Re: How to handle personal email ?

Thu, 29 Jan 1998 22:36:17 -0500

On 1998-01-29 said to

>I have a question regarding an issue which many of you
>must have encountered in the past, namely that of people
>sending me mail personally in response to the FAQ, when
>the mail contains s either a question which is not related
>to the FAQ directly (= should be posted to a newsgroup),
>or is a silly job offer (the next head hunter to offer me a job
>in the U.S., ignoring the part of my email address is risking
>his life. How many idiots are there to offer an Israelly student
>a job in the U.S., no relocation package mentioned, U.S. citizenship
>or permanent residence required ?)

The head hunters probably just grepped usenet and got your name! Wish
they'd send me a good offer! I usually just get a form letter wanting my
credentials or something! Or a mess of spam.

I always know when my FAQs post by the increased spam received! Why does
somebody think that a FAQ maintainer would be `clueless' enough to fall
for a MMF `Ponzi' scheme anyway? I just forward them to their postmaster
and Mrs. Broder at the FTC. Well, sometimes I send `em my `Ben.Joeking'

The personal replies or questions I've received have, for the most part,
led to a interesting exchange with someone with a honest question! One guy
couldn't figure out his mailer or Usenet so he replied to a address (mine)
and we chatted back and forth a couple times. Turned out he thought I was
someone else! It was very funny but, I really enjoyed helping him, too!

>Could anyone suggest a good advice on how to repll those kinds of
>emails ?

Tell `em you don't understand their question or job offer and they should
call you at home then give `em a local (to you) number!




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