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Welcome to [periodic posting of newsgroup guidelines]

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Archive-name: austx-jobs
News-answers-archive-name: austin-texas/jobs/faq
Posting-frequency: monthly
Version: $Id: austx-jobs,v 1.12 1997/08/07 03:43:01 chip Exp $

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Welcome to  This newsgroup is for messages regarding
employment in Austin.  This includes postings of jobs offered and
wanted, as well as general discussions about work.

This message contains the guidelines for posting to
They represent the consensus of the Austin Usenet community.  Please
respect the desires of that community:  read this message carefully
*before* posting your article to

This message is updated from time to time.  The data and version
information appears at the top of this posting.  The most up-to-date
version may be retrieved from <>.

    === Important Notice to Job Posters ===

    The Austin Usenet community has adopted these guidelines to
    help keep a useful resource.  Your invitation to
    participate here is subject to these guidelines.  If you fail
    to abide by them then your invitation will be revoked and you
    will be asked to leave.

    Remember that that Usenet isn't like a newspaper ad.  The bulk
    of the cost is shouldered by the recipient -- not the poster.
    The Usenet readers do.  Please be courteous and use this
    newsgroup appropriately.

    When these guidelines are followed, job seekers find this group
    more useful.  That's to everybody's benefit.  When this newsgroup
    starts getting filled with crud then people tune out and
    everybody loses.

Here are the guidelines:

1.  This newsgroup is for:

      - posting job openings in the greater Austin area.
      - messages looking for work in the greater Austin area.
      - discussion about job hunting and working around Austin.

2.  As indicated above, only messages about jobs in Austin are
    appropriate for this group.  If you want to post about a job
    somewhere else, it does NOT belong here.  Jobs in other areas
    should be posted to one of the national jobs groups (*)
    or to an appropriate regional newsgroup (such as,, or

3.  Job seekers may post only if they already live in the Austin
    area, or are committed to moving here.

4.  We recommend that job seekers do NOT post their resume here.
    That's a highly inefficient use of net.bandwidth.  Instead,
    consider posting a short article summarizing your interests
    and experience.  You can provide a full resume at the time
    interested people contact you.  Besides, you'd rather send out
    four-color Postscript resumes anyway; 80-column US-ASCII resumes
    are ugly. :-)

5.  We define a job as a postion for which a person will be
    compensated in return for work or services, and that compensation
    will be subject to Federal tax witholding (form W-2) or reporting
    (form 1099).  Postings for commission-only salespeople,
    independant distributors, work-at-home envelope stuffing, and
    the like are specifically forbidden.

6.  Messages about full-time, part-time, and contract job positions
    are all appropriate for this group.

7.  Financial opportunity postings, including solicitations for
    multi-level marketing organizations, are NOT appropriate for
    this newsgroup.

9.  Commercial soliciations are NOT appropriate for this group.
    This includes advertisements of services for job-seekers,
    announcement of "free" items to promote your service, and
    solicitations for consulting customers.

10. Do not repost messages more frequently than once a week.

11. If you post here, please be prepared to accept responses,
    resumes, and questions by email.  This newsgroup will be more
    effective for you (and less frustrating for job seekers) if
    you are equipped to handle the initial contact and screening
    by email.

12. If you are NOT the person who handles the email contact, put
    a Reply-To: header in your posting that points email responses
    to the right address.  Do not simply say ``send email to...''
    in the body of your message and expect responses to go there.
    They won't.

13. General good ideas for any Usenet posting:  Avoid strange line
    breaks and long lines that wrap around a typical terminal
    screen.  We suggest you break your lines at 72 columns or less.
    Whitespace is your friend (within reason).  Carefully spell
    check and proofread your submissions; nothing screams
    ``unprofessional'' louder than poorly crafted prose.  Please
    go easy on the Cap-Shift key.  Do NOT right-justify your text;
    leave ``ragged right margins.''  We are not impressed that you
    can construct your company logo out of Xs and /s.  ``ASCII
    art'' and gratuitous typesetting effects are discouraged.  A
    double pox on people who use overly long signatures.

Readers:  This group often is littered with postings for
so-called business opportunities and get-rich-quick schemes.
Beware!  They don't merely violate these guidelines, they often
are illegal.  Be informed and stay cautious.  For some excellent
information on the scams that prey on job seekers, see:

End of austx-jobs Guidelines
Chip Rosenthal * * <>
They're after my domain! *

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM