> the lists I presume you're
> referring to, the Ice Figure Skating Suppliers FAQ and the
> Recreational Figure Skating FAQ
Those be the ones.
> did make it here to eskimo.com, on the same day you
> posted them (October 5).
That is good, I think karen has received a reply to at least one of the
parts from Singapore, so I think the ISP I use is manageing to get the
posts out fairly well.
The question then becomes how can we ensure that the central archive site
receives the material to archive..
> (11 parts, including two copies of the index)
A paste before the next copy 8-<< One day I will figure out a way to
automate the posting, at the moment I just open the file in an editor, and
paste the text into a posting window in WIN_VN. I pasted the index a second
time rather than the part I wanted to post.
Charles MacDonald - Information Management - NHQ
HRDC Banyan Mail : MacDonald.c@phii.faa.ad@nhq
HRDC Web Mail : macdonald.c@gw019348.hq-ac.prv
Work SMTP Mail : charles.macdonald@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca
Personal SMTP Mail : cmacd@achilles.net