5.3. Construction

5.3.1. Install utilities from e2fsprogs

bash# cd /usr/src/e2fsprogs-1.29
bash# ./configure --host=i386-pc-linux-gnu
bash# make
bash# cd e2fsck
bash# cp e2fsck.shared ~/staging/sbin/e2fsck
bash# ln -s e2fsck ~/staging/sbin/fsck.ext2
bash# cd ../misc
bash# cp fsck mke2fs ~/staging/sbin
bash# ln -s mke2fs ~/staging/sbin/mkfs.ext2

5.3.2. Install utilities from util-linux

bash# cd /usr/src/util-linux-2.11u

Use a text editor to make the following changes to MCONFIG:

bash# ./configure
bash# make
bash# cp disk-utils/mkfs ~/staging/sbin
bash# cp fdisk/fdisk ~/staging/sbin
bash# cp login-utils/agetty ~/staging/sbin
bash# ln -s agetty ~/staging/sbin/getty
bash# cp login-utils/login ~/staging/bin
bash# cp misc-utils/kill ~/staging/bin
bash# cp mount/mount ~/staging/bin
bash# cp mount/umount ~/staging/bin
bash# cp mount/swapon ~/staging/sbin
bash# cp sys-utils/dmesg ~/staging/bin

5.3.3. Check library requirements

bash# ldd ~/staging/bin/* | more
bash# ldd ~/staging/sbin/* | more
bash# ls ~/staging/lib

All of the dependencies revealed by the ldd command are for libraries already present in the staging area so there is no need to copy anything new.

5.3.4. Strip binaries to save space

bash# strip ~/staging/bin/*
bash# strip ~/staging/sbin/*

5.3.5. Create additional device files

bash# mknod ~/staging/dev/ram0 b 1 0
bash# mknod ~/staging/dev/fd0 b 2 0
bash# mknod ~/staging/dev/null c 1 3

5.3.6. Create mtab and fstab files

bash# cd ~/staging/etc
bash# ln -s /proc/mounts mtab

Use an editor like vi emacs or pico to create the following file and save it as ~/staging/etc/fstab.

proc		/proc	proc	noauto		0	0
/dev/ram0	/	ext2	defaults	1	1

5.3.7. Write a script to mount the proc filesystem

bash# mkdir ~/staging/etc/init.d
bash# cd ~/staging/etc/init.d

Use an editor to create the following shell script and save it as ~/staging/etc/init.d/proc_fs:

# proc_fs - mount the proc filesystem
PATH=/sbin:/bin ; export PATH

mount -t proc proc /proc
# end of proc_fs

5.3.8. Write a script to check and mount local filesystems

Use an editor to create the following shell script and save it as ~/staging/etc/init.d/local_fs:

# local_fs - check and mount local filesystems
PATH=/sbin:/bin ; export PATH

fsck -ATCp
if [ $(($?)) -gt $((1)) ]; then
  echo "Filesystem errors still exist!  Manual intervention required."
  echo "Remounting / as read-write."
  mount -o remount,rw /
  echo "Mounting local filesystems."
  mount -a
# end of local_fs

Set execute permissions on the scripts.

bash# chmod +x proc_fs
bash# chmod +x local_fs

5.3.9. Create a compressed root disk image

bash# cd /
bash# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram7 bs=1k count=4096
bash# mke2fs -m0 /dev/ram7
bash# mount /dev/ram7 /mnt
bash# cp -dpR ~/staging/* /mnt
bash# umount /dev/ram7
bash# dd if=/dev/ram7 of=~/phase4-image bs=1k
bash# gzip -9 ~/phase4-image

5.3.10. Write the root disk image to floppy

Insert the diskette labled "root disk" into drive fd0.

bash# dd if=~/phase4-image.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k