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  • editor-faq/vi/part1
    Subject: vi editor FAQ (Frequently Asked Question List), Part 1/2
    Maintainer: ellidz@pobox.com (E. Larry Lidz)
    Last Posted: 25 May 2009 04:13:41 GMT
    Last-modified: 2007-12-13
    Posting-Frequency: every fifteen days
    Version: 1.94

  • editor-faq/vi/part2
    Subject: vi editor FAQ (Frequently Asked Question List), Part 2/2
    Maintainer: ellidz@pobox.com (E. Larry Lidz)
    Last Posted: 24 Nov 2008 08:03:18 GMT
    Last-modified: 2007-06-06
    Posting-Frequency: every fifteen days
    Version: 1.93

  • internationalization/iso-8859-1-charset
    Subject: ISO 8859-1 National Character Set FAQ
    Maintainer: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
    Last Posted: 2 Oct 1997 10:58:43 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 2.9889

  • internationalization/programming-faq
    Subject: Programming for Internationalization FAQ
    Maintainer: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
    Last Posted: 25 Jul 1999 11:24:28 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1.93

  • internet/tcp-ip/applications-FAQ
    Subject: TCP/IP Applications FAQ
    Maintainer: Uri Raz
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.private.org.il/mini-tcpip.faq.html
    Last Posted: 13 Nov 2004 05:20:58 GMT
    Last-modified: 13/Jul/2004
    Posting-Frequency: Monthly

  • signature_finger_faq: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Signature, Finger, & Customized Headers FAQ
    Maintainer: FAQ Editor
    Last Posted: 26 Apr 1995 13:10:13 GMT
    Last-modified: 25 April 1995
    Posting-Frequency: approximately monthly

  • unix-faq/faq/contents
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (Contents) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:49:59 GMT
    Version: $Id: contents,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:08:13 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part1: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (1/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:49:59 GMT
    Version: $Id: part1,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part2: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (2/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:49:59 GMT
    Version: $Id: part2,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part3: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:00 GMT
    Version: $Id: part3,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part4: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (4/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:00 GMT
    Version: $Id: part4,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part5: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (5/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:00 GMT
    Version: $Id: part5,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part6: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (6/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:01 GMT
    Version: $Id: part6,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/faq/part7: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (7/7) [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:01 GMT
    Version: $Id: part7,v 2.9 1996/06/11 13:07:56 tmatimar Exp $

  • unix-faq/shell/bash
    Subject: [gnu.bash.bug] BASH Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ version 3.36)
    Maintainer: chet@po.cwru.edu (Chet Ramey)
    FAQ Home Page: ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/FAQ
    Last Posted: 14 Dec 2007 15:00:00 GMT
    Last-modified: Fri May 11 16:18:55 EDT 2007
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot
    Subject: Csh Programming Considered Harmful
    Maintainer: Tom Christiansen
    Last Posted: 6 Oct 1996 14:03:18 GMT
    Version: $Id: csh-faq,v 1.7 95/09/28 12:52:17 tchrist Exp Locker: tchrist $

  • unix-faq/shell/shell-differences
    Subject: UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell (Monthly Posting)
    Maintainer: Brian Blackmore
    Last Posted: 13 Jul 1997 17:41:35 +0100
    Version: 1.17

  • unix-faq/unix/intro
    Subject: Welcome to comp.unix.questions [Frequent posting]
    Maintainer: tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar)
    Last Posted: 11 May 2004 10:50:02 GMT
    Version: $Id: intro,v 2.4 1995/03/28 14:13:34 tmatimar Exp $

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM