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  • pgp-faq/mini-overview
    Subject: PGP miniFAQ
    Maintainer: Andre Bacard
    Last Posted: 17 May 1995 16:10:44 GMT

  • pgp-faq/part1
    Subject: PGP Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, Part 1/3
    Maintainer: jalicqui@prairienet.org
    Last Posted: 23 Jun 1995 12:33:07 GMT
    Last-modified: 22 June 1995
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • pgp-faq/part2
    Subject: PGP Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, Part 2/3
    Maintainer: jalicqui@prairienet.org
    Last Posted: 23 Jun 1995 12:33:09 GMT
    Last-modified: 22 June 1995
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • pgp-faq/part3
    Subject: PGP Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, Part 3/3
    Maintainer: jalicqui@prairienet.org
    Last Posted: 23 Jun 1995 12:33:12 GMT
    Last-modified: 22 June 1995
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • pgp-faq/where-is-PGP
    Subject: Where to get the latest PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) FAQ
    Maintainer: Michael Paul Johnson
    FAQ Home Page: http://cryptography.org/getpgp.htm
    Alternate Page: http://cryptography.org/getpgp.txt
    Last Posted: 14 May 2006 04:18:49 GMT
    Last-modified: 23 August 2002
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM