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alt.education.distance Newsgroup FAQs

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  • education/distance-ed-faq/part1
    Subject: alt.education.distance FAQ (part 1 of 4)
    Maintainer: rlaws@homes4kids.org (Rita Laws)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/education/distance-ed-faq/part1
    Last Posted: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:13 GMT
    Last-modified: 1999/10/25
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 8.0

  • education/distance-ed-faq/part2
    Subject: alt.education.distance FAQ (part 2 of 4)
    Maintainer: rlaws@homes4kids.org (Rita Laws)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/education/distance-ed-faq/part2
    Last Posted: 21 May 2006 04:22:55 GMT
    Last-modified: 1999/10/25
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 8.0

  • education/distance-ed-faq/part3
    Subject: alt.education.distance FAQ (part 3 of 4)
    Maintainer: rlaws@homes4kids.org (Rita Laws)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/education/distance-ed-faq/part3
    Last Posted: 21 May 2006 04:22:55 GMT
    Last-modified: 1999/10/25
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 8.0

  • education/distance-ed-faq/part4
    Subject: alt.education.distance FAQ (part 4 of 4)
    Maintainer: rlaws@homes4kids.org (Rita Laws)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/education/distance-ed-faq/part4
    Last Posted: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:17 GMT
    Last-modified: 1999/10/25
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 8.0

  • education/gna/faq
    Subject: Distant Education : Globewide Network Academy - FAQ
    Maintainer: billy@eecg.toronto.edu
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.gnacademy.org:8001/HyperNews/get/documents/faq.html
    Last Posted: 5 Jun 96 14:34:50 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/06/04
    Posting-Frequency: monthly on *.answers and related newsgroups (first Monday)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM