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Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Section - 3.1.4) What should I expect when Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS) engage?

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Top Document: Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Previous Document: 3.1.3) How does the Four Wheel Drive (4WD) system work?
Next Document: 3.1.5) How can I keep from getting a shock when I exit my RAV4?
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You should get feedback in the form of an audible "chunk chunk chunk"
sound AND a strong pulsing of the brake pedal.  This is normal and 
you should NOT release the pressure on the brake pedal or attempt 
to modulate the brake pedal pressure.  If you live in the snow belt, 
a good way to test your ABS is to find an open, snow-covered area, 
drive to about 30MPH, and slam on the brakes as hard as you can.  
The described effect should be obvious.

Warning: Don't test or show off your ABS system until after the 
break-in period, because it can create hot spots that can cause 
excessive brake system wear.

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Top Document: Toyota RAV4 FAQ
Previous Document: 3.1.3) How does the Four Wheel Drive (4WD) system work?
Next Document: 3.1.5) How can I keep from getting a shock when I exit my RAV4?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Ralph Becker <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM