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  • celebrities/michael-moore-faq/part1
    Subject: [alt.tv.tv-nation] Michael Moore FAQ (Part 1 of 3)
    Maintainer: richard@amega.demon.co.uk (Richard Palmer)
    Last Posted: 20 Dec 1998 23:19:15 -0000
    Last-modified: Jul 24, 1998
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • celebrities/michael-moore-faq/part2
    Subject: [alt.tv.tv-nation] Michael Moore FAQ (Part 2 of 3)
    Maintainer: richard@amega.demon.co.uk (Richard Palmer)
    Last Posted: 26 Jul 1998 13:16:34 -0000
    Last-modified: Jul 24, 1998
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • celebrities/michael-moore-faq/part3
    Subject: [alt.tv.tv-nation] Michael Moore FAQ (Part 3 of 3)
    Maintainer: richard@amega.demon.co.uk (Richard Palmer)
    Last Posted: 26 Jul 1998 13:16:36 -0000
    Last-modified: Jul 24, 1998
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM