Re: Marketing


Uzi Paz (
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 06:04:26 +0200 (IST)

A web site which dedicates itself to the topic of widely accessible
web-designs is made by the "Accessible by Any Browser" campaign.

Instructions can be found on:

Uzi Paz

On Mon, 16 Mar 1998, Devin Reade wrote:

> For anyone updating, please keep accessibility in mind.
> The w3c pages mention ways to keep web pages usable to those
> who are visually impaired (or legally blind). There are also
> segments of the population that are still using text based
> browsers (mainly Lynx).
> Whether or not a particular FAQ need follow accessibility guidelines
> depends on the target audience (it would be nice if all did, but
> I'm not going to be pedantic), but I think something general like
> *should* follow such guidelines.
> In addition to the suggestions on the w3c site, Nathan Mates also
> has a list on how to keep your pages accessible to text browsers.
> You can find it at:
> It's targeted at Apple II oriented web pages, but the same principle
> applies.
> Keeping pages readable on text browsers doesn't mean you can't have
> fancy graphics. You just have to keep limitations and alternatives
> in mind.