<APPLET ...>

Usage Recommendation
use it, but don't rely on it

  • CODE: the applet to run
  • CODEBASE: path to the applet class
  • WIDTH: width of the applet
  • HEIGHT: height of the applet
  • ALIGN: alignment of applet to surrounding text
  • VSPACE: vertical space between applet and surrounding text
  • HSPACE: horizontal space between applet and surrounding text
  • BORDER: empty space surrounding the applet
  • NAME: name of applet for reference by other applets
  • ARCHIVE: a compressed collection of applet components
  • MAYSCRIPT: If Java can use JavaScript

<APPLET ...> puts an applet in your page. In its simplest use, <APPLET ...> requires the use of CODE (to tell what applet file to load), WIDTH (to tell how wide the applet should be), and HEIGHT (to tell how tall the applet should be).

this code produces this
<APPLET CODE="MyApplet.class" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100>
<P>Hi There<P>

Hi There

The contents of <APPLET ...> is either the <PARAM ...> tag, or information which is ignored by browsers which understand <APPLET ...>. This method of ignoring the contents allows you to put in text for browsers which don't understand <APPLET ...>.

About the Author
Copyright 1997-2002 Idocs Inc. Content in this guide is offered freely to the public under the terms of the Open Content License and the Open Publication License. Contents may be redistributed or republished freely under these terms so long as credit to the original creator and contributors is maintained.