URL: http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/acedbfaq.html
Archive-name: acedb-faq Last-modified: 19 Feb 98 Version: 1.41 _________________________________________________________________ ACEDB FAQ _________________________________________________________________ Curated by: Dave Matthews _________________________________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions about ACEDB Q0 : What is ACEDB? Q1 : ! What is the current version of ACEDB? Q2 : Where can I get ACEDB? Q3 : What hardware/software do I need to run ACEDB? Q4 : Can ACEDB be networked? Q5 : What documentation exists for ACEDB? Q6 : What newsgroups and mailing lists are available for ACEDB? Q7 : ! Is there a repository of software tools for ACEDB curators? Q8 : When and where is the next ACEDB Workshop? Q9 : How does ACEDB compare to commercial relational DBMS's? Q10 : How should ACEDB be cited? Q11 : What ACEDB databases exist? Q12 : Who prepared this document & where is the current version? Questions marked with '+' are new, those with '!' have substantially changed answers. _________________________________________________________________ Q0: What is ACEDB? A0: ACEDB is an acronym for A Caenorhabditis elegans Database. It can refer to a database and data concerning the nematode C. elegans, or to the database software alone. This document is concerned primarily with the latter meaning. ACEDB is being adapted by many groups to organize molecular biology data about the genomes of diverse species. ACEDB allows for automatic cross-referencing of items during loading and allows for hypertextual navigation of the links using a graphical user interface and mouse. Certain special purpose graphical displays have been integrated into the software. These reflect the needs of molecular biologists in constructing genetic and physical maps of genomes. ACEDB was written and developed by Richard Durbin (MRC LMB Cambridge, England) and Jean Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, Montpellier, France), beginning in 1989. It is written in the C programming language and uses the X11 windowing system to provide a platform independent graphical user interface. The source code is publicly available. Durbin & Thierry-Mieg continue to develop the system, with contributions from other groups. A description by Durbin & Thierry-Mieg: ACEDB does not use an underlying relational database schema, but a system we wrote ourselves in which data are stored in objects that belong in classes. This is nevertheless a general database management system using caches, session control, and a powerful query language. Typical objects are clones, genes, alleles, papers, sequences, etc. Each object is stored as a tree, following a hierarchical structure for the class (called the "model"). Maps are derived from data stored in tree objects, but precomputed and stored as tables for efficiency. The system of models allows flexibility and efficiency of storage --missing data are not stored. A major advantage is that the models can be extended and refined without invalidating an existing database. Comments can be added to any node of an object. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q1: What is the current version of the ACEDB software? A1: The current Unix version is ace.4_5d/e, released 28 August 1997. Enhancements added during the ACE97 Workshop will be incorporated in the next release. The very latest development version is always available at ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/acedb_src/. This is unsupported and not to be redistributed. New! The current Windows 95/NT version 4.5.3d, 15 January 1998, corresponds to Unix test.ace.4_5c. For the latest documentation see the WinAce Web page at http://mendel.medgen.ubc.ca/rbrusk/winace.html. A Macintosh version is available as version 4.1b1, August 1995. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q2: Where can I get ACEDB? A2: Source code and Unix binaries are available in the following anonymous ftp sites: * ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/acedb * ftp.sanger.ac.uk in pub/acedb * lirmm.lirmm.fr in pub/acedb * bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il in pub/databases/acedb Linux binaries in ELF and a.out format, from Jeff Bryer: * ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/acedb * bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il in pub/databases/acedb Windows 95/NT, from Richard Bruskiewich: * ftp.sanger.ac.uk in pub/acedb/winace * bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il in pub/databases/acedb * Documentation: http://mendel.medgen.ubc.ca/rbrusk/winace.html MacAce, from Frank Eeckman, Cyrus Harmon and Richard Durbin: (Note: The authors are not currently able to support MacAce. Latest version was 4.1b1.) * genome.lbl.gov in pub/macace * ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/acedb/macace * bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il in pub/databases/acedb NEC EWS4800 binaries: * http://www.labs.nec.co.jp/freesoft/freesofte.html Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q3: What hardware/software do I need to run ACEDB? A3: The software is available in binary (pre-compiled) format for a variety of machines. * Unix: + Sun/SunOS 4.x + Sun/Solaris + DEC DECstation3100, 5100 etc. + DEC Alpha/OSF-1 + Silicon Graphics Iris series 4, 5, 6 + IBM RS-6000 + PC 386/486/Pentium with Linux + NEC EWS4800 + NeXT: contact Patrick Phillips at University of Texas, NeXTmail: patrick@wbar.uta.edu email: phil@decster.uta.edu + There exist, or have existed, ports onto Alliant, Hewlett- Packard, Convex. You may have to contact the developer responsible for the port to make these real. * Windows 95/NT * Macintosh (not currently supported) The software is also available as source code, so you may be able to get it working on any machine. Memory requirements (from Richard Durbin, aug 97) The amount of memory you require for ACEDB depends very much on how big the database is (i.e. the disk space used by the database/ subdirectory). Our rule of thumb is that one typically uses 5-10Mb plus up to 10% of the disk space size of the database. So with a 200Mb database perhaps 25Mb memory, and with a 500Mb database (e.g. the C. elegans one) up to 50-60Mb. In fact for short sessions less memory is used -- it is only when all classes are explored, or for example when parsing big files that these amounts of memory get used. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q4: Can ACEDB be networked? A4: ACEDB Client / Server Computing (from Doug Bigwood, aug97) There are several client/server models for ACEDB computing and several more are in development. The start of the ACEDB client/server age began with the inclusion of aceclient and aceserver in version 4.0. These are C - based and use the RPC protocol for communication. These executables can be made from the standard ACEDB distributions. Starting in version 4.5 an xaceclient is also included with ACEDB. Xaceclient provides remote read/write access to an aceserver while providing the user with the same X displays that are found in xace. To use it, you create an empty database with the appropriate models and start xaceclient. It will automatically retrieve data from the server declared in wspec/server.wrm (the Montpellier server in the distribution server.wrm). The data will be saved locally and can then be viewed with a normal xace. A perl extension which provides aceclient functionality to Perl 5.x was developed at ACE95. The files necessary for this perl extension are now (ACEDB 4.5 and later) included in the wrpc directory of the ACEDB directory hierarchy. Documentation about how to extend perl is found at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97/perlace/perlacecl.html. WWWAce and its successor webace were developed to provide a World Wide Web interface for ACEDB. Webace instructions can be found at http://probe.nal.usda.gov:8000/acedocs/webace.html, and http://probe.nal.usda.gov:8000/ace97/webace.html and the program itself at ftp://probe.nalusda.gov/pub/tools/webace.tar.gz. A Java-based client called Jade allows communication via sockets to an aceserver. Jade installation instructions and information on downloading can be found at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97/Jade.installation.html. There are now development efforts underway to provide additional client/server functionality to ACEDB including a CORBA server and socket-based communications. These will likely be included in future versions of ACEDB. A new C library interface to ACEDB internals will greatly ease the development of new clients and servers that will support additional protocols. _________________________________________________________________ Q5: What documentation exists for ACEDB? A5: From Sam Cartinhour: The ACEDB Documentation Library is a repository for documentation concerned with "A C. elegans Data Base", the generic genome database software designed by Richard Durbin (MRC, UK) and Jean Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, France). The server is intended as a resource for developers, curators, and end-users of all (not just plant) databases derived from ace. The ACEDB documentation server is sponsored by the Plant Genome Database Project at the National Agricultural Library (USDA). The WWW documentation server is part of the Agricultural Genome Information System, at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/. Documents in Postscript, wordprocessor, and other non-html formats are available by ftp at ftp://probe.nalusda.gov/pub/acedocs/. Information in the ACEDB Documentation Library includes: * Primary documents from the developers Durbin & Thierry-Mieg, ca. 1992. + acedb -- A C. elegans Database: I. Users' Guide + acedb -- A C. elegans Database: II. Installation Guide + acedb -- A C. elegans Database: III. Configuration Guide + acedb -- A C. elegans Database: Syntactic Definitions for the ACEDB Data Base Manager * Tutorials, general and specific * Documentation written at the ACEDB Workshops * A repository of curator tools * A selection of models.wrm files from various databases * SampleDB, a sample database to demonstrate some ACEDB features, 1995 * This FAQ, in html format Other sources of documentation: * The ACEDB online help, a hypertext reader for the contents of the whelp directory of the ACEDB software distribution. * Contents of the wdoc, wtools, and wscripts directories. * Archives of the bionet.software.acedb newsgroup (both searchable) + http://www.bio.net/hypermail/ACEDB/, from BIOSCI + http://genome-www.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/biosci_acedb, from the Saccharomyces Genome Database site * ACEDB User's Guide in Japanese, from Tohru Sano, NEC, sano@exp.cl.nec.co.jp, http://www.cbi.or.jp/~sano/. (Postscript at http://www.labs.nec.co.jp/ . Follow the prompts to register and "download the software".) * Paper publications + Cherry, J.M., Cartinhour, S.W., and Goodman, H.M. (1992). AAtDB, an Arabidopsis thaliana database. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 10: 308-309, 409-410. + Cherry, J.M. and Cartinhour, S.W. (1994). ACEDB, A tool for biological information. Pp. 347-356 in: Automated DNA Sequencing and Analysis, M. Adams, C. Fields, and C. Venter (Eds.). Academic Press. Online version: http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/overview.html. + Dunham, I., Durbin, R., Mieg, J-T & Bentley, D.R. (1994). Physical mapping projects and ACEDB. Pp. 111-158 in: Guide to Human Genome Computing. Bishop, M.J (Ed.). Academic Press. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q6: What newsgroups and mailing lists are available for ACEDB? A6: The USENET/BIOSCI conference bionet.software.acedb is dedicated to discussions of ACEDB. The newsgroup can be accessed via a newsreader like rn or tin, a WWW browser (news:bionet.software.acedb), or e-mail. To subscribe to the e-mail version, send the message "subscribe acedb" to biosci-server@net.bio.net. Mail sent to acedb@net.bio.net will be distributed to all subscribers and to the electronic conference. Articles posted to biosci.software.acedb are archived by BIOSCI at http://www.bio.net/archives.html and by Mike Cherry at http://genome-www.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/biosci_acedb. There is also a separate mailing list for announcements of new releases of the ACEDB (worm) database as well as the ACEDB software. To get on or off this mailing list send mail to rd@sanger.ac.uk or mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr. The BIOSCI newsgroup is on this list. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q7 : Is there a repository of software tools for ACEDB curators? A7: Not really, but there are several partial ones. The main tools available are for converting data from other formats to .ace format. The Agricultural Genome Information System has a growing stock of useful tools at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/conversion.html. Some additional ones were contributed at the ACE97 Workshop and can be found in the Proceedings, http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97/tools/. Mike Cherry maintains an archive of tools at ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/acedb_dev/utilities/ For a general tool for converting data to ACEDB format input files, Joachim Baumann (joachim.baumann@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has written the Perl program TextConvert, available at ftp.informatic.uni.stuttgart.de/pub/DART/. New! Pascal Hingamp has created a tool for mirroring remote databases to your own machine. UPace is a flexibly configurable, well documented Perl script intended to be adaptable to any ACEDB database available by ftp, with updating as often as you like. ftp://ftp.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/pub/phingamp/ Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q8: When and where is the next ACEDB Workshop? A8: The next ACEDB meeting is planned for summer 1998 in England. The ACE97 Conference and Workshop was held July 27 - August 9 at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. See the ACE97 Proceedings Page, http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97/proceedings.html for the results. The Proceedings from the May 1995 ACEDB Conference are available at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/ace95/. A final summary report is available at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/ace95/ace95.final.html. Also available online are collections of snapshots taken during the conference by Frank Eeckman and by Dave Matthews. For pictures of the ACEDB '94 Workshop in St. Matthieu de Treviers, see the online collections: * by Mike Cherry at http://genome-www.stanford.edu/~cherry/pics/acedb-94.pics.html ; * by John Morris at http://weeds.mgh.harvard.edu/ace94/ace94.image.html ; * and by Brad Sherman at ftp://s27w007.pswfs.gov/ACEDB/ace94pix.html Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q9: How does ACEDB compare to commercial relational DBMS's? A9: From Jean Thierry-Mieg, 4/97: Obviously, i have a biased opinion, but i would say that acedb is to be recommended if the following criteria are met: 1) A very complex schema, that cannot be developed at once, but will need continuous refinement in parallel with the accumulation of the data 2) The type of questions that will be asked are rather complex, with rather fuzzy answers, that one tries to refine progressively. The acedb browsing capacities are useful in this case and have no equivalent in a relational dbms ______________ I would rather recommend sybase in the following case 1) Simple schema, that can be designed from the start and does not contain too many n.n relations and does not need recursivity 2) The type of questions that will be asked is: succession of de-correlated simple questions with simple answers ____________________ Within this context, i would then list the following goodies of acedb: 1) The ace file format, which is a powerful system to prepare and exchange data between data curators. 2) The existence of an easy graphic browsing interface 3) The availability of a biology-layer, if the application is about genetics 4) Portability (any unix machine), mac (with some limitations), windows (in development) and price (ace is a freeware). This implies that you can actually redistribute the complete system, say on a CD, something impossible with sybase. 5) Ease of use, i seriously believe that ace is much easier to configure and use than sybase. _____________________ Finally one should consider the following question: concurrency. Sybase has a well designed transaction system, which will allow roll backs and refined lockings. This is essential for an application like a booking agency, with many users in simultaneous write access. Ace is much simpler minded. The graphic acedb creates a global lock allowing a single user with write access at the time, and the modifications are not echoed to the other "read access" users in real time. The non graphic client server system allows parallel downloading of data by many users, it is intended for example for collection of robots sending their independent data in parallel. This is now well tested. A graphic client system is being developed and now runs in our hands, but is not yet released. -- Therefore, if you do need real time simultaneous write access with partial locks, and roll backs, use sybase/oracle ________________ Last issue is speed and quantities of data. In principle, sybase/oracle is unlimited, whereas acedb needs to keep around 5-10% of the data in ram. But this apparent difference is misleading. On a 32 Meg machine, you can run ace with around 300.000 objects with a complex schema at high speed. With say 1M objects, you will need more memory or the performance would totally degrade because of swapping. However, this is really a lot of data. On a similar machine, your sybase oracle will work with that amount or more data only if you do not perform too many joins. This implies that you are asking simple questions from a simple schema which was indeed our first criterion to choose sybase. If you start asking complex questions and make joins, acedb is actually much more powerful. During tests run on a big dec alpha server by Otto Ritter in decembre 1995 on several million biological objects with a complex schema, acedb was about 10 times faster than sybase, both to load the data and to answer queries. I would therefore conclude that the quantity of data is not a criterion pushing one way or the other, it is the complexity of the schema that matters. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q10: How should ACEDB be cited? A10: From the distribution: We realize that we have not yet published any "real" paper on ACEDB. We consider however that anonymous ftp servers are a form of publication. We would appreciate if users of ACEDB could quote: Richard Durbin and Jean Thierry Mieg (1991-). A C. elegans Database. Documentation, code and data available from anonymous FTP servers at lirmm.lirmm.fr, cele.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk and ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Papers involved in database development could quote more precisely: I. Users' Guide. Included as part of the ACEDB distribution kit, II. Installation Guide. Included as part of the ACEDB distribution III. Configuration Guide. Included as part of the ACEDB distribution and the preprintkit available via anonymous ftp. Jean Thierry-Mieg and Richard Durbin (1992). Syntactic Definitions for the ACEDB Data Base Manager. Included as part of the ACEDB distribution. --Jean and Richard. Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q11: What ACEDB databases exist? A11: In alphabetic order by Database name [Curators, please submit changes as new paragraphs. You may include html links.] A repository of many of these databases is maintained by the Agricultural Genome Information System, both for anonymous ftp at ftp://probe.nalusda.gov/pub and for WWW access via Webace at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/alldbs.html. Database : AaeDB Species : Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : http://klab.agsci.colostate.edu/ Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : AalDB Species : Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger (forest day) mosquito) ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : http://klab.agsci.colostate.edu/ Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : ACeDB Species : Caenorhabditis elegans Current version: 4-8 Curator : Jean Thierry-Mieg, mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr Curator : Richard Durbin, rd@sanger.ac.uk Curator : Sylvia Martinelli, sylvia@sanger.ac.uk Availability: Unix and Macintosh versions via anonymous ftp FTP: USA - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/acedb FTP: England - ftp.sanger.ac.uk in pub/acedb FTP: France - lirmm.lirmm.fr in genome/acedb Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/other/ FAQ_updated : August 1995 Database : aCHEdb Species : wide range of species Subject : alpha/beta fold family of proteins database ESTHER. Sequences phylogenetically related to cholinesterases (alpha/beta hydrolase, carboxylesterases, lipases, adhesion molecules.) Comment : Converted to ACEDB from the original ESTHER database. ACEDB_version : UNIX 4.5, MacAce 4.0b4 Data_version : August 1997 Curator : Xavier Cousin - cousin@ensam.inra.fr Curator : Thierry Hotelier - hotelier@ensam.inra.fr Curator : Arnaud Chatonnet - chatonne@ensam.inra.fr Contact : chedb@ensam.inra.fr Availability: Unix and Macintosh versions via anonymous ftp FTP: ftp://ftp.toulouse.inra.fr in pub/esther WWW : http://www.ensam.inra.fr/cholinesterase FAQ_updated : September 1997 Database : AgaDB Species : Anopheles gambiae (malaria mosquito) ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : http://klab.agsci.colostate.edu/ Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : AGsDB (A Genus species Database) Species : Aspergillus nidulans Species : Neurospora crassa Species : Bos taurus (cow) Species : Homo sapiens anchor loci Species : Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) Species : Neurospora crassa Species : Homologs of Aspergillus cell cycle loci for budding and fission yeast Curator : Leland Ellis, leland@straylight.tamu.edu ACeDB_version : 3.0 Subject: Contains extensions to the Human C21 Models to provide for multiple species, and queries between species via Homologs (e.g., cell cycle loci with links via Homologs between Aspergillus and budding C. cerevisiae) and fission (S. pombe yeast); interacting loci via defined Interactions for each locus Revision : AAnDB for Aspergillus nidulans and ABtDB for Bos taurus (cow) have been folded into AGsDB, and are not being developed futher as individual species databases. WWW : http://keck.tamu.edu/cgi/agsdb/agsdbserver.html FTP: ftp://keck.tamu.edu/pub/agsdb/agsdb1_0_acedb3_0_solaris2.3.tar.Z FAQ_updated : March 1994 Database : Alfagenes Species : Medicago sativa (alfalfa) Curator : D. Z. Skinner, dzolek@ksu.ksu.edu Telephone : (913) 532-7247 ACEDB_version : 3.0 FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/alfagenes Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : July 1995 Database : AnoDB Species : Anopheles sp. ACEDB_version : 4.5 WWW : http://konops.imbb.forth.gr/AnoDB/ Curator : Christos Louis, louis@konops.imbb.forth.gr Co-Curator : Pantelis Topalis, topalis@konops.imbb.forth.gr Contact : AnoDB-comments@konops.imbb.forth.gr Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : August 1997 Database : AtDB Species : Arabidopsis thaliana ACEDB_version : UNIX 4.3, MacAce 4.0b4 Data_version : 4-7 PI : J. Michael Cherry Curator : David Flanders Contact : arab-curator@genome.stanford.edu Availability : UNIX and Macintosh versions via anonymous ftp FTP : genome-ftp.stanford.edu in arabidopsis/AtDB FTP : ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/AtDB WWW : http://genome-www.stanford.edu FAQ_updated : December 1996 Database : AtrDB Species : Aedes triseriatus (Eastern tree hole mosquito) ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : http://klab.agsci.colostate.edu/ Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : BeanGenes Species : Phaseolus and Vigna Curator : Phillip E. McClean, mcclean@beangenes.cws.ndsu.nodak.edu ACEDB_version : 4.1 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : September 1995 Database : BrassicaDB Species : Brassica napus (Canola/Oilseed Rape) and its parental diploid species ACEDB_version : 4.3 Description : Genetic maps of Brassica napus, QTL analyses for agronomic traits, literature references and B. napus-specific DNA sequences will be incorporated. We aim to integrate with B. napus genetic maps developed elsewhere and to produce a Java interface that will link BrassicaDB with the AAtDB (Arabidopsis thaliana) database through gene orthologies that are becoming established between these closely related plant genomes. PI : Martin Trick, Martin.Trick@bbsrc.ac.uk Curator/Developer : Mazda Hewitt, Mazda.Hewitt@bbsrc.ac.uk WWW : http://synteny.nott.ac.uk/brassica.html Data_updated : Under development FAQ_updated : August 1997 Database : ChlamyDB Species : Chlamydomonas Curator : Elizabeth Harris Contact : chlamy@acpub.duke.edu ACEDB_version : 3.0 Data_version : 1.2 Availability : Macintosh and UNIX versions via anonymous ftp FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/chlamydb Gopher : ftp.duke.edu/11/pub/chlamy Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : August 1995 Database : CIMMYT (Wheat International Nursery Data) Species : Triticum spp. ACEDB_version : 4.0 Curator : Hector Sanchez, hsanchez@cimmyt.mx FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/cimmyt Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : September 1995 Database : CoolGenes Species : Cool Season Food Legumes; Pisum, Lens, Cicer, Lathyrus, Vicia faba Curator : Fred Muehlbauer, muehlbau@wsu.edu ACEDB_version : 3.0 Gopher : gopher://probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/coolgenes/ Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : January 1996 Database : CottonDB Species : Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) and related species PI : Russell J. Kohel (rjk0339@acs.tamu.edu), USDA-ARS, Southern Crops Research Laboratory, 2765 F&B Road, College Station, Texas 77845 Curator : Gerard R. Lazo, lazo@tamu.edu Curator : Sridhar Madhavan, msridhar@tamu.edu Phone : 409-260-9311 Fax : 409-260-9333 ACEDB_version : 3.0 Data_version : January 1995 (version 95.1) FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/cottondb Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ Data_submission_form : http://algodon.tamu.edu/ FAQ_updated : January 1995 Database: Cruzdb Species: Trypanosoma cruzi PI: Wim Degrave ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: (when available) ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/cruzi/ WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html Data_updated : In development FAQ_updated : November 1996 Database : CSNDB Focus : Cell Signaling Networks Species : human Curator : Takako Igarashi, taka@nihs.go.jp Curator : Tsuguchika Kaminuma, kaminuma@nihs.go.jp Assistant_Curator : Masumi Yukawa, yukawa@nihs.go.jp Assistant_Curator : Shikiko Hasegawa, shasegaw@nihs.go.jp Contact : Takako Igarashi, taka@nihs.go.jp ACeDB_version : 4.1 Data : molecular data of signal molecules, molecular data of signal transductions, signal transduction pathways, domain structure and function of signal molecules, and three dimensional structures of signal molecules. Availability : CSNDB is on WWW. WWW-browser is required to attach molecular viewer RasMol (ftp: colonsay.dcs.ed.ac.uk ) for displaying three dimensional structure of protein. WWW : http://geo.nihs.go.jp/csndb.html Database : CupDB Species : Culex pipiens ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : currently unavailable via www Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : Cyanoace Species : Cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 Developer : Nobuyuki Miyajima, miyajima@kazusa.or.jp Comment : Converted to ACEDB from Sybase FTP : ftp://ftp.kazusa.or.jp/pub/acedb/cyanoace/ WWW : http://www.kazusa.or.jp/cyanobase/ Remark : WWW interface uses Java enhanced clickable maps. FAQ_updated : December 1996 Database : EthnobotDB (worldwide plant uses) Species : wide range of plant species ACEDB_version : 4.0 Comment : Converted to ACEDB from the original SQL database. Curator : Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg, peosb@ars-grin.gov Curator : James A. Duke, ngrljd@ars-grin.gov Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : June 1995 Database: FilDB Species: Filarial nematodes PI: Mark Blaxter ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Mark Blaxter, mark.blaxter@ed.ac.uk Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: (when available) ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/Brugia WWW: http://helios.bto.ed.ac.uk/mbx/fgn/filgen.html WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html Data_updated: In development FAQ_updated : November 1996 Database : FoodplantDB (Native American Food Plants) Species : Over 1,100 plant species ACEDB_version : 4.0 Curator : Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg, peosb@ars-grin.gov Curator : James A. Duke, ngrljd@ars-grin.gov Comment : Converted to ACEDB from ORACLE. Comment : Data originally from a publication by Yanovsky, Elias. 1936. Food Plants of the North American Indians. USDA Miscellaneous Publication Number 237. Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : May 1995 Database : GrainGenes Species : Wheat, barley, rye, oats, sugarcane, relatives Curator : David E. Matthews, matthews@greengenes.cit.cornell.edu Curator : Gerard R. Lazo, lazo@pw.usda.gov PI : Olin D. Anderson, oandersn@pw.usda.gov ACEDB_version : 4_5 (Unix), 4.1b1 (MacAce) Data_version : 1.8, December 1997 Availability : UNIX, Windows, Macintosh versions via anonymous ftp Availability : Windows, Macintosh versions on CD-ROM from Dr. Baek Hie Nahm, Korea Rice Genome Research Program, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea. FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/graingenes FTP : grain.jouy.inra.fr in pub/database WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/alldbs.html WWW : http://wheat.pw.usda.gov/ WWW : http://grain.jouy.inra.fr Gopher : greengenes.cit.cornell.edu Gopher : grain.jouy.inra.fr Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7002 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ FAQ_updated : December 1997 Database : IGD (Integrated Genomic Database) Species : Homo sapiens Subject : Chromosome 21 Availability : September 1994 by ftp, on-line server October 1994 Contact : Otto Ritter, o.ritter@dkfz-heidelberg.de Contact : Jean Thierry-Mieg, mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr Contact : Nicole Creau-Goldberg, creau@arthur.citi2.fr Contact : Jean-Maurice Delabar, delabar@arthur.citi2.fr Description : IGD (Integrated Genomic Database) aims to integrate multiple public general molecular biology and human genome specific databases into single logical database with unified interface to existing analysis tools. From data produced by the 4th International Workshop on Chromosome 21 (Genomics,1993,18,735-744) and from data provided by or taken from the following databases and data repositories: GDB, OMIM, EMBL, CEPH, Genethon, UKProbeBank, and RLDB. Database : IXDB (Integrated X chromosome DataBase) Species: Homo sapiens Subject: Chromosome X Acedb_version : 4.1 Data: The YAC map constructed by the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Molekulare Genetik in Berlin, with all the attached experimental data necessary to reconstruct the map. Information on each of 9000 YAC clones mapped to the X chromosome, and constituting the YAC collection assembled with clone sets from 14 different laboratories worldwide. Latest_release:March 1996 Curator: Hugues Roest Crollius, roest@mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de Contact: Ulf Leser, leser@mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de PI: Hans Lehrach FTP: ftp.mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de in directory pub/lehrach/x-map WWW: http://www.mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de/~xteam Database: Leishdb Species: Leishmania major, L. infantum, L. peruviana, L. donovani and others PI: Jennie Blackwell PI: Al Ivens ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/Leish WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/leish/leishpage.html (in development) Data_updated: October 1996 FAQ_updated : November 1996 Database : LIGM-DB Curator : Veronique Giudicelli Focus : genetic and physical mapping of loci of Immunoglobulins and Tcell receptors PI : Marie-Paule Lefranc Contact : Veronique Giudicelli, LIGM IGMM UMR CNRS 9942, BP 5051 Rte de Mende, 34000 Montpellier, giudi@ligm.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr Database : MaizeDB Species : Zea mays L. ssp. mays and related species Content : Maps, raw map data, loci, probes, genetic stocks, variations, mutant images, agronomic traits, gene products, QTL, bibliography, colleague addresses; hardlinks to sequence and germplasm databases. Latest_release : Oct 1996 Acedb_version : 4.1 Curator : Mary Polacco, maryp@teosinte.agron.missouri PI : Ed Coe, Jr., ed@teosinte.agron.missouri.edu Systems : Denis Hancock, dhancock@teosinte.agron.missouri.edu FTP : probe.nalusda.gov/pub/maizedb/macedist961001.tar.gz WWW : http://www.agron.missouri.edu WEBACE : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/ Contact : db_request@teosinte.agron.missouri.edu Comment : Data are periodically extracted into ACEDB format from Sybase Comment : Genera software used to maintain the Sybase database and its gateways, except for ACEDB Comment : ACEDB releases are announced on the MAIZE bulletin board; http://www.bio.net/hypermail/MAIZE/ Comment : WEBACE records are hardlinked to the Sybase server where data are curated Funding : USDA ARS Plant Genome Research Program FAQ_updated : Mar 7, 1997 Database : Mendel (plant wide gene names) Species : wide range of plant species Subject : standardized designations for sequenced genes Comment : The purpose is to provide a common system of nomenclature for substantially similar genes across the plant kingdom. Mendel is maintained by the Commission on Plant Gene Nomenclature. ACEDB_version : 4.0 Curator : Carl Price, price@mbcl.rutgers.edu Curator : Ellen Reardon, reardon@mbcl.rutgers.edu Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : July 1995 Database : Millet Genes Species : Pennisetum glaucum (Pearl Millet) ACEDB_version : 4.3 Curator : Matt Couchman, Matthew.Couchman@bbsrc.ac.uk PI : Katrien Devos, Katrien.Devos@bbsrc.ac.uk FTP: ftp://jiio5.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/pub/millet WWW : http://synteny.nott.ac.uk/millet.html WWW : http://jiio5.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk:8000/index.shtml WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : March 1997 DataBase : Mousedb Species : Mus Musculus Species : Homo Sapiens ACEDB_version : 3.0 with extensions to define and display cytogenetic data. Description : Mouse genome data from the published literature, including mouse genes with phenotypic effects, chromosome anomalies, imprinted regions and man-mouse homologies with associated pathological disorders. The maps are consensus ones. They use data, such as the HIS and anomaly data, to show alignments between the genetic and cytogenetic maps. Curator : Rachael Selley, rselley@har-rbu.mrc.ac.uk PI : Mary Lyon PI : Jo Peters Availability : Mousedb is available publicly from the UK HGMP Resource Centre's computing service via the INTERNET. For user id. please contact Administration, HGMP Resource Centre, Hinxton Hall, Cambridgeshire CB10 1RQ, UK. Tel: (+44) 1223 494520 Fax: (+44) 1223 494510 Contact : Rachael Selley, MRC Radiobiology Unit, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 ORD FAQ_updated : July 1995 Database : MPNADB (Medicinal Plants of Native America) Species : Over 2,100 plant species Curator : Daniel E. Moerman, dmoerman@umich.edu Curator : Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg, peosb@ars-grin.gov - ACEDB version Comment : MPNADB is based on a two-volume book of the same name published in 1986 by the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Michigan. MPNADB was first developed at the University of Michigan in DBase II. ACEDB_version : 4.0 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : June 1995 Database : MsqDB Species : Interspecies Mosquito database ACEDB_version : 4.3 WWW : http://klab.agsci.colostate.edu/ Curator : Dennis Knudson, dknudson@lamar.colostate.edu Co-Curator : Dave Severson, dave@aedes.vetsci.wisc.edu Co-Curator : Leonard Munstermann, munst@biomed.med.yale.edu Contact : aaedbmgr@klab.agsci.colostate.edu Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : April 1997 Database : MycDB Species : Mycobacteria Comment : MycDB is a collation of data on the mycobacteria, causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy. It is centered on the mapping and sequencing projects under way in M.leprae and M.tuberculosis. Curator : Staffan Bergh, staffan@biochem.kth.se Curator : Stewart Cole, stcole@pasteur.fr ACEDB_version : 4.3 Data_version : 4-22 (December 1996) FTP : www.biochem.kth.se ( in pub/MycDB FTP : ftp.pasteur.fr ( in pub/MycDB FTP : bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il ( in pub/databases/acedb/mycdb Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://www.biochem.kth.se/MycDB.html WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/other/ FAQ_updated : December 1996 Database : OMIA (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals) Species : wide range of animal species Subject : gene and phene (familial trait or phenotype) information Comment : MIA is modeled after Victor McKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) database and was developed at the University of Sydney, Australia, in Advanced Revelation. Curator : Frank Nicholas, frankn@doolittle.vetsci.su.oz.au ACEDB_version : 4.0 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/animal/ WWW : http://morgan.angis.su.oz.au/BIRX/phenes_form.html FAQ_updated : September 1995 Database : PhytochemDB (Plant Chemicals) Species : wide range of plant species Subject : Consists primarily of plant chemical data, including quantity, taxonomic occurrence, and chemical activity. Comment : Converted to ACEDB from the original SQL database. ACEDB_version : 4.0 Data_version : July 1994 Curator : Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg, peosb@ars-grin.gov Curator : James A. Duke, ngrljd@ars-grin.gov Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : June 1995 Database : PomBase Curator : Sean Walsh, svw@sanger.ac.uk Curator : Marie-Adele Rajendream PI : Bart Barrell, barrell@sanger.ac.uk Species : Schizosaccharomyces pombe ACEDB_version : 4.1 FTP : ftp.sanger.ac.uk in pub/PomBase FAQ_updated : September 1995 Database : PVP (Plant Variety Protection) Species : Glycine max (soybeans) Subject : Data about plant varieties that have been granted a Certificate of Protection by the Plant Variety Protection Office. Curator : Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg, sbeckstr@nalusda.gov - ACEDB version ACEDB_version : 4.0 Contact: The Plant Variety Protection Office, Room. 500, National Agriculture Library, 10301 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville, Maryland 20705 Telephone : 301-504-5518 Fax : 301-504-5291 Email : Jeff Strachan, strachan@locus.nalusda.gov Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/related/ FAQ_updated : June 1995 Database : Receptor Database Species : all Curator : Kotoko Nakata, nakata@nihs.go.jp Co-Curator : Takako Igarashi, taka@nihs.go.jp Co-Curator : Tsuguchika Kaminuma, kaminuma@nihs.go.jp Contact : Kotoko Nakata, nakata@nihs.go.jp ACeDB_version : 4.1 WWW : http://impact.nihs.go.jp/RDB.html Data_updated : regularly FAQ_updated : October 1997 Database : RiceGenes Species : Oryza sativa Curator : Edie Paul, epaul@nightshade.cit.cornell.edu PI : Susan McCouch ACEDB_version : 4.1 FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/ricegenes Gopher : nightshade.cit.cornell.edu Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7007 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : November 1996 Database : SacchDB Species : Saccharomyces cerevisiae Subject : Budding (common baker's) Yeast Genome ACEDB_version : UNIX 4.3, MacAce 4.0b4 Data_version : 4.6 Data : All Saccharomyces genes contained in the Registry of Gene Names. Results of the completed chromosomal sequencing projects have been integrated into the database. Physical Maps based on DNA sequencing projects, hybridization to the Olson/Riles prime filter grids, and restriction mapping. For the completely sequenced chromosomes the Olson prime clones have been re-mapped (on the computer) to the DNA sequence. Saccharomyces DNA sequences contained within GenBank are incorporated. Literature references, most including abstracts, for the information contained within the database. Gene protein product information obtained from the YPD database (Garrels and Latter, CSHL) and the literature. Genetic Maps including the underlying two point tetrad data. Including all tetrad data reported in previous additions of the Mortimer Yeast Maps. FTP : genome-ftp.stanford.edu in pub/yeast/SacchDB FTP : ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in repository/SacchDB WWW : http://genome-www.stanford.edu/ Funding : National Center for Human Genome Research, NIH PI : David Botstein, botstein@genome.stanford.edu Project Manager/Curator : Mike Cherry, cherry@genome.stanford.edu Curator : Selena Dwight, dwight@genome.stanford.edu Curator : Cathy Ball, ball@genome.stanford.edu Curator : Caroline Adler, adler@genome.stanford.edu Curator : Yankai Jia, jia@genome.stanford.edu Programmer : Gail Juvik, gjuvik@genome.stanford.edu Programmer : Shuai Weng, shuai@genome.stanford.edu Sys. Admin : Mark Schroeder, mark@genome.stanford.edu Contact : yeast-curator@genome.stanford.edu Data_Submission : yeast-curator@genome.stanford.edu FAQ_updated : September 1996 Database: SchistoDB Species: Schistosoma mansoni (plus other schistosomes) PI: David Johnston ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: (when available) ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/Schisto/ WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html Data_updated: In development FAQ_updated : November 1996 Database : SolGenes Subject : Solanaceae - tomato, potato, pepper Curator : Sam Beer, sbeer@nightshade.cit.cornell.edu PI : none currently Release : ACEDB 4.3 FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/solgenes Gopher : nightshade.cit.cornell.edu:71 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7006 Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ Data_updated : May 1997 FAQ_updated : May 1997 Database : SorghumDB Species : Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench PI : Keith F. Schertz, schertz@tamvm1.tamu.edu USDA-ARS, Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2474 Phone : (409) 260-9252 FAX : (409) 845-0456 Curator : Najeeb U. Siddiqui, nus6389@tam2000.tamu.edu Southern Crop Improvement Facility, Crop Biotechnology Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2123 Phone : (409) 862-1523 FAX : (409) 862-4790 ACEDB_version : 3.0 Data_version : 2.0 FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/sorghumdb Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ FAQ_updated : September 1995 Database : SoyBase Species : Glycine max (Soybeans) and related species PI : Randy Shoemaker, rcsshoe@iastate.edu Curator : David Grant, dgrant@iastate.edu Assistant_curator : Marica Imsamde, mimsande@iastate.edu Contact : David Grant, dgrant@iastate.edu ACEDB-Version : 3.7 FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in pub/soybase Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ WWW : http://macgrant.agron.iastate.edu FAQ_updated : October 1995 Database : Syndb Species : Homo sapiens, Mus musculus Subject : STS content mapping & directed sequencing of Human Chromosomes 21,5 with Mouse for syntenic comparison ACEDB_version : acedb v3.3 plus moulon server FTP : genome.lbl.gov in pub/acedb/ WWW : http://genome.lbl.gov/Genome/acepage.html Curator : Donn F. Davy, DFDavy@lbl.gov Contact : Arun K. Aggarwal, aggarwal@genome.lbl.gov PI : Michael Palazzolo PI : Chris Martin PI : Jan-Fang Cheng, jcheng@genome.lbl.gov FAQ_updated : October 1994 Database: ToxoDB Species: Toxoplasma gondii PI: David Sibley PI: David Roos PI: Jim Ajioka ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/Toxo/ WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/toxo/toxpage.html Data_updated: October 1996 FAQ_updated: November 1996 Database : TreeGenes Species : Forest trees ACEDB_version : 4.3 Curator : Bradley K. Sherman, bks@s27w007.pswfs.gov PI : David B. Neale, dbn@s27w007.pswfs.gov Contact : Dendrome@s27w007.pswfs.gov FTP : probe.nalusda.gov in /pub/treegenes Gopher : s27w007.pswfs.gov/ Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7508/ Gopher : probe.nalusda.gov:7000/11/genome.databases/ WWW : http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/plant/ WWW : http://s27w007.pswfs.gov/ FAQ_updated : May 1996 Database: Trypbase Species: Trypanosoma brucei PI: Sara Melville ACEDB_version: 4.3 Curator: Howard Cobb Curator: Martin Aslett Contact: Sara Melville, sm160@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk Contact: Martin Aslett, aslett@ebi.ac.uk FTP: ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/parasites/brucei WWW: http://parsun1.path.cam.ac.uk/newtryp/toppage.htm WWW: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/parasite-genome.html Data_updated: October 1996 FAQ_updated: November 1996 Database : 21Bdb Species : Homo sapiens Subject : STS content mapping and sequencing of Human Chromosome 21 ACEDB_version : acedb.1-10 plus moulon server Curator : Donn F. Davy, DFDavy@lbl.gov Contact : Arun K. Aggarwal, aggarwal@genome.lbl.gov PI : Michael Palazzolo PI : Chris Martin PI : Jan-Fang Cheng, jcheng@genome.lbl.gov FTP : ftp://genome.lbl.gov in pub/acedb/ WWW : http://genome.lbl.gov/Genome/acepage.html FAQ_updated : April 1994 Database : 11Db Species : Homo sapiens Subject : Physical and Genetic mapping of Human Chromosome 11 Description : 11Db attempts to show as full a picture as possible of the genetic and physical maps of Human Chromosome 11. It has two new displays, one which attempts to integrate as much of the mapping data as possible using minimal intervals, and one which displays YAC Contigs downloaded from SEGMAP datafiles. Contact : Benedict Arnold (b.arnold@bc.ic.ac.uk) PI : Peter Little (p.little@bc.ic.ac.uk) ACEDB_version : based on 4_1 with added map displays. ACEDB_version : based on 3_6 with added map displays. Data version : 1.0 Last Update : December 1995 WWW : http://chr11.bc.ic.ac.uk FTP : ftp.cc.ic.ac.uk Description : 11Db attempts to show as full a picture as possible of the genetic and physical maps of Human Chromosome 11. It has two new displays, one which attempts to integrate as much of the mapping data as possible using minimal intervals, and one which displays YAC Contigs downloaded from SEGMAP datafiles. Database : 22ace Species : Homo sapiens Subject : Physical map of human chromosome 22, genomic sequencing and more ACEDB_version : 4.1 Curator : Ian Dunham, id1@sanger.ac.uk Curator : Gareth Maslen, glm@sanger.ac.uk PI : Ian Dunham FTP : ftp.sanger.ac.uk in pub/human/chr22/physical_map/ WWW : http://www.sanger.ac.uk/hum22/ FAQ_updated : August 1995 Database : VoxPop Species : Populus species Curator : Carl G. Riches, cgr@poplar1.cfr.washington.edu PI : Reinhard F. Stettler, STETTLER@coyote.cfr.washington.edu ACEDB_version : 1.9 FTP : poplar1.cfr.washington.edu in /pub/ Gopher : poplar1.crf.washington.edu Return to List of Questions _________________________________________________________________ Q12:Who prepared this document & where is the current version? A12: This document is posted monthly to the BIOSCI newsgroup bionet.software.acedb and to USENET conference news.answers. It is intended to be used as an index to ACEDB databases and to information about the database software. The WWW version of this document is at: http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/acedbfaq.html A text version is available via anonymous ftp at machine rtfm.mit.edu as pub/usenet/news.answers/acedb-faq. If you only have electronic mail, the FAQ can be retrieved from mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu. Curators of ACEDB databases should take note of Question "What ACEDB databases exist?", and keep me apprised of changes. Errors of commission or omission are unintentional. If I have forgotten to give you credit please let me know. Please send comments and corrections to: acedbfaq@s27w007.pswfs.gov This FAQ was created and maintained from 1993 - 1996 by Bradley K. Sherman. Major contributions in getting it off the ground were made by Mike Cherry, John McCarthy, and Doug Bigwood. Other contributors include: * Lisa Lorenzen * David Matthews * Edie Paul * Donn Davy * Eric De Mund * Sam Cartinhour It is currently maintained by Dave Matthews. Please cite as: Matthews, D.E., and B.K. Sherman, ACEDB Genome Database Software FAQ, ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/acedb-faq, http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/acedbfaq.html, 1993-1998, approx. 70K bytes. To add or modify information in this document, please send mail to: acedbfaq@s27w007.pswfs.gov The GrainGenes Project is funded by the USDA ARS Plant Genome Research Program. 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