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[sci.astro] Solar System (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (5/9)
Section - E.00 Sun, Moon, and Planets

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Solar System (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (5/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: E.01 How did the solar system form?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
[Dates in brackets are last edit.]

    E.01 How did the solar system form? [2000-07-15]
    E.02 Has anyone attempted to discern details of the star that went
         supernova and formed our local group of stars? [2002-05-04]
    E.03 What is the "Solar Neutrino Problem"? [1997-07-01]
    E.04 Could the Sun be part of a binary (multiple) star system?
    E.05 When will the Sun die?  How? [1995-08-23]
    E.06 What happens to the planets when the Sun dies? [2000-03-17]
    E.07 Could the Sun explode? [1995-07-07]
    E.08 How are solar system objects and features named? [1995-11-29]
    E.09 Where can I find pictures and planetary data? (ref)
    E.10 Could Jupiter become a star? [1995-07-07]
    E.11 Is Pluto a planet?  Is Ceres?  Is Titan? [1995-08-18]
    E.12 Additional planets:
      12.1 What about a planet (Planet X) outside Pluto's orbit?
      12.2 What about a planet inside Mercury's orbit? [1996-11-20]
    E.13 Won't there be catastrophes when the planets align in the
         year 2000? [2000-07-15]
    E.14 Earth-Moon system:
      14.1 Why doesn't the Moon rotate? [1997-10-01]
      14.2 Why does the Moon always show the same face to the 
           Earth? [1997-10-01]
      14.3 Is the Moon moving away from the Earth? (and why is Phobos
           moving closer to Mars?) [1997-06-04]
      14.4 What was the origin of the Moon? [1998-11-04]
    E.15 What's the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse?
         Where can I find more information about eclipses?
    E.16 What's the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt? [1998-02-28]
    E.17 Asteroid Impacts
      17.1 What would be the effects of an asteroid impact on the
         Earth? [1998-04-14]
      17.2 What can we do about avoiding impacts? [2000-01-26]
      17.3 I heard that an asteroid was going to hit the Earth?!
    E.18 What's the difference between meteoroids, meteors, and
         meteorites? [1998-04-14]
    E.19 How do we know that meteorites are from the Mars? (or the
         Moon?) [2002-05-04]

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Solar System (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (5/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: E.01 How did the solar system form?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM