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[alt.astrology] FAQ Part 1/11: Contents of this FAQ

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NOTE: This document does *not* provide information about
      Jyotish -- also known as Vedic, Hindu, or Indian astrology.
      It appears in other documents.


Archive-name: astrology-faq
Last-modified: 13 January 1998

            ****** FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ******

Here are some questions commonly asked by new readers of
alt.astrology; the answers to each are given after the list of

 1)  For what sort of discussions is alt.astrology intended?

                  *** Requests for Services ***

 2)  Could someone please cast my chart and/or do a chart
     interpretation for me?

 3)  I have no idea what to do with my life. Here are my birth 
     data. Can someone please tell me what I should do?

 4)  I was born on a day when the Sun changes sign. Which sign is 
     my Sun in?

 5)  Which Sun-signs are compatible with mine?

       *** Questions About How Astrology is Practiced ***

 6)  Is the Sun-sign all that is important for assessing 
     personality and for prediction, or is there more to 

 7)  How can one predict the nature of a relationship using 

   *** Questions About Learning and Researching Astrology ***

 8)  Can anyone recommend a good book on astrology for beginners?

 9)  What is the best approach to learning astrology?

10)  How can I learn about astrology's history and ancient

11)  Where can I find scientific research on astrology?

                    *** General Questions ***

12)  I have seen people born within days/hours of one another 
     whose lives are really different. How come?

13)  What is the meaning of the term "the Age of Aquarius"?

14)  How is it possible for astrology to work?

15)  Does astrology control my future? Is it "wrong" to use 
     astrology to learn what the future holds for me? I'm scared.

               *** Questions About Birth Data ***

16)  I notice that I need to know the time zone used in the place
     I was born and the latitude and longitude of my place of 
     birth in order to erect a chart. How can I find such 

17)  I do not know what time of day I was born. Is there some way
     to find out?

          *** Questions About Astrological Software ***

18)  Does anyone know if there is any software available for 

19)  Where can I get a copy of the astrological freeware 

         *** Questions About Alt.astrology Resources ***

20)  How can I obtain a copy of the alt.astrology "resource 

       *** Questions About the Alt.astrology Ftp Site ***

21)  How do I use ftp to get files from the alt.astrology ftp 

           *** Questions About Offensive Postings ***

22)  I enjoy many of the postings in this group, but there are
     one or two people whose postings are offensive and/or there
     are certain topics that just don't interest me. Is there
     some way to avoid seeing postings by certain people or
     concerning a certain topic?

23)  Who is Dr. Jai Maharaj?

          *** Questions About Astrology and the Law ***

24)  Is it legal to practice astrology where I live, and, if not,
     what can be done about it?

 *** Questions About Astrological Forums, outside of USENET ***

25)  I don't have access to USENET. Is there some other way I can
     read articles in alt.astrology, such as having them mailed
     to me?

26)  Is there any other electronic forum for astrological

      *** Questions About Other Astrological Resources ***

27)  Where can I find astrology stuff on the World Wide Web?

*** Questions Asked With Surprising Frequency by Disbelievers ***

28)  Every sensible person knows that astrology couldn't possibly 
     work, so why are you people wasting your time?

29)  How could planetary forces, of whatever nature, act upon an 
     infant when it is outside the mother, but not when it is a 
     fetus in the womb? Why should the forces only have effect at 
     the moment of birth?

30)  Don't you guys know that astrology depends on a geocentric 
     astronomy? Copernicus blew it away. Astrology can't work 
     because it depends on the view that we are at the centre  of
     the universe, which we clearly are not.

31)  Don't you guys know that no cause for astrological effects 
     is known? Therefore such effects cannot exist.

32)  Don't you guys know that tests of groups of astrologers show 
     they do no better than chance? Therefore astrology does not 

33)  Don't you guys know that astrology makes an infinity of 
     claims? You could never test them all. Therefore we can 
     dismiss it out of hand.

34)  Don't you guys know that you can't really prove a negative, 
     such as astrology never working, anyway? Therefore we can 
     dismiss it out of hand.

35)  Legitimate scientists (or educated people, etc., etc.) 
     universally despise astrology. Can such a weight of opinion 
     be wrong?

36)  Why don't astrologers consider the fact that when the Sun is 
     in the sign of Aries, it is not really in the constellation 

                 *** Questions About the FAQ ***

37)  I have a suggestion for this FAQ list. What do I do?

                      ****** ANSWERS ******

 1)  For what sort of discussions is alt.astrology intended?

Answer: Alt.astrology is intended as a forum for astrologers of
all levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced, to discuss
astrological topics.

Alt.astrology is *not* intended as a forum for disbelievers to
voice their contempt for astrologers or to harass astrologers
about their belief in astrology and demand of them scientific
proof. Groups discussing the scientific validity of theories are
prefixed with "sci." If you wish to discuss the validity of
astrology as a discipline (as opposed to the validity of specific
theoretical statements within the domain of astrology), the
appropriate group on which to post is sci.skeptic. Here is the
statement of purpose for that group:

     "Sci.skeptic is for those who are skeptical about claims  of
the paranormal to meet with those who believe in the  paranormal.
In this way the paranormalists can expose  their ideas to
scientific scrutiny, and if there is  anything in these ideas
then the skeptics might learn  something."

Sci.skeptic often contains long discussions of scientific
evidence for and against specific astrological hypotheses, and
such discussion is welcome in that group. Further, many members
of that group are qualified to evaluate scientific evidence. The
astrologers in this group who enjoy participating in such
discussion with skeptics read and post to sci.skeptic.

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.      
 2004 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM