Archive-name: bodyart/piercing-faq/general-resources/partA
Last-modified: May 01, 2000 Posting-frequency: Quarterly URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Summary: This posting contains information about body piercing. Anyone interested in the subject and/or who wishes to read/post to rec.arts.bodyart should read the Piercing FAQ first. The rec.arts.bodyart Piercing FAQ is divided into 30 parts: 1--Introduction 2A--Jewelry Materials 2B--Jewelry Sizes & Designs 2C--Facial Piercings & Their Suggested Jewelry 2D--Body Piercings & Their Suggested Jewelry 2E--Genital Piercings & Their Suggested Jewelry 3--Getting A New Piercing 4A--Professional Organizations, Piercing Instruction 4B--Professional Piercers - United States - Alabama - California 4C--Professional Piercers - United States - Colorado - Iowa 4D--Professional Piercers - United States - Kansas - Nevada 4E--Professional Piercers - United States - New Hampshire - North Dakota 4F--Professional Piercers - United States - Ohio - Pennsylvania 4G--Professional Piercers - United States - Rhode Island - Wyoming 4H--Professional Piercers - Canada 4I--Professional Piercers - Beyond N. America 4J--Professional Piercers - Beyond N. America Cont'd 5--Care Of New Piercings 6--The Healing Process & Healing Problems 7--Healed Piercings 8--Historical Information 9A--Resource List 9B--Resource List Cont'd 10A--Personal Experiences - Facial & Unisex Piercings 10B--Personal Experiences - Genital Piercings 10C--Personal Experiences - Genital Piercings Cont'd 10D--Personal Experiences - Genital Piercings Cont'd 11A--Jewelry Manufacturers 11B--Jewelry Manufacturers Cont'd 11C--Jewelry Manufacturers Cont'd This section includes: 9A Resource List 9A.1 Books and Magazines 9A.2 Calendars and Posters All texts written and (c) 2000 by Anne Greenblatt unless otherwise noted. Please see Part 1 of the FAQ for information regarding copyright and dissemination of the FAQ. DISCLAIMER! The Piercing FAQ contains material of a sexually explicit nature. 9.1 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES =================== Many titles can be ordered through AMAZON BOOKS AMF ATOMIC BOOKS AFRICA ADORNED, by Angela Fisher, published by Willian Collins and Co. Ltd., ISBN 0 00 216622 4 Reviewed by Shannon Larratt <>: "Africa Adorned is one of those large coffee-table style photo books whose subject just happens to be the jewelry worn by the tribal peoples of the African continent (although it does stray into related subjects like bodysculpting and scarification). Almost all of the photos are very high quality modern photos, with a few, much older, photos thrown in for historical illustration. A great cross section of cultures are illustrating, making some very interesting points as the practises of nomadic cultures are compared with richer farming societies. The only complaint I can make about this book is that the commentary should be taken with a grain of salt, as it's cultural bias is quite apparent, with some of the arts being referred to as "barbaric" or "primitive." However, overall I must say that anybody that buys this book will most certainly be happy with it - it is a very attractive addition to any collection." AMONG THE DAYAKS, by Lim Poh Chiang 132 p., 118 black and white photos. Documenting the culture of the Dayak tribes whose traditional decorations include earrings and stretched lobes and blackwork tattoos. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. APP PROCEDURAL STANDARDS MANUAL published by the Association of Professional Piercers, 519 Castro Street, Box 120, San Francisco, California 94114 See also THE POINT ASC TATTOO DIRECTORY, PO Box 15893, Newport Beach, California 92659 phone/fax (714) 548-3878 Extensive directory of body art studios; 350 pages, color photos. BEYOND BELIEF, published by Wildcat Collection (see entry, below) Photographic record of Wildcat's Fakirshow performances featuring suspension, fleshhooks, spears. 48 pages, color and b&w photos. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. BODIES UNDER SEIGE: SELF-MUTILATION AND BODY MODIFICATION IN CULTURE AND PSYCHIATRY, Second Edition by Armando R. Favazza, MD 2996, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 0-8018-5299-4 With an epilogue by Fakir Musafar. THE BODY ART BOOK, A Complete, Illustrated Guide to Tattoos, Piercings, and Other Body Modifications by Jean-Chris Miller Berkley, ISBN: 0-425-15985-X BODY ART MAGAZINE and BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION Publications Limited, PO BOX 32, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR29 5RD England phone/fax 44 (0) 1692 678747 Color and black and white photos, insightful interviews, covering all forms of body art and modification; all back issues available. A large selection of bodyart-related books are available through Publications Ltd. Body Art publishes an annual guide, THE BODY JEWELRY CATALOGUE, of body piercing styles, jewelry, and studios. BODY PIERCING: A GUIDE TO SAFETY This guide, written with the help of three professional body piercers and published by W.R. Spence, MD, promotes safe, sterile, and professional body piercing. BODY PIERCING, by Cornelia Ziegler and Barbara Zoschke, published by Zsolnay, Germany, 80 pages, Retail DM 19.80. This book was Recommended in issue No. 3 of Marquis fetish magazine. BODY PLAY AND MODERN PRIMITIVES QUARTERLY Insight Books, PO Box 2575, Menlo Park, California 94026-2575 USA Sample copy US and Canada $12, $14 Airmail 4-issue subscription US and Canada $45, $55 Airmail Check/MO Include 21+ age statement This publication produced by Fakir Musafar; contains features on all body modifications, from corsetry to cutting. BODY PLAY THE BOOK, VOL I Insight Books, PO Box 2575, Menlo Park, California 94026-2575 USA US $28, Europe $34, Asia $36 (US funds only) Check/MO Include 21+ age statement Softbound collection of Body Play Magazine, issues Vol. 1 #1-4, 132 p. THE CHAMELEON BODY, by Nicholas Sinclair 112 p., 64 portraits of people engaged in contemporary bodyart and fetishism. Historical and anthropological texts. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. CIRCUS OF THE SCARS, by J.T. Gregor with Tim "Torture King" Cridland Published by Brennan Dalsgard, PO Box 85781, Seattle, Washington, 98145-1781 450 pages, hardbound. Hand-drawn black and white illustrations by Ashleigh Talbot. Available only by mail-order; limited signed editions available. COLOR FULL PAIN: TATTOO & PIERCING, by Walter Kehr St Martins Pr (Trade), May 1 1997, ISBN 0789300966, 96 p., 120 black and white photos of contemporary body art, no text. CUSTOMIZED BODY, by Ted Polhemus and Housk Randall, Serpents Tail, ISBN 1-85242-522-9, 120 p., black and white portraits. Photos and text on tattoos, piercings and brandings, gender transformation, body sculpting in the context of the worldwide phenomenon of customizing of the body. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. DECORATED SKIN: A WORLD SURVEY OF BODY ART, by Karl Groning, 256 p., 418 photos Ethnic and tribal tattoo, henna, scarification, body painting. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. ETHNIC JEWELRY, edited by John Mack, British Museum Traditional ethnic and tribal jewelry from around the world. Color and black and white photos. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. EROTIC PASSION Published by Creative Art Collection, Postfach 1317, L-1013 Luxembourg 352-759244, fax 352-759352 Distributed in Germany by: ZBF-Vertriebs GmbH, Schlossbergstrasse 23, D-6200 Weisbaden / Shiernstein EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DANGERS OF TATTOOING AND BODY PIERCING, by Laura Reybold, Rosen Pub Group, Nov. 1995, ISBN 0823921514 EYE OF THE NEEDLE, by Pauline Clarke, Published in 1992 by P.A.U.K., 153, Tomkinson Rd, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8DP England In the US, available through Pleasurable Piercings, Inc., 417 Lafayette Ave, Hawthorne, 07506, 1-800-PPI-6086 (774-6086), (201) 238-0305, fax (201) 238-9564 Introductory information on piercing, essays by piercing enthusiasts, color and b&w photos. See also, SPHERES OF ADORNMENT. THE FASHIONABLE EAR: A History of Ear-Piercing Trends for Men and Women, by Ronald D. Steinbach, Vantage Press, Nov 1995, ISBN: 0533112370 FLASH PUBLICATIONS, Box 410052, San Francisco, California 94141 (415) 267-7651 Books and videos by Charles Gatewood. FLESH CANVAS Creek Music Publications LTD, PO Box 139B, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9YQ England. tel. (081) 941-7580, fax (081) 941-7582 Email contact Chris Rick, <> FS BODY FINARY, Postfach 600733, 81207 Muenchen, Germany 49 8142 57670, fax 49 8142 45594 "Lust auf Intimschmuck" (The Joy of Intimate Jewelry) Magazine In German only. Future issues will be available in English. High quality full-color magazine depicting multiple genital piercings, nipple piercings, and sexually explicit photos. You must include a signed statement of age (18+). Catalog $5.00US A HEAD OF HIS TIME, Chris Wroblewski Tribute to Hans of Copenhagen, full color photos of Hans wearing various items through his large septum piercing. A ring is pierced through the book itself, passing through photos of his penis. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. I AM NOT MY BODY Zine about extreme body modification and the medical culture. IMPACT INTERNATIONAL PIERCING MAG SIN-A-MATIC BODY PIERCING, Koenigstr. 11, 90762 Fuerth, Germany (49) 911-7499891, fax (49) 911-7499892 IN THE FLESH Premiere and only issue published in 1993 by OB Enterprises, Inc., Suite 2305, 450 Seventh Ave., NY, New York 10123-0101. Single copy: $4.95 IN THE FLESH MAGAZINE Outlaw Biker Enterprises, 5 Marine View Plaza #207, Hoboken, New Jersey, (201) 653-2700. Single copy $5.95 US, $6.95 Canada MARKS OF CIVILIZATION Artistic Transformations of the Human Body Edited by Arnold Rubin (1937-1988), who specialized in the arts of sub-Saharan Africa and was Associate Professor in the Department of Art, Design, and Art History at the University of California, Los Angeles 0-930741-12-9, 279 pages MODERN PRIMITIVES V/Search Publications Originally puyblished by RE/Search Publications which has dissolved US $18.00, ppd. Send SASE or 4 IRCs for a catalog. First published in 1989, contains interviews with bodyart enthusiasts and practitioners considered the "founders" of the Modern Primitive Movement; black and white photos. MUTILATING THE BODY: IDENTITY IN BLOOD AND INK by Kim Hewitt Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1-800-515-5118 161 pages, illustrated with black and white photos by John Davis. PIERCING WORLD Published by P.A.U.K., 153, Tomkinson Rd, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8DP England Quarterly, full-colour publication. Annual Subscription: pounds16 UK, pounds20 Europe, pounds25 overseas. Subscription to PIERCING WORLD brings automatic membership of P.A.U.K. Detailed color and B&W photos of piercings and tattoos, unusual jewelry designs, multiple piercings, piercing techniques, including all genital piercings. The magazine also includes a classified ads section and a list of EPPA registered piercers. Available in the US at $10 for single copy through Pleasurable Piercings, Inc., 417 Lafayette Ave, Hawthorne, 07506 1-800-PPI-6086 (774-6086), (201) 238-0305, fax (201) 238-9564 THE POINT, published by the Association of Professional Piercers, 519 Castro Street, Box 120, San Francisco, CA 94114 ewsletter which includes "cutting edge" information on techniques, products, sterilization, and laws that affect the piercing profession. Back issues on view at website. See also APP PROCEDURAL STANDARDS MANUAL PRIMITIVES Published by R. Mutt Press, Box 410052, San Francisco, California 94141 A collection of photos by Charles Gatewood first published in 1992; ~60 pages; limited edition of 2000 in its first edition. PUNK AND NEO-TRIBAL BODY ART, by Daniel Wojcik University Press of Mississippi, May 1995 ISBN 0878057366 Paperback, 72 pages RETURN OF THE TRIBAL, by Rufus C. Comphausen Inner Traditions Intl Ltd., September 1997 ISBN 0892816104 Paperback, 128 pages REVELATIONS, by Housk Randall 112 p. Interviews and black and white portraits, blending fetish and body art. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. SPHERES OF ADORNMENT, by Pauline Clarke, Published in 1992 by P.A.U.K., 153, Tomkinson Rd, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8DP England 152 pages, over 100 full-page color photos, covers all modes of bodyart including piercing, tattooing, hair and facial adornments. See also, EYE OF THE NEEDLE. SKIN DEEP, Plan Z Ltd, PO Box 122, Northwich, Cheshire, England, CW9 Primarily a magazine for tattoo enthusiasts. Bi-monthly. TATTOO SAVAGE Published bi-monthly by Paisano Publications,Inc. Subscriptions: PO Box 1025, Agoura Hills, California 91376-1025 (818) 889-8740 For back issue call (904) 238-1645 (Florida) Single issue $4.95; subscription $19.95 The magazine does a shop feature in every issue and covers all forms of bodyart/modification. TORTURE GARDEN: A PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVE OF THE NEW FLESH Photos documenting the famous London fetish and body art club. Available through BODY ART BOOK COLLECTION. XINES ONLINE NEWSSTAND Several badyart magazines available. 9A.2 CALENDARS AND POSTERS ===================== ANGELS OF STEEL, by Skip Williams Skip Williams, 625 SW 10th Ave., Suite 133, Portland, Oregon 97205 US $20.00 1998 edition available November 1997. Featured in issues #43 and #45 of PFIQ. BODYART CALENDAR, by Paul Callaby 32 Bishop Herbert Close, Hockering, Norfolk NR20 3HS, England (0163) 881316 14 months, full color, 5L + 2L postage "DEBRA" POSTER, by Todd Friedman Available through BODYART.COM -- -- Anne Greenblatt Manager of the rec.arts.bodyart Piercing FAQ Piercing Exquisite User Contributions:PartA - PartB [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Anne Greenblatt <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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