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Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Section - 3.14) Where are all the Federal Reserve Banks?

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Top Document: Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Previous Document: 3.13) What's the story on the Bank of the United States 1840 $1,000 note with serial number 8894?
Next Document: 3.15) What do all those weird things mean on the one dollar bill?
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The currently circulating US paper notes are Federal
Reserve Notes.  The Federal Reserve Banks which control
their issue were created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve
Act of that year.

Here's a list of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, including
their associated letter (found inside a circle on Federal
Reserve Notes) and associated number (also found on Federal
Reserve Notes):

1   A  Boston
2   B  New York
3   C  Philadelphia
4   D  Cleveland
5   E  Richmond
6   F  Atlanta
7   G  Chicago
8   H  St. Louis
9   I  Minneapolis
10  J  Kansas City
11  K  Dallas  (Note: the 11 and K have nothing to do with JFK's death)
12  L  San Francisco

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Top Document: Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Previous Document: 3.13) What's the story on the Bank of the United States 1840 $1,000 note with serial number 8894?
Next Document: 3.15) What do all those weird things mean on the one dollar bill?

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Bruce Giese <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM