Created: 12/22/1961

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Current Intelligence Weekly Summary


OCI 21







curPLUT ihtklligiwc'" t'bbkly sumkary


meeting at KitonnAdoula and Tshombe han ln an eight-point in very general terms ln which the Katangan leaderto have accepted theof greater Leopoldvllle authority over Katanga and to nave promised to facilitateof the various UNons. Tshombe, under duross, has previously madegeneralized agreements; henow feel ho has won time for -maneuver.

The agreement suggests that rshombA has accepted the basic constitutional charter for the Congo drawn up with the Belgians. This has never been worked out ln dutall, because of differences over tha degree ofor local autonomy, and It appearsew constitution la to be hammered out with the pa-tlclpatlon of Katangan re.-iicsentatlves.

The agreement statesthat Tshombe recognizesas the head of state, the "indivisible unity" of the Congo, and the "authority" over the whole country of thegovernment. The most specific part of the agreement appears to be that Katanganshould attend tbeparliament, and that the Katangan gendarmerie la to come under the control of Preliminary reports give no information as to the disposition of thc Katanga mining proceeds.

It le unlikely that Tshom-be has capitulated or abandoned his beliefoosels th* only viablefor the Congo. Hisappears to stem from UN military pressures, which he feels for the moment it ls not wise to oppose. Tshombe's forces, although battered, nre lurgely intact, and hisremains in place. Hecertainly believes that the Kltonn agreement will make resumption of OV military force against him difficult Tshombe, moreover, ls notree agent and ls under considerable


-iresiiure from his extremistmay force him to renege once he Is back in Kllnn-bethville.

Adoula appears to have *od-lfled his demands for awith Tshombe, and hasleft himself open to charges from extremists ln his own ranks df "softness" toward Katanga. Before tbe Kltona talks, he was insistent tbat there be no halt to UN military operations in Katanga, that Tshombe mustease-fire, that he must help with th* ouster of the white mercenaries, and that he and his regime must resign.

Tbe strains withingovernment now may Even before j|

I these it trains werereatThaT tho presentseemed unlikely to last much longer, no matter what the outcome of th* Katanga probles. Adoula was then under fire for not having taken decisive enough action against Katanga and for giving only passive support to the attainmentnified, centralized Congo state.

Adoula told Ambassador Gul-lion that bis relations with Chrlstophe Gbenye, minister of interior and leader of the National Congo movement party, who servesotentialpoint for leftist elements ln the government, had "greatly deteriorated" during tbe past two weeks. He said also that Cleophas Kamltatu, president of the leopoldvllle provincialwho has posedpokesman for thoas "up to no good."

Gtenye triedthis week to fire pro-Adoula security chief Nendaka. Gbenye was reportedly also exhorting other extremists to Join himshowdown" with the Adoula Gbenye was trying to go to Stanleyville, but wasby Adoula . ove toby Gbenye would not neces-tarlly mean he intended to Join ilzenga, but it would probably

Dec 61


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the tenuous unity between the ex-Lumaeblsts sad then the Leopoldville government.

The Leopoldville extremists are not supporting Glzengabut are increasingly expressing views similar to bis. Members of this group, however, may feel that Adoula'sis ending, and that the time ht fast approaching to dump him and grab for themselves theatanga victory might bring.

Glzen<ra will probably call the Kltonaraudsellout to tholzenga for the time being has been prevented from overthrow-


lng the pro-Adoula provincial government of Kivu by theof UN forces ln theat Leopoldvllle's request.

However, Leopoldvllle's claims to have established firm control ln northern Katanga, arising from tho establishment of Jason 3endwe'i Baluba tribal state, are probably

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into Katanga. fforts toorthern Katanga state responsive to it and to back it upattalion of General Mobutu's forces may spell the beginningtruggle there between Leopoldville and Stanley-


o move further south

Original document.

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