Created: 10/26/1960

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HEHCcAKDUU FOB: icUnf Director of Central Intelligence

Director (Intelligence)

Eeportlng on Oocaunlst Zaflueoce and activities in Cuban Bevolutloa

Office has priated Dimerous articles that pointed up th* Interest, Influence and activities of the Cuban Coaawnlat party In Fidel Castro'a revolutionary novceeat and In the government eetKbilehed by Caetro The articles appeared la the Current Intelligence Bulletin, the Current Intelligence Series, and notes prepared for delivery to the national Security Council.

The publication, itn date, and the pertinent data concerning tbe Cocatnalet subversion aro listed In the attached compilation.

Orlg hi-




OCX Reporting onInfluence nan Activities In the Cuban Revolution

The following excerpts vers tenon from tbs Daily Bulletin and Weekly Bevies pehllnhedpril IOCS and IS Tne excerpts froa KSC briefing no tea are froa briefings prepared froa*8 to0 (pages S3.


0 Apriloutlawed Cuban Coaannlat party

has offered Castro unsolicited supporteneraleveral of Castro'ahla brother, oho la known to havs traveled behind tbe Ironbeen ;ted of cotxunlet eyapathlcs."

7 JulyCastro's Ccenunlat-laflltratcd

forces often operate without direct orders from hla brother

ulyof the US Kaval Base st

Cuantanamo expect themerican eervlcemem still held by the Cuban rebola to bo rslsasod beginningn American consulwith tho re be In believes they could auecessfully olade aay force eeat la to rescue the Americans, and one of the rebel officers warned aim they would fight any American rescue force and vould publicly recjueat Soviet arms to dohe American consular officers dealing withtro have been unable definitely to

identify any ember of hie groupcsnaanlet, but never to* lose believeelesderehip say be."


outlawed Popalar 6oclalisfc (COeanxnist) party (PSP) Bay sowIts efforts to ally Itself vita tba rebel cease In aa attempt to gain political advantages or recognition,owJanuary tbe Ceoaeniat chief announced support of the rebel noveaeat and calledunitedConstraint aynpathisera aro believed to have penetrated the rebel novenentow level, and the antl-naerioan sentineata held by eceewithin the group cosnasded by Baalwell bo ted to tho Ccssaunlsts* advantage."


8 Jannrxy IS59

leadership o? Cuba's strong labor Kovesent ia athe COffisualets, ciio have nsintalned an underground labor orcanJsatloc, can be expectedstrong bid tax control of organised labor." "


"The Cuban Cosooaniet party (PSP) has succeeded laloe -ity voice in the organised labort and is represented oa an employe* coassittoe valch la attempting to take over thoof the Cuban ElectricubsidiaryS firs. The PSP la acting openly to create aa ispressioa of legality. Swsever, the Orrutla

:ogal&ed the party."


there are eosa signs of feeling against the BS Govermaent onong cieobcra of tbe new regimeeneral deelre to speedm beat ration* of foreign-owned Indus tries, particularly Eogir plantations. **


caatro and other leaders of the politically dominantf July movement have declared that^the Popular Socialistlet) party (PSP) sill sow be permitted to operateegal party *slmcs freedom of political action Is guaranteed by th*Osanuary, the Ccansunieta la Havaaa held their first public rally aloes Batista cutlaved their party The Communist dally nevspaper Hoy has reaumod publication, and th* party has opened offices in Havana and Santiago."



planned la Cuba for later this month among Is&ders of several Latin American Cocawaist parties say coacora Ccmaoialsts efforts to control theiberation1 novomenta being forced with Cuban government oncovrageeKtut to oast 'dictators4 tho Caribbean area.

"Disillusionment vith theJ>a* soeaa to bereoccupation with certain projects orach as social and acrerlaa reform, la del eying economic recovery. He has alienated certaia commercial, professional, and political groups, including som* of his former supporters, but his popularity vith the If *ers lalnlalehed. Certaia moves by th* eev eovsrnment, socfi aa loser lag rents asd catting utility rates, have bees dmslgred to appeal to tee lover classes without regard to the effect oa the economic structure**


Costa Bloaa President Jose Fisiieres, daring him current trip to Cuba, will probably try to dlasuade Castro froa actions that would increase Communist capabilitiee in tha area,k Castro a

help for hie owe plane for ousting the reglnes Id Nicaragua and Doalnlcan Republic. He and his ally, Yeneauelaa Prealdent Betancourt are deeplyover Castro's demagoguery and hla predilection for supporting pro-Coaucanlat groups of rerolutlonarles In his crusade agalnat dictatorships." " ^

archCoats Rican President Figueres

failed Id his visit to Cuba to convince Fidel Castro that Caatro'a movement is supporting Irresponsible Cosnminist groups


1 Aprilextant of Communlat lnflusDce la

Cvbn vaa lapressed on foraor Costa Rican President Figueres during hla vlait there last weak. Flguarea now definitely regards Cuban Prine Kin later Fidel Castro as an opponent of the leftlatCommunist Latin American revolutionary KOvessDt represented by hlnaelf and Venezuelan Prealdent Betancourt. He expecta eerloua political deterioration in Cuba, after which 'anything canncluding Coumunlst domination." "Figueres and his olose associate, Gonxalo Fsclon, returned convinced that the Comaunlate axe influential, not only In the Cuban Army and in organized labor, but also In circles close toolster Fidele strongly euapecta that thereucleus of dedicated Communists In Cuba trying toHungary in reverae* requiring US armedigueres* obeervatlone vers apparently confined to the Havanan Orients Province, where the Comnunlata appear to exert their greateatommunlets are prominent eaong tbe teachere being recruited for the violently anti-US political-Indoctrination schools vhlch the government is estsblishlng to teach the Illiterate rural masses. The schools are expected to be extended to the rest of the Island."

prilprivate conversation with Cuban

businessmenpril, Panos (pros1dent of tbe Cuban Rational Bank) reportedly expreascd pessimism concerning Cuba's future undar tbe Castro regime. Several other observars of Cuban developstoats hare recently voiced similar pessimism. Seraflno Boaualdl, ML^-CIQ represents tire to the In tar-American Regional Labor Organisationeportedpril that OBIT has concluded that the Castro government is opening Its doors to OBBMIiMem in Cuba." fggg^OggfEE^f*

prilto the Castro regime, still

largely unorganised, la increasing as Castro continues to reveal authoritarian tendencies. Catholic Church leaders are deeply disturbed over the Coram nl at gains and are said to be planning the establlah-mentolitical party to Influence politicalumber of Cubans, Boot of them disillusioned formerf ridelare alarmed at thenti-OS orientation and the Influence of the Communists on theAfter hie return from hla Cuban visit last month, forcer Costa Bloan Preeldent Flguerea, vho has alwaysslow to pin tho Coscnuolst label on anyone vithout adequate proof, toldmbassador Wlllauer that he was tending core and more to believe that Castro may, in fact,onmunlst himself. While there Is no proof that heember of the Communist party. It is clear that the Coaammlats hare made significant galas since Castro came to power last January and that Ceaorunlets or pro-Coaasunista


prilCommunlat threat in the Caribbean

area Is considered alarmingroup of Latin American and US liberals meeting inlca with former President Jose yigusrea. Thea particularly

concerned over Comaunlat penetratloa of the Cuban Government. Figueres and Betancourt (President of Venezuela) are justified la their fear that Coamunlst-controlled Mceraguan and Dominican revolutionary groups, which harsap athstically received and encouraged by Cuban officials, sill spread Communism"


Castro, the irresponsible Ctoaasuniet-influenced brother of the prime ainlater, strongly attacked the United States as one of 'the enemies of the Cuban revolution'peech onpril,"1



changes are reported being aade la the military high command aa well aa among lower ranking officers. Raul Castro, commander in chief of the armed forces, apparently initiated the changes prior to hie hurried trip to meet Fidel Castro la Eoustoa onpril. They may be deslgaed to eliminate officers he considers to be rightists and unsympathetic toommunists, vho haveoothold in Cuban organised labor under the Castro regime, sill undoubtedlyrominent role inay celebrations. Tbe pro-Coomunlet army Raj or 'Che' Guevara has announced plans for an 'armed workers allitla' to paradeay, but the head of the Cuban Confederation of Torkers bas stated thstilitia haa not yet boon organised.- irj7

anong record of Communist associations has been named executive director of the agrarian reform machinery established by cabinet decree onay. Land reform is the key to the country's economic snd soclsl development, and penetration of its administration vould provide the Communists with the means of building up conalderable political strength in the ruralhe Coramunlats have


already shown considerable activity in ons rural areas, particularly in Grleuto Province where they have staffedschools* designed to Instill revolutionary fervor In the Basses. They have aleo been Involved In the formationl^llann Orlente."


la interested inight-arms factory from CroohoslovaJcis, accordingeliable source of the American Eabansy in Havana. zech official already in Cuba discussing tractor sales has indicatedzech expert on arts* sales la expected in Havana onuly."


Chinese Coonuolsta haveranch of their official novo agency in Havana and are reportedly planning tohinese-language newspaper. hinese Communist 'Journalist' delegation is currentlyubstantialeffort in Cuba, following earlier visits to Chile, Brazil, and Uruguay. This activity reflects the sharply Increased Chinese Comnuolst effort in Latin America especially apparent since Latin American Communists met with top Chinese officials lo Peiping earlier thisRr.

apparently viewCommnalsts have acde considerable gains undera particularly favorable center for developing can da network in tbe area,**


Caetro'a successfululy aaneuver of forcing the reelgnatlon of Preeldeut Kanuel Orrutis by dramatically threatening hla own reeignntlon as prise Minister has Increased the opportunities for further Communist gains in Cuba. Communists quickly Joined in the etcot tonal public expressions of support for Castro and against




astro/sharply attacked urrutia for criticizing Communiste and said his oil'forwncos with the former presldant%aul Castro, who has facilitated Coaaunlat psnatratlon of tha armed fareas, reportedly told Urrutia onuly that he would sake certain govern-sent appointments regardleaa ofthe President's contrary wishes

"Khrushchev has been Invited to visit Havana. The invitation wasEKS*by the pro-Pldel Castro Cuban newspaper Plarlo Libre. The visit to "revolutionary Cubaj extension of his US trip.

"The chairman of the Soviet State Committee for Cnltural Relations with Foreign Countrieseao-rvoath visa for the chief of Its Latin Amerlcj

invitation to druahchev to visit Havana. Bloc propaganda over the last several months has paid increasing attention to. Cuban cevelonsentB.


idening rift betweenXnter-Amerlcanof Workers and ItsCuban Confederation of Workers. la likely to be an Increase lasentiment in Cuban organised labor,hare aade gains bywith adherents of thef.n the ISf the CTC which hereelections, Cosmunlats or sua pecwere elected, underfto the executive committees ofincluding Cuba's second,fourth largeat. Communist gainssignificant in earlier local

4 September

further aggravated th.haotic conditions in th. armed fercea. rhichocsl polnt. penetration and efforts at Kibvsrlionh;



9 "Raul Castrotrongly anti-US speech

oneptember endorsedcallingatin American people's congreaa. Thla nay ba the congreaa planned in Koacowpecial conference of delegatea of theatin Anerloan Communist parties attendingt congress of the Communist party of the Soviet Dal on last February. Identification with the Castro revolution rather thanocal Coaauniat party vould aske the aongreaa sore attractive than otherwise to certainCommunists and provide opportunities for Communist penetration of future hemisphericongress appears to be part of the Communist plan of action in thlaKoanvfelle, Ernesto Cue vara, aCowanintst leader of the Castro revolution,V audience oneptember that the OS naval base at Ouantanamo Bay madearget for nuclear attacks. An intensified campaign against US military bases and missions mas another important tactic in the act! gran adopted ll"

9 abinet mlnleter hassually

reliable source that Fidel Castro is planning Important changes in key government positions. There have been numerous reports that some noderates may be forced out of theand the pro-Communist Ernesto Guevara vlll have an Influential industrial planningbe reteatlon of trainedetermined to keep the Cuban economy from collapsing vould serveounterbalance to tbe apparently increasing power of Raul Castro, Gvcyara, and other extreme leftists."


praise of 'Che* Guevara, whom ha placod In charge of Induatrlalna7 reflect ewareneae of tba dlatruat which many reaponalble Cubans feel for Guevara, who la generally regarded an. InY epeech ofapt/Castro eaphaalaed hla""great reliance on 'true revolutloiiarles', namlna aaonn; othere ,Che*


In Fidel Caatro's government Indicate that the extrenlata are expanding their control at the expense of noderate offlclala. Kaul Caatroovarfnl nev ainiatry of the araed forces; one of hie closest associates, charactericed by the anerlcan Eabaaay aa an extreme leftist, haa been assigned to head the key labor ministry/nee labor minis ter7 anyexpected Communist atteapts to dominate the CTC national conferenoe in Korember, when top offioere will be elected. Eaulcoauaander of all Cuban armed forceshas converted the ailltaryolitical Instrument, dismisalngall army and air force members who had Barred before the revolution.


a TV speechhe Cuban prealer said he did not believe accusations aade against Communist regimes since they were the same charges leveled against the revolution he leads; he said he did not care If his aovement was labeledharging theith attempts to keep Cuba defenseless against its eneaies by blocking pure haa ee of miquipment such as British Jet aircraft, Castro said that the workers and peasants now are Cuba's nala force and that they must be armed. Earlier this year Cuban Communists proposedeople's armed militia be organised, and extremist government offlclala now controlling labor and agrarian reform may reepond to Castro's declaration by creatingilltit with help from Baul Caatro, the leftletof the revolutionary *rmed_ forces."

ctoberCastro's vitriolic attncka oa

opinions which diverge in any way from his own, bin recently increased rabble-rousing, and the appointment of known leftlata to igh offices alleal threat of extremist control over the Cubanualified Anerlcan observer feels there in almost no hope that Castro can now be influenced to Moderate the coarse of his regime or toj^cegnise the danger of Comnuoisw;'

4 Rovenber3 November Reyoluolon, the offlolsl dally

of Fidelth of Julydvocated that Soviet Deputy Prosier Mikoyan, who will inaugurate the Soviet exhibition In Mexico onovember, be Invited to visit Cubarelude to the resumption of relation! and to expanded trade between Cuba and tbeho Caatro governs**nt any /also/ be planningpen trade relations vTth Eastoviet cultural official Efide an onpubllolsed visit to Havana inand theons of Cuban sugarhe largest anount since*Che'ro-Conaaunist who reportedly exercises great Influence over Castro in KKtters of foreign policy, vas reliably quoted Ineing dotormined to restore diplomatic tiee with tbe SovietTJS^sf

h of Jnly Kotenent claims

creeping victories. Communists are bellovod to have gained substantial representation amongelegatee elected by localo attend the nationalf the dominant and politically powerful Cuban Labor Confederation. Raul Castro and his confident. Labor Minister hartleys Sanchez, are expected to remove from power Coufederatlon leaders who aro opposed to growing Communist influence in labor and In the government."

oveaberCastro evidently plans to subordinate

the Cuban Cover ament aa well as the entire Cuban economy to the control of the leftist-led Rational Agrarian Reform Institutee is alleged to have saidloeed meeting of IHRA officials that hie govennsent could


obtain all the aoney necessary for iti plans and that no private investmenteeded since tbe sti thing.r




lo&st One of the several Cuban Military purchasing Missions now in Europe la believed to be la Prague. The Cubans are in aearchumber of typea of arms and aircraft, reportedly including Soviet. .The extremist, snti^CS leaders now dominating the Cuban Government appear anxious totrade with the Soviet bloceans of ahifting the pattern of Cuba'strade away from dependence onarket,'

"The shake-up In high government posts onovemberurther step in the leftist trend that has been evident for the past three nontha. 'Che' Guevara, named to head the national SaoJc, will now boosition to implement his cenvlotlon that Cubansuet be achieved by shifting trade patterns away from reliance on the Oalted States. The net/ niater of public works, Gsmiuil Clenfcegos, laegaining Bodaratea in the government,that Cubs is rapidly headlag for economic collapse andnlst takeover, will almost certhluly be replaced..Bonsai eees /The government shxke-up7 as stressing yidel Caatro'a commitment to extreme leftist policies and his growing receptivity to guidance by Communist-oriented elene&tn."

"The Soviet press is devoting increased attention to Cuba, and Isveetla recently characterized the Castro regime not aa the usual Latin American revolutionnational liberation movementterminology usually reserved for Afro-Asian antlcolonlallst movements. Thla portrayal implies that Mos-cov has put the stamp of approval on the Cuban revolution within the context of Marxist-Leninist dogma."



developments Indicatecontacts with Communist China,believe that the Castro governmentrecognise Peiping sometime

"In an effort to focus increased attention oa the opening of the Soviet exposition lananuary, Kosog* plans to send Deputy Preaier Wkoyaa to the inauguration ceiemony and isurber of perfor-mancea by promiaoDt Soviet artists. The American ambassador in Kexloo reports close llslooa there betveea the Cuban and Soviet embassies, with renewal of diplomaticossible early objective.


Caatro will probably accept mikoyan's public invitation tooow "la the near future." Resumption of diplomatic relations with the USER seems almost certain. Mikoyan's delegation /To the Soviet exposition? is heavily weighted vTth trade specialists and Cubs is expected to respond favorably to aav now gov 1stvex turos."

February USO


and Poland and

"The Castro government will probably expand its economic relations with other Pi no-Soviet bloc countries in addition to tho substantial trade contracts with the USSR which will evidently follow Klkoyan'o visit. TbeibaCBador to Chechoslovakia claims to have information that three Cubans arrived in Pragueebruary to buy mini11of several such Missions reported la Prague during the past six months. an Bast German trade delsgstlon is in Havana to negotiate

barter agreement with Cuba,

Communist China recently bought0 govern-

"An agreementong-term Soviet purchase of Cuban sugar and the extension of the USSR a



hift fromof aloofness of the pesthe Caatro regime. These

agreements and Kifcoyan'a statementa willingness to cupply_l_ to Cob* "if

Tne Acerlcen Esbasay la Havana believes that tfco tost serious results of Rlkoyan's vlclt to Cuba are the expressed Intention of tbe Soviet and Caatro governments to collaborate actively in tbe UK and the offer of technical assistmce by the USSR. Enbaasy officials state that the Cuban government hasong step toward putting Itself definitely in the Soviet camp, that there is little poaelnllty that the United States willatisfactory relationship with the present reglae, and that 'tire is working against us' as Castro's oontroloveribllc opinion tighter


Foreign Minister Bee onerch strongly objected to Anbaseador Bonsai's

expressed regret that the Caetro government hadeaitioa outaide the free-vorld implied that he does not believe the Coaaunlat bloc representi slavery."



or pro-Communists from fifteen Latin American countries attended the closing ceremonies of the 'Week of Solidarity with the struggles of the latin American Peoples' in Havana onCuba is rapidlya baae for Communist activitieshe reat of Latinm

"Delegates from the Bine-Soviet bloc and from Latin American natlone are now In Havana for the Fourth Rational Congress of the Youth Section of the Cuban Communistbe congrees has been given TV tiae and other

facilities by tbe Castroreparitions are being made for an ostensibly non-Coaatanist Latin American Youth Congress which is to be held in Cube, reportedly seat July,is expected that it mill bebyThe Conmanlst youth activities la Cuba are only one indication of the extent to which the Castro regime is lending itself to furtherance of world >bjec.tiwes ; Latin America."



heddl Jagaa /of Britishonferred at lengthpril vltH Carlos Rafaelieh-*ovel Cuban Communist who is influential in


Comstunista areetermined effort to take complete control of the Cuban Labor Confederation before the massive labor rally planned for Bay Day. Their move la gaining momentum with support from the minister of labor, who has Fidel Castro's



Castro regime Is evidently preparing to accept its firat ambassador froa aSoviet blocladimir Pavlloek who, as /Crech7 minister to ffexloo, arranged for tbe shipment of Czech arms to the Arbenz regis- in Guatemala'

'Fidel Castro seems determined to make the Bay Day rally laemonstration of strong support for his regime not only by the Cuban masses but also by publlo sentiment throught the hemisphere and by the Sine-Soviethe Cuban Government reportedly la paying trannportatlon and lodging coeta forhinese Communists who will participate la the Kay Day rally along withoviet visitors and other bloc


Klnieter7s believed

to be dominated byHay doe Santamaria,



visits betveen Cuban and CoBKunlet bloc delegates for Kay Day celebrations and the hiring of Czech technicians by theovernment highlight Castro's rapidly growing Involvement with Communist countries. The Brazilian ambassador in Cuba aays he does not know whether the Cuban le&der retains 'eufflaleat autonomy anddoia of aotion public to define bluself clearly regardingAnclosetro thinks tbe Cubany not be free to oppose the trend /toward growing Involvement with Cora^nint countries/ even it beUKrerous Czech technicians anrf"eoonowicat iveshave arrived in Cuba in April




7 nay announoeaent of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Castro* regime and the Soviet Union formalisesclose econo-nic and political ties since Klkoyan's visit to Cuba last February..

"Castro's former sinister of finance is reported to have coraaented privately onay that the Cuban Ccvernaent is 'under heavy pressure* to recognize Communist ChinaMany regime offlclala are



to the Chinoeo Communists. Cuban Armed Forces Inspector General Wlllian Galvez Rodriguez recently Led two audiences vilh k'ao Tse-tuag.

"The Castro Covernnent onay ordered that each refinery In Cuba for the reat of this year must purchaseons of Soviet orude oil, now arriv-under the Cuban Soviet trade agreement."

tbe Soviet

bloc nay be preparecTto supply""UuDa with at least token deliveries ofince Mikoyan'a visit to Cuba last February, bloc activity in Cuba has Increasedgggs?ten Sovietare en route to Cuba, probably to begin prellninary planning for projects under0 Soviet line of credit.



Russians arrived in Cuba onay to Join the Soviet Trade Commissionduring Mikoyan's visit in February, according to information considered reliable by the US service attaches in Havana.

regime is granting visas to numerous Soviet bloc personnel vlthout apparent regard to their status oruban-Polish diplomatic relations will probablyn unverified roboi

Cubans have been sent to the USSR for Jet training has added to speculation that the Soviet bloc may soon provide Castro Jet

"The Peiping opera company which has been touring Latin America will spend sioat of June in Havana. The Cuban Government la emphasizing cultural ties with Communist China and may soon proceed with the long-foreseen establishment of diplomaticroup of students arrived In Peiping from Cuba onay, the latest of numerous Cuban visitors there, and Cuba eeecs toey target of Pelplng's stepped-up propaganda activities in Latin America.1


may /Eroak relations with Cuba7 because tho Cuban ambassador there haa been" partlcularly provocative In his support of radical, Cosmunlst-insplred oppositionuban President Dorticoe' 'good will* trip in Souths demonstrating that the best organized support in Latin Ar-erlca for

Castro regime is Coaaunist.'


Premier Ehrushchev has accepted an Invitation to visit Cui according tobe announcement following Khrushchev's recent personal endorsement of ridel Castro end bis glowing pralae for the aims and methods of the Cuban revolution, euggeatsoecow Is more vllllng than it was during Hlkoran's winter visit to Havana to exploit the Cuban Government's hostility to the DS and Havana's readiness to strengthen ttea



another novo promoting close bloc-Cuban economic relations, Czechoslovakia has extended to the Caatroredit for industrial development. echnical assistance agreementive-yearctero concluded onhw Czech foreign trade officialfor negotiating military deliveries to DOQ-bloc_countries was in Havana at that tine.TLodiplomatn <fitomic spying in Canada25 reportedly will benamed aoscow's ambaaaador to Havana.loc economic cr-dlts toitJ"


Caatro haasually reliable source that he is confident of obtaining transportation for Cuba's entire POL. .and thus is prepared for early seizure of tbe US and British-owned refineries which have refused to process Soviet crude0 barrels per day of POL required for Cuba's Internal needa would alnost certainly be replaced by the USSR, which Is already ehlpplng smaller amounts under the. CubJtc-Soviet trade agreements."



resignation of two . . Lea

in tUa Cuban Foreign Klnletry, announced onune, la probably the precursoreneral shake up of top officials InOne of the newly appointed under secretaries is regarded;Both bay hare been oeleoted by Haul Castro, suggesting that he and the Communis tn are likely tor_lnfluence foreign policy."

"The Caatro regis* cootlouea its efforts to secure industrial goods and technical assistance through the conclusion of trade and aid aere-epeats with the Sino-Sovlet bloc,"




Argentine nabassador in Havana reports that Fidel Castro told hla that Raul Caatro Is tonllltary pact1 with Czocho-slowakla during his current visit to Prague, accordingn influential official of the Argentine Foreign Hlnlstry.

"Repeated Soviet assurances of both economic and political support to Cuba have strengthened Castro's hand lu his anti-USho cutback ingar exports to the United Stalesent nev opportunities for bloc exploitati. . The bloo's general low level ofsumption enables it to absorb whatever purchases are considered politically expedient."

"Communists continue to expand Role la Castro regies. The Castro regime la believed to be considering the appointment of Carlos Rafael Rodriguez aa minister ofeading member of the Communists' Popular Socialist party and editor of the party dally, has long been among Castro'a close advlaera. Tbe heavy worklosd of Fidel Castro and his chief aides, "Che" Guevara, Antonio Nunes Jimenez, and Raulthree of them Indistinguishable fromdictate the sharing ofrgaponslbi1itlea with


'a Qualified rocket threatuly, and pledge of general euppert onuly, la defense of Cuba is designed to Inflate tba Cuban situationajor international


uly tbe leadersuban workers' delegation in China stated that 'the Cuban revolution hae drawn on the.ofnege revolution."


trade pact concluded onuly Folping ban promised to buy at world prices upons of Cuban sugar annually over the next fireever twice the aaount of augur normally imported from non-bloc countries by China. The trade agreement is to be followed later this year by an economic aid agreement under which Peiping is to provide industrial equipment and presumably technical assistance to Cuba.



long-planned Latin Anerlcan Youth Congress, which opens onuly, willJct effort to propagandize theCommunist goal of 'liberating Latin America from OS Imperialism.' Because tho congress is likely to be completely Communist dominated, youth groups in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and other countries have boycotted it, but delegates are expected from moat Latin American countries and from SI no-Soviet bloc.1*

"The Argentine embassador In Cuba, Julio Amoedo, told Ambassador Bonsai that he fears Fidel Caatrodoomed man* and that the situation in Cuba la 'hasteningragic outcome in which Castro will be themoedo who has been the Latin American

anbanaador closest to Castro andi iBoassl regard* eereliableally of the US,aly conversationinur so of which

unexpectedly appeared. Amoedo feels Castro was unable to speak to bin because of the presence first of acting Foreign Minister Ollvarcs, aand later of Guevara. Be concludes that Caatro has be-ecme the virtual prisoner of theCommunist ollgue headed by Oca vara.1"


Castro told the delegates /To the Latin American Tooth Congress in Havana/ugust that Cuba does 'have something for which to thank imperialism. Without Batista, imposed by imperialism, we would




eighth national congress of the Popular Social (Communist) party of Cuba opens onugust with tbe attendance of relatively high pivrty officials from Trance, Italy, and moat countries of thebloc. The congress, the flrata likely toemonstration of International ComnunlBt solidarity with the Castro regime iu its 'struggle agalaat Ax-erlcRnhe forolgn Communist delegations undoubtedly will use thia opportunity to strengthen tbe Comsniulat position la Cuba with the aim of using that countryase for furtherIn Latin America.


Salvadoran ambassador la Havana haa received reportsontact In the Cuban national Bank that the Castro regime la ssadlng large amounts of money to various other Latin American countrlea to carry oa Cuba's campaign agalaat the OAS, and perhaps to bribe delegatea to theoreit ministers'



tho breakdownuguet of trade negotiations between Cubs end the Federal Republic, Boon believes that the Castro regis* may extend diplomatlo recognition to East


und othereleaenteumber of Latin American countries are likely to attempt demonstrations this we ok designed to lnfluenoe the OAS foreign ministers* meeting. Such demonstrations /are/encouragod and probably largely financed by the Castro regine.'* *


OS Amy Attache In Havana hasresshich clearly shows Czech acMlantoaatlc rifles in the hands of Cubanhere is no indication of thoyunt ofch mstsrial_which Usu been delivered." /




Eorea has received Its first diplomatic recognition outside tha bloc with theugust agreement to exchange embaosadors with Cuba *as soon asCuba hen little to gain economically frora Korth Korea, but establishment of relations at thia tiKO lu consistent with the increasingly close ties between Cuba and the Sino-Sovlet



"In the most vindictive attack on the United States of hia career, Fidel Castro defiantly announcedeptember Cuba'a Intention to eutabllah diplomatic relations with tbe Peipingastro in effecthis country from the inter-American system and from the Veetern alliance.

oviet merchantrrived In Cubaeptember with Moscow's firatarms delivery to tbe Castro


the National Bank of Cuba purchased in Rev Tork the equivalent of0 in pounds sterlingr dormer its depoelt in? London^ tot the-account.of^ the- Czech State Bank. This transaction wasayment for


President Prado has stated that he is ready to break diplomatic relatione with Cuba on the grounds that Cuba ie sapperting Parurian Ca&aunieta,'

ctober JBaq

"ridel CaatroWL&^TMKonth that he believed capitalism la on ita vaye expressed confidence that the Slco-Sovlet bloc would windeological struggle and said it was therefor necossary lor hin to align Cuba with the Coa>unist countries..Be became enthusiastic when referring to the operations of the Cuban Petroleum Institute under the tldanoe of Soviet technicians."

a Cuban deputy foreign minister told tba Test German ambassador In Havana onctober that Cuba Intends to extend diplomatic recognition to tbe East GermanCuba has already recognized all other countries of the Si no-Soviet bloc except Albania,nd Outer Mongolia." fS


individual members of th* movement have been snspeeted of bolng OPEsuclet, sympathisers, Caatro hatsrefused apparently unsolicited offers of help froa the outlawed Cuban Coi^suolat party, which at present Is estimated to0 Bombers. The Communists, however, have jumped otuithe rebel bamdvagoa to voiceith the Cuban people in fight arelect the dictatorship."




forces, which may be Communist infiltrated, are isolated from effective contact withth efovement headqaartere in the Sierra Vaestra, and his civilian supporters have beenby army bombings, and terroriatic attacks.'

"The Cuban Government has long charged that opposition groups, particularlyth of July" movement, are Commu-nivtpathlzera haveof importance, particularly within the group commanded by Raul Caatro, and otbsra are to be found on lover lovela, there ia no evidence to support tbe charge against the Castro aovement. The youth and political immaturity ofth of July* members, aa well as the existence of somemericanism,within Raul's command, leaves the movement open to Comamnlat

"The Communists have strongly supported the rebel Movementecent publicbut their frequent efforts during the two-year revolution tonited rebel front wererebuffed. Xerertheless, they are believed to have Infiltrated some rebel unitsow level end may exploit the anti-OS sentiments of some rebel leaders. Since Batista'she Cubanparty (PSP) has worked openly to



create an impression of legality. It baa succeeded In obtaining avoice In the organized labor aoveaent and'has ooeoed two overt of-flces In Havana.'

"The Cubanose party waa outlawed by Batistaave been taking rapid gains since his fall and have beenpecial- effort to influence tho laboridelas declared thatow will be permitted legalChe'vent further than his chief and said he would not oppoee Communist participation in thehe PSP surfaced immediately after Batista's Fall and succeeded in namingman 'national labor committee' which intends tothe politically important labo aovoaont complete.

"Cuban Coomunista, after five years of illegal, underground existence during the Batista regime, nos areeries of overt demonstrations and meetlnga concerned with both Internal and foreign matters. The firstpublichree-dayof tbe national coaalttee of tho Popular Socialist (Comaunist) party) that began onanuary, dealt vith the domestic situation and enpba-slzed issues that veuld identify the party vith the program and policies of the provisional. Cuban Government."



Castro's campaign againstplaces him in the ease camp vith such liberal leaders as Venezuelan President Roomlo Betanconrt and former Costa Blcan President Jose Figueree, but his predilection for revolutionary methods and bis recent tendency to deal

with Coaucuuist-tDfd exile groups have prevented concerted efforts by theseastro hasErnesto *Che' Guevara, theleftist argentinewho worked closely vith Castro during the revolution, to deal with suchastro's apparentfor the Coraunlst-influenoed DoaInlean Patriotic Onion has netnoourt and Figueros.

archEoetulo Betancourt of Venezuela

former Costa glean President Jose'

Figueree have grave nlsglvlngBthe nethods and objectives of the lAtest leader of the crusade against dictators, Cuban Prime sinister Fidel Castro. Both are alarsed at Castro's deaagoguery and his tendency to supportNlcaraguan and_ revolutionaries.

2 Aprilin Cuba continue to operate

with little restraint and havemaking inroads in the organizedthe armed forces,he Argentine-boraErnesto 'Che* Guerara, placedof the Cabana fortress inpermitted Communist activities. The creation ofsection of the Generalr 'direction of culture,*another opening forin the armed forces.the pro-Communist brother of theofs reportedlyrewriting textbooks for military Inroup ofit advisable to disband theircivic committee, sinceare being equated withare consideredbeing traitors in Cubaj

prilthat Raul /Caatro/ro-

reat partTys asuo-

clatione. In January of thismarried Vllaaellowhas been reported to be lie haa worked oloselypro-Communlat guerrilla leader

*Cbe* Guevara la the activities ofexilea in Cuba. Ee went to Vienna in3 to attend afor the Defence of the Bights ofnd may have traveled to bloc countrieshatever Haul's precise relations with theusis action have certainlyComnunlat gains in Cuba. In the army, he haa permitted Cosutunlst Influence toitterly anti-American, he has made frequentblaming the United States for Cuba's economic, political^ and social problems."

KayCommunists have been making a

drive for control of organ-

ized labor and are evidentlysome success by working atlevel and behind thethe moves advocated by Commu-

nists is tbe formationorker's militia. This project hasiu&ber of top laborand by Kajor Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, an important Castro adviser whosefrequently encoureged and


not proven to'ommunist, Guevara publicly maintains that by their aid in thein fact, wasearned the right to participate in the government Comatu-

activity has baen pjoncuncc^

bis army command...

9 (ID

in the Cuban cabinet evidently oppose parts of prise Minister Fidel Csc-tro'e drastic and complicated now agrarian refers law. The version unofficiallyon Id Kay has confiscatory aspects likely to impede Cuban ecoacaaio recovery. Xt also gives sweeping powers to theAgrarian Heform Institute, the cr-ganlration charged with enforcingnd at present under the exeou civsof aKunsa Jiwenes, an intellectualongof ConuTunist associations endinfluence in the Cuban revolutionary government. Hunec and other prc-Ccexu-nists are believed to have drafted the lav inay as to give them carte blanche to extend their Influence in agriculturalhas already happened vith pro-Cotswuniste in eome of the labor unions, parts of the revolutionary arrajr, andin public education."'

9 (ID

'Che'high-rackingml lit cry subordinate of Cuban Prioe ai dieterplana to go to China after hie current visit to the DAB, and peiping may discuss with him tbe possibility of diplomatic relations."

9 (I)

Prite tflniatfcr Fidel Caatro laincreasing unrest aa public attention is drawn


appears to be making Cuba afor its propaganda activities in the area. It haa alreadyress office in Havana and It plana to have the local Cowauulet presshinese language newspaper. The Chinese will probably also exploit the new Latin Aaerlaan Press Agency, which isby Coeaauniats and has editorial


offices la tho euno building as NCKAa Havanahe delegation of Chineseave exploited all opportunities; to hint at theof Cuban adoption of Chinese 1st land rofoga*

9 (II)

Latin American news agency foraally launchedune ins believed to be substantially financed by the Castro regime, and its staff is coaposed largely of persons vith aa anti-US bias, scsto-.of then suspectedThe staff coaprlses suspected Communists and others. Including Director JUesettl, who held proainent offlcea in foraer argentine Dictator Pergendaneva agency" that vaa latrongly anti-US propaganda Machine. Angel Borlenghl, awho was Peron's Interior sinister, Is roported to be an agency consultant in Havana."

9 (II)

Castro and Guevara continue their efforts to arouse anti-OS feeling and to sponsor activities which promote Soviet strategy. Raul recently spoke in support ofatin American "people'sproject for whichgroundwork was laid during dlscus-sloaa by Communists and other Latin American leftists la Santiago de Chile laatin American delegates to tbet party congreaa in Koscow early thla year resolved topeople's congress" ostensibly dedicated to eoate popular cause which could be used to attract the spooaorshlp of popular leaders like Fidel Castro. The sponsors would be drawn into association with the Communists, who would remain in tbe background guiding the congross lu annti-US direction. An

-piflgn againstilitary torcss and alsslons was another Important tactic Id tho action program adopted In Moscow, Whether by coincidence orErnesto Guevara has picked up this theme. Is one of his frequent cpecohes since his return froa an extended tour of neutralist countries in the Kiddle East and Asia, he declared that theaval base at Guantanaao Bay makesarget for nuclear attacks and argued that Cuba shouldeutralist foreign policy."


opposition has evidently been aroused among some of Fidel's trusted officlsls by his support of leftists and pro-Communists in the Cuban Huber Katos, one of Castro's top lieutenants during tbe fight against Batista, resigned as governor of Cam-aguey Province this veek because of his conviction that extrealsts led by Raul Castro and 'Che' Guovara are now firmly la control of the Caatrohore have been reports ofover Communist Influence by other provincial officially, but none hfcBetaken

"Fidel Castro apparently does notthe danger of Communism for Cuba and is not likely to be Influenced to moderate biseaders of the extremist forces are Raul Castro and 'Che* Guevara, both obsessively anti-American and suspected of Cocaoun 1st Raul was recently namedof all army, navy, air, and police forces, which will enable him to control them even mors closely for politicalthan he has done thus far. Guevara is director of industrial regulation and development and considered actually to run the Castro regime's aost powerful and unrestricted agency, the Rational Agrarian Reform Institute (INRA). Both Raul and Guevara are believed to exert

dominating Influence in determining high Cuban policy In all doaestlc and foreign matters and to nullify tbe Influenoe of moderate officials who bithorto have managed to temper some of themore drasticJ^^Sa

"Cuba may be planning to resumerelations vith the USSR and open trade relations with East Germany. ovember the eemlofficlal daily Keyolucion urged that Soviet First Deputy Premiere Invited to visit Cuba as the first step toward renewed relations and further trade with the USSB. Bonsai in Havana has reported that East German economic officials arein Cuba soon, and he considers It quite likely that some rapproc heaent may be contemplated."

"The Communists are likely to increase their influence in the large and politically powerful Cuban Workers' Confederation (CTC) during its national congress fromtoovember. Although theh of July Movement claims sweeping victories, Communists are believed to have gained substantial representation among0 delegates elected to the congress by local unionsovember. Their efforts to infiltrate the CTC will be facilitated by the actions ofwho now virtually control she Cubanaul Castro, considered leader of the extremists in theis reliably reported to have ordered the expulsion of five non-Communists from the CTC directorate, probably during the congress. They evidently refused to agree automatically with government actions they disapproved. The new labor minister, Auguato Kartinez Sanchez, who is closely

Identified vith Haul, heat alreadythat he vlll not give non-Coa-munlate the tacit governaent eupport which, early, in tbe Castroh of July labor lenders to resist Cuban Coaavanlat party (PSP) efforts to dominate the CTC* The laborinfluence and the PSP strategy of discrediting Individual antl-Coamunitt leaders while not challenging labor officials who do not openly opposemunlst efforts vlll give the PSP minority la the laborisproportionate behind-the-scenes voice in the election of national CTC leaders during the congreur.."H^^S1

9 (I)

results of the stormy congress of the dominant Cuban Worker a' Confederation (CTC) which ended onNovember may beurface setback for Fidel Castro and are, at theartial victory for the Influential Communist minority in the CTC. The delegatesunity'* slate for the top officials of the CTC executive committee which had been endoreed by Castro and contained throe Communists, butroup with at least three labor leaders likely to collaborate with corosuuists. David Salvador, an opportunist who has worked with Coxtmunlsts in the past, remains as Castro's hand-picked secretary general. Of the five strongly anti-Communist members oa the CTC directorate vhlch has served provisionally since Batista's safest, only two were re-elected. Raul Castro reportedly had ordered the expulsion of all five.'

shake-up la high Cuban Government posts onovember demonstrates Fidel Castro's apparently complete commitment to extremism in his efforts to remake


Bonsai believes this

trend Is accompaniedrowingto guidance byriented elements. The pro-Conamnlst Ernesto "Che" Guevara, new head of the Rational Bank, now laoeltlon to determine tbe allocation of tbs foreign exchange, on which Cuba's economy la based because of its large sugarhe prime sinister relies heavily for advice on Guevara, whose economic knowledge is basically woak and colored by his concept of the Cuban revolutionlass struggle in which thet "change tbe economic panorama" of tbe country and its social system. The new miulator of publica powerfulCaptainlenfuegos, who is. The few remaining moderatenow are virtually without influenoo and almost certain to be replaced sooo. They are convinced that Cuba Is rapidly headed for economic collapseommunist takeover."

ecemberatteopting to build an authoritarian

machine based on mass support,

Castro is turning more and more tooriented advisors, and Consunists are benefitting from the demagogic tirades against the rich and against tho United Statestro uses to mobilize his oneshe Popular Socialist (Communist) party (PSP) of Cuba, which has0 aembera including its youth section, has made steady gains since Castro came to power last January. The party has benefited directly from the actions of such highly placed sympathizers as armed forces chief Saul Castro, economic and foreign policy adviser "Che" Guevara, and agrarian reform chief Antonio Nunez Jimenez, all of whom have been Instrumental in securing Important government positions for known Communists.

Theforces tod thefarn uchlaery have been penetratod by Communists whose poteatlal for infiltrating the economic organizations of the etsts was greatly eoLaoced by tbe appeiatseat oaoventer of "Che" Cjevara to head the Rational Bank. Osmant Clenfuegoe, nared minister of public works the ease day, la the first probable Communist tooet In the oablnet. Reliable sourcesrecentlyop PEP official was being considered as minister of flnanco.

In contrast to Comnunist policy in Guatemala during the Arbenz regine, when an attempt was made rfpldly toaae party, the PSP in Cuba appears to beon Quality rather than quantity. The slow recruitment and emphaels onsuggest considerable care In theof new members, particularly in view of the extremely favorable ot the party's growth."V'

9 II

Cuban Radical Association, whose strong Havcna branchevolutionary elate of officers in electionsecember,rotege of pro-Comuunlst "Che" Guevara as president oaecember,after heavy pressure from the

9 II

Castro's drastic reform program, his stimulation of class antagonlsnaa by bitter attacks on the wealthy, the growing strength of Communists and pro-Communists in the government, and his Increasinglymethods have'Vesultedefinite narrowing of the base of his regime. "1


bis recent vlelt to Rexico, Mikoyan is reported to haveeal whereby the OSSR is to provide Cuba with0 worth of agricultural implements, to be delivered on creditexican company, and to have promised that Soviet technicians would service the...


Cubs baa accepted 1'oscov'a offer to present Its exhibition In any Latin American country following its stay to Mexico City. The exhibit is now scheduled te open In Havana about February.

Satellite talesiona have visited or are planning to visit Cuba to try to capitalizeti-Costorn sentlsont and estsbllsh trade relations. Czechoslovakia has already

ermanent triedo^ representative in Havana."

anuary/Rationalform7 lnatltute

la already aelzing slgniflean? acreages ox sugar land, with thla year's angarbarely under vay. Its executive director, suspected Communist Antonio Kuaez Jlaenez, declared on IB Januaryew days sll large sugar plantations vlll also cose under IKEA'ahe Americanassador in Hexlco reports close llaiaon there between the Soviet and Cuban embassies

anuaryto 'Che' Guevara,Coasunlet

president of Cuba's national Bank,vlll no longer be permitted tovith the Rational Bank their cropeitherr Cuban-amodIt couldtepof the entire bankingof Caetro'a early statedgovernment.trong curb onhas also issued regulstlonsof all changes of employmentLabora another moverelatione with Communist andthe Caatro-subsidized presaPrensa Latins, concluded newaonanuary la Havana withfrom the USSR, CAB, Poland, Czechoslovakia,East Germany, Indonesia,la already suspicion laof Communist influence inand output."'




"Kikoyxn'e presence lalll giro enpetus to lncreaeedi Cuban-Soviet relation* in aeveraln recent months there* have been numerousreports that the TJSBS and other Soviet bloc countries have offered Castro large barter deale, some involving Cuban minor*lo as veil aa sugar, and credits for equip-no nt badly needed for Castro's reform programs..Inside Cuba the nnxerous millties forced among labor, etudent and otherCastro'sbut at the original suggestion of the Cuban Communistbeen more tightly organized under tbe control oftor of the Armed Forces Paul Castro and of Che Guevara, vhe remains head of instruction for the armed forces. Raul Caatro alsoincreasingly decisive authority over Cuban economic life through Minister of Labor Kartlner, who ccatrols employment and la impc*ored ton businessi nansent aluost at



Cojcnerce sinistercited thoee bloc /sugar7s of great value in helping Cuba sell lta unui ually large carry-over from theCepero specifically welcomed Increased Scvlet-Cubanhe Castro governnent is also encouraging closer relations vith other blocn Havana, an untested sourceosltiou to observe, reports that Prensabe Castro-subsidized Latin American news agency, nowadio transmitter equipped to send nessftges la code to the Czech news service In :

"In the nearlyonths since Castro's seizure of power In Cuba, Moscow's attitude has changed from cautious approval of the new government to op tin ism regarding the opportunities the situation presenta for the advanceaent of Soviet Intereets in Latinhe highly organized Cuban Popular Soclaliet (Cownmnist) partyenjoyed considerable succoes in following the directives laid down by

bloc leaders during the 2Lot party congress la Moscow laThe PSP has openly Identified Itself witb th* priocipal goals of Castro's prograa. Party asabera pose as atrong aupporters of the revolution. Taking advantage of the government'sattitude toward the party, the Cuban Communists have succeeded in obtaining considerable influence in the government, particularly in the aliind eoonoalo sectors, and In the labori intends to take advantage of Cuba's

cts dependence on the sale of sugar, its lock of investmentnd Its low foreign czohangehe Cuban Government'seftistTs7 probablysusceptible tojovlot exploitation."


Castro's regime has lost prestige in other Latin American capitals because of authoritarian methods, auapectlblllty to Comauinlat influence, and its unorthodox behavior la hemisphere affairs.Although fev officials consider Fidelommunist, MLsny are convinced that close aidoa auch as Che Guevaral Caatro are promoting Comaualat ob^cotlves and that the premier himself la in danger ofa captive ofamuniats."



is becoming the center of Communist activity In Latin America. emisphere peace Conference under the auspices of tbe Cowan in 1st-front world Peace Council is being: planned for Havana in Kay or June, and the Communist hand la also evident in the 'Friends of Cuba' societies being formed in noat Latla American countries. Communist bloc propaganda coatlouea its active support of Castro, and Cuba'a economic, labor, and cultural contscta with the bloc are lncreaalng.

"The Castro regime is tightening lta control over communications media and extending its radical socio-economicveradio and television


have been formed Into the 'Independent Front of Free Transmitters*any of the announcers are pro-Comr>unlats and the output often follows the CotsaunlatAccording to. Poiplng'a Kern China Ears Agency, whioh has been timely and accurate on recent Internal Cuban developments, the 'peoples*rganised by tho regime's Agrarian Reformre being extended to theecentoincide with increasingly outspoken attacks on Cossronlcm by Cuban groups alarmed at recent Communisthe 'Teek of Solidarity vith the Struggles of the Latin Arerlcaneclared by the Communlct-infiltrated Cuban Laborfse7 warmly endorsed by the Cuban Communist party...

"Caatro's Cuba la increasing hospitable to Latin American Cossmnist activity."


Csstro regime is moving to tighten its control over Cuban universities and to aouelch the recent manifestations of pnti-CO&munlet sentiment among politically active atudsat groups. At the same time, the regime has provided television facilities and helped in other ways the national con-gross of the youth section of ths Cuban Communist party which opened in HavanaArrangements are probably being made at the congress toreparatoryor the Latin American Youth Congress which Caatro, la promoting in Havana la July.**


Cuban Communist party laeading part la preparations for the Kay Day rally and la using them in an effort to resolve in its favor the bitter lateral rivalries vith aon-Communlat factions In the powerful Cuban Labor Confederation. The- Cuban Government is reportedly paying transportation and lodging costs for IS Chinese Communists who are to participate in the Hay Day rally. Leaders of the


Cosusualat party have privately expressed ereat satisfaction with their accomplishments since the advent of Caatro end vith the considerable Influence they have over high Cuban officials, accordingsually reliable scarce. Cue top Cot^sunlst is reported to have privately stated that "Castro can do sore tour alms than ve could possiblye keep In the background and there Is no need to doIf we controlled the Cuban Government, we could not sake the rapid progrees wo are asking. Here we axe doing things that cannot even be done in the peoples* donocraciee.

heChinese Cossouniat delegation that arrived in Havanapril was the first of aany foreign delegations, including otherlvea froa tbo Soviet bloc, to cose for the Kay Day events In Cuba. Greeting the Chinese at the airport, Cubanst labor leader Soto said, "yon have had revolutionary experiences froa which we must learn,peel ally regarding emotions of


Caatro regloe, which continues to etrengthen its ties vith the Slao-Sovlet bloc, is becoming further Isolated from other Latin Americanuba 'tea maintained close contacts witheieaente in Venezuela'scoalition and with Conmnlsts there, und it mayiving tbem financial aid


aeaber ofh of July movement and close confidante ofthe press during her recent vlalt to East Germany that she favored closer relations between both countries. Peiping radio continues its extensive reporting on events in Cuba, and the secretary general of the Cuban Covxunlat party, Bala Boca, was received by Mao Tee-tung while in Peiping for May Day celebrations."


Castro government Is moving to laplomant promptly the establishment of relations with tho USEE announcedi:

tho Cubcn Fmbasay In Kexico City 'to furnish vlr-as to all Soviet dlplcatlo parsonnal vho nay request then, especially

to diplomaticCbaunont

/To be Cuban ambassador to Koeoev/ Is believed to bars allowed the Ccsmunlsts to use his now praotlcally defunct Revolutionary Dlreotorataront, and9 he waa sent by Castro to Communist China, Czechoslovakia, and other countriese frlonds for the Cuban Revolution.

there will oe an announcement on iz say of eetabllahnent of diplomatic relations withuban radio station saidzech niaslon had arrived in Havana torade agreement. Oa the suaetaff comber of tbe Cuban Communist party newspaper reportedly said that relations with Communist China would be established in due course


Castro regime completed onay the flrat year of its agrarian reformwhich has already transfoncoat of the Cuban economy. Keanwhlle, there axe new indications of closer relations vith Ccomuntat China. Kajor William Oalvez Rodriguez, Inspector general of the Cuban Armed Forces, reached Peiping in early Hay on an extended good-will tour of neutralist and bloc countries. He had at least two audiences with Rao Tae-Tuog and, according to the Kew China Rews Agency, said onay that the Cuban people desired to intensify their 'intimate relationship' with the Chinese people and to unite with them in opposition to tbe 'Imperialists of the US.1 Onay, Castro's former minister of finance is reported to have said that the Cuban Government le 'under heavy pressure* to recognize Cossaunlst China Immediately and that he felt the novoeat".




Brazilian and Argentine ambassadors in. Havana have previouslysympathetic both vith the alms ofCuban Revolution and to Caatro, but sea hla present policies se leading only to chaos andhe effect of Caetro'a bloc ties are becomingapparent. Refineries la Cuba have been told that during the rest of this year each auat purchaseoon of the Soviet crude oil alrecdy arriving under the Cuban-Soviet trade agraeacat. This affects primarily Esso, Texacc, and Shell, -which prooecef Cuba's refined petroleum products. The newly appointed Czech ambassador to Havana haa had many years' experience In Latin America. As mlnieter to Mexicoe arranged the clandestine shipment of arms from Czechoslovakia to the Arbonx regies In Guatemala. ^gjpwSGSa7 Trout leek Kares, who heada the technical directorate of the Csech ministry of Foreign Trade and negotiated arms deala with the CAS end Indonesia, was Issued Cuban vises for himself and several otherrtdet*stablishment of CUban-Polish diplomat relatlcns vill soon be announced."


"Coonuniets areore extensive and active role In the revolutionary processes now retaking the economic and political life of Cuba than they ever did In Guatemala or any other Latin American country. In theonths since Caatro came to power, they have benefited from tbe faot that hla methods and alma have generally paralleled theirs, at least in the short run, and from the activeof theorCommunists who are Castro's closest and seat trusted aides. Castro himself has strongly implied, and other high-ranking officials have flatly asserted, that, to be anti-Communist is to be* and thia statement hasuide In the purges that have periodically swept all areas of the government. Communists or pro-Comnunista now hold

positions of ultlut* authority laforces, the ImportantReform Instlrate, thethe Ministry of Publicpropaganda nedla, and They also Appear toInfluence In theforeign policy. Zn addition,succeeded ia occupying sof lover and medium-levelthe bureeueracy. The(Communist) partyonly organised party active inreal gains comeof key position throughareas of government. in the armed forces hoegeneral directional social Indoctrination of themost of them poorlyof certain officer groups; andpenetration at all lewela bylit ante and Cousunlst-frontthree closest aides, all ofhave had aa aotlve partCommunist success laarmy is the mootof the threeereajor role la

the formulation and execution ofthe Rational Agrarian Reformtho instrusent through whichis rapidly consolidating itsthe netioa'a agriculture, ladnatry, Most provisions of thelaw as well aa the measureslaw closely follow the PSPCommuniata are also active inof civilhela cosing under ateadyIn the Ministrythe Communists have won strategic

positions from which they ore apporsatly able to appoint additional Communiata to positions vacated by purged career employees. In Kavana TJnlveralty, Comuuntata are Increasingly influential as the regime tightens its control ever the teaching staff and student groups. Under the

presidency of Che Guevara, the Rational Bank hascsnp ofn the works of sn embassy informant, welfare institutions areocasunist target. The Ministry of Public Works,argeofs headedrobable Corcwnlst. The PSP now controls en Influential soc&snt of Cuban newsotSTunists also exert slgnifloant influence on many non-Covsauniot news madia. Revoluclon, the regice's dally press organ, is directed by pro-Cooflrttaist Carlos Fraaoui and has several Communists on its staff. Xta propaganda la indistinguishable froa the Coamuniftt line. The director and at least five of the chief editors /of thePrensa Latinn7 are Coanunlsta or Cossmniat sympathisers. Since last January, PL baa made exchange agreements with news agencies of the Soviet Colon, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, East Go-many, and Coasmunlst China. The powerful Cuban Workers' Confederationhich has become the labor -rn of the Castro regime,ajor target for PSP ooatrol and is the organisation in which the Coasunists Lave been aostla their efforts to win dininance- The Ccmwunlsts, who controlled the confederation priorucleus of trained and experienced leaders when Castro tooknd, despite temporary setbacks, have steadily regained Influence in theabor minister unsympathetic to Conmuniets vas replaced in October by Saul Castro protege Major Aguato Martinez Sanchez, who la enthusiastically supported by theCastro's foreignas been ardently supported by thelthough nominallyuban policy has meant steadily closer relatione with the Siao SovietThere has been some Communist penetration of the foreign service, even at the ambassadorial

Early thlaecret soctloa was reportedly created la the Foreignfor the purpose of placing agent-informors in certain Cuban embassies. Uembers of the new section are reported to be Coantunlat andootrlnatcd, and odb of their primary Jobs is said to he the surveillance of regular forolgn sorvloeoamunlats have alao been active In the Cuban-sponsored subversive activitiesovernments of the Caribbean area.

The Latin American Youth Congress, scheduled for July lappears certain to be dominated by tie Communists. The forthcoming youth congress, tbe neetlng last March of representatives of various Latin Anerloaa 'peace'the meetings of international labor representatives in Cuba, and other gatherings ofgroups sre all illustratled of the extent to vblch the world Cceuauniet movement can now uao Cubaase for activity, in other carts of the hemisphere.

Soviet trade specialists and technicians have begun to arrive in Cuba in sizeable numbers. Onay,re believed to have Joined tho trade eoaualsslonin Havana duringisit. Venezuelan newspapers hare reported that Russians and Czechs recently passing through that country en route to Cuba are documented as mechanics, technicians, and experts on airports, hydrology, meteorology, and other sn^clalit

Jaa GovernmentoaB freely to bloche expectedof relations between Cuba and Communist China may come laomeubans are reliably reported to beix-month training course la China, and at least three otherlabor, and official Cubanhavethere la recent weeks.

"KluruMbchevcceptance of an invitation, to visit Cuba is tbe latest evidence of Soviet in tontions to exploit felly Castro's open hostility to the US and evident desire for closer relations vith thexports that Chiosoe Ccstvmlgt Pretaier Chen JIa-lai has also acceptod an Invite-tloa to visit Ccbs persist la Havana, chore the Peiping Opera Company continues to be feted by Castro officials. The troupo is thehe Castrofor its foreign cossercs ainiater arrived in Havanaoss vith an official delegation to conclude ccasserclal, pay-Bent, technical, and credit agreements negotiated betcoea the Cuban and Caoch

"Czechoslovakia onune signed several agreements designed to further bloc economic interests inn ainterview onune, Castro praised Csech ecnipineat and hailed bloc economic agrewwata as facilitating an industrial Ira tioo pregraa under which machinery was already being parcoased and installedeportedly^ will bo oaned af^bacsadorhas been identified as the Intelligonco officer who orgenlaed end ran the Soviet atomic spy ring in Canada3. There have been farther examples this tenth of the Increasingly closebetween tho Castrond tba Conaroniat bloc. rasp ofrrived insupposedly to discuss trade, soviet technicians continue to be received veraly by the Cuban/and7 Castro has expreecod gratifies tioo over the attentive boss shown to the Cuban ccesercial mission now la Ho scow.

Communist strength within the Cuban government Is growing. Known Communists, Including at least two from other Latin American countries, have been appointed to key- positions byre probably under nay lorof Soviet petroleum and products In larger quantities than present levels.



reslgnstion of tvo under secretaries in the Cuban Foreign Ministry, announced onune, appears to bo the precursorenersl shakeup that is likely to end in Increased Communist influence over Cuba's foreignne of the newly appointed under secretaries-Hector Rodriguezbelieved toBoth may have been selected by Rani Castro, who hasey role la Communist Inroads in the military organized labor, and otheruban economic mission beaded by agrarian reform director Nunez Jimenez haseries of agreements in Moscow giving substance to the Soviet-Cuban trado and aidoncluded last February."

"Raul Caatro arrived in Prague onikely to seek military equipment. According to unconfirmed reports, Raul Castro Is also to visit Moscow toa 'nonagre&sion*urveys of Cuban resources are being conducted by some of the bloc technicians in Cuba in preparation for proposed

. UMii) BUtUOilZeO

visashinese Communist aommerclal mission, /tt Havana 0nlversitv7 faculty members are being purged by Communist-dominated student groups, and Communist 'goon' squads almoat controlhe seizure onune ofexaco refinery may presage


seizure of tho other tiro major refineries, both foreign owned, which have also re-fused to process Soviet crude oil."


Castro told the Czech presa that it no longer vouldisaster for Cuba if the United States stops buying Cuban sugar, since now 'we have the bolp of the Soviet Onion and other socialistarlosunder secretary /of the Foreign Ministry7 has been assuming an increasing share ofin the ministry, ember of Haul Castro's clique, haseading organizer for the Castro

msorod Latin Amerloan Youth


immediate response among Castro followers to Khrushchev's declaration of support for the Caatro regimeuly was fast andhe trends in Cuba continue toward tighter dictatorship and enhanced Communisthe Castro regime isto be considering the appointment of Carlos Rafaeligh Coamunlst leader and director of the party's dally, as minister ofodriguez has long been ejoong Castro'svlsera.*1


regime and the Comauniats continue to tighten their grip on Cuba, The Castro-sponsored Latin American Youth Congress, scheduled to open onuly, was first discussed at the Commcnlst-front World Youth Festival la Vienna last summer. Cubans have for months been traveling throughout Latin America, where, with the help of local Communists, they have stimulated the organization ofto the congress.


Cubans are continuing to resign their positions, and further defections

.aro likely. Dr Perez Cisneros,Cuban representative to the OAS Counall, resigned over thetrend of the Cubanest Germany- continues to delayrade agreement with Cuba, and Bonn officials have recently expressed ocn-oern that the Castro regime, annoyed at these hesitations, nay grantrecognition to Bast Germpn."


are indications that Fidel Castro's authority in the government may have been significantly reduced in recent reeks and that the pro-Communist ollcue headed by tbo ambitious and hard-driving Che Guevara nay have gained correspondingly in power. Guevara, wfcose administrative abilities contrast sharply with Castro's own disorganised methods of govern in g, has become tho virtual tsar of Cuba's state directed economy and exerts con-sldersble influence in other areas ofresidentormer Coeusunlst who has nover recanted, has shown himself totronger personality than hla figureheadould Imply, and he would become an even more influential figure if Fidel Castro should temporarily or permanentlyleave poser. The Argentine and Brazilian aabasaadors inhave shown themselves unusually astute observersbecoalng convinced that Castro has become ftnrisoner."


is nev evidence of preparations for the delivery of bloc arms todditional gatherings of Cosamuniets and Coamuniet-front groups are scheduled, now Chatthcongress is over."


accordance withay announcement of the resumption of diplomatic relations,

.Soviet Embassyof whom have been drawn from embasslos la Mexico City andbeginning to reaoh Cube. Ambassadortsev arrived oaugust.

Onugust President Dortlcoe, aa increasingly authoritative spokesman for the regime,elevision audience that 'there oan be no social progress based on vague and ronantlo theories and the theory of representativeattached private enterprise as the root of Cuba's economic ills.

The eighth national congress of Cuba's Popular Soolallat (Cooxnnlst) party opened onugust InThe gathering provided an opportunity for International Communist liaison and the further exploitation of Cubaaso for operations in Latinhe DSSR may be represented by Ambassador Hodryavtsev. Communist Cl-lna, East Gere an, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria,Rumania, and Poland sent nesbors of party central committees, and North Korea Also sent delegates. Most Latin

American Coxvunlat parties probably


"In the report to thenational congress of the Conmunist PSP7 on the PSP program, It res emphasized that much remains to be done, including theof remainingroperty, ouster of the United States from the Guantanaao Kaval Base, and completion of theof the government on the Communist pattern. Fidel Caatro'a remarks3 Augustrobably forecast Cuba's position of support for tbe Soviet Union on all Issues at the UN General Assembly session, including support for tba admission of Co-raunist

"The /Caatro7 government announced onugusT thafCuba and Kortbad

.agreed to establish diplomatic relatione cm tho ambassadorial levelsoon asf Cuba greats dlplooatlc recognition to tbe North Korean regies, it will be the first noa-bloo country to doil it la review before Fidel Castro onugust established that Czech semimnave boon delivered to Cuba. These are the first bloc arms to be positively identified in Cuba. These weapons presumably arrived onoviet merchant ship which arrived in Cubauly.

"Fidel Castro in effect withdrew Cuba fron the later-American systemeptember speech that featured tbe announcement of bis eatentloa todiplomatic relations with Communist China. Cuba,hinese community of aboutlargeat inarticularly valuable base for the Chinese Communists intheir Influence laeriea."

*The soviet ship Ilya Heohnifcovon cargoeptember, the firat major bloce^il2jha Castro regime."

"Fidel CaBtro's address before theeneral6 September showed the degree to which Cuba has becometo Soviet foreign policyeanwhile thero is aa lacreaslng volume of travel to the Slno-Sovlet bloc by Cuban students, labor unionists, artists, and others. The Cuban Communists continue to strengthen theirCommunists are organizing 'united fronts* at the localrobably intended to bocomo the bases for provincial, the national, political machines. In addition, the


now uava virtually takon-'ovor tho pororfui Cuban rorkors' Coraiunists aro probably also active in Indoctrination programs CirectO'l at ti:o

ctobor, the Rational Bank of Cuba purchased in New York the equivalent of0 In pounds sterling and orderedeposit-in Loudon..to .the account of thetate-his transaction wasayment for blocThe expected /ijul(;arlan7 trade agreement will be theoncluded by Cuba this year with bloche Guevara is to visit Roscow in early Kovember for theaelebratlona of the Sovietand Carlos Frtnqul,director of tbe government'sleft oneptember to study Soviet Journalism. Numerous other Cubans now are visiting Moscow, Peiping and satellite capitala."


In addition torinted articles, ft.-ire vero aJso

briefing notes prepared for the National Security Council The dste end brief highlights ofollow.


Cuban government continues to charge Communist tio-up vith rebele. Documents provided C8 Ambassador Salty by Batista, however, fail to establish Communistneotlons. Trore ere sore allegedap at hi zero on leadership as well as lower levele, but there is so evidence that the rebel ktoveasnt is Communist-dominated."


of July' mnveboat reportedly contains cone Communists and leftlats, but they are not dotalnfluence in thent . An tl-American! em of sons leaders, however, leaves novenent open Coauaunlst Batista saking aajor effort to Identify rebels with Communists, but has failed to provide US with his alleged proof. Rebels have refused public Coseninlst offers of help, but soste Communists have probably Infiltrated lower rebel ranksaps toilers have lnportant positions la the groups coananded by Fidel Castro's brother, Raul. Cubans active in rebel movement in Kexlco Citynown Cooamnists and the new leader thereoamuntst sympathizer, according to the one of our sources."


operating openly and legally, have gained footholds la the organised labortbe armed forces, and possibly,the press. The government is not now Communist deomlnated or controlled, however, although the potentlsl for further Communistexists. Castro has Indicated he will not allow the Communlats to 'steal thefrom his. So far, however, there'hat been no serious attempt to proscribenativities* ehicle for Cosamnlstenetration of the armyection






emphasized footholdsad Gained in organised labor, armed forces and press. y open for further CommunistCastro has made no serious attempt to proscribe Communist activities. programa in the schools for educating the Illiterate rural masses reported to be stronglymerican; Communists believed participating int

iscussion of the new agrarian reform law giving Ita details was the following statement, "Castro has selected as Executive Director, Antonio Eunez Jimenez,onfidant of pro-Communlat military leader Che Guevara. imselfong record of Coesunlat associations and may even be t> aambor ol the Communist party."

"In Cuba Fidel Castro facing intensifying domestic unrest. Charges of Communistin armed forces recently aired by resigning air force chief Hajor Diaz Lams points up issue of growing concern to many Informed Cubans. Anti-Communist officers being purged from air force and probably from other services."

The Director referred to the establishment by the Chinese Communlstaewspaperropaganda center la Cuba,

The Director pointed out that Caatro'a antl-Urrutia charges and the Indications that the ouster of Drrutia amountedlus for the Communists. "Castro's action against Drrutia dearly helps Communists. Castro morethan ever to public position against action to controlBornethat Orrutia'a ouster may increaseOf Raul Caatro."

"Raul Castro haa consolidated position in government. How holds powerful new csblnet post as head of all army, navy, and police forces. Raul reorganizing armed forces, which

he considers primarilypolitic.!

ends, to bring then under tighter, directao of Raul's close aaaoclates named siolater of Labor, replacing moderate who had tried to resist Communist efforts to control union elections,** '"



of past few weeks indicates real threat of extremist aontrol, end there is slmoet no hope ridel Castro can he influenced to moderate his course or recognise danger of Communism. Caatro relies almost entirely oa leftiat advisers, and last weak saldi hey want to oall us Communists for what we are doing,ay let Cheprobably the real power in Rational Agrarian Kefora Institute, is la charge of Industrial plaaalag andhe relatively few aoderatoent aecm now to be

"Communists have registered important gains this year la penetrating Cuban revolution and other aspects of Cuban life. The Cuban government continues its rapid trsnd to tbe left. Cocsunlst-laflueaoed Rational Agrarian Reform Institute (IRRA) becoming all-powerful. IKEA's pro-Communist director said at closed meeting in early October that the Institute la the 'real government ofam^fairaMammmmmWom^esml^MammS^MBa aSBxamflrAmTAmMhmVaTgea At the meeting Fidel Castro said he would obtain funda necessaryRA since through it the government will control the entire economy. IKHA expropriations and other aotivltiea to date do indeed suggest plans to control production and sale of all agricultural conmoditlea, cattle, miaerala, petroleum, and other raw aaterleia. Landa taken are organised aa state-owned cooperatives, and not given to peasants aa promised by Caatro. As head of IKRA's Industrial section pro-Communist Che Guevara has almost unlimited powers in lormalatlag foreign and domestic economlo policy.**


'yehnkeup la

latent ,by regime la Its rapid tread to the left. SLr.toupheon sore to the fore xa tlV* headach. Guevara hasid baa concept of Cs'osn rav<lotionlaxa struggle that sill ehauge economic structure sod social ays tea. re* win later of public works, Qs^&nX dcttfueges, lu- ^munlatnfluenced motional Agrarian Reform .Institute becowing all-powerful."


Ccurtinlst-luflltrr.ted Cuban Workers' Confederation announced onanuary that It would Invite Latin American labor organisations to meet in Havana la rebruary to dlscuas planaongress atatin Anerlcan labor federation would be forned. ederation waa dlscusaed by Latin Anerlcan Communists attending tho Zlst Party Congress la Moscow aa long ago as laat February and was proposed by the Cuban federation in9 vbea it withdrew froa the Inter-Anerlcan Regional Organization of Workers, which is affiliated with ICJTO, free union. Meanwhile, recent developments indicate Increasing Cuban contacts with Communist China, and we think Castro will probably recognize Pulping aonetioe this year. It is reported thathinese lQdustrlt and agriculturalapparently by Defense sinister Raularrive is Cuba during January. Govlst exposition brought from Mexico City to opea In Havanaebruary. Donainnltaaeoua strong propaganda effort featuring films, concerts, and visits by leading Soviet cultural represent*Uvea."


is moving to extract tbe maximum propaganda and political benefit from its exhibition in Havana, openinganuary. As in Mexico, Mlkoyan is scheduled to open it. Mlkoyan will also no doubt be prepared to discuss resumption of diplomatic relctlous. Cuban end Soviet embassies in

Mexico City axe maintaining closen the USSR's economic advanca-Ban, Mikoyan will also- .- , ^Ung^cc^op-ic con-

visit marks definite espousal of

Castro refine by Soviet Onion. USSR has shifted fron cautious attitude to one of active support. Close economic ties established vita signing of trade agreoaont -add Soviet extension0 economic aid crodit. th governments have expressed Intention of collnboratlng actively in UN. Diplomatic relations also expected to be resumed soon. Ho mention of arms In official communique and thus for no evldecoe arms deal has been made. But at official reception Mikoyan, in answer to question, expressed Soviet readiness to provide military aircraft IfRapidity of government's moves tovard close ties vith USSB and Intensification of controls over business, finance, labor, and freedom of expression have aroused sotne cppoeltlon among middle and upper classes and among students." S^^l

erchEmbassy in Havana sees no hope that

US will ever be able to establish arelationship vith any Cubandominated by Fidel Castro and bis essociatea..Castro and Guevara continue to condemn foreign and private inveatment. They will dominate theCentral Planning Beard, which will supervise and control every phase of Cuba's economy, particularly Industry. Castroill turn to USSB and European countries for technical advice and supplies.

enter for Latin American

Communlat activities. Hemispheric "peace" conference planned for Havana in Kay or June. Representatives of seven LA affiliates of World Peace Council net In Havana last week to prepare foronference would implement one of plana developed by repreaentatlves of LA Communist partlas at clandestine sessions in Moscow at timet CPSU Congress in At Moscow meetings. Communists agreed to strengthen 'peace'

(covenant, launch propaganda attacks oa US nlcsionn and bases, and call apeace conference byopular Soclallat party (CoKKonlat) of 'givl opca support to 'week of solidarity with the struggled of the LA pooplos'March, called by Ceeaaialst-inftitrated Cuban Labor'Caaa de laa Aaerlcaa' In Cuba, run by pro-Conaunlat vlfe of education Minister, la proaoting 'friends of Cuba* societies Id scat other LA countries. Societies are, la effect, Coaauniet fronts. Active in propaganda, 'cultural* affairs. Sino-Soviet bloc continues active support for Caatro. Slno-Soviet propaganda repeating Castro's anti-OS charges. Ea present stives of Polish foreign trade organisationby OS Esbassy Varscv to be departing soon for Cuba to discuss supplying foundry and rolling will installations and other capital goods. East Germans and Czechs already tctlvu cocusarcially la


believe that Fidel Castro andot now deaonat rat ably under the domination or control of the international ConsunistYet, we believe that the Cuban regime is ia practice following the line set for Latin Aaerlcaa Communist parties at the tine oft Party Congreaa la Moscow la9 and that it vlll continue to pursue policiesto the Coo-runlets and to accept Communist assistance and advice in carrying thenhe sore /Castro/ beccnee embroiled with the 0S7 the wore he will look


ihe liloc for support, including pro-vialon of military eeulpnsat, although Vsih the Bloc and tho Cubans wouldseek to avoid any accusation tbat Cuba vch being tideoviet bass. Should tho Castro ro*lrj bo threatened, tfc? OSSR vould probably do what it could to support the regime. However, the USSR vould not heeltate to vrlte off the Caatro regiwe before involving Itselfirect military confrontation vith the OS over Cube, or at least, during the present state of Sovlst policy,ajorcrisis vith the US.'

"Trend continues toward Cuba's beoomlng base for Coexaiaist activity in rest of latin America. Communists or pro-CoamuniBts froa at leastf the otheratin Aserlcsn countries were in Bavana last week for *teok of Solidarity Vith Struggles of Latin Anerlcan Manifesto publishedarch, last day of 'Solidarityowed an 'antt-lnpeTlalistntl feudal revolution*in all Latin America. Cuban labor leader announced tbat Cuban groups vlll leaveay for other Latin Anerlcan countries, 'to give then help and to recuest aid for the Cubanncreased liaison among Latin American Coeaoinlsts now taking place in Cuba and the hemispheric 'peace' conference planned for May or June In Bavana were also parts of program developed at the Moscow meeting. East German newspaperman says Cuban and GDB will exchange permanent trade missions in next two months, after which It will be easy for GBR to open 'ambassadorial' office in Havana for Latin America similar to one it has In Europe."


Castro regime continues to further world Communist objectives la Latin America. Soviet, Chinese, Czech, and otbor Bloc delegates, as well as Communists from various Latin American countries are now la Havana for the Fourth Rational Congress of tho Tenth Section of the Cuban CoamnulBt party.

Thin reek-long coogress, which opened on Konday, has been accorded TV time and other faoillties by the regime. ABeating of theont latin American Youth Ongrcna la scheduled, for Havana oarrangeneuts for this aro probably being aade at the current Coeneuulet gathering. The Tenth Congress Is only one of several such latin Anerlccn Ce*3Kunlst efforts centered In Cuba* atin American 'Pa ace* Conference is planned for Hay or .Tune la Cuba. Plans, bet no date, have also been announcedgreat Latin American congress to oreate the apparatus to fight the conunoa enemy, Imperialism.1 ooference of 'democratic political and Intellectual leaders' of Latin America is planned forpril In Cuba, and this as well as the hemisphere labor meetings which are expected le almost certain to be Communist-dominated. the trend continues toward closer economic and 'cultural* ties vith the Slno-Sovlet bloc. The trade end paymentesent signed with Poland onarch was supplemented by an agreement for technical cooperation, scientific assistance, and oredlt for the purchase of Industrial

^at^n" g

ofrillion dollars vorth of machinery.>SHgflttH^MaJl The firat Bhip-ment of Russian crude oil la en route to Cuba, where it le to be processed larefineries. Reportedly, someubans 'from all walks of life* will leave onprilmur of the USSR, and in return someussians will visit Cuba. ood source reportsop Cuban CoenwunlSt will shortly go to Moscow to *feel out' Soviet leadera on their willingness toilitary commitment to Cuba.

Domestically, the Castro regime is tightening its politicaln line with Castro'a equating 'anti-Communism' with 'counterrevolution', the government-dominated leaders of the principal university atudent organisations have formed apeclal courtB to try studentscrimes.*"



"Cuba preparing establish diplomatic relations with. Chechoslovakia, first with anybloc country

roa-sign Hitletcr Eos-Eovjisminoat Czech request for agreeoant for VladlairFsvllcok aa

ambassador to

Cooceunists (tapping upo via complete control Cuba's powerful labor confederation. Lsbor minister Martinez Senohes, close associate of Saul Castro, is putting gorernuent'e weight on side of Communists In bitter sub-surface maneuvering in labor confederation."




Cuban Communists in Peiping for KayBias goo a, Secretary-General of party. Three Soviet tankers and ten cargo ships have or shortly will arrive in Cuban porta, laplesentlng. February Cuban-USSR trade deal."

"Onay Rufo Lopes Fresquat, Castro's former finance minister,airly reliable source that Castro government 'under heavy pressure' to reaognlze Communist China and that he believes the move is imminent. Cuban Armed For ass Inspector General said in Peiping onay that 'Cuban people desire to intensify their intimate relation with the Chinese people and to unite with them in'opposition to OS Cuban archbishop's circumspect pastoral letter ofay stating that Communism already within the gates of Cuba and that Catholics Bust not cooperate with Communism may also effect in Latin America."

"In agreeing to visit Cuba Khruahchev is exploiting tbe Cuban government's hostility to the OS and its desire to strengthen Cuban ties with Communist bloc. une by Agrarian Reform Institute Director Runes Jlnenez who heads commercial mission to USSR, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, andoviet trade specialists and technicians beginning to arrive In Cuba in sizable numbers, in addition to Czechs,

8uie&riens, East Germans, and Poles on m. liar missions. Working sessions ox eioht Cuban-Soviet committees onlon 'and otter matters* began

Cubans grant rices indiscriminately.


embassy in Hexicoto furnish visas to all Soviet dlploc.ntloxy roquet them, especially couriers. Eloo may no* be prepared to begin supplying Castro with arms aid, probably through Czechoslovakia. Head of Technical Directorate of Czech Ministry of Foreign Trade, which handles Czech export of ellltary equipment to non-bloc countries,a; was Issued visa to visit Cuba.

Caatro regime may recognize Peiping at aay time and one of feV remaining aoderate Cuban radio stations broadcast reports that Chou En-lal has also accepted Invitation to visit Cuba. (Ko confirmation of this.) One of our Latin Anerlcan sources saysubans bow la Chinaonth training course ontrategy end agrarian reform."

"Fidel Caatro's rapid concentration od Cuba's political and economic sources of control In the handsadical and authoritarian clique has been marked by deep andCommunist influence. He has flaunted his willingness to deal with both Cuban Comsunlsta aad theSoviet bloc,becauee he regards them as helpful and reliable allies in achieving his objectives. Cocmunlsts are deeply Involved in the remodel-lug of Cuba. Cuba baaase for Communism In Latin America. The Outlook Is for Castro's Increased dependence on If this trend continues, the Cosnunlste will gain de facto control of the regime and

era nonr tula point

'- novea in agriculture,ndustry,o.cos, information nodin, end laboretermination rapidly to reorganise all Cuba into tightly knit groups under oloso government dlreetton'and oontrol. C aunlsts here bean particularly active inefforts

Cuba's political and economic tiesElno-Soviet bloc, st firstby defiance of the US, havethe basis of Castro's foreign Eolations with USSB andannounced in Kay and with Poland Recognition of other blocCommunist China and possiblyis likely. Cuba willseating of the peipingthe DX in theAgreements forassistance,0 millioncredits have been signed since thethe year with the USSR,and Bast Germany and are inBulgaria and others. Ko firmmilitary sgreeBents were concludedthe Czech negotiations, butthat the bloc has agreed tomilitary equipment. Agreementsprobably be rapidly Implemented,agreement alreadyergeySoviet minister-counselor la Parissaid he mill be aabassador toto excellentTABS, agrarian reform directorsaid In Moscow onune thataccept Klkoyaa's Februaryj^gillBl

7 Julyreaotlon to OS sugar law has been

quick and violent as expected. Cuban Labor Confederation, Castro's Communist-controlled labor arm, bss calledass rally'aggression of imperialist and pro-Kami government of Raulmaa party arrived in Prague onuno.

! ambassador in Prague has roport Creche have agreed to provide Cuba with small arms, artillery, and Jet aircraft of unknown type. Rumore in Havana say Raul Is also j'olng to visit Koscov to negotiate some form of pact withE^a

"Khrushchev's aBblguous threatuly to otaploy rockets in support of Cuba is big step forward in Soviet attempts to exploit Cuban situation and inflate itajor international question Juat as the Cubans are preparing to present complaint against the US In the United Katlons...

etter to Cartro, Khrushchev limited himself to expressions of "indignation' at US actions and 'sympathy* for the Cuban people, and in hisuly press conference ho went no further than to pledge 'support* to Cuba in tho event of US aggression. Tho Soviet government nay also use repeated charges of US intervention in Cuba to Justify conclusion of an arms agreementCastro and thenthusiastic response of Castro officials and Cuban Coaenunista to Khrushchev's public support was reflected In speeches touly mass rally in Havana. 'Che* Guevara told crowds: 'Cuba todaylorioue island defended by the rockets of the greatest military power ine are practically the arbiters of world

"Internally, trends continue toward tighter-dictatorship and enhancedro-Castro lawyers, some in militia uniform, seized offices Bavana Bar Association anduly named new governingmbassador Bonsai concents: 'This is another important step In establishing monolithic support of government byinstitutions.* Cuban pressuly that all provincial officers of powerful Communist-controlled Cuban Rorkers* Confederation have been replaced by 'men who truly respond to themoment in which the country now lives.' Communist leader Carlos Rafael Rodriguez zay be named sinister of

ulyregime and Communists continue

to' tighten grip on Cuba. Cosouunlst-doainnted Latin Anerlcan Youth Congress to openo.ly in Cuba. Delegations en route iron neetbloc countries, even Worth Vietnam, and ironcountries. Includingn what presssimple but esottonal* ceremony on le July, Communist dally Hoy van given printing plant vacated by Revoluc11on, Castro's official nevspEper, wbich was moved to larger quarters. Regime's links vith Communists bavo aroused protests. Church leadersving away from earlier vacillation oa Castro. Director of very popular weekly kagazine Bohemia, with wide circulation among otherTSHn American countries, defecteduly saying he was not permitted to publish anti-Conmunlst article and denouncing Castro tor makingovietlno-Sovlet bloc continues support. mau Chinese Communist mission, headed by deputy minister foreign commerce, arrived Bavana IS July. Hew Chinese sugar purchase, reportedly as highons, is likely. Havana-Pelplng diplomatic relations probably being discussed..Armed forces chief Raul Castro arrived Kescov from Pragueuly. Hay be concluding arms deal probably discussed in del

ulybloc approaches to Cuba continue.

Trade pact concluded with Coensuniot Chins onuly represents strong Chinese effort to win diplomatic recognition from Cuba and demonstrates Pelplng'a willingness to back anti-OS movements vith considerable material support. Recognition appearsconomic aid agreement expected later this year, under which Peiping to provide industrial equipment and presumably technical assistance to Cuba. Raul Castro visit to Moscow resulted last week in communique which promised continuing Soviet support toDelegations are arriving In Bavana foruly opening of Communlst-doninated Latin American Youth Congress."



Latin American Youth Coitgross began sections In Havanapresent froa most Siuo-Sovlet blocProminent Communists and pro-CooMUAlets fro:', other Latin American countries frequently visit Cubcme liveoviet, Czech technic1 ana continue to arrive la Cuba. Atunslans andzechs have arrived since February, but soae have apparently remainedhort J

"Serloua church-state conflict nay be shaping upuguat pastoral letter sharply attacking Couaualst influence inssue likely to have strong lapaot Cuban public as well hemisphere opinion, particularly if continuedforoe archbishop to carry out threat to closo all churches, charging government inability to guarantee freedom of worship."


regime has becomeember of Soviet bloc. First major bloc arms shipmenteptember. Included tennti-aircraft guns, machine guns, large quantities of ammo andequipment. Kore probably en route. umber of Cubans have been undergoing training in Czechoslovakia for some months, possibly for Jet aircraft.


weekly departure Cuban delegations forbloc visits. Include students, laboredical mission, and high Coamuoist officials. .toward tighter dictatorship anofincreased Comaunlat control continue. Last independeot TV-radio networks seizedeptember. Last vestiges of an independent Judiciary fast disappearing under pressure government campaign to 'revolutionize' Judicial branch.On!ted front' groups being formed in municipalities in an evident Communist effort to build Communist-dominated political machine at grass roots. Implementing August Communist party congress call for fusion of allgroups into single revolutionary

n dor leadership of Fidel

Cantro*. 'Galted froate' ovldently

contain repToaentative* of Coeasontat

i acd of Cw.aatalet-laf litre tod

f July Boveaeat' aad

Eenrolatieaary Directorate. Load

will probably bccoae baa la

for provincial, then national political

cachine. Cxwawi elate bare now virtually

completed capture of poweroofecVsratlon

of Cuban Worker*hich takes leading

role la organising Ccatro's iaass

Workers on Havana's waterfront gruabllag

at Ccsswaist oolaexc of aaionai sad over

"owa doc liningi

Original document.

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