The WWW alternative (was: Re: Is news.answers dead?)


Omer Zak (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 18:55:26 +0200 (USAST)

On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Lennart Regebro wrote:

> Well, the thing is, that if you decide to go with your ideas, ie
> replace the news.answer archive with a distributed Web-solution that
> doesn't archive things but just point to different sites, then you
> get:
> The WWW Virtual Library:
> It already exists. Nobody has to replace, enhance or modify
> news.answers in anyway. Just register with the Virtual Library, and
> then stop using news.answers.

Very good!
I have E-mailed them a request to add URL to my deafness related
information WWW site.
Also, someone from there should post a short FAQ to news.answers about
using this service and a Web-by-mail service for fetching things from it
by people who don't have WWW access.
--- Omer
WWW home page:

Cheatware, n.:

Software which has attractive man-machine interface and which makes you
believe that it does something that it does not actually do. Example:
some brands of RAM doubler software.

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