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  • assembly-language/x86/a86
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - A86 and D86
    Maintainer: fys_at_cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

  • assembly-language/x86/borland
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - Borland TASM
    Maintainer: fys@cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

  • assembly-language/x86/general/part1
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - General Part 1 of 3
    Maintainer: fys_at_cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

  • assembly-language/x86/general/part2
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - General Part 2 of 3
    Maintainer: fys_at_cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

  • assembly-language/x86/general/part3
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - General Part 3 of 3
    Maintainer: fys_at_cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

  • assembly-language/x86/microsoft
    Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - Microsoft MASM
    Maintainer: fys@cybertrails.com (Ben Lunt)
    Last Posted: 3 Mar 2004 23:04:44 MST
    Last-modified: 2004/03/03
    Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM