Archive-name: aus-ads
Posting-Frequency: weekly Last-modified: 1997/2/8 Version: Revision: 1.21 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge CONTENTS ======== 0) What's new in this FAQ 1) Where to get this FAQ 2) How to use the newsgroups 3) Readers of the newsgroups (Americans, please read!) 4) The newsgroups 5) Subject lines 6) Complaints and spam 7) Followups 8) Obsolete Australian advertising newsgroups 9) Working in Australia 10) Miscellaneous 10) Blacklist 11) Credits 0) What's new in this FAQ ========================= - More entries for the "Blacklist" section - Changed dstc URLS to URLS 1) Where to get this FAQ ======================== The latest version of this file is always available at It is regularly posted to the hierarchy of newsgroups and news.answers It can therefore also be retrieved from any mirror of the rtfm usenet archives. A good Australian archive of rtfm is at in which this FAQ can be obtained at 1) How to use the newsgroups ==================================== This document describes how the newsgroups are intended to be used. These are not rules - on Usenet, there are no rules - but if you do not follow them, people can give you a hard time. So, please take the time to read this guide, and bear it in mind when you post to the groups. Simple general `rules' to remember: a) Choose the right newsgroup! b) Don't crosspost! c) Don't post the same article in multiple groups! d) Read news.announce.newusers first! This eliminates the possibility of being publicly castigated for being a twit, and it will also ensure that your advertisement is read by people who want to see it. Not doing so will result in people getting annoyed with you, putting you in their killfiles or posting derogatory follow-up messages, thus reducing the effectiveness of your advertisement and any future advertisements you might place. 2) Readers of the newsgroups ==================================== The `aus' in is an abbreviation of `Australia'. The newsgroups are intended for residents in Australia, New Zealand and the surrounding islands. This means: a) Readers assume prices quoted are in their local currency (usually Australian or New Zealand dollars). b) It is in bad taste to advertise goods or services unavailable to, or illegal for, residents. c) The `aus' in does not mean `Austin, Texas'. Use the* newsgroups if you have an advertisement intended for a world-wide audience. 3) The newsgroups ========================= Below is a description of all the newsgroups in this hierarchy: - Commercial advertisements, both wanted and for ------------------ sale. Jobs go in - Miscellaneous items for sale (except computers) by --------------- individuals. Commercial advertisements go in - Computer hardware and software sold by ------------------------- individuals. Commercial advertisements go in - Jobs wanted or available. ------------ Also see separate FAQ by mailing with the subject line "GET aajFAQ" and the body empty. - Jobs wanted or available (moderated). ---------------------- Also see separate FAQ by mailing with the subject line "GET FAQ" and the body empty. - All items wanted by individuals, including -------------- computer hardware and software. Commercial advertisements go in 4) Subject lines ================ The subject line you use should be as informative as possible. It should look like this: Subject: [Location] Item For example: Subject: [WOLLONGONG] 1978 Datsun 200B, with excellent rust Subject: [DARWIN] AS/400 Programmer/Analyst There is no need to add `wanted', `WTB', `job available', `for sale' or `FS', as that is usually implied by an appropriate choice of newsgroup (see Section 3). The LOCATION is necessary because your advertisement will go out to the entire continent and half the planet. It will help readers use killfiles to highlight or ignore advertisements. 5) Complaints and spam ====================== If you object to an advertisement, please complain to the poster or the poster's site administrator via e-mail. The site administrator is usually If you think an article is a spam, check first before announcing your discovery to the rest of the newsgroup. Check the `Path:' field before sending your letter; forged `From:' and `Reply-To:' addresses have been used to mail-bomb unsuspecting people. Please do not follow-up to the newsgroups, since these are intended for advertisements, not discussion. The following canned replies might be useful for e-mailing errant posters: The* hierarchy is for Australian advertisements. Please consider whether your post is appropriate. For further information on the* hierarchy please read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list) which is posted regularly and can be found at Thanks Please post your commercial advertisements in only as per the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list) which is posted regularly and can be found at Thanks Please post your computer hardware and software advertisements in only as per the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list) which is posted regularly and can be found at Thanks Please post your wanted advertisements in only as per the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list) which is posted regularly and can be found at Thanks 6) Followups ============ Please direct discussion to appropriate newsgroups by modifying the ``Followup-To:'' line (eg. Followup-To: aus.computers). Some suggested newsgroups for followups are: aus.bicycles - human-powered vehicles aus.books - books - motor vehicles aus.comms - modems aus.computers - computers in general aus.computers.amiga - Amiga computers - IBM-PC computers aus.computers.mac - Macintosh computers aus.computers.sun - Sun computers - News on Usenet aus.general - everything else 7) Obsolete Australian advertising newsgroups ============================================= The following newsgroups have been replaced by the hierarchy: aus.wanted The newsgroup might have been created by accident. 8) Working in Australia ======================= This section comes from David le Comte ( Many Australians and many Nth Americans are under the impression that foreign workers can be sponsored here, as they can be in the US and Canada. They often post in, and soc.culture.australian, asking for sponsors. Whilst it is true that companies can sponsor staff, the conditions that apply are very onerous, and usually rigidly applied. There are many categories for sponsorship. For examples entertainers can be brought in for shows, movies, plays etc, quite easily. Similarly academics can be sponsored quite easily by Universities etc. Similarly foreign embassies can sponsor their staff easily. Out of the plethora of sponsorship categories, only three might apply to corporations. One category is reserved for executives. This is for foreign owned companies to bring in senior management for terms of up to two years. The positions must be management positions, and some proof of that is required. Another category is referred to as Exchange. Whilst this usually applies to government and/or academic institutions, there may be possibilities for corporations to exchange staff with overseas branches. The sponsor has to provide all relevant details and an individual assessment is made. The third category relevant to companies is to sponsor a "Specialist". This is exclusively to sponsor a staff member whose skills and specialties cannot be found in Australia. To prove this a company has to be able to show all of the following, should they wish to sponsor someone for 4 to 12 months: 1) Proof that the job was advertised at the local CES and PES, within the last four months, with a letter from the local manager of such an office indicating that this had occured. 2) Proof that advertisements including salary and conditions, had been run in local, major metropolitan, and National newspapers, as well as at least one trade or professional journal within the last 6 months. Such proof is not required for appointments less than 4 months. Such sponsorships cannot be extended beyond 12 months. 9) Miscellaneous ================ a) Nobody knows what your stuff is worth, but sometimes people ask for ridiculous prices for computer equipment. A sad, but true, fact is that computer hardware depreciates at a huge rate. Check classified advertisements for gear like yours before setting a price. You will probably be shocked by how little your five-year-old PC is worth. This goes for anything, as much as computers. b) If you include a phone number in your advertisements, remember to include your area code and a contact name. For example: `(0X) YYYY-ZZZZ, ask for Bruce'. c) Use a `Distribution:' line if you know of an appropriate distribution for your ad. For example, `melb' means Melbourne, `aus' means Australia. d) Further discussion on whether advertising is allowed is referred to, where people actually give a damn. e) None of these newsgroups are moderated. No one has volunteered. This matter is being debated in f) Suggestions for changes to this FAQ are welcome. For discussion, please use 11) Blacklist ============= The following is a list of posters who refuse to conform to the guidelines laid out in this FAQ. Posters are added to this list only after explicitly stating their decision or after repeatedly ignoring requests to state their position. This is not a judgement on their character, simply a record of fact. The decision to take any action based on this list, such as the addition of entries to killfiles or the refusal to sell to or buy from specific people, is for each individual to make. Suggestions for additions are welcome and will be investigated by the maintainer. (Danny) (Danny) (John Fonhof) (Bozzo Brown) Oliver Fleming <> Geoff Owen <> Thomas <> Kollanur <CHETK@LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU> Edwin Knox <> (Ronald Wiplinger) (MUGEN CRX EF8) (Concorde Computers) (Adam Oswald) (Rodney Allan) (Nikol Su) (Nickolas Rorris) (Simon Kelleher) (Liam Kelleher) (JOE MCGRATH) (Aussie Bob) (Hot Price Computer Wholesale) Kaitlyn Arts <> (Dean Malandris) (Matt Bowden) Aust Computer Liquidations <> Dan Martin <> (Adam Oswald) JOHNSON <> "Aust. Computer Liquidations" <> "The Magician" <> Much more info on Usenet and Internet advertiser blacklists is available at 11) Credits =========== This FAQ was originally written by Phil Herring and was modified and maintained by Soh Kam Hung. It is now maintained by Adam Frey <> User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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