Re: [faq-maintainers] Why does approval take so long

From: Simon Paquet (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 08:05:23 CDT

In the distants of time, David Alex Lamb wished to say a word:

>The queue is backed up to about April 2002. Currently none of the moderators
>added last year are active, but Nick plans to return after his most recent
>work crunch.
>I'm still on disability leave, and the overnight batch jobs usually have the
>main files locked during the brief perious in the morning when I've been able
>to log in. I hope to put in a couple of "afternoon" hours over the next 2
>weeks. That will likly only catch up the older FAQ checker stuff and a few
>quickies like change-of-maintainer.

Thanks for the info, David


Rusty: You scared?
Linus: You suicidal?
Rusty: Only in the morning.
(Ocean's Eleven)
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