Re: what a strange list


Tom Magliery (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 10:24:26 -0600

At 02:36 PM 3/27/98 -0600, Thomas Cuny unabashedly said:
>I have concluded that this is a very low activity list. At any rate,
>I would like a list of who is on the list and how many messages are
>sent in a typical week.

as a subscriber, i can tell you there have been around 625 messages
since the beginning of last may. they tend to come in 10 to
20-message flurries of activity within a day or two, separated by
days of quiet.


///3  Tom Magliery, Research Programmer           217-333-3198  .---o
\\\   NCSA, 605 E. Springfield      O-  `-O-.
///   Champaign, IL 61820  o---'