Created: 3/24/1960

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nsc briefing


Heons Hfe/ze tfmB.

nlnl itrnTiirimwreturnarch,

hrmsn tinfona hlo arrivair "Che" Guevara publiclyCuba faces "economic war" with US.

on same day President Dortlcos made his strongestdate on US and iwgbi accused the US of being responsibleLa Coubre explosion.

down of small plane from Florida onarchtheme for symphony of abuse: within hours,radios were shouting "another aggression."

Castro still strongly in control, opposition becomingparticularly on Communist issue.

organization of ex-President Prio issuedon Communismarch.

Called Cuban Communists ashreat to the revolution as the counterrevolutionaries.

But at same time reiterated support for the revolution whit it saw threatened by "imperialism."

least one student group is reported planninglater this week to test limits to whichwill go in suppressing anti-Communist activity.

Castro continues on same radical course.

A. In additionpeople's stores" said to have been formec by INRA in rural areas'^ live such government-operated markets are said to be operating now in Havana.

1. Spread of "people's stores" to cities is in line with Castro's reported statements last autumn: "First we take the countryside; then we get control of the cities."

adio and TV stations are being formed intochain, Independent Front of Free Transmitters.

Many of announcers arc Cooounlst-tlnged, and output favors Communist line.

Network may expand to Mexico, Venezuela, possibly Panama.

to usually reliable CIA source, Cuba has offeredformer Guatemalan Communist boss during Arbenz regime,Fortuny (who is now in Brazil).

IV. This week is "Week of Solidarity with the Struggles of the Latin Americaneclared by Communist-infiltrated Cuban labor confederation and warmly endorsed by Communist party.

Communists giving strong support; Pelplng radiorally0 In Pelplng onarch in support ofAmerican people's national and democratic movementCuban peoplo's struggle against US imperialist Rally, addressed by Chou En-lai and other leading Chinese

figures, was first manifestation of the "China-Latin

America Friendship Association" formed in Peiplng onarch.

meetings in Cuba have attacked Dominican, Nlcaraguan,


and Paraguayan regimes and emphasized the "struggles of the people of Puerto Rico."

labor confederation is preparing to send delegates tocelebrations in Moscow, Peiplng, and Prague.



roft'S copy0


The first part of this special estimate reviows the tread of events In Cuba, the acceptance of local Communists "as participants in tho process of romaklngnd the development of "significant contacts with the Bloc." It states, "Prolongation of the present situation will result in even greater Communist influence in Cuba and will further encourage Communists and other anti-US elements throughout Latinnd continues:

"6. However, Fidel Castro remains the dominant element in the regime and we believe that he Is not disposed to accept actualfrom any foreign We consider it extremely unlikely that the PSP /Communistould soon develop sufficient strength to make openly an effective bid for power on its

"7. We believe that for some time Communist leaders will continue to concentrate on influencing the formulation and Implementation of policy and on covert infiltration of thethat they will avoid any challenge to Fidel Castro's authority or any claim to formal PSP participation in the /The Soviet leaders/ probably believe that the present state of affairs is weakening tho US position and advancing their interests, not only in Cuba, butLatin America. The Communists probably also believe that the US will lose in influence and prestige so long as Castro's successful defiance of the US (including bis acceptance of Bloc assistance) continu and that the US is faced with the dilemma of tolerating an increasingly Communist-orientod Cuba or of arousing widespread Latin Americanby intervening. Above all, the Soviets probably wish toituation in which the US could secure broad Latin American support for action to curb Castro. While Castro's regime has lost


prestige Id Latinew popular leaders in the area areto dismiss Castro asro-Communist

"8. We believe that Fidel Castro and bis government are not now

"Demonstrably under the domination or control of the international Communist Yet, wo believe tbat the Cuban regime is In practice following the line set for Latin American Communist parties at the time oft Party Congress in Moscow in9 and that it will continue to pursue policies advantageous to the Communists and to accept Communist assistance and advice In carrying themCastro7 appears Intent on pressing ahead with is anti-OS campaign, which might come to involve attempted expulsion of the US from its Guantanamo Base, abandonment of Cuba's privileged position in the US sugaromplete diplomatic rupture, and danger to the lives of American citizens. The more he becomes embroiled with the US, the more he will look to tbe Bloc for support, including provision of military equipment, although both the Bloc and the Cubans wouldseek to avoid any accusation tbat Cuba was being madeoviet base. Should the Castro regime be threatened, the USSR would probably do what it could to support the regime. However, the USSR would not hesitate to write off the Castro regime before involving Itselfirect military confrontation with the US over Cuba, or, at least during the present state of Soviet policy,ajor diplomatic crisis with the US."

Original document.

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