Archive-name: comics/happyman-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1996/09/11 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ------------------------------------- The HappyMan MetaComic: 1. HappyMan -- who is he? 1.1 Who is HappyMan? 1.2 Where does HappyMan live? 1.3 What does HappyMan do for a living? 1.4 If his name is HappyMan, why doesn't he appear to be very happy? 1.5 What kind of computer does Happyman have? 1.6 Why doesn't HappyMan have a neck? 1.7 Is HappyMan related to to the Rain Man or Forrest Gump? 2. Friends of HappyMan 2.1 Who/what is UltraMonkey? 2.1.1 Where does UltraMoney come from? 2.1.2 Is he a monkey, a man, a machine, or some hideous combination thereof? 2.1.3 Is UltraMoney good, or evil??!! 2.2 Who/what is NullMonkey? 2.3 Who is Molly? 3. The world of HappyMan 3.1 Is HappyMan's world the same as our world? 3.2 Why are some people referred to only by first name and number? 3.3 Is this the NewWorldOrder we hear so much about? 3.4 What is a "chuffer"? 3.5 What's the deal with GiantMedia? 4. Miscellany 4.1 What's going on with the HappyMan format? 4.2 Where can I find the HappyMan MetaComic? 4.3 Can I contact the creator of Happyman? 4.4 Is there a forum for discussion of Happyman? --------------------------------------- 1. HappyMan -- who is he? 1.1 Who is HappyMan? HappyMan is the protagonist of the HappyMan MetaComic. While the recent theft of his brain has complicated matters, in most aspects he is completely average. 1.2 Where does HappyMan live? HappyMan lives in a MetaVerse very much like our own world. However, there are some important differences. 1.3 What does HappyMan do for a living? HappyMan is a contract programmer, writing code and designing software for a wide variety of corporations. Before his recent termination, he was part of the UltraMonkey V/R development group at GiantMedia. None of HappyMan's programs have ever worked. Currently, HappyMan is fine-tuning his BLOCK (Basic Local Object Construction Kit) operating system and the "BlockServer" web solution for Intel microprocessors. HappyMan has also dabbled in comic cook art, being the original creator of UltraMonkey. 1.4 If his name is HappyMan, why doesn't he appear to be very happy? Many people wonder why HappyMan appears to be, at best, rather ambivalent. It may be due to some EarlyChildHood trauma. There is also speculation that he may suffer from a rare genetic defect. 1.5 What kind of computer does HappyMan have? HappyMan owns a generic P-100 running his experimental BLOCK operating system. At present there are no applications available for this environment. 1.6 Why doesn't HappyMan have a neck? He has a VirtualNeck. 1.7 Is HappyMan related to the Rain Man or Forrest Gump? No. Rather than being sub-average or an idiot savant, HappyMan is average in the extreme...this characteristic was first revealed in the MetaComic v1.3. 2. Friends of HappyMan 2.1 Who/what is UltraMonkey? UltraMonkey is a comic character created by HappyMan. He is also a "real" monkey in the MetaComic MetaVerse occupied by HappyMan and the other HappyCharacters. 2.1.1 Where does UltraMonkey come from? His GiantMedia press release claims he was born in Greece and raised in Japan, at Akasaka Palace. However, UltraMonkey "comes from" an infinite number of time/space locations. 2.1.2 Is he a monkey, a man, a machine, or some hideous combination thereof? UltraMonkey used to be a normal monkey. But repeated trips through the "LiveLink" have resulted is "SuperEvolution", placing him at a much higher place on the food chain. He has aqquired both man-like and machine-like characteristics. 2.1.3 Is UltraMonkey good or evil??!! In his lucid moments, UltraMonkey appears good. However, his use of the beta-version GiantMedia TrainingHeadSet95 has resulted in a certain amount of brain damage...damage that may well be permanent! During the "spells" caused by this mental injury UltraMonkey becomes extremely paranoid. 2.2 Who is NullMonkey? NullMonkey is UltraMonkey's brother. His diminished mental capacity is the result of early, failed LiveLink tests carried out by GiantMedia. But NullMonkey does have certain limited UltraPowers. NullMonkey uses an Amiga computer. 2.3 Who is Molly? Molly is any or all of the following: a. HappyMan's lawyer and business agent b. his girlfriend c. unknown to HappyMan, his long-lost half-sister d. a special "monitor" employed by GiantMedia and TeamBlackHelicopter 3. The World of HappyMan 3.1 is HappyMan's world the same as our world? There are many similarities. The HappyMan MetaVerse is a simplified and concentrated version of our "reality". 3.2 Why are some people referred to only by first name and number? This straightforward naming scheme seem suitable for HappyMan's world. 3.3 Is this the NewWorldOrder we hear so much about? Possibly. HappyMan vN.n refers to many current trends and issues, but projects them out along the HappyAxis. 3.4 What is a "chuffer"? A "chuffer" is a person who, for cheap thrills, inhales harmful household cleaning products. Chuffers are in strong disfavor among the members of TeamBlackHelicopter. 3.5 What's the deal with GiantMedia? This ominous corporate entity produces most of the goods and services in HappyMan's world. HappyMan is generally pleased with the resulting "choices" that are made available to him. 4. Miscellany 4.1 What's going on with the HappyMan format? HappyMan has returned to the "classic" Monday through Friday format with the minimalistic "meta" graphics (for the time being, anyway!). 4.2 Where can I find the HappyMan MetaComic? On the HappyMan HomePage: 4.3 Can I contact the creator of HappyMan? Yes. E-mail to John Anderson, 4.4 Is there a USENET group for discussion of HappyMan? Yes: User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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