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alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ
Section - - What's this "netiquette"?

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    Netiquette is good Usenet etiquette.  It includes basic rules like
    the ones below.  (See also <q:1.08> - "How can I learn more about

    - Always read a newsgroup for a reasonable time before you post an
      article to it.

    - Pick the one right group for your article; don't crosspost unless
      absolutely necessary.  If you absolutely must post an article to
      more than one group, do crosspost it and don't post the same
      article separately to each group.  See <q:1.09> - "What other
      BBS newsgroups should I know about?" when considering where to post
      an article.

    - Before you post a question, make sure you're posting to the right
      newsgroup; the best way to do that is to observe the preceding
      rule.  Check the group's FAQ list (if it has one) to make sure
      that your question isn't already answered there.

    - When you post a question, if you ask for email responses then
      promise to post a summary.  Keep your promise.  And make it a real
      summary: don't just append all the email you got.  Instead, write
      your own (brief) description of the solution:  this is the best
      way to make sure you really understand it.

    - Before you post a follow-up, read the other follow-ups.  Very
      often you'll find that someone else has already made the point you
      had in mind.

    - When someone posts a question, if you want to know the answer
      don't post a "me, too".  Instead send email to the poster asking
      him or her to share responses with you.

    - When posting a follow-up to another posted article, remove all
      headers and signature lines from the old article; just keep the
      line "In <article>, so-and-so writes:".  Also cut the original
      article down as much as possible; just keep enough of it to remind
      readers of the context.

    - Keep lines in posted articles to 72-75 characters.  Many
      newsreaders chop off column 81 or arbitrarily insert a newline
      there, which makes longer lines difficult or impossible to read.
      But you need to keep well below 80 characters per line to allow
      for the > characters that get inserted when other people post
      follow-ups to your article.

    - Keep your signature to 4 lines or less (including any graphics),
      and for heaven's sake make sure it doesn't get posted twice in
      your article.

    - Don't post email without first obtaining the permission of the

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Top Document: alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ
Previous Document: - Is alt.bbs.iniquity available as a mailing list?
Next Document: - How can I learn more about Usenet?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Jeffrey Carlyle)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM