Usenet FAQ Archive Credits

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This archive was initially built and tested by Kent Landfield with the help of a great many people. It is only fair that they really understand how much I value their contributions.

First to the FAQ Authors who take the time to contribute by answering people's questions,

Without you and your tireless volunteerism,
the Net would be a very different place.

And secondly, while I've told them individually, I'd like you to know that the following people truly went above and beyond in helping me improve this archive. This page is simply my way of trying to give them the credit they deserve.

Steve Atkins<>
Terry Carroll<>
Michael Current<>
Stefan Eggers<>
Pam Greene<>
Paola Kathuria<>
Monee C. Kidd<>
Brad Knowles<>
Henriette Kress<>
Tom Lane<>
Martin Leese<>
Matt Messina<>
Wayne S. Mery<>
Edward Reid<>
Ken Sall<>
Robert Kazuhiko Uyeyama<>
Robert Lindsay Wells<>
Jean-Claude Wippler<>
Bill Wohler<>
Catherine Woodgold<>



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