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Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Section - 2.9) I found a banknote that says "The Japanese Government", what is it?

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Top Document: Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Previous Document: 2.8) I found a note with a star next to the serial number, what does this mean?
Next Document: 2.10) I found a note marked "SPECIMEN" with a serial number of all zeros, what is it?
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  It's Japanese Invasion Money (JIM).  This was printed by Japan
for use in The Philippines, Malaya (not Malaysia), Burma, and
Oceania during World War II (and presumably beyond) as part of
the so called Co-Prosperity Sphere.  Enormous quantities of these
notes were printed and most of them are worth very little.  However,
they have an interesting history.  Some have various overprints on

  Here's a rundown on the different monetary units:

             Burma: rupees/cents (block letters starting with "B")
       Philippines: pesos/centavos
            Malaya: dollars/cents (block letters starting with "M")
           Oceania: pounds/shillings (block letters starting with "O")
Netherlands Indies: gulden/cents (block letters starting with "S" -
                    "De Japansche Regeering" instead of "The Japanese

  The Malaya notes have been touted as "invasion" money made for the
conquering of the U.S., but this is not correct.

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