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[sci.astro] Time (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (3/9)
Section - C.00 Time, Calendars, and Terrestrial Phenomena

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Time (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (3/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: C.01 When is 02/01/04? or is there a standard way of writing dates?
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[Dates in brackets are last edit.]

    C.01 When is 02/01/04? or is there a standard way of writing 
           dates? [2001-12-14]
    C.02 What are all those different kinds of time? [2002-05-07]
    C.03 How do I compute astronomical phenomena for my location?
    C.04 What's a Julian date? modified Julian date? [1998-05-06]
    C.05 Was 2000 a leap year? [2000-03-17]
    C.06 When will the new millennium start? [2001-01-01]
    C.07 Easter:
      07.1 When is Easter? [1996-05-01]
      07.2 Can I calculate the date of Easter? [1996-12-11]
    C.08 What is a "blue moon?" [2001-10-02]
    C.09 What is the Green Flash (or Green Ray)? [1999-01-01]
    C.10 Why isn't the earliest Sunrise (and latest Sunset) on the 
           longest day of the year? [2002-01-30]
    C.11 How do I calculate the phase of the moon? [1996-10-08]
    C.12 What is the time delivered by a GPS receiver? [2002-05-07]
    C.13 Why are there two tides a day and not just one? [1999-12-15]

There is also a calendar FAQ maintained by Claus Tondering

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Top Document: [sci.astro] Time (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (3/9)
Previous Document: Introduction
Next Document: C.01 When is 02/01/04? or is there a standard way of writing dates?

Part0 - Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Part8 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM