.

+ A-Z Used Computers--West
+ 2612 Metro Blvd.
+ Maryland Hts, MO  63043
+ (314) 291-2221
+ (Internet Contact)
+ 10am-6pm Mon-Tues & Fri, 10am-8pm Thurs., 10am-4pm Sat-Sun
+ Commodore, Amiga, Apple, IBM and Mac hardware, software and service.

+ A-Z Used Computers--South
+ 13088 Tesson Ferry Rd.
+ St. Louis, MO  63128
+ (314) 842-5552
+ (Internet Contact)
+ 10am-6pm Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday
+ Commodore, Amiga, Apple, IBM and Mac hardware, software and service.

+ Aktiva International
+ P.O. Box 27832
+ Santa Ana, CA  92799
+ (714) 962-5136 (Orders, Information, and Facsimile)
+ Keyskin Keyboard Protectors. Keeps spills out. $17.95
+ Also available: repairs, key switches for keyboards, ICs, power supplies, 
+ high speed modems, printers, etc.

+ Alderville Computer Enterprises
+ PO Box 705
+ 30 Alderville Lane
+ Tiverton, Nova Scotia  B0V 1G0
+ (902) 839-2084 (Orders and Information)
+ (902) 839-2250 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ C64/128, Amiga and IBM hardware and software.

+ Alpha & Omega Computers
+ 208 S. Century
+ Rantoul, IL  61866
+ C64/128, Amiga and IBM hardware and software.

+ Associated Enterprises
+ 2781 Houston Drive
+ Los Osos, CA 93402
+ (805) 528-1117 (Orders and Information)
+ (805) 534-1117 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ C64/128, Amiga and IBM hardware and software.

+ Commodore Computer Center
+ 4817 W. Emerald St.
+ Boise, ID 83706
+ (208) 342-3401 (Orders and Information)
+ Tues-Friday, 10:30-5:30 MST
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Commodore and Amiga hardware, software, ribbons, cables, and magazines.
+ Send a self-addressed stamped business envelope for a list of software 
+ or for answers to questions you may have.

  Commodore Connection
| P.O. Box 1468
| 1118 Old Stage Rd.
| Fallbrook, CA  92028
| (760) 731-0924 (Orders and Information)
  Michael Hendren (Contact)
+  (Internet Contact)
+ Commodore and Amiga hardware, software and repairs.

+ Compucat
+ 24500 Glenwood Highway
+ Los Gatos, CA. 95030
+ (408) 353-1836 (Orders and Information)
+ (817) 477-9674 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Hardware and software for Commodore, Atari, Atari ST, and IBM.

+ The Computer Mechanic
+ 6062 University Ave.
+ San Diego, CA  92115-6330
+ (619) 583-7227 (Orders and Information)
+ Hardware and software for Commodore, IBM and Mac

+ The Computer Shop
+ 1611 SE McGillivrey
+ Vancouver, WA  98684
+ (360) 256-5005 (Orders and Information)
+ (360) 254-0471 (Facsimile)
+ Commodore, Amiga and IBM software and hardware.

+ ECX Computer & Electronic Services
+ 2678 N. Main St.
+ Walnut Creek, CA  94596
+ (510) 944-9277 (Orders and Information)
+ Commodore sales and service. Also carries the "BABBA" magazine.

+ Games Plus
+ (Internet Contact)
+ 1216 W. University
+ Mesa, AZ  85201
+ (602) 890-0556 (Orders and Information)
+ 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday, 12pm-5pm Sunday
+ C64 and VIC-20 hardware and software. 

+ Flashback
+ (Internet Contact)
+ 4619 E. Thomas
+ Phoenix, AZ  85018-7709
+ (602) 957-4654 (Orders and Information)
+ 10am-5pm Thursday-Saturday
+ C64 and VIC-20 hardware and software. 

+ The Great Escape
+ 9227 E. Montgomery
+ Spokane, WA  99206
+ (509) 928-4244 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WW URL)
+ Hardware and software for the C64, C128, Amiga, CD32 and IBM, and
+ European magazines.

+ Handy Hams System Care of Courage Center
+ 3915 Golden Valley Rd.
+ Golden Valley, MN  55422
+ (915) 822-2683 (Orders and Information)
+ Commodore sales and service.

+ J.S.P.
+ Box 5060
+ South Francisco, CA  94083
+ (415) 871-5158 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Commodore software, chips, and parts. Factory new products, great prices,
+ full warranty. Web site is updated every week. Enter to win prizes.

  Gordy Wilson's Keyboard Studio
  304 North Maple Suite #203
  Urbana, IL  61801
+ (800) 821-1197 (Orders and Information)
| (217) 328-3975 (Orders and Information)
+ (217) 328-3983 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Commodore service and support since 1983, primarily dealing in board-level
+ repair and upgrades. New and refurb hardware and peripherals available for 
+ the C64/128, Amiga, Apple II and Mac. Systems integration, upgrades and 
+ software for all machines.

+ Mega Software
+ 1048 3rd Ave.
+ Chula Vista, CA  91911
+ (619) 422-2523 (Orders and Information)
+ (619) 422-0860 (Bulletin Board System)
+ Carries software, magazines, accessories, interfaces, printers and 
+ supplies.

+ Micro-Tronix
+ 1614 Towson
+ Fort Smith, AR  72901
+ (501) 782-4048 (Orders and Information)
+ Sales and service of Commodore, Amiga, Atari and IBM computers, printers,
+ etc.

+ NW Family Computers & Video Games
+ 510 S. 1st St.
+ Mount Vernon, WA  98273
+ (360) 336-3586 (Orders and Information)
+ New and used Commodore hardware and software. Also new and used for many 
+ other systems and games.

+ Nybbles & Bytes
+ 4020 S. Steele St., Suite 101
+ Tacoma, WA  98409
+ (253) 475-5938 (Orders and Information)
+ Software and hardware for the C64, Amiga, IBM, and others. Carries 
+ European magazines.

+ Jim Scabery
+ 2142 SE 158th
+ Portland, OR  97233
+ (503) 761-2641 (Orders and Information)
+ Software, disks, and joysticks. Also carries CMD's JiffyDOS system.

+ Second Hand Software
+ 2332 N. MacArthur
+ Oklahoma City, OK  73127
+ (405) 946-2888 (Orders and Information)
+ Commodore hardware and software.

+ Software Outlet
+ 3614 Ming Ave.                      
+ Bakersfield, CA  93309
+ (805) 837-1469
+ Hours:  10am-6pm Mon-Sun
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Carries a large selection of software for Commodore, Amiga, Apple II, 
+ Atari, IBM and Mac.

+ Software Outlet (Store #2)
+ 2146 Parker St.
+ San Luis Obispo, CA  93401
+ (805)544-6616
+ Hours:  10am-6pm Mon-Sun
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Carries a large selection of software for Commodore, Amiga, Apple II, 
+ Atari, IBM and Mac.

+ Software Outlet (Store #3--clearance center)
+ 330 Nut Tree Rd.
+ Vacaville, CA  95687
+ (707)451-4149 (Orders and Information)
+ Hours:  10am-6pm Mon-Sun
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Carries a large selection of software for Commodore, Amiga, Apple II, 
+ Atari, IBM and Mac.

+ Transdata Systems
+ 1130-A N. Kraemer Blvd.
+ Anaheim, CA  92806
+ (714) 630-1831 (Orders and Information)
+ (714) 630-5619 (Facsimile)
+ 11am-6pm Mon-Fri, Sat 9am-6pm
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WW URL)
+ Commodore and Amiga software and hardware, including 1351 mice, printer 
+ interfaces and graphics programs.

+ UberTech
+ (518) 885-3645 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Specializing in "vintage" computers: C64/C128, IBM XT & 286. Repairs, 
+ used equipment, upgrades and text-based Internet connectivity.

+ The Users' Corner
+ 1110 E. Jackson
+ Medford, OR  97504-7029
+ (541) 773-8868 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Commodore, Amiga and IBM software, hardware and repairs.

+ Video Game Advantage
+ 6861 Anthony Lane
+ Parma Hts., OH  44130
+ (216) 843-8815
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Carries over 50 different cartridge- and CD-based game systems and 
+ cartridge-based computer systems, as well as software and accessories. 
+ Systems range from the Atari 2600 through Commodore 64 and all the way 
+ up to the Nintendo 64.

+ Bear Technologies
  1005 McKean Street
  Philadelphia, PA 19148
| (800) 755-5295 (Orders and Information)
+ (215) 336-5295 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Flat-rate repairs for Commodore computers and drives. Repairs IBM clones, 
+ Genesis and Nintendo. Also available: C64/128 hardware, software, monitors, 
+ and ICs, Amigas and IBMs, as available.

+ Capestany Computer Repair
+ P.O. Box 733
+ Seabrook, TX  77586-0733
+ (713) 554-5913 (Orders and Information)
+ Commodore computer and drive repairs. Also has some C64s, C128s, Plus/4s, 
+ 1541s, 1571s, printers and power supplies.

+ Bob Jonquet's Repair
+ 429 S. Westlawn
+ Decatur Il. 62521
+ (217) 423-5700 (Orders and Information)
+ after 2pm, CST
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Authorized repairman of Commodore computers since the mid-1980s. Also 
+ carries some used, new and reconditioned hardware.

+ North American Computer
+ 147 W. Broadway
+ Waukesha, WI  53186
+ (414) 547-6222 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Authorized service center for C64 and C128 computer and drive repairs, 
+ alignments. Also carries power supplies and used equipment.

+ BayCom
+ Johannes Kneip, DG3RBU
+ Bert-Brecht-Weg 28
+ 30890 Barsinghausen
+ ++49 5105 585050 (Orders and Information)
+ ++49 5105 585060 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)

+ Tigertronics (BayCom US Distributor)
+ 400 Daily Lane
+ P.O. Box 5210
+ Grants Pass, OR  97527-0210
+ Packet/HAM radio hardware and software for Commodore 64 and IBM.

+ PacComm Inc. (BayCom US Distributor)
+ 4413 N. Hesperides St.
+ Tampa. FL  33614-7618
+ Packet/HAM radio hardware and software for Commodore 64 and IBM.

+ 34 County Rd AO-92
+ McIntosh, NM  87032

+ Mailing Address

+ HCR 69 Box 1607
+ Moriarty, NM  87035
+ (505) 235-5407
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Packet/HAM radio hardware and software for Commodore 64, VIC-20 and IBM. 
+ Also handles 2-way radios, general electronic items, and more.

+ Glen Pearce
+ 362 Kent Rd.
+ Winipeg, MB  R2L 1Y1
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WWW URl)
+ Touch Tone Decoder for the C64/VIC-20. $37.50 U.S. funds or $50.00 
+ Canadian funds.

+ SGP, Inc. (formerly The Soft Group)
+ 838 S. Weldon
+ Beulah, MI  46917
+ (616) 882-4079 (Orders and Information)
+ Video Byte II color digitizer, Video Mate graphic conversion cartridge,
+ and Super Explode graphics cartridge.

+ Web Creations
+ X1541 Cable Offer
+ 24 Central Street
+ Braintree, MA  02184
+ (201) 784-9464 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ X1541 cable. Used to connect a 1541 disk to an IBM PC's printer port. 
+ Comes with documentation and 2 disks of programs. $20.00 + one Commodore
+ serial cable (send cable with your payment). Make checks or money orders 
+ payable to Paul MacArthur.

+ X10 USA
+ 91 Ruckman Rd., Box 420
+ Closter, NJ  07624
+ (201) 784-9700 (Orders and Information)
+ Fax: (201) 784-9464
+ E-mail:
+ Web page:
+ Manufacturers of home automation hardware: lamp and chime modules, 
+ appliance and universal modules, plug-in controllers, timers, wireless 
+ wall switches, and telephone and computer interfaces. The CP290 Home 
+ Computer Interface comes with software and connecting cable for 
+ Commodore, Apple, IBM or Mac.

+ Christian Bauer
+ Max-Planck-Str.60
+ 55124 Mainz
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Frodo v2.4": a Freeware C64 emulator for Amigas with OS 2.1 an a 68020 
+ CPU. Versions are also available for Be, Mac, RiscOS, Unix and Win32.

+ Blake-Knox Enterprises
+ Box 1
+ Grand Beach, MB  R0E 0T0
+ Please write for promotional material on our very own Canadian products 
+ including 10 Music Disks, syndicated best 45 Columns out of 260 computer 
+ columns (Volumes 1, 2 and 3), "Blake-Knox Yarns" and "Blake-Knox Tales" 
+ story disks, and 49 choice PD disks (98 sides) and the just-completed 
+ autobiography of Harry Blake-Knox entitled "Master of Trades"!. Nothing 
+ over $10.00 per 2-sided disk.

+ For promotional material on the above, Canadians should send a stamped 
+ self-addressed envelope. Persons in the United States should send a blank
+ envelope with a U.S. stamp in an amount currently recommended by their
+ post office for mail to Canada. (I use these to send to U.S. firms 
+ requesting such an envelope for their own promotions. Pretty smart, eh?)

+ Crystal Software and Electronics USA
+ c/o Christopher Ryan
+ 5296 Devonshire
+ Detroit, MI  48224-3233
+ (313) 882-0811 (Orders and Information)
+ Weekdays 4pm-10pm, Weekends 10am-10pm EST
+ U.S. distributor for Crystal Software & Electronics Technologies. Carries
+ "McRat / The Zinj Complex", $12.00, and "Target", $10.00. Add $3.00 per 
+ disk for shipping & handling.

+ Robert Dallmann
+ 31-65 46th St.
+ Long Island City, NY  11103
+ "Bible Student's Disk", $7.50.

+ Arndt Dettke
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "GoDot": C64 image processing system, which can convert GIF, PCX, and 
+ various Commodore picture formats, as well as others. Full program is 
+ currently only available in German, but is scheduled for translation by 
+ CMD.

  FRD Software
+ c/o Dick Estel
+ 3487 E. Terrace
+ Fresno, CA  93703
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Over 45 double-sided disks of graphics, scanned art, GEOS fonts, utilities,
+ and Doodle and Koala art. Quanity discounts.

+ Financial Services Marketing Corp.
+ 500 North Dallas Bank Tower
+ 12900 Preston Rd.
+ Dallas, TX  75320
+ (800) 525-5611 (Orders and Information)
+ (214) 386-6320 (Orders and Information)
+ Makers of "Perfect Tax" (formerly Tax Perfect). Features include auto-
+ transfer of data when you switch forms, prints on IRS forms, Current 
+ Value Display and omissions check, and much more.

+ Herne Data Systems Ltd.
+ PO Box 250
+ Tiverton ON  N0G 2T0
+ (519) 366-2732 (Orders, Information, and Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Publisher of Commodore 128 CP/M software and technical notes. While no 
+ longer supported, both are being made freely available through their web
+ site for personal use.

+ Interactive Mini Systems
+ 5312 W. Tucannon
+ Kennewick, WA  99336
+ (509) 783-3829 (Orders and Information)
+ "FastFile" database. Memory based, and extremely fast (average search time
+ is under 2 seconds). Allows for editing of the form after it's been 
+ created, and can do complex sorts to five levels. Capacity: approximately
+ 720 records per file (36K per file), with multiple files per disk. $49.95.
+ (WA residents add 8% tax.)

+ Intercorp Communication
+ 100 Pinegrove
+ Pontiac, MI  48342
+ CSoft Wares: "Digi<-->Dox" v1.0, a sequential file reader that handles 
+ text, art and Digi sounds. Supports drives 8-11. $7.00
+ D.S. II "Cartoons", 10 Digi samples of cartoon shows. $3.00

+ Corey Kelts+ 
+ 5871 Blue Iron Way
+ Kearns, UT  84118
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Audio Vol. 1", a CD-ROM of over 2,000 SIDplayer files, Singalong SIDs 
+ (songs plus lyrics), utilities and players. $25.00 shipped within North 
+ America. Add $5.00 US for shipping elsewhere in the world.

+ Middle Peninsula Computer Users Group
+ P.O. Box 391
+ Gloucester, VA  23061
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "The Tipton Disk Collection": 20 disks of Shareware/Public Domain programs
+ for the C128 (2 disks are CP/M programs), originally compiled by Ernie 
+ Tipton. $20.00 for disks and + $3.00 postage. Specify 1541, 1571, or 1581
+ (which as 10 disks) format.

+ Midwest MicroByte
+ 406 W. 6th St.
+ Yankton, SD  57078
+ (605) 665-4507 (Orders and Information)
+ Large selection of Public Domain disks: GEOS, Print Shop graphics, Plus/4,
+ MSD utilities, PET and CBM. 

+ J.L. Phillips
+ 3420 Sylvester Rd. #18
+ Albany, GA  31705
+ (912) 436-5447 (Orders and Information)
+ Pedigreee dog program. Tracks champions and non-champions.

+ QuesTronix
+ P.O. Box 340265
+ Hartford, CT 06134-0265
+ (203)296-6037 (Orders and Information)
+ "A64 Package v3". Commodore 64 emulator for the Amiga. Comes with a 
+ hardware interface to connect a Commodore disk drive to the Amiga.

+ Quinsept, Inc.
+ P.O. Box 216
+ Lexington, MA  02173-0003
+ (800) 637-7668 (Orders and Information)
+ (617) 862-0404 (Orders and Information)
+ Monday-Friday 9am-6pm
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Family Roots" genealogical software for the C64, Apple II, IBM and Mac.

+ The Software Guild
+ P.O. Box 8053
+ New Albany, IN  47151
+ (812) 288-1127
+ Color geoPrint v2.0: a Print Shop-type program for GEOS. geoLabel 64, 
+ geoLabel 128: label maker for GEOS. Superbox 64/128: breaks the 15 file 
+ name barrier. $10.00 each, or all 4 on one disk for $25.00. Make checks 
+ payable to Roger Lawhorn.

+ Jim Brock
+ 4356 Old Hickory Hammock Rd.
+ Milton, FL  32583
+ "The SID Music Disk", released monthly. Each disk has new songs on it by
+ various "SID-ers", not uploaded to Q-Link, Genie, etc. $3.00 per disks. 
+ Each disk has at least 40 SIDs on it.

+ Vince Emery Productions
+ P.O. Box 460279
+ San Francisco, CA  94146
+ (415) 337-6000 (Orders and Information)
+ "The Funniest Computer Songs" tape: twelve great songs about computers. 
+ $8.95 + $1.50 S & H.

+ Johnny Klonaris
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Mirage C64 MIDI software for the Passport Designs and Sequential Circuits
+ MIDI interfaces, and the Ensoniq Mirage synthesizer.

+ Music Software Exchange
+ P.O. Box 533334
+ Orlando, FL  32853-3334
+ (407) 856-1244 (Orders and Information)
+ Public Domain and Shareware music, MIDI software for the C64, Amiga, 
+ Atari ST, IBM and Mac.

+ SOFTpacific
+ 12240 Perris Blvd., Suite A157
+ Moreno Valley, CA  92557
+ Carries MIDI software for many computers, including the C64.

+ American Ink Products Company
+ 630 E. 10th St.
+ Oakland, CA  94606-3601
+ (800) 414-6546 (Orders and Information)
+ (510) 268-0825 (Orders and Information)
+ (510) 268-9853 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Ribbons, toners, inkjet inks -- new/renew.

+ Ed's Disks
+ 560 N. Abbott Ave.
+ Milpitas, CA  95035
+ (408) 262-2389 (Ordrrs and Information)
+ Carries floppy disks, including the 5.25" DSDD disks our Commodores use.

+ Haltek Electronics
+ 1062 Linda Vista Ave.
+ Mountain View, CA  94043
+ (408) 744-1333 (Orders and Information)
+ Panasonic rechargable batteries for CMD's RAMLink. Order #LCR6V10BP.

+ In Time Computer Supplies
+ 135 Dahlia
+ St. Paul, MN  55115
+ (800) 328-1985 (Orders and Information)
+ (612) 429-6330 (Orders and Information)
+ (800) 695-6660 (Facsimile)
+ (612) 429-6724 (Facsimile)
+ 8am-5pm Monday-Friday CST
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Supplies for all computers: disks, disk holders, labels, ribbons, laser 
+ cartridges, ink cartridges, and paper.

  MEI/Micro Center
  1100 Steelwood Road
  Columbus, OH  43212
  (800) 634-3478 (Orders and Information)
+ Supplies for all computers: disks, colored disks, disk holders, labels, 
+ mailers, ribbons, laser cartridges, ink cartridges, and paper.

+ H.T. Orr Computer Supplies
+ 249 Juanita Way
+ Placentia, CA  92670
+ (800) 377-2023 (Orders and Information)
+ (714) 528-9822 (Orders and Information)
+ (714) 993-6216 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WWW URl)
+ Ribbons for Commodore printers, including the 801, 802/1526, 803 and 1525.
+ Also available: color ribbons, inkjet cartridges, inkjet refill kits, and
+ T-shirt ribbons. Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover 
+ accepted.

+ Ramco Computer Supplies
+ P.O. Box 475
+ 386 S. Locust, Rte 50
+ Manteno, IL  60950
+ (800) 522-6922 (Orders and Information)
+ (815) 468-3294 (Orders and Information)
+ (815) 468-3298 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Ribbons for black and white, and color printers, cartridges for laser and
+ inkjet printers. Single-color ribbons in green, red, blue, brown, and 
+ purple. Heat transfer paper for dot matrix, laser and ink jet printers.
+ Also has labels, printer cleaning kits, banner paper (no seams), colored 
+ paper, disks and more. Write for a free catalog.

+ Redmond Cable
+ 15331 NE 90th St.
+ Redmond, WA  98052
+ (206) 882-2009  (Orders and Information)
+ "Computer Quack-Ups" T-Shirts: "Hit Any Key to Continue" and "Computer 
+ Hacker", $10.00 each plus S & H.
+ Cables: monitor, keyboard, game system, disk drive, hard drive, modem, 
+ printer, Commodore, Amiga, Apple, Atari and IBM. Can make custom cables.

+ V-Tech
+ 2223 Rebecca
+ Hatfield, PA  19440
+ (215) 822-2989 (Orders and Information)
+ (215) 822-6394 (Facsimile)
+ Ribbons, ribbon re-inking supplies and inkjet inks for most printers. 
+ Call or write for more information, prices and availability.

+ Abacus
+ 5370 52nd St. SE
+ Grand Rapids, MI  49512
+ (800) 451-4319 (Orders)
+ (616) 698-0330 (Information)
+ (616) 698-0325 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Specializes in books for Commodore computers ("Anatomy of the 1541", 
+ "GEOS Inside & Out", etc.).

+ Atticware
+ 610 First St.
+ Liverpool, NY  13088
+ (315) 451-4710 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Sells software and hardware, and publishes "The Gatekeeper" bi-monthly
+  magazine.

+ 1 year (6 issues): $14.95
+ 2-issue subscription (the preferred subscription rate): $4.95

+ Donald Ayers
+ 75 State Rd 270W
+ Sturgis, KY  42459
+ The "Grassroots" series of disks:
+ Grassroots #1: Information on Commodore hardware that is custom-tailored
+ to each person ordering it, based on what they own.
+ GR Companion: Covers Commodore software, program building, and
+ telecommunications.
+ GR Editor: A "mentor" program for short story and novel editing.
+ Grassroots #1: $3.00. GR Companion and GR Editor together: $7.00.

+ Brantford Educational Services
+ 6 Pioneer Place
+ Brantford, Ontario  N3R 7G7
+ (519) 756-6534 (Orders, Information, and Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WW URL)
+ Self-tutoring BASIC courses for the C64 and C128 (two courses for each).
+ Call, write or send E-mail for more information.

+ Commodore CEE
+ 5443 College Oak Drive #26
+ Sacramento, CA  95841
+ (916) 339-3403 (Culletin Board System: 300-14.4K)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Jack Vanderwhite 1:203/999 (FIDONet Contact)
+ "Commodore CEE" (formerly "Cee-64 Alive!"). It has stopped publication,
+ but back issues may still be available.
+ Also available: collections of Public Domain programs (C64, GEOS, C128, 
+ Plus/4, "Cee-64 Alive!" back issues). Also original software and books 
+ for GEOS and Plus/4 including Top Desk, Programmers material.

+ Complete Console
+ 1190 Upper Ottawa St. #49
+ Hamilton, Ontario  L8W 1T8
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Commodore Fever": a quarterly "maga(fan)zine dedicated 100% to the 
+ Commodore 64". Comes with a cover disk that contains games, utilities, etc.
+ Subscriptions: $22.00 US per year.
+ Single issue: $6.00 US

+ Commodore Gazette
+ c/o Christopher Ryan
+ 5296 Devonshire
+ Detroit, MI  48224-3233
+ (313) 882-0811  (Orders and Information)
+ Weekdays 4pm-10pm, Weekends 10am-10pm EST
+ "Commodore Gazette": a new monthly magazine on disk. Send your comments,
+ questions, tips and tricks for publication.
+ Subscriptions after October 1, 1997:
+ USA: $25/45/65/85
+ Canada & Foreign: please make payment in U.S. funds.
+ Monthly disk magazine on two disks. Includes PD programs from Jim Green,
+ Commodore news & information, buy & sell area, and new demos from Germany.

+ The GEOS Publication
+ 7969 Woodcrest Dr.
+ Louisville, KY  40219-3859
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "The GEOS Publication": a monthly publication dedicated to promoting GEOS
+ and its many programs and uses. 
+ $14.00/year, $25.00/2 years.
+ Mexico/Canada: $8.00 for six months, $16.00 for one year.

+ Karl Hildon
+ 4 Pollard Dr.
+ Scarborough, Ontario  M1R 4G4
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology", a collection of reference
+ material for Commodore computers, which now includes a 5-page C128 memory
+ map by Jim Butterfield. Available again through its author, Karl Hildon.
+ $20.00 US or Canadian. (Outside North American, send e-mail.)

+ Historical Computer Society
+ 3649 Herschel Street
+ Jacksonville, FL  32205
+ (941) 283-9206
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (WWW URl)
+ In their bimonthly "Historically Brewed" magazine, HCS covers computers
+ of many different types that have appeared during the years: DEC PDP-8,
+ Kaypro, Altair, video game systems (Atari 2600, Intellivision, etc.),
+ Commodore, etc.
+ Subscriptions: $18.00 U.S., $20.00 Canadian, $24.00 International.

+ Howard W. Sams & Co.
+ 2647 Waterfront Prkwy E. Dr.
+ Indianapolis, IN  46214
+ (800) 428-7267 (Orders)
+ (317) 298-5400 (Information)
+ Books and repair manuals for Commodore, Amiga, Apple, and Atari computers,
+ drives, monitors, printers and more.

+ J & F Publishing
+ P.O. Box 30008
+ Shreveport, LA  71130-0008
+ (800) 594-3370 (Orders)
+ (318) 221-8718 (Information)
+ (318) 221-8870 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Loadstar", "Loadstar 128" and "Uptime" disk magazines. Subscriptions are
+ available in 3, 6, 12 and 24-month lengths, as well as a monthly 
+ subscription, and in 1541 or 1581 format.
+ Loadstar subscriptions:
+ 3 issues: $19.95 US, $29.95 Canadian, $22.95 International (in US funds)
+ 6 issues: $37.95 US, $59.95 Canadian, $43.95 International
+ 12 issues: $69.95 US, $99.95 Canadian, $79.95 International
+ 24 issues: $129.95 US, $169.95 Canadian, $149.95 International

+ Loadstar 128 (Quarterly) subscriptions:
+ 2 issues: $12.95 US, $19.95 Canadian, $14.95 International (in US funds)
+ 4 issues: $24.95 US, $39.95 Canadian, $28.95 International

+ "The Loadstar Letter" monthly newsletter. $18.00/year, $29.00 Canadian.

+ Also sells the "Compleat" disks of crosswords, utilities, games, pictures, 
+ Print Shop graphics, GEOS graphics, productivity programs, the Bible on 
+ Disk and a lot more.

+ JMV Grafix
+ Mrs. Jane M. Jones
+ P.O. Box 635
+ Blair Athol  5084
+ South Australia
+ "The World of GEOS" handbooks I, II and III, and a handbook on Commodore 
+ disks, $15.00 each plus $5.00 shipping for item. If all 4 are ordered 
+ together, the shipping is reduced to $13.00. Also sells GEOS Card Art 
+ and Clip Art.

+ Meeting 64/128 Users Through The Mail
+ 4427 39th St.
+ Brentwood, MD  20722-1022
+ (301) 927-8826 (Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ A "computer club for those without a local computer club".
+ Their newsletter ("The Commodore MaiLink") has information on new members,
+ general interest articles, buy/sell/trade items, etc. They ask you to fill
+ out a "bio" so your interests can be shared with other members.

+ Peachpit Press, Inc.
+ 2414 Sixth St.
+ Berkley, CA  94710
+ (800) 283-9444 (Orders)
+ (510) 548-4393 (Information)
+ (510) 548-5991 (Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Publisher of many computer books, including "Learning PostScript: A Visual
+ Approach", by Ross Smith, $22.95. Excellent for using GEOS and laser
+ printers together.

+ Powell's Technical Bookstore
+ 33 NW Park Ave.
+ Portland, OR  97209-3300
+ (800) 225-6911 (Orders)
+ (503) 228-3906 (Information)
+ (503) 228-0505 (Facsimile)
+ New and used technical books and manuals for computers, sciences, etc. 
+ Moderate selection of C64 manuals.

+ William Robblets
+ 295 West Granby Rd.
+ P.O. Box 273
+ West Granby, CT  06090-8723
+ Since 1983, CATS (Computer Assisted Technical Services) has been 
+ dedicated to helping Commodore Computerists get the most from their
+ computer. The list of services offered is extensive. For more info on 
+ what services are offered and how to request assistance, send a stamped
+ self-addressed #10 envelope.

+ SoftSide Supply
+ c/o Dale Sidebottom
+ 1002 E. Main St., Apt. #12
+ New Albany, IN  47150
+ (812) 944-9132 (Orders and Information)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Mr. Sidebottom is available as a PostScript consultant for laser
+  printing from a Commodore. Any fees individually arranged. Call for 
+ more information.

+ The Underground
+ 862 West 2000 North
+ Provo, UT  84604-1245
+ (Internet Contact)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "The Underground": an 8-bit Commodore information publication. 
+ Features include articles on GEOS, telecommunications, PD/Shareware,
+ Tips, projects, news, reviews and more.
+ Note: Issue #14 was the last issue, but back issues are still
+ available at $2.50 apiece. "The Underground" has been merged with 
+ "The Loadstar Letter", published by J & F Publishing (Loadstar).

+ VideoCam Services
+ 90 Hilliers Rd.
+ Reynella, South Australia 5161
+ +61 8 832-2716 (Orders, Information, and Facsimile)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users", second edition: a book 
+ written specifically for C64/128 owners who want to use their 
+ computers on the Internet. It can also be used by anyone using
+ any computer platform that can use a terminal program with VT100 or
+ ANSI emulation. Includes a copy of Novaterm 9.6 Lite, by Nick Rossi.

+ Price per book:      Aust        USA      Canadian
+                     $36.95      $29.95     $39.80 
+ Shipping per book:
+   Intl Express      $15.00      $12.00     $16.20
+   Airmail           $11.50      $ 9.00     $12.50
+   Economy Airmail   $ 9.00      $ 7.00     $10.00
+   Within Australia  $ 5.00        n/a        n/a

+ Note: Shipping decreases drastically when 5 or more books are ordered
+ together.

+ Orders can be accepted via phone, fax, postal mail, Email or our 
+ World Wide Web order page. VideoCam Services accepts personal cheques,
+ Visa, MasterCard, Bankcard and American Express. We're sorry, but 
+ only Australian Money Orders can be accepted.

+ Andrew Bernhardt
+ P.O. Box 669
+ Beatty, NV  89003
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "DTJBBS": A Freeware BBS program. Features include: high speed modem
+ support, and uses all Commodore drives and CMD devices. Further details
+ on DTJBBS can be found on his web page, as well as the files for
+ downloading.

+ Compuserve Information Systems
+ P.O. Box 20212
+ Columbus, OH  43220
+ (800) 848-8990 (Orders and Information
+ A national commercial on-line service that provices support for 
+ C64s/C128s via their CBM Applications and CBM Arts/Games/Music 
+ & GEOS forums.

+ Delphi Internet Services
+ 1030 Massachusetts Ave.
+ Cambridge, MA  02138
+ 1-800-695-4005 (Orders and Information)
+ A national commerical on-line service that has a large forum for 
+ Commodore computers and access to Usenet's comp.sys.cbm newsgroup. 
+ Conferences are nightly at 9:30pm EST.

+ Matthew Desmond
+ 265 Beechlawn Dr.
+ Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 5W8
+ (Internet Contact)
+ DesTerm 2.00: the premier Commodore 128 terminal program. REU and
+ High-speed modem support, with multiple protocols and terminal
+ emulation, and extensive buffer space and features. 
+ Shareware fee: $25.00 US or Canadian.

+ Genie
+ 401 N. Washington St.
+ Rockville, MD  20850
+ 1-800-638-9636 (Information)
+ A national commercial on-line service, featuring the Flagship Rountable,
+ an extensive library of over 10,000 C64/128 files, a bulletin board, 
+ Internet access and real-time conferences with notables like 
+ Jim Butterfield, Mark Fellows, Jim Brain.

+ Inner Circle Productions
+ E-mail:
+ Web page:
+ (304) 697-0101 (Inner Circle Buletin Board System)
+ (714) 828-7296 (Nature Reserve Bulletin Board System) 
+ Developers of Centipede 128 BBS software. Features include: 
+ high-speed modem and hard drive support, 100+ file areas, and four
+ separate message bases (including one for a national network).

+ Omni 128 BBS
+ 4135 N. 36th
+ Tacoma, WA  98407
+ (206) 536-9353 (Omni World Bulletin Board System)
+ (Internet Contact)
+ Omni 128 color bulletin board system, an online data storage and 
+ retrieval system for the Commodore 128 Microcomputer, commonly used 
+ as a host BBS. It has been in development nearly ten years by the 
+ 1/2 of the original team, Brian Bell.  Has an extensive list of 
+ features. Please check the web page for full information.

+ Nick Rossi
+ 10002 Aurora Ave. N, #3353
+ Seattle, WA  98133
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Novaterm 9.6": described by its users as the most powerful C64 
+ terminal program ever. New features: 80 columns on both C64 and C128,
+ Zmodem upload and download, works with the SwiftLink, CommPort and
+ HART Cartridge, and uses the REU, RAMLink, RAMDrive, BBG RAM and
+ GEORAM cartridges.
+ $29.95 + $1.50 shipping & handling. Specify 1541 or 1581 format. 
+ ser group discounts available. Versions 9.5 and a "lite" version of
+ 9.6 are available for downloading from the FTP site.

+ Kent Sullivan
+ 205 209th Pl. SE
+ Redmond, WA 98053
+ (Internet Contact)
+ "Kermit v2.2", terminal software for connecting to universities 
+ and bulletin boards that use the Kermit protocol.
+ C-64/128 Kermit v2.2 disk: $5.00
+ C-64/128 Kermit v2.2 disk for SwiftLink-232 cart: $5.00
+ C-64/128 Kermit v2.2 manual: $7.50

+ All prices include postage. All funds must be U.S. Money orders or 
+ cashier's/certified checks only. (If I cash a bad personal check, 
+ the bank charge is more than the amount of the check!)

Jim Brain, Embedded System Designer, Brain Innovations, Inc. (BII) (online sig) "Above views DO reflect my employer, since I'm my employer"
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!      -Me-
BII Home:          CBM Info:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM