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[sci.astro] Solar System (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (5/9)
Section - E.05 When will the Sun die? How?

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Solar System (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (5/9)
Previous Document: E.04 Could the Sun be part of a binary (multiple) star system?
Next Document: E.06 What happens to the planets when the Sun dies?
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The Sun is a yellow, G2 V main sequence dwarf.  Yellow dwarfs live 
about 10 billion years (from zero-age main sequence to white dwarf 
formation), and our Sun is already about 5 billion years old.

Main sequence stars (like our Sun) are those that fuse hydrogen into
helium, though the exact reactions vary depending on the mass of the
star.  The main sequence phase is by far the most stable and
long-lived portion of a star's lifetime; the remainder of a star's
evolution is almost an afterthought, even though the results of that
evolution are what are most visible in the night sky.  As the Sun
ages, it will increase steadily in luminosity.  In approximately 5
billion years, when the hydrogen in the Sun's core is mostly
exhausted, the core will collapse---and, consequently, its temperature
will rise---until the Sun begins fusion helium into carbon.  Because
the helium fuel source will release more energy than hydrogen, the
Sun's outer layers will swell, as well as leaking away some of its
outer atmosphere to space.  When the conversion to the new fuel source
is complete, the Sun will be slightly decreased in mass, as well as
extending out to the current orbit of Earth or Mars (both of which
will then be somewhat further out due to the Sun's slightly decreased
mass).  Since the Sun's fuel source will not have increased in
proportion to its size, the blackbody power law indicates that the
surface of the Sun will be cooler than it is now, and will become a
cool, deep red.  The Sun will have become a red giant.

A few tens or hundreds of millions of years after the Sun enters its 
red giant phase (or "helium main sequence"; the traditional main 
sequence is occasionally referred to as the hydrogen main sequence to 
contrast the other main sequences that a massive star enters), the Sun 
will begin to exhaust its fuel supply of helium.  As before, when the 
Sun left the (hydrogen) main sequence, the core will contract, which 
will correspondingly lead to an increase in temperature in the core.

For very massive stars, this second core collapse would lead to a 
carbon main sequence, where carbon would fuse into even heavier 
elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen.  However, the Sun is not 
massive enough to support the fusion of carbon; instead of finding 
newer fuel sources, the Sun's core will collapse until degenerate 
electrons---electrons which are in such a compressed state that their 
freedom of movement is quantum mechanically restricted---smashed 
together in the incredible pressures of the gravitational collapse, 
will halt the core's collapse.  Due to the energy radiated away during 
the process process of the formation of this electron-degenerate core, 
the atmosphere of the Sun will be blown away into space, forming what 
astronomers call a planetary nebula (named such because it resembles a 
planetary disk in the telescope, not because it necessarily has 
anything to do with planets).  The resulting dense, degenerate core is 
called a white dwarf, with a mass of something like the Sun compressed 
into a volume about that of the Earth's.

White dwarfs are initially extremely hot.  But since the white dwarf
is supported by degenerate electrons, and has no nuclear fuel to speak
of to create more heat, they have no alternative but to cool.  Once
the white dwarf has cooled sufficiently---a process which will take
many billions of years---it is called an exhausted white dwarf, or a
black dwarf.

User Contributions:

Keith Phemister
Sep 13, 2024 @ 11:23 pm
Copied from above: If the Universe were infinitely old, infinite in extent, and filled
with stars, then every direction you looked would eventually end on
the surface of a star, and the whole sky would be as bright as the
surface of the Sun.
Why would anyone assume this? Certainly, we have directions where we look that are dark because something that does not emit light (is not a star) is between us and the light. A close example is in our own solar system. When we look at the Sun (a star) during a solar eclipse the Moon blocks the light. When we look at the inner planets of our solar system (Mercury and Venus) as they pass between us and the Sun, do we not get the same effect, i.e. in the direction of the planet we see no light from the Sun? Those planets simply look like dark spots on the Sun.
Olbers' paradox seems to assume that only stars exist in the universe, but what about the planets? Aren't there more planets than stars, thus more obstructions to light than sources of light?
What may be more interesting is why can we see certain stars seemingly continuously. Are there no planets or other obstructions between them and us? Or is the twinkle in stars just caused by the movement of obstructions across the path of light between the stars and us? I was always told the twinkle defines a star while the steady light reflected by our planets defines a planet. Is that because the planets of our solar system don't have the obstructions between Earth and them to cause a twinkle effect?
9-14-2024 KP

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