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Another listing of newsgroups in the "alt" hierarchy, Part 3 of 10

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Archive-name: alt-newsgroups/part3
Last-modified: 15 July 1997 by

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alt.braces		0000604	.
alt.brain			=alt.human-brain
alt.brain.teasers	0001397	.
alt.breast-implant.moderated	\
			0000025	.
alt.brewing		0000001	.	\
			0000095	.	\
			0000106	Accusations of hypocrisy. Bang.
alt.british.comedy		=alt.comedy.british		0002547	The born-again minister touring US campuses.	\
			0000010	.
alt.bubba-love.el-caminoville	\
			0000105	Fun times at the Missouri-Rolla computer center.
alt.bucky-fuller	0000018	Discussion about the ideas of Buckminster Fuller.
alt.buddha		0000150	.
alt.buddha.short.fat.guy	\
			0021066	Religion. And not religion. Both. Neither.	\
alt.buds		0000104	IRC Chat channel #buds.
alt.building.announcements	\
			0000612	Building industry announcements.
alt.building.architecture	\
			0001346	Building industry architecture.	\
			0003237	Building industry construction.	\
			0000539	Building industry consulting & specialty.
alt.building.distributor-dealer	\
			0000277	Building industry distributor-dealer.	0000000	.	0000296	Building industry education.	\
			0000813	Building industry engineering.
alt.building.environment	\
			0000607	Building industry environment.	0001065	Building industry finance.	0000188	Building industry government issues.	\
			0000396	Building industry health-safety.	\
			0000174	Building industry insurance, bonding & surety.
alt.building.interior-design	\
			0000510	Building industry interior design.	0002440	Building industry jobs.
alt.building.landfill	0000153	Building industry landfill.
alt.building.landscape	0000336	Building industry landscape.	0000238	Building industry law.
alt.building.manufacturing	\
			0000574	Building industry manufacturing.
alt.building.mining	0000135	Building industry mining.
alt.building.planning-preservation	\
			0000188	Building industry planning & preservation.	0003250	Real estate and the building industry.
alt.building.recycle	0000241	Building industry recycle.
alt.building.research	0000190	Building industry research.
alt.building.resumes	0000514	Building industry resumes.
alt.building.survey-mapping	\
			0000261	Building industry surveying & mapping.
alt.building.union-assn-society	\
			0000163	Building industry union, association & society.	\
			0000003	.	\
			0004501	Corporate accountability.	\
			0015440	Job possibilities for managers.	0000067	.	0002891	Topics dealing with franchising/franchise management.	0025509	.	0087669	For displaying PC home business plans and services.	\
			0006639	Hotel, resort, tour and restaurant businesses.	\
			0062916	Business aspects of international trade.	\
			0006000	International trade in computers.	\
			0000573	.	\
			0002577	International trade in food.	\
			0000369	Import-export trade forum. (Moderated)	\
			0004439	International trade in raw materials.	\
			0007781	International trade in services.	\
			0000020	.	\
			0000186	.	0003488	All about the insurance industry.	\
			0000000	.	\
			0002174	Discussion of internal auditing.	\
			0000056	.	0245012	All aspects of commerce.	\
			0146662	Multi-Level Marketing is NOT Pyramid Sales, honest!...	\
			0000085	Some multi-level marketing scheme.	\
			0000000	.	\
			0000149	Network marketing/MLM/home business. (Moderated)	\
			0005840	Hey, look! Mikey likes it!	0008577	About taxhaven/offshore/datahaven corporations & trusts.	0000011	Discussion of the buying and selling of property.	0007604	Business seminars.	\
			0000035	. (Moderated)
alt.butt-keg.marmalade	0000115	Typical yanqui analytic humor.
alt.butt.harp		0009163	The ultimate hum job.
alt.buttered.scones	0000171	You bring the tea.
alt.butthead.religion.sue.sue.sue	\
			0000137	.
alt.buttholes		0000008	.
alt.butts		0002833	Cigarettes, guns, logs, casks, you name it.
alt.c0deboy		0000028	.
alt.c2.users		0000006	.
alt.cabal		0001381	Ah, the good ole days....	\
			0002193	This probably wouldn't fix the content problem.
alt.cad			0006473	Computer Aided Design.
alt.cad.archicad	0000003	Discussions about the architectural CAD program ArchiCAD
alt.cad.autocad			=comp.cad.autocad
alt.cad.cadkey		0001427	Cadkey, Datacad, and other Cadkey, Inc. products.
alt.cad.chiefarchitect	0000040	.
alt.cad.minicad		0000045	.		0000010	.
alt.calc-reform		0000158	Making hardened calcium a productive member of society.
alt.calculator.casio	0000182	Casio fx Calculators.
alt.california		0025440	The state and the state of mind.	\
			0000000	.
alt.california.illegals	0001171	.
alt.california.state-fair	\
			0000126	The one and only California State Fair.
alt.callahans		0037776	Callahan's bar for puns and fellowship.
alt.calvinball		0000035	.
alt.campaign.greyfox	0000019	.
alt.canadian		0000870	.
alt.canadian.beaver	0004519	It's the best, eh?		0000000	.
alt.cancel.armenian.garbage	\
			0000028	Cancel davidian/raffi/sdver/chakerian/etc.
alt.cancel.bots		0000007	Cancel messages of known roboposters.
alt.captain.sarcastic	0003901	For the captain's minions.
alt.cardgame.spellfire	0001085	TSR's SpellFire game.
alt.cardgames.magic.get-a-life		0000662	.	0002242	Ford Probe Discussion.		0000003	.
alt.cascade		0008483	Art or litter, you decide. Part for fitter, glue inside.
alt.cascades			=alt.cascade	\
			0000000	.
alt.casio.calculator	0000075	.
alt.castlenet		0000001	.
alt.catastrophism	0009244	Look out below!
alt.cats.ginger		0000022	.
alt.caving		0003338	Spelunking & underground exploration.
alt.ccds		0000120	CCDS - love it or leave it ...NOT! :).		0015584	Discussions of optical storage media.	0002926	Reviews of various published things available on CD-ROM.
alt.cdc			0000015	.
alt.cdworld.marketplace	0000961	.
alt.celebrities		0009883	Famous people and their sycophants.	0010335	Discussing the portable phone.
alt.cellular		0000000	. (Moderated)
alt.cellular.gsm	0001789	About GSM mobile phones.
alt.cellular.motorola	0000170	Discussion of Motorola cellular phones.
alt.cellular.oki.900	0000971	A whole group for a telephone model.
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me	\
			0000030	He deserves worse.
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
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alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
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alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censor.scott-jennings.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me.bite-me	\
alt.censorship		0066136	Discussions about restricting speech/press.
alt.censorship.canada.dumb	\
			0000363	.
alt.centipede		0000157	.
alt.centreville-3207	0000057	Modern dieting, or a cow between the eyes? You decide...
alt.cesium		0001892	Your life is ticking away in very precise increments...
alt.chameleon		0000103	.
alt.change		0000000	.
alt.change.lightbulb	0000048	.
alt.chaos		0000002	Chaos, concepts, physics, theory, and mathematics.
alt.charlie.rules.rules.rules	\
			0002044	I always thought Charlie Brown was a loser.	0000079	.
alt.cheater		0000064	.
alt.check.her.miss-jesus	\
			0000096	OUTRAGEOUS queer postings.
alt.cheese		0000596	This is cheezy.
alt.chess.ics		0001997	The Internet Chess Server	0000149	Ever kiss one?	\
			0000006	.
alt.child-molester.dogbowl	\
			0000001	More flames.
alt.child-support	0037418	Raising children in a split family.
alt.childcare		0001019	Non-parental child care. See also*.
alt.children's.camps	0000001	.
alt.childrens.rights	0000011	.
alt.chinchilla		0003021	The nature of chinchilla farming in America today.
alt.chinchillia			=alt.chinchilla
alt.chinese.computing	0003795	Discussion group for Chinese computing.
alt.chinese.fengshui	0000764	The aesthete of location, Chinese-style.
alt.chinese.story	0000268	Telling stories in the Chinese language.
alt.chinese.text	0048982	Postings in Chinese; Chinese language software.
alt.chinese.text.big5		=alt.chinese.text
alt.chinese.text.flame	0000153	Inflammatory prose in Chinese.
alt.chinese.text.hz	0008691	Posting in Chinese[HZ].
alt.chiparus		0000000	.
alt.chiplist		0000164	Discussion of Chip Woods.
alt.chips.salt-n-vinegar	\
			0000320	People fond of salt and vinegar potato chips.
alt.chiranjeevi.nudity	0000000	Discussion of his soft-porn flicks.
alt.choad		0000072	Dissin' you.
alt.christian.businessmen	\
			0000000	.
alt.christnet		0181020	Equal time.
alt.christnet.atheism		=alt.christnet		=alt.christnet	\
			0000005	.	\
alt.christnet.christianlife	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.christnews	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.comp.dcom.telecom	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.crybaby.mine.mine.mine	\
alt.christnet.demonology	\
			0000409	.
alt.christnet.dinosaur		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.dinosaur.barney	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.ethics		=alt.christnet	\
alt.christnet.evangelical	=alt.christnet		=alt.christnet	=alt.christnet	\
			0000000	.
alt.christnet.hypocrisy		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.manga		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.mdma		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.motss		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.nudism		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.philosophy	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.prayer		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.public		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.religion		=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.rightwing.loonies	\
			0000000	.
alt.christnet.satan	0000000	.
alt.christnet.second-coming	=alt.christnet
alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now	\
				=alt.christnet		=alt.christnet	\
alt.christnet.theology		=alt.christnet	0000253	So we can see better just what it is we are.	0000000	.
alt.circumcision	0000025	.
alt.circus.arts		0000296	Group for sharing and discussing circus arts.	0000036	The Citadel (S.C.) Alumni.	0000001	. (Moderated)	0000017	.	0000000	. (Moderated)
alt.civil-liberty		=alt.society.civil-liberties
alt.clans.scottish	0000003	Tartans & all that.
alt.clearing.aquaria	0000074	Auditing your pet fish and/or molluscs.
alt.clearing.homer-w-smith	\
			0000034	An Inoperant Thetan.	0000000	.
alt.clearing.scam.scam.scam	\
			0000141	"But Ron told me personally that it was OK!"	0009656	E-meters, etc.
alt.clerks		0000273	Counter culture.
alt.clerks.binaries	0000000	.
alt.cleveland.freenet.die.die.die	\
			0000000	.
alt.cloned-sheep.bah.bah.bah	\
			0000087	I see a great need.
alt.cloning		0000327	.
alt.clothes.custom-tailored	\
			0000000	.
alt.clothes.designer	0000208	The discussion of designer clothes.
alt.clothes.designer.armani	\
			0000059	Armani designer clothes.
alt.clothes.designer.versace	\
			0000076	Clothing styles by Versace.	0008326	The special secrets under wraps.	0001345	Sports, casual, collection, or just one pair.	0000079	Arabian Gulf Club discussion group.	0001419	The "La Grotta di Merlino" club.		0000023	.
alt.clubs.E-H		0000000	.	\
			0000000	.
alt.clubs.compsci	0000124	Often computer science is like being conked on the head.
alt.clubs.emperorshammer	\
			0000000	.
alt.clueless		0000792	Duh.
alt.clueless.ben-elliston	\
			0000000	.
alt.clueless.newbie.whine.whine.whine	\
			0000064	.
alt.cnd.answers		0000012	China News Digest, Answers to Technical Questions. (Moderated)
alt.cnd.canada		0000013	China News Digest, Canada Regional News. (Moderated)
alt.cnd.chinese-magazine	\
			0000000	China News Digest (CND). (Moderated)
alt.cnd.chinese-magazine.big5	\
			0000000	CND, Chinese Magazine in Big5 codes. (Moderated)
alt.cnd.cinet		0000010	CND, China InterNET Technical Forum. (Moderated)
alt.cnd.ep		0000009	China News Digest, Europe/Pacific News. (Moderated)		0000072	China News Digest (CND), Global News. (Moderated)
alt.cnd.hxwz		0000081	China News Digest, Chinese Magazine (HXWZ). (Moderated)
alt.cnd.hxwz.big5	0000001	CND, Chinese Magazine (HXWZ, big5 codes). (Moderated)		0000020	China News Digest, US Regional News. (Moderated)	0002903	The Whole Earth Review and associated lifestyles.		0000969	Discussion about co-operatives.
alt.coatings.paint	0000102	Issues related to paints and coatings.
alt.cobol			=comp.lang.cobol	0000212	A Family channel chit chat.
alt.colin-ferguson.guiltier.than.even.oj	\
			0000030	.
alt.collecting			=rec.collecting
alt.collecting.8-track-tapes	\
			0001078	Fans of the endless loop cartridge.
alt.collecting.autographs	\
			0016140	WOW! You got Pete Rose's? What about Kibo's?
alt.collecting.barbie	0000156	Do you have Bag Lady Barbie?
alt.collecting.breweriana	\
			0000005	Beer paraphenelia collecting.	\
			0000002	For collectors of casino chips.
alt.collecting.pens-pencils	\
			0003119	Pen & pencil collecting.
alt.collecting.pez	0000014	.
alt.collecting.postcard	0000042	.
alt.collecting.sports-figures	\
			0001378	Discussion of sports-related figures.
alt.collecting.stamps	0000010	.
alt.collecting.teddy-bears	\
			0002156	Collecting stuffed toy bears.
alt.collecting.warner-bros	\
			0000052	Collecting forum for WB merchandise.	\
			0000145	.	\
			0009250	Discussions of the College Bowl competition.	\
			0000003	.	0001630	Dining halls, cafeterias, mystery meat, and more!	\
			0011341	College and university fraternities.	\
			0000518	Delta Sigma Phi.	\
			0000279	Sigma Alpha Epsilon.	\
			0000629	Sigma Pi: A fellowship of kindred minds.	\
			0000285	Theta Tau fraternity discussion.	\
			0000001	Zeta Psi Fraternity topics. (Moderated)	0000077	.	0000069	The Frustrations of Higher Education.	0005972	College and university sororities.	0000904	Tunnelling beneath the campuses.		0004038	Is that "us" as in "U. S.", or do you just mean y'all?
alt.colorguard			=rec.arts.marching.colorguard			0001830	.
alt.comdex.bunch.of.cheapskate.geeks	\
			0000000	More flames.		0000189	.
alt.comedy.air-farce	0000768	Royal Canadian Air Farce.
alt.comedy.british	0013922	Discussion of British humour in a variety of media.
alt.comedy.british.blackadder	\
			0003065	Rowan Atkinson and those nifty sardonicisms.
alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre	\
			0000043	.
alt.comedy.improvisation	\
			0002601	Group improvisational comedy.
alt.comedy.jerrylewis	0000034	Discussions of, and about, the King of Comedy.
alt.comedy.laurel-hardy	0001184	The Laurel and Hardy comedy team.
alt.comedy.marx-bros	0000002	Why a duck?
alt.comedy.paul-reubens	0000063	Comedian Paul Reubens (aka Pee-Wee Herman).
alt.comedy.slapstick	0000646	Slapstick: comedy stressing farce and horseplay.
alt.comedy.slapstick.3-stooges	\
			0002629	Hey, Mo!
alt.comedy.standup	0005697	Discussion of stand-up comedy and comedians.
alt.comedy.vaudeville	0000549	Vaudeville and its descendants.
alt.comics			=rec.arts.comics.misc
alt.comics.2000ad	0000813	Discussing British comic 2000AD and related issues.
alt.comics.alan-moore	0000391	Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
alt.comics.alternative		=rec.arts.comics.alternative
alt.comics.batman	0008269	Never mind those rumours about Robin.
alt.comics.buffalo-roam	0000243	The "Where the Buffaloes Roam" postscript comic strip.
alt.comics.classic	0001171	For the discussion of golden and silver age comic books.
alt.comics.dilbert	0001273	Scott Adams's intrepid engineer.
alt.comics.elfquest	0001686	W & R Pini's ElfQuest series.	0002301	Original works using existing comic characters.
alt.comics.gunnm	0000113	Discussion of Yukito Kishiro's cyberpunk epic Gunnm.
alt.comics.image	0001838	What would a comic be without an image?
alt.comics.jack-chick	0000530	Everybody's fave fundamentalist conspiracy theorist.
alt.comics.jack-kirby	0000166	Jack Kirby, the King of Comics.
alt.comics.joe-the-circle	\
			0000078	Discussing Joe The Circle Comics.
alt.comics.karnataka	0000000	.
alt.comics.lnh		0001127	Interactive net.madness in the superhero genre.
alt.comics.peanuts	0001414	Good grief!
alt.comics.professionals	\
			0000004	.
alt.comics.ralf_konig	0000043	About RG's work.
alt.comics.sip		0000005	.
alt.comics.superman	0005234	He's dead, Jim.
alt.comics.superman.dies.dies.dies	\
			0000284	I wonder if we can get the Naked Guy to replace him.
alt.commahead		0000019	.
alt.commercial-hit-radio.must.die	\
			0000083	Video killed the radio star.	\
			0000739	Some spinoff from	\
			0001587	LETS and other local money systems.
alt.commuter.students	0000294	Learning how to use mass transit.
alt.comp			=comp.misc
alt.comp.4d		0000002	.
alt.comp.acad-freedom	\
			0000006	Computers & Academic Freedom Digest. (Moderated)	\
			0002898	Academic freedom issues related to computers.
alt.comp.altavista-forum.custom	\
			0000000	.
alt.comp.blind-users	0001297	Computer technology for the visually impaired.
alt.comp.borland-delphi	0000020	.
alt.comp.compression		=comp.compression
alt.comp.convergence	0000042	Convergence International - THE non-wintel user group.
alt.comp.databases.xbase	\
			0000000	.
alt.comp.databases.xbase.clipper	\
alt.comp.dataconversion	0000001	.
alt.comp.dcom.modems	0000006	.
alt.comp.dcom.sys.xyplex	\
			0000027	Discussions relating to Whittaker/Xyplex.
alt.comp.doggysoft	0000124	.
alt.comp.dragon		0000035	.
alt.comp.editors.batch	0001052	Discussion for batch editing/text processing tools.
alt.comp.emulators.executor	\
			0000027	.
alt.comp.fedem		0000074	Discussion of FEDEM, a program for virtual prototyping.
alt.comp.freeware	0001465	Free software that was intended to be free.
alt.comp.freeware.gdp	0000026	Freeware development thru group effort
alt.comp.fsp		0000534	The FSP anonymous file transfer protocol.
alt.comp.goldmine	0000150	.
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt	\
			0008773	Designing devious devices in the den.
alt.comp.hardware.homedesigned	\
			0001074	Computer hardware designed at home.
alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt	\
			0012213	Building your PC from motherboards and cards.
alt.comp.hardware.scratchbuilt	\
			0000014	.
alt.comp.hppd-admins	0000020	Support for admins of software from the HPPD archives.
alt.comp.hppd-users	0000024	Support for users of software from the HPPD archives.
alt.comp.jgaa		0000157	Jgaa's Internet
alt.comp.jgaa.binaries	0000077	Jgaa's Internet
alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi	=comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc
alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++	\
			0000197	Study group for beginners to learn c.
alt.comp.lang.scriptease	\
			0000027	.
alt.comp.lang.superlang	0000016	Programming in superlang.
alt.comp.lang.yorick	0000029	.
alt.comp.linguistics	0000053	.
alt.comp.malaysia	0000186	Computers in Malaysia.	\
			0000000	.
alt.comp.msx		0000245	.
alt.comp.pascal			=comp.lang.pascal.misc
alt.comp.periphs	0000406	.
alt.comp.periphs.cdr	0000339	CD Recorder - Devices and Information.
alt.comp.periphs.dcameras	\
			0000048	.
alt.comp.periphs.keyboard	\
			0000029	.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit	\
			0001205	Discussion of Abit motherboards.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus	\
			0022032	Discussion of the ASUS brand PC motherboard.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.elitegroup	\
			0000417	Elitegroup motherboards.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.m-tech	\
			0000030	.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.octek	\
			0000001	Octek motherboards forum group.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.supermicro	\
			0003917	Supermicro motherboards.
alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.tyan	\
			0011746	Tyan motherboards.
alt.comp.periphs.multifunctions	\
			0000003	About multifunctional machines.
alt.comp.periphs.scanner	\
			0001217	Computer scanners and imaging devices.
alt.comp.periphs.soundcard.avm	\
			0000004	Discussion of AVM Technology's products.
alt.comp.shareware	0009812	"Try Before You Buy" software marketing.
alt.comp.shareware.authors	\
			0000910	People who write "Try Before You Buy".
alt.comp.shareware.for-kids	\
			0000973	"Try Before You Buy" for children.
alt.comp.shareware.nettamer	\
			0000157	The Net-Tamer offline reader.
alt.comp.shareware.programmer	\
			0002990	People who write "Try Before You Buy".	\
			0000044	Software easter egg collecting, publicising.	\
			0000000	.	0000130	Recommendations,usage, and experiences.
alt.comp.synon		0000123	.
alt.comp.sys.palmtops.hp	\
			0001014	Hewlett Packard palmtop machines.
alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot	\
			0007238	Discussion of USR/Palm PILOT series.
alt.comp.tandem-users	0001336	Users of Tandem computers.
alt.comp.tandem-users.sigs	\
			0000274	Tandem Users special interest groups.
alt.comp.tess		0000003	.
alt.comp.virus		0020156	An unmoderated forum for discussing viruses.	\
			0000002	Pro-computer virus discussion and information.
alt.comp.virus.source.code	\
			0000940	The source code to various virii.
alt.comp.zinc		0000158	Discussion of the Zinc application framework.
alt.compuserve-sucks	0000001	.		0001535	.	\
			0000001	.	\
			0019601	Geeks on Patrol.	=biz.misc	\
			0000006	Ads for/by consultants. No recruiters!	\
			0000037	Posts about computer consulting. (Moderated)	\
			0001804	I hate to drive it, it gets such lousy mileage.	0000003	.	\
			0001417	Interactive TV.
alt.comsat.pornography	0000017	.
alt.conference-ctr	0000159	Conference center management issues.
alt.config		0029503	Alternative subnet discussions and connectivity.
alt.config.control-freaks	\
			0000292	Control-obsessed in alt.config.
alt.config.flame		=alt.config.control-freaks
alt.config.rmgroup.addicts.david.gunter	\
alt.config.rmgroup.addicts.david.guntner	\
alt.config.rmgroup.maniacs.david.gunter	\
alt.config.rmgroup.maniacs.david.guntner	\
alt.config.rmgroup.rmgroup.rmgroup	\
alt.confused		0000002	People who aren't don't know what's happening.
alt.connecticut		0000045	.
alt.consciousness	0013667	Discussion of an unusual state of being.
alt.consciousness.4th-way	\
			0003683	The Fourth Way, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky.
alt.consciousness.jancox	\
			0000793	Jan Cox's view of consciousness.
alt.consciousness.mysticism	\
			0004094	The quest for ultimate reality.
alt.consciousness.near-death-exp	\
			0002254	Discussion of near-death experiences.
alt.consciousness.slyman	\
			0000069	G.I. Gurdjieff's 4th Way presentation. (Moderated)
alt.console.programming	0000005	.
alt.conspiracy		0110505	Be paranoid - they're out to get you.
alt.conspiracy.abe-lincoln	\
			0000308	The mob, the CIA & Marilyn all wanted him dead.
alt.conspiracy.antichrist	\
			0000348	Will Spencer does not assume responsibility.
alt.conspiracy.area51	0008777	The US Government has a secret they're not telling you.
alt.conspiracy.beyondweird	\
			0000002	.	\
			0000002	King of the hill.
alt.conspiracy.dean-stark	\
			0000001	.
alt.conspiracy.digitalnation	\
			0000108	.
alt.conspiracy.jfk	0019191	Be paranoid - if they could get JFK, Quayle's next.
alt.conspiracy.jfk.moderated	\
			0003599	JFK assassination conspiracy discussion. (Moderated)
alt.conspiracy.netcom	0001550	Evil Empire / Gribbit.	\
			0000559	.
alt.conspiracy.nhs	0000241	National Honor Society conspiracies.
alt.conspiracy.paranoid.retards	=alt.conspiracy.retards
alt.conspiracy.president.boomhauer	\
			0000000	.
alt.conspiracy.retards	0000726	For those not impressed with the conspiracy-minded.
alt.conspiracy.spy	0000006	International conspiracy and treason related to spying.
alt.conspiracy.usenet-cabal	\
			0001446	Discussion of fears about a nonexistent group.
alt.conspiracy.yak.worshippers	\
			0000152	.
alt.conspiracy.yeast	0000047	.	0001818	The construction industry. See also
alt.consumers		0000990	.
alt.consumers.experiences	=misc.consumers	\
			0015975	Free offers and how to take advantage of them.
alt.consumers.sweepstakes	\
			0006388	You may have already won!
alt.contest.addiction	0000000	.
alt.contest.recovery	0000000	.
alt.continuity		0000032	.
alt.contraceptives	0000004	Methods, pro+cons, help and humour.
alt.control			=alt.config
alt.control-theory	0000164	Feedback & similar cybernosis.
alt.control.rmgroup.addicts	=alt.config.control-freaks
alt.control.test		=alt.test
alt.control.test.test.test	=alt.test
alt.controv		0000080	.
alt.cookies.yum.yum.yum	0000165	.	0005105	Food, wine & recipe discussions.	0000187	Your dinner is in the kennel.	0000000	.
alt.coon-dogs		0000000	.
alt.corel		0000308	.	0010588	The PClone package Corel Draw & related products.	\
			0000099	.
alt.corporate.accountability	\
			0000462	Discussions of business accountability.
alt.cosuard		0002793	Council of Sysops & Users Against Rate Discrimination.		0002784	/koo pahns/, not /kew pahns/. Try it.
alt.cows.are.nice	0000542	Except when you put on the nipple clamps.
alt.cows.moo.moo.moo	0002411	"I'm in the Mood", "Moon River", "Moolin Rouge".
alt.cows.suck		0000246	.		0000001	CPSR Discussion of Global Issues. (Moderated)
alt.crack.this		0000326	.
alt.crackerjack		0000278	.
alt.crackers		0028908	NREN was made for these guys.
alt.crackers.saltine	0000000	No chloresterol, either.
alt.cracks			=alt.crackers
alt.crafts		0000000	.
alt.crafts.plastic-canvas	\
			0000568	Using plastic and canvas in artful creations.
alt.crafts.professional	0004353	Professional craftsmen.
alt.craig.hulsey.rack.rack.rack	\
			0000014	A pool shark.
alt.cray		0000000	.
alt.crazy.people	0000024	.
alt.creative+cooking		=alt.creative_cooking
alt.creative-cook		=alt.creative_cooking
alt.creative-cooking		=alt.creative_cooking
alt.creative.writing	0000001	.
alt.creative=cooking		=alt.creative_cooking
alt.creative_cooking	0005064	Food, wine & recipe discussions.
alt.creep-sings.opera	0000028	.
alt.crews.atari		0000112	Forum for memebers of different Atari coder-crews.
alt.crime		0002993	Crime in general, not just the crimes in alt.*.
alt.crime.bail-enforce	0000149	Discussion of tracking bail jumpers.
alt.crime.citizen-bolo.stolen-property	\
			0000009	.
alt.crime.peacemaking.criminology	\
			0000003	Somehow using criminology for peace.
alt.criminals.kimberly.peacock.checks.bounce.bounce.bounce	\
			0000022	Kimberly, Kevin, Sal and their mafia friends bite the grass.
alt.crist-clark.pathetic-loser	\
			0000015	More flames.
alt.crossover		0000004	couch-diving chat from the Roamin' Cadillac Church.
alt.crusade.anti-pornography	\
			0000113	.	\
			0000061	.
alt.cthulhu.fridge.zool.did-i-mention	\
			0000095	.
alt.cucap		0000075	.
alt.cuddle		0021586	For chia-pet enthusiasts.
alt.cuke		0000000	For Tim.
alt.cult		0000023	.
alt.cult-movies		0048049	Movies with a cult following.
alt.cult-movies.alien	0002171	The Alien series of films.
alt.cult-movies.cronenberg	\
			0000218	.
alt.cult-movies.evil-deads	\
			0002479	The Evil Dead movie series.
alt.cult-movies.rhps		=alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror
alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror	\
			0007377	Tim Curry will never live this down.			=alt.cult-movies
alt.cult.jeff-mcdonald	0000002	For discussion of musician Jeffrey McDonald.
alt.cult.movies.rocky-horror	=alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror
alt.cult.nudism		0001379	Crackpots in the nudist movement.
alt.culture.african.american.arts	\
			0000088	.	\
			0000257	For discussions of...
alt.culture.african.american.history	\
			0000219	For discussions of...
alt.culture.african.american.issues	\
			0000400	For discussions of...
alt.culture.alaska	0003807	Is this where the ice weasels come from?
alt.culture.american.indian	\
			0000011	"Mitakuye Oyacin".
alt.culture.anthropomorphics	\
			0000033	.
alt.culture.araab-league	0000478	Arab vs. Arab flame wars.
alt.culture.argentina		=soc.culture.argentina
alt.culture.armenian	0000047	Armenian Culture.
alt.culture.assam	0000021	Discussion about Assam and Assamese.
alt.culture.astur	0000103	Information about Asturies.
alt.culture.australia	0000000	.
alt.culture.austrian		=soc.culture.austria
alt.culture.azerbaijan	0000042	Azerbaijanian Culture.
alt.culture.beaches	0000576	Surf's up!
alt.culture.bullfight	0000988	To understand and appreciate the bullfight.
alt.culture.cacophony	0000063	Communications of the Cacophony Society.
alt.culture.cajun	0003274	Cajun culture, history, genealogy, events.
alt.culture.caucasia	0000032	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Caucasia (Caucasus).
alt.culture.chechnya	0000035	Chechens Culture, History, Politics etc. (Chechnya).
alt.culture.crimea	0000035	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Crimea.
alt.culture.dagestan	0000036	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Dagestan.
alt.culture.egyptian		=soc.culture.egyptian
alt.culture.electric-midget	\
			0000288	Waiting for the dwarf, or someone like him.
alt.culture.exclaim	0000177	!*@# magazine's alternative music & deviant culture.
alt.culture.fabulous	0001587	.
alt.culture.french-polynesia	\
			0000226	The culture and tourism of French Polynesia.
alt.culture.gard-trask	0001382	The Legend of Gardner Trask III.
alt.culture.hawaii	0012798	Why there are tikis, etc.
alt.culture.hawaii.irc	0000093	Internet Relay Chat in Hawaii.
alt.culture.indonesia		=soc.culture.indonesia
alt.culture.internet	0012916	Behavior & modes in a virtual society.	\
			0000083	.
alt.culture.james-koput	0000274	.
alt.culture.jamming	0000579	Semiological guerilla warfare.
alt.culture.jesse-garon	0003226	'Jesse Garon', The GoldenBoy of USENET.
alt.culture.jollyroger	0001960	Conservative pirates of the Western Soul.
alt.culture.karnataka	0005404	Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka.
alt.culture.kashmir	0000075	Kashmir region of south-central Asia.
alt.culture.kazakhstan	0000047	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Kazakhstan
alt.culture.kerala		=soc.culture.indian.kerala
alt.culture.knights	0000352	The lives of the knighthood.
alt.culture.kuwait		=soc.culture.kuwait
alt.culture.kwajalein.MI	\
			0000000	.
alt.culture.lounge	0000135	Lounge/cocktail/swing culture and all things swank.
alt.culture.malta	0000110	Discussion related to Malta and the Maltese.
alt.culture.military-brats	\
			0002257	We learned to walk in Army bootees.
alt.culture.mobydick	0000023	.
alt.culture.neoism	0000045	Neoism, post-Neoist phenomena and related topics.	0000415	Norsemen on the net.
alt.culture.nobility	0000010	.
alt.culture.ny		0000050	.
alt.culture.ny-upstate	0005704	New York State, above Westchester.
alt.culture.ny.upstate		=alt.culture.ny-upstate
alt.culture.okusi-ambeno	\
			0000444	Discussion about the Sultanate of Okusi-Ambeno.
alt.culture.openair-market	\
			0000385	Discussing open air markets around the world.
alt.culture.oregon	0004839	Home of legal-discrimination advocates.
alt.culture.purebred-sovoks	\
			0000167	.
alt.culture.riot-grrrls	0000082	Young women's culture: zines, music, media, crosstalk.
alt.culture.sardines	0000051	Sardine Culture and Religion.
alt.culture.saudi		=soc.culture.arabic
alt.culture.shawn	0000012	The established minor figure.
alt.culture.sicilian	0000000	.
alt.culture.somalia		=soc.culture.somalia
alt.culture.southasianet	\
			0000240	.
alt.culture.taiwan	0000013	Discussions about Taiwan. (Moderated)
alt.culture.tamil		=soc.culture.tamil
alt.culture.tasmanian	0000085	That litle island off the SE coast of Australia.
alt.culture.theory	0000360	Cultural theory & current practical problems.
alt.culture.true-russian.alcoholics	\
			0000083	.
alt.culture.turkestan	0000037	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Turkestan.
alt.culture.turkish	0000142	Turkish and Turkic Culture.
alt.culture.turkish.TRNC	\
			0000002	.
alt.culture.turkish.azerbaijan	\
			0000032	.
alt.culture.turkish.cyprus	\
			0000059	Cyprus, Cyprotian Turks and TRNC.
alt.culture.turkish.diaspora	\
			0000019	Turkish People in the Diaspora.
alt.culture.turkish.history	\
			0000042	Turkish History.
alt.culture.turkish.internet	\
			0000035	Internet and Telecommunications in Turkey.	\
			0000062	Mass Media in Turkey: TV, Radio, Newspapers.
alt.culture.turkish.politics	\
			0000048	Turkish Politics .
alt.culture.turkish.publications	\
			0000048	Turkish Books, Publications, Authors.
alt.culture.turkish.religions	\
			0000054	All Religions in the Laizistic Turkey.	\
			0000050	Travelling and tourism in Turkey.
alt.culture.turkmenistan	\
			0000036	Culture, History, Politics etc. of Turkmenistan.
alt.culture.tuva	0000513	Topics related to the Republic of Tuva, South Siberia.
alt.culture.underwear	0000079	Growing things in your warm, moist places.	0000726	Discussion of 1960s culture in the US and abroad.	0005575	At least pick a _good_ decade to be stuck in the past.	0004472	The Me Decade.	0000021	1990s culture (US and world).	\
			0011840	Asian Indians in the US and Canada.	\
			0000318	.	\
			0001937	Basking in the sun of the US's lower left.
alt.culture.usenet	0020001	Instant ethnic group - just add flames & serve.
alt.culture.virtual.oceania	\
			0000090	Oceania project discussion and news. (Moderated)
alt.culture.www		0003168	World Wide Web culture.
alt.culture.zippies	0000422	Zippie Culture.
alt.curent-events.cebit95	=alt.current-events.cebit95
alt.current-affairs.muslims	\
			0000000	. (Moderated)
alt.current-events	0001848	Miscellaneous current events.
alt.current-events.amfb-explosion	\
			0002786	Terrorism in America's heartland.
alt.current-events.antigua	\
			0000058	.
alt.current-events.arkansas.mena	\
			0000268	.
alt.current-events.blizzard-of-93	\
			0000140	It snowed.
alt.current-events.bosnia	\
			0004031	The strife of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
alt.current-events.cebit	\
			0000016	The annual CeBit computer fair in Hannover / Germany
alt.current-events.cia.crack-dealing	\
			0000233	CIA, Contras, crack, and cover-ups.
alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater	\
			0064656	...or is it "whitewash"?
alt.current-events.cuny-crisis	\
			0000124	The City University of New York fiscal crisis.
alt.current-events.epidemics	\
			0000093	Outbreaks of serious disease around the world.
alt.current-events.flood-of-93	\
			0000080	It rained.
alt.current-events.haiti	\
			0000621	Discussion of the situation in Haiti.
alt.current-events.inet92	=alt.inet92
alt.current-events.kashmir	\
			0000587	.
alt.current-events.kobe-beef	=alt.current-events.kobe-quake
alt.current-events.kobe-quake	\
			0000160	.
alt.current-events.korean-crisis	\
			0000208	North Korea's nuclear armament.	\
			0000135	It shook.	\
			0016694	Usenet spamming, Green Card and the like.	\
				=alt.flame.canter-and-siegel	\
alt.current-events.oj-simpson.boycott	\
			0004744	Discussion of post-verdict boycott.
alt.current-events.rimm-study	\
			0000086	Debunking Marty Rimm's Rimm job of net.set.
alt.current-events.russia	\
			0005963	Current happenings in Russia.
alt.current-events.somalia	\
			0000238	Discussion of the situation in Somalia.
alt.current-events.ukraine	\
			0002871	Current and fast paced Ukrainian events.
alt.current-events.usa	0051172	Discussion of the situation in the United States.	\
			0000220	The explosion in the World Trade Centre.
alt.cyb-sys		0000155	Cybernetics and Systems.
alt.cyberangels		0000002	The Guardian Angels try to rescue the net from itself.
alt.cybercafes		0001874	Cyber/Computer/Internet Cafes or Coffeeshops.	\
			0000007	.
alt.cyberpunk		0016147	High-tech low-life.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo	0001413	Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo.d	\
			0000125	Meta-discussion about Chatsubo stories.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsuboard	=alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo
alt.cyberpunk.movement	0001215	Cybernizing the Universe.	0001979	Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology.
alt.cyberpunk_aliance		=alt.cyberpunk.movement
alt.cyberspace		0013567	High-tech high-life.	\
			0000003	.
alt.cyberspace.exodus	0000000	.
alt.cyberspace.isnt.real.people	\
			0000002	.
alt.cyberspace.rebels	0000806	Tough individualists on the net.
alt.cyberspace.rebels.kai.kai.kai	\
			0000017	He bites his tummy.
alt.cybertoon		0000078	Cyberpunk epic.
alt.cyborg.killing.machine.eric-goedken	\
			0000031	Death from the future.
alt.cynicism		0000529	Bitter on the outside, idealistic on the inside!
alt.cynics		0000002	.
alt.cypherpunks		0000111	Technological defenses for privacy
alt.cypherpunks.announce	\
			0000012	.
alt.cypherpunks.purebred-sovoks	\
			0000000	.	0000020	.
alt.cypherpunks.technical	\
			0000022	.
alt.dads-rights		0002574	Rights of fathers. (Moderated)
alt.dads-rights.unmoderated	\
			0002570	Unhindered discussion of the rights of fathers.
alt.dan			0000067	.
alt.dan.david.arkstar	\
			0000000	.!
alt.darkside.takes.over	0000026	Discussion of Landrew's alter-ego.
alt.dash		0000056	.	0000050	One bad Data spoils the whole Borg.	\
			0000005	.	\
			0000004	.
alt.dave-wheeler.usenet.troll	\
			0000002	.
alt.dave.kohr.suicide	0000037	.
alt.david		0002690	Where have you gone, Michaelangelo?
alt.david-guntner.die.die.die	=alt.config.control-freaks
alt.davids		0000224	.
alt.dbs.echostar	0001656	.
alt.dbs.primestar	0000014	Discussion of the Primestar satellite service.
alt.dcom		0000024	Miscellaneous data-communication topics.
alt.dcom.slip-emulators	0003469	Pseudo-SLIP/PPP with shell accounts. TIA, SLAP, etc.
alt.dcom.slip.emulators		=alt.dcom.slip-emulators
alt.dcom.telecom.ip	0000112	.
alt.dcom.telecom.radius	0000011	Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.
alt.ddd.ddd		0000002	.
alt.dead.hackers.society	\
			0000001	Discussions on the Tyler Foundation.	0001341	... And the diseases that killed them, next on Geraldo.
alt.dean-adams.pathetic-loser	\
			0000050	.
alt.dear.whitehouse	0015866	When Hints from Heloise aren't enough.
alt.death-of-superman		=alt.comics.superman.dies.dies.dies
alt.dec				=biz.dec
alt.dec.athena			=alt.decathena
alt.dec.decathena		=biz.dec.decathena
alt.dec.decnews			=biz.dec.decnews
alt.dec.destruction.kirk.kirk.kirk	\
			0000000	.
alt.dec.ip			=biz.dec.ip
alt.dec.workstations		=biz.dec.workstations
alt.dec.xmedia			=biz.dec.xmedia
alt.decathena		0000022	Information on DEC's athena product.
alt.defeat.s314		0000006	The Dreaded Exon Censorship Bill.
alt.dejanews.risks	0000001	.
alt.delete.this			=alt.delete.this.newsgroup		=alt.delete.this.newsgroup
alt.delete.this.newsgroup	\
			0000166	Do not taunt Happy Fun Admin.
alt.demogroups		0000002	.
alt.demogroups.paranoids	\
			0000002	.
alt.dennis.butler.chmod.chmod.chmod	\
			0000020	What are permissions again?
alt.dennis.joyce.cabin.boy	\
			0000025	.
alt.depew.aarm.aarm.aarm.aarm.aarm.aarm.aarm.aarm	\	0000771	.
alt.desert-shield		=alt.desert-storm
alt.desert-shield.erotica	\
			0000000	Happiness is a warm gun.
alt.desert-shield.facts		=alt.desert-storm.facts
alt.desert-storm	0001710	The war against Iraq in Kuwait.
alt.desert-storm.facts	0000222	For "factual" information on The Gulf War.
alt.desert-thekurds	0000082	Discussing the Kurds in Iraq & their propaganda value.
alt.desert.shield		=alt.desert-storm
alt.desert.storm		=alt.desert-storm	\
			0000016	So use another kind of missile.
alt.desert.sword		=alt.desert-storm
alt.desert.topping		=alt.desert.toppings
alt.desert.toppings	0000020	I'll have just a little more crude oil on that, please.	0005614	Discussion of graphics design.	0001099	Product design.
alt.despair		0000153	Discussion of despair and instantiations thereof.	0019285	...Before they start opening theme parks.
alt.destroy.the.christian.coaltiion	\
			0000075	.	0002610	Deteriorata meets the Space Orphans.	\
			0000000	.
alt.destroy.the.internet	\
			0001518	It's dead, Jim.
alt.dette		0000026	.
alt.deutsche.bundesbahn.kotz.kotz.kotz	\
			0000036	Flaming the German rail system.		0000343	The ultimate in moderated newsgroups. (Moderated)	0000091	.	\
			0000000	.
alt.devilbunnies	0019373	Probably better left undescribed.
alt.dfw.resumes		0000000	.
alt.dgi			0000034	.

User Contributions:


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