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FAQ for NEWS.SOFTWARE.ANU-NEWS. Last update 24-Aug-1998.

This monthly posting is edited by Bob Sloane, University of Kansas.
Please send any suggestions for improvement to

1.  What is ANU News?

ANU NEWS is a computer-based conferencing system for OpenVMS systems.  ANU
NEWS can be connected into the Global USENET news network and/or any other
news network.  ANU NEWS supports both DECnet and TCP/IP (Multinet, WIN/TCP,
Ultrix Connection, EXCELAN TCP, and CMU) as transports.

The current version of ANU NEWS is 6.2.

2.  Purpose of

The purpose of is to discuss any and all ANU NEWS
related issues.  It is the primary support channel for ANU NEWS users.
New versions, fixes, workarounds, etc are posted to the newsgroup.  Bug 
reports/fixes and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.  Please 
always RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual) before posting.

3.  How to subscribe

On USENET, is a regularly available newsgroup.  In
general, it is preferable to read the newsgroup instead of the mailing list.

Email users may send MAIL to LISTSERV@listserv.NoDak.EDU or
LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 with the first line of the TEXT or BODY of mail

      SUB ANU-NEWS firstname lastname   (e.g. SUB ANU-NEWS John Doe ).

4.  Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I acquire a copy of ANU News?  A: ANU News is available for
   anonymous FTP from (Kansas, USA).  Other sites may
   also have it available..

   Archives of the mailing list/newsgroup are available via anonymous ftp
   Patches are available via anonymous ftp from

Q: Does anybody have documentation for ANU News?
A: At the anonymous FTP sites, you will find another compressed backup
   saveset called something like NEWS_V61-BETA10_DOC.ZIP.  It contains the
   documentation for ANU News.

Q: What should I do about all these compilation errors in V6.1b10?

A: The u_int problem is fixed by an ECO from Cisci/TGV.  Ftp to, username anonymous, password decc052h, grab
   the header files, and put them in [multinet.include.sys].

   The getopt problems are cured by editing inpaths.c and changing all
   strings "getopt" to "my_getopt".

   You may also need to edit nntpinclude.h and delete the definition
   of getpeername around line 127

   You may also need to edit newsutility.c and delete the definition of sleep.

   You may still get a few warnings but you can probably ignore them.
   (Thanks to James Kirkpatrick for this answer)

Q: Does ANU News support XOVER in the NNTP Server?
A: Well, sort of.  There is some simple minded XOVER code in the V6.1b10
   server.  First, you needed to get patch 950817_NNTP_SERVER.PATCH
   from the patch archives at and apply it.  Then put
   "#define XOVER" near the beginning of NNTP_SERVER.C and rebuild NEWS.
   A better version of XOVER support is available in V6.2, but the
   "#define XOVER" is still needed.

Q: NEWS is sending everything I get back to my feed system. What do I do?
A: Make sure that the system name in NEWS.SYS matches what your feed
   system puts in the Path: header.

Q: I am remote reading (diskless client) with ANU from a Cnews site and
   my users regularly crash due to memory problems.
A: Verify that NNTP on the Cnews side is returning the correct message
   numbers on the list command.  If not, then ask the remote system's news
   administrator to run upact on a regular basis to update the number in
   the active file.

Q: How do I connect to an NNTP server?
A: Try "news/netsever=newshost/netproto=tcp" where "newshost" is the name
   of the NNTP server. Note this connects over a TCP/IP network and requires
   that News was built to support to support that service. Also requires
   that the server accept a connection from your system.

Q: News is awfully slow to start up. Especially for NNTP connections.
A: News> set profile/fastload
   Will configure news to only load those newsgroup in which you are registered.
   This makes the start up considerably faster but you don't have access to
   groups you're not registered in.  There have been reports of problems
   such as access violations and hangs when using this feature.

Q: News is still slow to start up to an NNTP server.
A: News> set profile/display=(unseenstack,nolines,nopost)
   Will configure news to only show you new articles and will not retrieve
   the line count or posting date. This is especially useful if you're
   running off of an NNTP server that doesn't support ANU extensions to NNTP.
   Retrieving line counts and posting dates is notoriously time consuming.

Q: How do I get a signature file appended to my articles?
A: News> set profile/
   Note you should keep your signature file brief -- no more than three
Q: How do I get my full name into my return address?
A: News> set profile/personal_name="Your Name"

Q: I want to use emacs as my editor.
A: News> set profile/editor=emacs
   Note this requires, of course, that you have emacs installed on your

Q: Command recall doesn't work.
A: Of course it does -- use CTRL-B to go back a command. The arrow keys
   have been bound to other commands.  If you would prefer to use the arrow
   keys for command recall, then do: News> set profile/line_editing

Q: Do I need this big newsrc. file?
A: News> set profile/rcfilter
   Will store only the registered groups in your newsrc. file, this makes
   rewritting the file quicker. Note that this will prevent you from
   accessing any groups not in your newsrc. file.

Q: I want to display groups in a different order.
A: News> set profile/rcorder
   Will display newsgroups in the order they are listed in your newsrc.
   file -- edit the file to order things accordingly.

Q: I have just installed the NEWS server software.  When I ran it the first
   time, I got the message:
        RMS-E-FNF, file not found
        RMS-F-IFI, invalid internal file identifier
A: Either there is some problem with your NEWS logicals, the NEWS
   executable is not properly installed, or the account that you started
   NEWS from the first time doesn't have the NEWS manager id granted to it.

Q: I am having problems getting KILL filters to work.
A: In some versions of NEWS there is a bug in KILL/FROM.  Just do
   MODIFY KILL n where n is the number of the kill filter that isn't
   working and delete the from: from the beginning of the filter.
USmail: Bob Sloane, University of Kansas Computer Center, Lawrence, KS, 66045
E-mail: Phone:(785)864-0444
USmail: Bob Sloane, University of Kansas Computer Center, Lawrence, KS, 66045
E-mail:, Phone: (913) 864-0444, FAX: (913) 864-0485

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM