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comp.unix.aix Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2 of 5)
Section - 1.408: Where is the 'nawk' command on my AIX system?

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The /bin/nawk that exists on many UNIX flavors is a superset of the
'awk' command, revised by the same original authors to include added
functionality.  All the extra options normally associated with 'nawk'
on other UNIXes have been incorporated into the AIX version of 'awk';
the AIX 'awk' InfoExplorer or man pages include nawk-specific features
such as the "-v" command line option and atan2(), rand(), srand(),
match(), sub(), gsub(), system(), close(), getline functions.

If your AIX version is missing /bin/nawk (as are most AIX 3.x
versions), the simplest way to get around this and maintain script
portability between UNIX platforms is to make a /bin/nawk link to
/bin/awk (as root, of course).  If you do not have root privilege or
do not want to create a /bin/nawk link, to make the script work on
different UNIXes, you may have to test `uname` first and set all
'nawk' references on AIX runs to /bin/awk.  If your script is to only
run on AIX systems, you can just change all references of 'nawk' to
'awk' and everything should still work okay...but check the AIX awk
script on test data prior to making actual runs.

[Editor's note: AIX 4.x already contains a link from /usr/bin/nawk
to /usr/bin/awk.]


1.409: How do I copy InfoExplorer (manpages and more) to my hard drive?
From: David Alexander <>

[Editor's note: While this is documented in one of the AIX manuals
and covered in /usr/lpp/bos/bsdadm (AIX 3 only), it comes up often
enough I thought I would include it here.]

Not all the Info databases are required, so do not copy them all unless the 
customer specifically requests them, or has asked for the software they 
refer to.  These instructions assume you have enough space on /usr.

	Install and mount the InfoExplorer CD-ROM as for use of Info 
	from CD-ROM.

	Log in as Root
	umount /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	mkdir /mnt/$LANG
	mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /mnt/$LANG

	cd /
	cd /mnt/$LANG
	cp -r aix /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r aix2 /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r compnav /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r hardware /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r nav /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r prog /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG
	cp -r uiprog /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG

	Other sections can be copied if required:
	Section						Size
	cp -r ada /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		7.2  Mb
	cp -r assemb /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		5.23 Mb
	cp -r cxx /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		6.52 Mb
	cp -r dce /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		3.8  Mb
	cp -r encina /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		2.67 Mb
	cp -r fortran /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		6.85 Mb
	cp -r graph /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		9.75 Mb
	cp -r graph2 /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		4.1  Mb
	cp -r pascal /usr/lpp/info/lib/$LANG		3.23 Mb

	umount /mnt/$LANG
	eject the CD-ROM

User Contributions:

But remnants' crop burning hits harvesting hard

This sunday, quite possibly 28, 2019 snapshot, Provided by the city service group, jointly for Jarniyah, contains been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, Shows Syrians lifetime extinguish a fire in a field of crops, wearing Jaabar, Raqqa state, Syria. Thousands of acres of wheat and barley fields in both Syria and Iraq have been scorched by the fires within harvest season, that typically runs until mid June. "The life that we live here is already bitter, " stated Hussain Attiya, A farmer from Topzawa Kakayi in upper Iraq. "If the outcome continues like this, I would say that no one will continue to be here. I plant 500 to 600 acres on a yearly basis. still, I won't be able to do that because I can't stay here and guard the land day and night. "ISIS militants have a history of working with a "Scorched earth insurance coverage " In areas from that they can retreat or where they are defeated. Ahmed al Hashloum thoughts Inmaa, Arabic for benefits, A local civil group that supports farming. all it takes is a cigarette butt to set haystacks on fire, He brought up. Said the fires are threatening to disrupt normal food production cycles and potentially reduce food to protect months to come. The crop burning remains localized and can't be compared to pre war devastation, Beals considered that. "suffice to say, It is only the beginning of the summer and if the fires continue it could lead to a crisis, " Beals recounted,AlternativeHeadline,prepared crop burning blamed on ISIS remnants compounds misery in war torn Iraq and Syria"}

But good news is short lived in this part of the world, Where residents of the two countries struggle to face seemingly never ending violence and turmoil amid Syria's civil war and attacks by remnants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) social groups. of course, Even in locations where conflict has subsided, Fires currently raging in farmers' fields, depriving them of valuable crops.

The blazes have been blamed also consider on defeated ISIS militants seeking to avenge their losses, Or on Syrian regime forces battling to rout other armed groups. Thousands of acres of wheat and barley fields in both Syria and Iraq have been scorched by the fires within harvest season, what kind runs until mid June.

ISIS militants have a history of implementing a "Scorched earth guideline" In areas from which retreat or where they are defeated. this "A means of inflicting a collective punishment on those put aside, said Emma Beals, a completely independent Syria researcher.

ISIS militants claimed obligations for burning crops in their weekly newsletter, al Nabaa, Saying they targeted farms owned by senior officials in six Iraqi provinces and in Kurdish administered eastern Syria, sending the persistent threat from the group even after its territorial defeat.

ISIS said it burned the farms of "The apostates in Iraq together with the Levant" And required more.

"It seems that it'll be a hot summer that will burn the pockets of the apostates as well as their hearts as they burned the Muslims and their homes in the past years, this great article said.

countless acres of wheat fields around Kirkuk in northern Iraq were set on fire. Several wheat fields in the Daquq district in southern Kirkuk burned for three days straight yesterday.

In eastern Syria's Raqqa state, Farmers battled raging fires with items of cloth, bags and water trucks. Piles of hay burned and black smoke billowed above the job areas.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said through 74,000 acres (30,000 hectares) linked farmland in Hassakeh, Raqqa and completely to Aleppo province to the west, Were scorched.

Activist Omar Abou Layla said local Kurdish led forces failed to react to the fires in the province of Deir el Zour, Where ISIS was uprooted from its last property in March, (...)

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Top Document: comp.unix.aix Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2 of 5)
Previous Document: 1.407: Why is my environment only loaded once?
Next Document: 1.410: Why can't I set my default shell to one we've just installed?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM