Top Document: FAQ 1/2 Previous Document: [5.13] MountainGate (was Metrum) VHS {brief} Next Document: [5.15] 19MM (D1 and D2) {Brief} See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge From: Tape This appeared recently in the newsgroup, but I don't know anything about it. This is the widget that takes data in one end and spits out a video signal that you can pipe into your home VCR to use your it for data storage. It's only $350, but, for those of us in the U.S. and Japan, it doesn't work for NTSC VCRs. From: Subject: VTS Tech Specifications for Users Date: Mon Nov 28 09:24:29 PST 1994 X-Gateway: Having received a lot of questions from different users of VTS 1020, I'd like to answer them giving short specifications of this unit. 1. CAPACITY: 4 GB Compressed / 2 GB Uncompressed on one E-180 cassette. The amount of data grows according to the tape length. 2. SPEED: 100 KB/sec for PC/AT 286-16 Mhz 200 KB/sec for PC/AT 386-33 Mhz etc. 3. SOFTWARE: The current version is for DOS. Windows support-DOS Window. Read/Write verification is provided. 4. VIDEO: PAL/SECAM System, VHS Tape Also from the newsgroup a while back: We, AT Systems Inc., are distributors of VCR cassete backup kits (including PC board and software package with 1 year warranty and 2 weeks money back policy), please send all inquiries to my e-mail address (Michael V. Kuzmin,, 4/95) And more recently: Check out a company call Cybernetics in Yorktown, Virginia. They put Sony VCR drives in their own enclosures for backup devices. Contact Thomas Dougherty at (804) 833-9000. (Mike Rothenberg,, 1996/4/1) User Contributions:Top Document: FAQ 1/2 Previous Document: [5.13] MountainGate (was Metrum) VHS {brief} Next Document: [5.15] 19MM (D1 and D2) {Brief} Part1 - Part2 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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