Created: 9/20/1961

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


l-Leetln^ Kc.jl


Subject signalled properly in IDSC0'7 ae directedh Septedseroure Indicating that he Mould arrive on the eecond day. Actually he caae on the followicr. day,teaber, on the, via COPZNHAC?*'. TARRY rat hln at Le Bourget but did not epproech aubject. Subject oontacted TARRY outaide the terminal and was driven by him to hla hotel, the Cayre. During thio ride aubject passedackage of elevon cassettes of undevelo^jd liinox film, tha contents of which vere aentioned at the meetlnc later. otifiedo picked up the cassettes fronard cent then off via courier to LOiHON for processing. RogerBX to drop off subjectO hours on the opposite eide of the BulTerlno fcotbridre fron ths RV point at which liike and George planned to piei: up cubject by car. Subject croesed the bridge to the RV point atJ0 and he spotted Coorge. He followed George along tho river barw;i& rar!*jd oar and uae driven to the aafe apartment arrlvinc there at IJ.pO hourc.

Afterduring which subject presented

Joseph, Kike end George sith ccviaraorclan "Horn of Plenty" the party raited for ths arrived cf Harold, rho caxeours fron Orlyere he haaron IQKTXJI. Ho raa alao presented with the eane girta.

Prior to Harold'o arrival subject atsted thst his trip waa delayed until he had received hia viaa fron The Frenchh September. . nas authoriaed forc. He left hie Travel Order with us to be photographed. Subject enquired if hla previously passed Bate rial

la TARRY in IDSCOr turned out -ell photographically end he ma reassured vhat it had.





S.: In tho KRTiiLSVKA telephone directory it atetea that only secret material any be dlacuoscd but not Top Secret. Of oouree, thia doesn'thing and they apeak of Top Seoret mttera becouae who can claealfy ssentally where the borderline la.

At thia point aubject waa introduced to Roger and aubjeot presented Rogerar of caviar. He alaoackage of select cigarettes and caviar for Jenet In the event that ahe would be in PARIS. During the toasting with nine, nhile raiting for Harold, subject stated that hie wife rae expecting in seven months end waa duly congratulated.

6y S. i This is exactly the fifth month anniversary of our having net onh April. nt to rait for Haroldill not repeat cyself,ave cuch significant raaterlol to tell ycu about, aces of thich cocea directly frow the noutho of UtLEIOVSa:rominent norfcer of tho Central Committee, CHURAYSV, egretid notmail tape recorder,ould have Given you the tore Juzt like tho film casssttea. It would have caved aa much rorkried to rer.encsr exactly vhat was ssid and have written it down. Theoilery bad. This old can ia striving to eceorplirh losscoup during hio lifetime. KHRUSHCHEV ia atirringll of the trouble that there is. He is the instigator of everything. Bs is the for-alitor end the executor of all

thia dirty business and advinturiera. If ho died or ras killed it would

tc ew*

relievo end change the situation considerably^,, It seems that he knows he has not many years to live end he rants to do aerr-thinganiac, whloh atema frca his anility.

wa are raiting, lot no rspcrt onave photographed.

I have photographed the card index lists thich include the military manuals and regulations ofreat 3ritcin, Prance, Federal Germanyittle oo Italy. There rare about ICO iters listed. Atent

ycuev/ extracted titlesuid- for theanted you to


prepare for its, butad the opportunityhotographing tho

/ohole card

whole card file and thle Includedundred items. id thia at CRD. aid out the lists and took up to three shots of each one according to ahat would fit in tho exposure frame. How you dan select any theme for me.

0.1 mil all of those manuals be available to youeference

the future?

S.i Absolutely. Any one of them at any time. o ia to aak for an item by our catalogue index number.

6.1 On which country were there the moat The majority worehen on England and the Federal Republic. there was less on France andittle on Italy. nly photographed the naterlnle which were90 because the older such25 ere already obeolete. ould aay that tho aourcea producing thia are located in neutral countries such sa the sergeant ln Ceylon eboutpoke before.

K.I ahat olae did you photograph?

S.: hotographed all remaining articles oonpletely in the first two Issues of the sbornlk for both tho0 In addition tohotographed eome new artioles (there were three lesues of the ebomilc0 end thus farhere may be another issue, the fourth1 which haa not yet been published). Inhotographed artillery articles which covered geodetic computations and artillery reconnaissance. There rare four artiolesovered those published90 on tbe above subjects, but there were many, many noreave not yet photographed. id not yethance to get my hands on strategic intelligence lectures at GRU. otal of eleven cassettes for all this photographyave left exactly forty cassettes.

G.i Tou photographed the sbornlk artielea at GRU, but where did you


photograph tho artillery articleB?

S.i At VARZHTeOV'a Headquarters. At thataa worrieday of light ens oordng through the windowhotographed.

I oould not


I could not go closer to tin window for fecr that oorasono would spot me and in moving back it =as too dark. There couldunapot on the ajfaiould Ilka to know if thay ccnc out clear. lao photographed the telephone directory of the Soviet Goveronent.

G.: Do not many people aleo appsor in thei Tea, but theKA haa many other lower officialsfould re-photograph themate Ob repeat.

C.t Ue vnMl aee how thay come out but it eeems that they aay be legible because ycuunspot on several sheets of your last photography but it oould be read.

q^oT^ ave two cassettes nhich cover the proposed plan of the

Consult tee for rending delegations all over the world during the first quarter Thie ahould be of great interest because it states exactly from which organisation how many Individuals ere designated for each. from the Ulnietry of Defence, from the Conaittee on Electronics etc. It designatea all of their postal numbers and categoriee of epeolalista. That la all of ry photography, but intole our Coaxalttee telephone dirootory and passed it to you. There rare nine hundred copies published.

G.; Have any officers such as yourself been designated aa oeobera of tho delegations you mention?

S.i Ho. No-one le mentioned by nans. All that la stated la that Oae or core peopleour Cor.rrittce till ta rant in such andlegation andffrom all other acientifio or industrial organ!sationa. That is the formulated and approved plan but the Individual will be selected later.

your ovn future prosy sets now?

Coceiittee. Just

S.: It all depends on the attitude of the Cent prior to thia trip theyet? ae>eeiurtl-fUe' (khareJcterietUca) on aa. There has evenro-osal anpro-red ly too generals in GRUe aontour to SfcEHCSOTIou.-uellor. Hot-aver, all thia dependa on the Central Cconltteo.

G.; t slot rculd tMs ba?

GTU of

S,: CRU of course. generals called me to talk about lt but how it would go on from there will Copind how they regard the etory of my father. ave only core on thia trip because no negative etatementa were aubmitted by theagainst me peraonally. Inad acre good roaulta from my laet trip andc-mraendatlon. They aayan produce coca reeulta an!ood effort and lnring then presents, aboutlll tell you later.

IS. I at did your wife aay when you rare coming here?

S.: She was crying end acreaiiing because ah- epeaka French and she would be In Seventh Heaven here.

C: tho wrote up your kharalcteriatika?

S.I ead it,rote it up and aubmitted it to the Central Committee. They merely called up CVTSHIANI and he said on the telephone he agreedhould be aent.

S.: Even though thu situation looks verya vary glad that our govemmenta have displayed such firraess and decisiveness. The Soviets did not expectire etand. Thia haa placed themosition of concern and lilKOYJKet zatt all with WiROSICHEV. They are

still not euro of thcxeelvos and they knev/ thoy do not have everything that


they need. They canttack and destroy several cities endillion people but that will not solve all of their problems. on't go into that now end Jubb nrcund froe one topic toill wait till Harold cesss.

S.: anonight until rs be cote tired and tomorrowOvat be at the Embassyustalk with theen. Isior. peko to the Deputy Resident Colonel KUDRTAVTSEV,


who is alno the Counsellor for Science and Teehnology. ITe will review ny missicna and plana here and afterill bs free. ill be here for twenty-five days and ho re are my or.tors. Tou cen photograph them. Incidentally amang the filrrj rhich 1today there is an elaboration of nyor thia trip. ritten out on two pageshotographed them. s cig:od by Cen. IdsutCV, uaijig the peeodpnyn ZtZ&X. illot of help from you to occosxlish cy

dBSionsust con* back with come thing substantial.

at le difficult to eeo la on ehat basis your hesdcuartere expected you to rake contacts here and accoaiplish your missions when you don't have tho French language.

S. i They considerf the French businessman know the English language at least to sons degrao. ave been at the French exposition in 1DSCO'* and at ths reception at their Embassy,ave few acquaintance e.

you, if yourbiniiar article for ae andreface

<, Vlytlilgetef

such as heould cix-Jyirl inenal at ion office, and' check her tronalation Into Rueiian and submit the work cblch would be to my credit. However, it rouldL*.iplc natter now for me to submit an article using any of the manuals, cfave photographed ths titleeeference. ly contacts andh pac/le, such os with SEHOV aboutill report later, ar: getting on so rail now that possibly by the end cf next year they mayor promotion to General. Thetheruld give it to ns or not io cr.o';hcr natter, but the reoocmondation oould be good to have on ny record.

1%J At thle moment Harold entered and uae *nmly greeted by subject.

S.i Fine, let us ctart to tort; now, raot to do. Ito tell you everything accurately, but of course you willeport ond it might tc-le the next taoto Let meave easred cloven caasette8. aveall the artioles in There are also ror articles in additional lso pfcantgicnhsd fcurfrom the they cane, 8 because I

found there an article on gccd:ticor rochet forcea. There are many other artillery art icier-ill photograph in the futurelsoueo photograpb of tha ebornil: cf tins Voyennaya Hffl' -for01 andyourth ieoue

7-/ ill relate te you tho reporteve prepared end vhich you should immdlately report to your Kur.3rloro. VAP-ENTeOV'a birthday partycelebrated not onh but onh in order to permit rore time. Onh September0et VAREOTsOV at the Leningrad Railroad station ^swre he bod Just arrived from LENINGRAD. After having leftad given him his racor but onh at the

railroadroughtackene containing tho cornco, about which

ulll tell yous roll aa

the rockst-ahapedani the cirarotte box with inscriptions thereon.

He kissed me a* hs greeted se at the station. lie cm* also met there by

GeneralXESSHSSH ond General Lieut. KTKOLiZEV. VARENTeOV had

been in LENINGRADarty conference cas bald there and he was elected

aa the delegate tod Party Oonjross, and very probably VAREKToOV at

d Party Congressborborof the Central Coranitteo

of the CPSU. Ho aill be electedandidatosieber of the CC, in

other cords he willroeotici along tho Party line. Having given

him theot to ths Corjoittce, ohosead at my disposal,

while he vrcnt to his oros greeted andcrcnony

took placerced tie Order of Lenin. Ho told me to be

sure tc OOBB) onsm together with my entire family,

including cy dcurhter and cot her, to his dacha. He aald that he had invited

cany people but many cculd not bo thsr- because thsy rero out of town concerned

with rilitory ratters, Vno and elth that militaryill relate in

a ooxant.

He aaid that the Kialstcr JBUaOTSSX could be there and CHDRAJEV Viktcr 1'ikhailovlch, rfwomber of the Central Counittee and the Head of the Party organisation of thene of KHnuSaCHEV's right hand awn. Gen. Iolk. FOiail will be there. Con. Polk. SiJiSOMOV, Ccn.. KARIOFILLI,rofessor of Chemistry ond Lieut. Gon. DBXCOV, vho raaeputy on the First Ukrainian Pront. illy onelErrcCV's two present deputies, the one cho replaceds also Gsn. Lieut. SSTSiJOY, thatrawaako of the ether. ill toll

ou tho details

you ths details of the party. eft you inave had the

opportunity of speaking with VAiattJTsOV, 2AS0RIN, EOZIKOV and many others. Thesisolnic to ycu at. one.;.

S.: In the beginning of CctoLer this year there will begin extensive genoral (vse-obshchiye) mno?ir,'res. There rare never such manoeuvrea in

the history of the Soviet Arry. Thic is because all headquarters of all military diatricta will participate and also all hoadquarters of groups of forcea. Even all rear servicea in the military diatricta will participate


in these manoeuvres. In other wras every Army formation will execute ita assigned mission in thercjnvres ;'urt as they would be called upon to do in case therear. In addition oil headquarters of all countries of People's Democracies will aleo take part in these Fanoeuvrea. These etrategic manoeuvres will bagin in early October and will take place throughout the entirend throughout all of the countries of People'a Democracies all based on cevb^tting c. hypothetical onemy in the direction of Gemany.

S. i llJ now try to explrdr. to you in detail why theae manoeuvres

will take placeat their objective is. ill tell you who,

why end Then gave me this information. These manoeuvres are called strategi

hey involve very great territorial depth and all military districts

all groups of forces vill participate as rail aa all the headquartera of

the countries of the People's Pjtcocracie3. These manoeuvres will continue

eriod ofmonth. Ths objective of these manoeuvres ia to examine

everythingehole ond to determine what units have apecifio capabilities.

They will examine who can best fulfil offensive miaoionD shock action,

defensive operations and to examine ths otnte of training and combat

readiness of all unite, as rail as their joint action. Through theee

manoeuvres defloienclea in treining can te corrected ond experience in joint

operations gained. Put thic io only one purpose, tho second purpose is to

hove theae huge of curl-si readiness exactly at the time

that the Peace Treaty with ill bs signed, eof any

difficultiestar the signing of this Treaty thay would


beosition to- bier. In other vcrdn rhat XiKUStlClCV rants to do is to baclcstop with actual large-code militaryations



flawed as manosuvrac hia signing of tha Peace Treaty with East Ccmnny.

S.: IHROSiCHHV consld.srs that if HATO avollotrs tho eecond pill and canaider* that tho first pill, thick too the closing of the borders of East and tiest Berlin, hao already boonhat is the eotionhbcut thia closing four days before the factanted to pass thia ^forrciien on to you but had no suans for doing thla, alnce tho phone call orrcn-eircnt ma only rood for Monday and thia took placeifferent day. id not rant to rial: putting the information into the dead drop end oelllng by chance. Tfe vill have to workystem that will perrit ne to pass critical information to you quiokly in future.

bin Central Cemlttee ond hia governxsnt plan to donh October to ozzs thoarty Conrresa. Thlald coll Ccnfcroncs That is because e. very aggressive attitude will be prevalent, ell oorts of preda apeeches are being prepared oaldnc deeioivenporialisni and colonialism. And by firin- up th; Conjure3 alia rush ireoechoa IKT-USKIEV hopes to untie his hands for afj^resaivo action by piaci.i- tho responsibility for tholich support KHP.USHCilZV and his rovtrrjjnt'o position on the Congress. Evenar takes place after tho Coogroeo, XHHUSICIISV can refer to thia aituationecision of tha Congress. Scrtlio Conrreee represents their prosranrse for the iroaciete future. ill ascretarios of Central Ccomltteee nill bo present at thia congress as roll a* secretaries of tho Parties of other People's Democracies and Ccanunist Parties from capitalist countries as cell, nary of tho letter villrotly. It vill bo of Interest to see how the Conaunlst leaders throughout the world react to the concept of military action at thla tUs os proposed by the loading Comounist Party, namely that of the Soviet Onicr.. u^cct for your consideration and that cf our Isadora hov: afivant&ccouc TOulc icntroduce soma eort of split in viecs at thia congress. Itortuit that there be noii.ity of viero hotneen all of the Ccwnuniathe various countries.

.'Jrc&cj- there hove been orders issuednth of

ctotor no

October no foreigners should be admitted to the Soviet Onion.Ware now being retained for tho use of Central Committee aembers anddelegates. Thoy are even fumigating the rooms to ba sure

forelgnera previously living there have not left bacteriological contamination. Even in our Committee we have turnedll requeeta for foreign visltora during the month of October by saying there is no room, end that they vill be busy vith the Party Congress. Thia will continue untilh Novembersince many Party delogatea will stay after the Congress to attend the celebration and parade of 7th November. In addition they axe now preparing to aet up very atrict counter intelligence proceduresCOT and the Koacow oblast during thia time. e que st you to have all of our agent operations in UDSCOW suspend activity during thia period. It will be very difficult to work in 1DSC0I7 during this time and tha KGB from other cities have also been called in.

Let me review. Immediately after the Party Conference KHRUSHCHEV wants to sign the Peace Treaty; at the time of the signing he wants to have all possible military unitstate of combat readiness. If necessary he will atrike. If it iaocal attack by ua then it will be parried, but of coursearger oonfllot develops that ia why combat readiness is needed. EIROSHCKEV, our General Staff and the GRU know prefectly wall that secret preparations in modem times are not possibleo intelligence technique a. But under the guise of manoeuvrea, concerning which he will insist that they are only manoeuvrea, their extent and duration, can easily be extended. If the allies swallow the second pill and aay very well since you hovereaty with East Germany we will deal with Easthen the .strain will be relieved and the manoeuvres will terminate and the result of these will still servealuable training exercise for joint operations. If not the powder is still dry and military action can bo employed. Thia ia the dual purposo for which these manoeuvres aro planned for the early days of October.

Right now JOSCCr la boiling with all kinds of repreeentativee from the hc^dnuarters of the countries of People'a Denecraciea, both in

ilitary and


military and civilian areas. ave aeon them everywhere and anyone can Secondly, all prominent military commanders are in the fieldfor example, at VARENTsOV's birthday party hlaSKIY was

There are two da put ie a, FYRSKJY and SEMEN CV, who replaced COFFEt PTBSKjy le now at NOVAYA ZSMLfA where they are experimenting with atomic - 'f%detonations. Therearge base there on which are rockets with atomic warheads, the details ofill give you shortly. The other deputyCV is now attending the atomic boob teats ln Central Asia. Here laound thia out. At VARSffTsOV's party, Viktor Itikhailovich CHURAYBV aakedhere ia PYPSXTT? end ilALXNOVSKY said that PYP.SXTY Isine Job In running the tests and the training programme atLYA.

j an now report to you about the atomio teats being conducted now alnce KHROSHCtEV felt that It was impossible for hira not to run these tests. These teatso phases; in the past years the first phase onsisted of testing the individual TNT equivalent weapons. They were raised on towers, from oasta and dropped from aircraft. But now KHRUSHCHEV andilitary commanders are testing nuclear detonations delivered by rockets* hla la phase II. These tests are conducted by means ofocket onventional charge against the selected target and then', an atomic trarhead and firing it against the same target. Both. and VARZNTaOV answered CH0RAYSV that Gen. Polk. PYESKIY ia now at NOVAYA


ZEiii'A running the tests and uill continue to remain there because there willadditional.";

S*i Thereuge rocket launching base ot NOVAYA ZEMLYA which la

equipped to fire2 and^ rockets. There are'here; thia waa all told to me. Now with reapect to these rockets the 2 ie already adopted and lo being aerially produced. Ita range ia twoalf thouoand 4 ia now being prepared for aerial production but it haa not yet been produced in quantity. The range of4 ia fouralf thoucand kilometres. Bothave given ere those for thaso rockets carrying an atomic tcrnoad. Of course the ranges are greater with eonvontionol TOrheads.

Approximately f

S. 1 Before we proceed further let ua look at tha conclusive we canaboutlan to have troopa In combat readiness for either or the Other eventuality after heeace treaty with Eaatill try to draw three conclusions concerning these preparations. first of all be ia preparing nine armieseported in and adjacent to the immediate Bast German theatre and now he hasenth army to that area aboutill tell you shortly. This overall area includes East Germany itself and the areas immediately adjacent to it. In East Cenmny itself there are only two armies but tlie others are nearbyupporting role. This first purpose is to frighten us. however. If the Communist *orld expresses complete approval at the Con ere as for hie policy and he alao feela that world opinion is with bin he eay strike ua. He wants to take advantage of any indeeiolon on the part of the Free Tforld and may actually attack the leaders which arc the United States and England. He does not have all available means for carrying throughtrikeinal conclusion. The military people [now thia but they aot meekly before KHRUSHCHEV. And if he ordore ths beginning of hostilities they will comply. (At this point subject wae asked to holt becauso the tape waa to be changed).

Before you continueuld like you to etato who your sources

were for ell of tbe infortation you have given us, by individual item.

S.i uggest that you take rotes on theeport end eekclarify them later. How regarding PiESKTY that came out ofbrought up byo asked where ia PTRSKTT and heowe red by UALLVOVSKY andBOV. EUZUICV told me aboutt. All rocket materials of VARENTeOV'a concern paaaed throughhe told re that certain officers were at various bases where therelaunching eiteo. ill lint these for youoment. have all bean sent to the bases asf VAFSTTTsOVthere are representatives of ISSEAISKKO there there the botesatrategio designation. In addition in conversation with VARSTTsCV

umber of tinea that2A- roeketa exist. eapect to the Party Congress and pre para tlona therefore all bad eome thine to aay about tliia,n not aincling out any one eouroe.

G.s Has KWJUSBCfEV criticised by anyone at thla birthday No, theyoast to hia. They are all people placed in their posltlona by KHRU21CHEV.

32* (Subject now showed hie list of theembers of various delegations who were tentatively selected to go to PARIS during the Exhibition and who were tlie people proceased by subject Into delegations which he would meet In PARIS). Si Tou see the ones crossed out in red have already been approved for travel here but out of this group ofrobably no core thanill actually come. In four or fiveill meet one group end arrange for their hotel and Itinerary together with the Aasistant Resident who la responsible for science and technology.

J.: Seen will the Exiiibiticn docs?

S.; 5th October.

J.: will you be tied up with your delegation as you were within-

S.:. No, Not atill Juat meet with them and arrange things for them; but you will have to help ms vith my missions. o not know anybody hereot of my hasisnsents will fall on your ahoulders.

3. Let ms give you the exact circumstances under which theae conversations took place. ll got togetheroursh September at BABOSDUNO. arn there with my family RIABCHIXOV, tbe Professor of Cheaiatry was already there. (VARENTeOV had been on vacation with him previously at BATCH). Then Gen. Lieut. SSJENOV cams, then Gen. Polk. POKIN, then the Kinlater VALTNOVaOT cams with his wife. The presents ve brought were ths best and root sensible of the lot. HOTSKTagnum of champagne anda big cako shaped like the Horn of Plenty. CKVP-AITVargeagletand. YAPENTsOV said that sry boy (res) had really tried to do everything "from hia heart. anted to

ell him

- . 'V .'.

tell him that there were five hoys doing this. MALIKOVSRY andn Chaikaa, there were all kinds of Zims there ana guards. ttcwalk in the garden and then came to the table. The only one inthe Minister andoo presented to him he askedidn't havein the Par East, toepliedaaARENTsOV eaid to MALTNOVSKYaa one of SEROV'awiferetty uoonn and her name is Raise Yakovlevnais Rod!on yakovlevich and myame ia Talaa Yakovlevna. . sat down VARENTsOV told me to do the honourspened our oognao* out to be out of thisears old). The Minister wantedonly that cognac. ode it go around for everyone three timeI gave full glasses only to the Minister, VARENTsOV, CHURAYEV They began to feel tipsy after the firet round because thea toast to VARENTsOV and everyone drank bottoms up. The cognae wasand everyone was so delighted with it that they talked obout it forhour, out of the aix houra that the party

Si After that there were toasts by VARENTsOV and SEMSNOV endcame toemembered that no-one mentioned the fact that VARENTsOVjust been presented with the Order of Lenin.aldroposedoast of congratulations to Sergei Sergeievich for hla having beenrecipient of the highest governmental atard, the Order of Lenin. Aa .theytoouldast one on the Minister, soby saying that thia award represents the high esteem forby the Party, the Government ana personally by the Minister ofAfter that he beamedould talk to himomrade. 'continued to drink cognac in aipa all along and then requested thatof champa^ie be opened and all drank champagne. Tha others

drinking other cognac and vodka and frankly the other cognac was junk. CHUKAYEV, aboutill give you details laterot and rae getting tipsy. After this tha men went to the next room to smokeept my ears open as you wouia expect an intelligence officer to do.

S. i Even my mother innocently contributed to tlie conversation by asking the Minister if there willar. The Minister replied that it

./is hard to


is hard to say and that he does not even want to talk about it because he has


to think about it all the time, namely, will there be one or not. an aay that the situation io difficult (polozhenlye* tyasheloye). Our enemies are not giving in to ua although it is true that they have Bellowed one pill. Ze handled thio one veil (sealing of East-Teat Berlin border) but how will it be in the future. - an eay is that no are keeping everything in readlneaa. This mseneral question for all to hear tho anewor to.

S.: Later CBURAYJJV* who wasot and seemed toood fellow, called me aside and asked me to get him all kinds of things here, which you will have to help ma with, end he eaid many things about1 will report later. ave twenty-six items here and thusave only covered two (Note: on hie agenda). Others also asked questions,idad to keep modest and ran around pouring drinks. ontinued later to drink tea and eat fruit and KALIIiC'VSQr waa the first to leave because he had to fly on the next coyours to LVOV. On Monday there was toarty meeting there and he was to be elected as the delegate tod Congress from there and in addition he had to review matters of military training in relation to tlx; coming ranocuvrcs.

All high ranking oo-nfiianders are concerned with preparations for these manoeuvres. VASEKTsOV is constantly travelling aaas all other big comviandero, and they are very seriously training and preparing for these manoeuvres. Ee ginning with the headquarters in IXJKOV, all other headquartera throughout tha land arc also busily engaged in this. "ib must pay particular attention to these loanoeuvrcs end study all developments by all means at 'our disposal. These manoeuvres vill involve political considerations affecting tlie entire world and thoy serve cs tlie military becking for the policyirsV is trying to push through. ave already reported to you what their objective ia and have not only told youound out but confirmation of thistroll scale in evident everywhere in the GRU where every little officer has his ova. email rdeoion to perform in euprort of this.


Popreccjittttivoo fren both TiHSfftcCia end :nn&uniKO aro ocnstantly ollting atocket bases these bases have rrac boon cupplied with etccio


Then erectly rill tlioso Jincouvreo borln in October? Ecti-contlth and will continue until tho end of tho conth. Onnrty Ceur-roeo be pica and efter that will be tho Dirjiln-oaeo Trer.ty. Ty this Una the ranoeuvrao will have pone into core cjvssccq phase and to -orlJ situation at ttiat ax-ant will be tho factor to obtcrclnc th'jtjor the troopa till continue to stand at ocelot rondineBS or if thay rill ter-lnatottCOrrrroa* ill oon'.lnuo to report, to you to that orient tldo rill lota plaea. a not eotahllnhederfect way. butofree thry till be ccrlot ready* At least they rill net hava to drag cut col Ola ra by iho oars fro..ienrricono, since thoyIroady beriain Oeplcyrxaitan vlial pitfuss of nanocuvroa thoy bejwo reactiod. Vols ia tho ciiiilClcwico ofend tlii* is ohat to ouot expect froa

fl.1 Ao a

staff ofilt-jr cf cry co-smnd alii can cugcoat is thntropaganda carrclm cc-inti-i" to the approoolvo nature of KHPUSUOltEV ond tlio co:dnr party Con-roic to slide that to aro not dcludou. any effective counteran loid fro.'-ead about fIreneno oxnrceood by tl*zntyr thntenrdae RKHBICef nnslcty. Tour loaders should take fullfava reported rerardlnn those nonocuvroa, tiicy chouldrau otl-er csurcssave cold nnu take appropriate counter ncasures, tla nature of lixLeh Is of course thoir business.

How both fii.'i Ascvra-al's end froaa to dlecovered idiero there cro rcc'xttilir. al^-utill tell you. Tley hava otcadc nariwodai nvrlirblo tlrfrc. outlonod rlxucO/ iiCVAYA ZcrXTAJX lo otr.tlcu.oJ. : JUK, therease inrea; thano not srice theocation. In the curea cf tiesoOrlTrarn losoo. In the Couth tulav:r.vssciono

tu discoverOUld Bloat rcc'.stec o Bfwtt ofOYCTXc: and oloo in tha area of KCCVAliAC. aUOSO foes Ira PffJl rcJiictnn.

Also in tho South, literally tvo days ego we mm getting permiaaionapaneseie neneA (prohablyo show bin the island of ARTEKA which ia noar BAKU. He waa concerned with tho technique of producing oil under water. Our corr.ltteeequest to the General Staff and wsaper with an official Top Secret answer to the effect that no foreigner coy be admitted to the island of ARTSNA. Thereochet base there. Either itVO placeocket launching installation.

AO. S. i There are also atomic teats being conducted In CentraliaEH0V, th* second deputy to VARENTsOV is sitting. owho tho officers are from IDSXALENID, who are at the Strategic BUZIHOV and KARIOFULI told me that many of their officersgoing to the bases and they nerve aa the eyea and ears ofcommand because there are atomic warheads at these bases. also conventional merheada there and the positions are kept underreadiness, and there are representatives ther* from both "

S.: How here ia another important item for you. Tou probably ar* oi and know that on tlie 8th of S'jptewber, possibly by your time rone the 9th, an atomic detonation took place. This wan the first detonation0 kilo ton (sicj but aee Jestingield. In the pant thay had dotonatod ten, fifteen and larger kiloton yield, but thla waa th* first one of this magnitude. Thia uo tonalion0 kilotona waa perfonoed by meana of2 rooket. This rccUot was launched from KAFOSTIN YaR, end its impact area waa in Central Asia. The detonation took place at the highest point in the rookot's trajectory. Itigh air burst and VAREhTsOV was present at this test. VAREKTeOV personally told me about thia, he had been at KAFUSTHI YaR. ea eatingestaurant with BDZIHOV


he aloo confirmed this. Prior toocket with an atoodo warhead, atocket of the sane typeonventional warhead is launched to detemino the range and deviation errors. Por the rocket that0 kiloton warhead the conventional varhoad rocketetres.

et nse emphasise


Let me emphasise that these tests uaihg rockets with atcedo warheads were

mandatory for KHRUSiCIETV to make because the headquarters demanded this to study how theae rocketa would perform with atomlo warheads. This waa newer done before end therefore KHRU3JCKEV used ail political manoeuvringa and false arguments to get army from the non-testing agreement, because hereat need to make theee teste himself. This ia the only way to understand the ratter because ell he did was to twiet political facts around.

till you explain how the conventional warhead rocket worked?

S.t The conventional warhead rocketrror ofetres But it was of course detonated on the ground oo its impact area target. And on the basis of this trajectory the atomlo warhead rooket waa fired. You see when we discussed rocket accuracy last Spring such precision had not yet been approached but now that they hove developed accuracy they oan use atomic warheads, realising that the bursts can be madsesired point.

' Chen you gave tho range of2ilometres andthat the buret took place et the height of lte trajectory,ery high airburat.

S.: Yea. Itigh airbvrst in the interests of aurfaoe f roteotion and oven so tlie burst took place over wastelands. Ee will return

with ooncluslona to these matters end please preserve my noteso on to the next point.

Vj. Before you do thet, one sirall clarification. Exactly from whom did you find out about each speolfic launching alto?

&.: epeat, about KOVAYA zz1xa, rALINOVSKY and VARENTsOV answered CHURAYEV's question. ound out about NORILSK, Franz Joseph Land and VORKUTA from KARIOFILLI, VARSITbOV and EUZHJOV. About KRA3JOV0DSK andound out froa both BU2ZKCV and FCZCVWYY. Regarding ARTEkA there waa thia document. In addition nhen POZCVNYY was working with the PVO in EAKU he also visited ABBKi end there were basus there then.

U5. Right now BUZnrOV la In. with PEDBTtOV. PEDEROV haaot of trouble there. Hlo bob oho ia not mentally noiiaal waa beaten by FZDEROV and thia thirteen-year old boy ran away in tho direction of LEIPZIG. He waa brought back and headquarters colled In FEXETROV and told him that hia eon wee persona non grata in. Right after thla incident one of his officersecret document end again FZDEROV ras on the carpet. Horever, he ia atill at hia poat although his wife, daughter and eon were sent homo ot once. She wos even at VARENTaOV'a birthday party, buteparate room for tho younger people, where my daughter eat and VAKEhTsOV's daughter also sat.

G.i Have theyeneral evacuation of Soviet dependentad.DiR. yet?

8.: No, not yet, but there have bean lndlcationa that thia would be done in Septenbor. eard ruroura about this but did not pay much attention.

he way -jos tho height of the atcaic buret given to That la very slirple to detorralno, becauoe aeoording to physics tho epicentre would bo one tenth of tho trajcotory range. Thisaw of ballistics.

S.i ly next point ia verybtained this information from >Di. He was on duty during the nightth September in GRU in SSROV'i office. ot hiMrought medicine he requested, and he told me that during the nightable from PARIS came to GRU stating that the Fresident of France, De GAULLBwssage to KASHTKGTON, LOKDOi; ond BONK giving the decision of the Trench Government toilitary planes to participate In the defence of Ten tornn BERLIN.

S.: The Resident here in France, General Haior Ivan Kikolsyevich

G.i that official position does he hold?

S.: Heover job,an't knox which one. ill see him tomorrow. CJEPETYSVedent in IM cnble elating that the information

vae obtained

wasron Prench Cca.rur.ista. Theave Just given you vas not announced anywhere, neither in TASS or anywhere else. It arrivedop Secret classification. Titers leeeJc sccouhere in the Prench Government through which this Information una obtained. Therrived at night and because of ita nature vas Immediately delivered to MALIKOV&J, the eerie night. He read It ot home and ordered that the ocntente be given at once to all members of the Presidium and to all the ooirmandera of combat arms, in additionumber of cor ganders of military districts which aro adjacent to tha theatre concerned. The next day SEROV waa advised of thia. Note that the chief Duty Officer Bust be athiefaprevlenlya, in order to rake spot decisions on the eimalfioanceable. ZASORTN le very friendly to ns and givoc me much Information verbally, trive to maintain this good relationship. My conclusion to this matter is that investigations should be nade lo determine who could have sccess to high level ocrre spends nee free: General Do GATIaZ. This man should be found.

/^oT^ ave already Britten to ycu earlier giving the name in full of the rranchman rho suggested to the Soviets that they should not permit Americans cr Englishman to visit oartala sections of an aluminium factory in rhich there was aniolcgienl process. This was the factory inAD. Thisiearcu officio! papers of the KGB ln .vhlch it was stated that thlfl Pi-onohirjn that suggestion. ouldn't copy this document,ad it in my hands for two minutes and copied the name of this Prcnclxan letter for letter. Kayte heGB agent, maybe he is co-opted by them or is rorca other type of svoloeh. This statement of CZrvESTSV's that the informr.tlon came from Prench Communlsta again oonfirma my statement that Communlsta in all western countries are being actively used for espionage,

Did the coble,at typo cf planea or from shere they be re-deployed?

S.i Ho, all lt apoclflvi rat that thoy2J0 military combat planea. ughtT.ery favourable situation. sked bin ifa notsOPTPtxon for the lnfonnation he obtained in

/hla kiddle ana*

made Bubordinate to the Mlnister'.of jjefehoe. a ftava/ijpiW^ it ia inhis period will be announced

'" -i.

tiTreoahilltatfon.'M; iflhefl*nn! tM lU^tf

thatagj refused thiK poeitl

'? di^md^oiwe'and recently

return totho position of Chlei

and the higher military doomend. industrial installations and itsrotection Of^th*(population of eouree periodactlortjis':ll .neoes?


- 22

position of Chiaf of Civil Defence in important thoy cannotuitable replaoairent for CIIUIKDV aa Commander of Ground For cos, and that position le atill vacant.


At present reserve officers are being called back to activeserve in Civil Defence headquarters. Thisery interesting

C.: How ie this organisation tot up in terra of local Like this, thereentral cum nnd and then the subordinate headquarters are organised in military districts. Thoir functions are closely oo-ordinated with tho Oblast Party consult Uses, the Oblast Rxoeutive committees nnd all the way down to rayons. At any rate one of theae daya you willhotocopy of the whole seventeen page dosusent. One exicts in the Committee and there is one In GSO.

To ahca did you say lt ins subordinate?

S.i To tho Ministry of Defence, but also tc tho Oounoil of Ministers alnoe it isilitary andivilian organisation. Reserve officers are being taken to fill out the headquarters cadres.

G.: Tou say itilitary district breakdown, but not by It la by military distrlota because as you will see latereport on this, there are many problems which are the concern of the commander of the military district, particularly in terms of military support and supply.

Next onh or theh September PAHTEUvTKCb'OV wasK0SC0T7 to GRU to report on Iron. Ho is the GRU resident In Iran. told that. would beeriod of ono week and that heno leavo, Thia la in connection withave already reportedconcerning Iran. They went his report there now ns tho resident ofdid not see himnew that he ccma on the specific Instructionsand that ho will work with ZASORDI vho told rae about this.

told you about tho original information concerning aanraw|si ^dd mo and alao BUZUIOV who had been down South. He


- -

told ae that oxtonaive military preparations are being node in tbe military districts adjacent to Iron. Anotherould like to mention now la that raEUSKCflBV lo going to tie in Iran to tho German problem. Ho plans to send troops Into Iran iflhen complications develop in Gerrnany. Thla is planned to be done in October. KKKUSHGEV plana to localise thia matter in Iran on tho basis of axtonoive Amerioan jiiilltary banes there. ZASOBXN alao told me that other residents ln the iiiddle East are being called in for oonaultation In JESCO" but chich specifico not knox.

S.: By the ray anotherave heard about KHRUSUCHEV's present is that he rants tohert period of quiot particularly prior to tho convening of the Party Congress. VAREKTaOV told me thatSV seems to bo sitting on tho brakes right now and ia not agitating now which VAREHTsOV considers to bo very correct. Tills is being done ao that during the Congress everything can be carried outilitant manner with all kinds of military dasando and reinforced by the forthcoming aianoeuvres, to give the beat possible olinatc to the feigning of tho Peace Treaty. And in oaee of trouble to beosition tolcr. This couldocal conflictarge one,IEV ia ready to strike uo first, Hoaevor, if thela ready to swallow the second pill, newly recognieo. tlien tho tenolen will be ased, KHRUSHCJiEV has now hi^ hopesplit in NATO.

S.: Tho Soviet Ca-rruid estimate that tho Americana have throe rocket banes in tha territory o? Wk> told you Oils?

S.: Tso persons told ns this, the first one to toll rsa this was EUZDIOV since thin informition is plotted on military nrtpa to which ho has


aocess. Latern fooling out ZA30BIH on this topio be eoiifinrcdnd said "Tes, that's aboutOZIHOV knows this more accuratelye ia concerned with operational mttorrs ond thoy have their map showing enemy

diopooitione and installation!!. In addition VA^JOTsOV hoo hla oen intelligence unit, which is concerned with Btudying the relative strengths of oppoaing forces in ench theatre cf military action. HJZJi'OV added that

he re-lets

tho roeketa deployedAmerican bases in Iran can only reach as far

. es the South Urals. This is evidently fro- the calculations- of therocketi

In reforenco to tho photograph of my graduation clana fromnhlohequest that you show aa lator so thatidentify the individual students end instructors, therelass-sate

of mine, Lieut. Col. CONDAPEJiKO who iras rooently ln7 andenthe Artillery Headquarters to photograph, and ofalked oround there and ateo not noneally, although ny photography aaa coveredisit to tho secret library for reference rate rial for them pro numbly writing. et BOm'ja'XO there.

G.: rnich Headquarters washecadocy? .

S.i Ho, lt was TJUTEaTeOv's Hoadquartero, but it is located on the Academy premises.

BONDAREHKO told nc that he had just bocn appointed asockot brigade in IvKSIEICKDG for engineering matters. contains rdxod battalions of our old friends1 and one ordo not know exactly tho number,2 battalions. So you. boo here is an

. example that2 ia an adopted veapon issued to troopa and specificallyattalion exists in SKjEKCII'JG.

S.: ow want to report to you various other items which could be (of interest or significance. In tho cities of LENINGRAD and IiTOSOOS there.are shortages of vodka. They aro not producing vodka now end arc using upOld stocks. Alcohol is b'iing stored in reserve for rockets. They' ore drinking cognac and rrlnca ond ifrom old stocks is to be throsn out it results in all kinds of fights. is being storedtrategio reserve.

S.i VAPSCeOY repliedp net ion ithloh trao very cleverly brought up hyegarding little nenfl ebout BTEDVAH. CHURAXSV asked if KEKOyTuf wore ill since oo littto is Sward about him. VAPSKTeOV replied to."


CrRJSAVSV's query that despite tho apparently good results achieved by MIKOYAN during his trip to Japan tliat IflKOYAIl "ae arguing with KHRUaiClIEV and not agreeing with his policy. In addition at much lower levels rumours are heard that LOKOIAN does not agree withilitant position regarding and his general foreign poZioy. '

CHUltATSV gets drunk quickly, which ws not appreciated by either Minister or VARENTsOV becauoc thoy ware astounded thatrominent man would permit himself to ROjot tlw statemonts ho did at tho dinner table. CHURAYSV personally told tbe following; "Only yesterday'" (thia wouldh September) "tho Central Conmiittee" (and remember he is the Chief of the RFSFR)eport that In the townarge centre not far from ORDZaOHtlDZS, hooligans attacked Militia men and killed several ofimllar case occurred recently in tbe town of ALEKSAKDROV in the MOSCOW Oblaet and their aituaticn Baa even more severe ainco not only were Militia men attacked but also reprer'.ntativee of the local MVD. This is aimilor to what happened in MUROVO" (and you have road in tho papers that there wore massxecutions by shooting there)ixilar situation occurred ln IVANOVO .there tlw second uprising occurred, taking the form of an extensive^ hunger

I-strike. In IVANOVO up tosen attacked the Militia when they attempted


| to diap-irca the crowd whooriass appeal for bettor food conditions but collected peaceably without sticks and stones to make thoir plea. omplained that workers innd KKTjlCRAD had sufficient foodhcreuo they and their faTiliea vere starving. then the Militia attempted to disperse them from the areas of tile CC*ai! end tho Ispolfcora then thoy attacked the Militia. The Militia fired warning shots at the ground and air, not at the crowd, but neither they nor the Ciialrman of the Obkoc* could quiet '. the crowd so troops *ere callod in who ouooeeded ln dispersing tho crowd and tries arroats were luude."


there Is much unrest within theinds of banditry is breaking out including aenaulte, knifings, all kinds of theft'and murder. These numerous attaokr or. tho Jlilitia are not only done by hooligans but by elements of the civilian population, as in IVANOVO, who wish to express

eir anger ftt

y. I:

their anger nt the unsatisfactory Dituation. Even the iiinirttry ofpublished orders for puniuhironl of oacoa of mass rape in the Minskof the3 even the Party Secretory. Even inin

totals such as RAiTSISKDYE there bam been numerous hold-ups at knife point. Thia haa even taken place in electric train lines wiien. foir people travel.

The Axttj morale is bad since there ia little faith in KHP-USHCaBV apoiiclee. Reservists called up end those retained who have been scheduled for discharge feel tfiat they cie only kept temporarily to suit KHRUSHCHEV'o policy and should the situation moult in leaa tonalon they aould be thrown out. But in the ranntlnc thoy rust risk thoir lives for thia policy. Thle situation is known to lXWflZHSV and to hie ccCTrandore. Tills is why XIuVtfSHCHEV is enlntoiningtem poliay when he says that any local conflict may develop into an atonic conflict. Ho does not want to deploy hia entire conventional army because ho foars maa desertions.Many officers and eon will go over tojot, after all look at how many Soviet soldiers and officers deserted fron. to "est Germany.

S,: There ore aany instances likeentioned about diasatiefnotion end one exonnln is one thai GSHOV peraonally told meave teen atouse twieall report in full on thla shortly. On the 9th September thereorty conference in the FRUNZE Diotrict of the city of KOGOOIY. hiefepartment of the FRUNZE Academy, Colonel LAZAREVpeech at this Conferenceblegate to this Dlatrict Party Conference. Hoinet tlte cult of FHRUSfCHSV. He said that

--" ; s

developing more and core the cult of nffilfSrTCHEV, The Colonel waa Interrupted nnd iiraodlatoly the Chalra>an of the Roykoinensure of tho Colonel's speech. The opeech was called apolitical and incorrect and it waa proposed that hia nsdateelogato bey. This noo done by vote at once and ho was thrown out of tho Forty Conference for daring to criticise KHRUSHCIEV< It must be nsaiured that h3 rill be thrown out of the Party and also from his position In the FRUNZE Acc^.ny.

brief pause followed and subject said:- We have much work tom only giving you the highlights of my report now, then we will get into detail and after you have studied and reached definite conclusions you can

re-question me for clarification,

rhile TiC are waiting for your next items, although we have no

"Time to go into the questions wc hive prepared for you now, just tell me one

ho in general ma the source of tlie information you gave us on BERLIN

in the material that you passedNN2

S.: It came from Gea, Lieut, yXRS*SVSKK. He had visitdd.tiie close

ember of the Central Conwittee whoseo not know. ZASORIN

is very friendlywlio, no you know, la the Chief of the *

Information Directorate, and he toldthat KDESN3YSKTY tola him about thia

order thatceived from the Presidium ana tho Control Committee

at KHRUE2IG1EV wants to propose rJien our chiefs convene exclusively to

consider the BERLIN question.

Lot mo go on to my next point. Tou requested and gave me the

Sslonind out by oU possible means what is being done in the USSR about the development of on anti-missile missile. an tell you exactly and this information was told ns by Sergei Sergeievich, BUZIHOV and POZOVNYY. FOZOVHYY has vary wide ana important contacts and herominentorker himself. In HOSCOSV KEUSHCftEV hasarge and specialil and therepecial experimental rocket battalion which le developing by means of all kinds of eleotronio guidance assemblies rocket control which is capable ofostile missile in flight and destroyingight now there ispecial Nil and thebattalion. The Army has nothing. Everything elseay say is foolishness, bluff and propaganda. However, experimental work ia being done.

Another mlsnicn you gaveave fortunately accomplished io '

following, thereros/dncnt roolart designer inwiiose name is CilEI/OiVSY. an is linted in tfse Krerlcvfca Telephone Dlreotory.


CHELOWSY' 13 or V, yours old, hia first nanos arerominent specialist on KSSUaiCHEV'a rockets, very intelligent

talented and hna twonder his direction ln MOSCOW, In one of ;laboratories ILKTTJCHCKSV's son is employed. KHRUSHCHEV hasivil engineer. CiElCJSlC ia the one who worked out the employment 'tlie rocket "Krylatka" which was used on submarines for employmentforcea. He is also perfecting tlie "Krylatka" which is being used BUZINOV confined for ao that the velocity of thle rocketmetres per

'S.: The next point is: Them0 mon in all services 'who ore ter for normal discliarge from the Aray and the decision has boon mode to postpone this discharge until sosstim in the Spring end to retain these roon on active duty. Thiseed in tlie Gene ml Cteff. You aeo thia is juat another element in KHRUSiiCrlEV's plan toilitant decision ciado at tho Party Congress and to sign the German Peas'j Treaty and be supported by these troops on ostensible manoeuvres which areeady and hero ho is retaining ocn who arc scheduled for dischargeurther element of support of his plan.

fo. Kext item. kirOriiy is being moved into the territory '.. There arc only two Soviet armies there now not. troops. The Army being brought in is tlie Eij^ith tlochonised Army. This Army was msntioneayhoJlRTrPsOV's party early because ho was flying to LVOV this ncirt dey. i "'0 slinll soa how our number Eight will stage its transfer3 to Gert-any", It is being moved there fromhe Sub-Carpathian Military District, Thia Anty ie oomposed of three tank divisiona and two icotor-riflc divlsiona.

In addition,o not knoa wliorc the oxectsix roglmento of tlie FVO5 rocket regiments are, Keep in mind, that these are infiopendent regiments of

t is interesting hov/ this can be cor.Ciracd, here ia on cxoirple, Tlie diy beforety in VKUK0V0irl friendee from

ijre to time



time to time, Irina. ent tho re to take herestaurant because , verybody- knows rcs in town and VNUKOVO is" ah internal airport. . There the eputy head of the restaurant ia oh old friend of mine oh ex-officer whopreviously worked at theola you aboutolodya.c told me that whens on duty on Sunday the Kinister ana his wife arrived, there was aolay in getting tb; piano ready and that the Minister finally flew off to LVOV. on you iien^ine this? onfirmationivilian,


thatoard onh at WJ/iEliTcOV'3.'- ,

will these FVO regentsrotect in the

S.: On't know exactlyresume thoy would protect Our troop

units and undoubtedly there are other units there already vhlch will be -

supplemented by these

Remember theieotal of ten various armies in that theatre even though now the Third Army i3 in the territory of. Itself, thia will servo to increase the Soviet troop density inut the other armies are in the second echelon and thoir function is to servo as reinforcementsource of replacements when needed for the first eohelon. Of courso in easeffensive these arraioa could also be committed and in fact if necessary not ton but twenty armies could be used.

VAREftTeOV told ma enother thing of interest and he even cursed when he said it: re doing thingsy, TTe are placing emphasis on rockets end it is proper that wo should do this but ws are. beginning to forget about conventional artillery. This conventional artillery is of course organio in all riflo division!!. Ve nowhortage of conventional artillery." He said that there wore deficiencies in certain types of artillery thanks to the inclusion of roo!-itg. He did not tell me what types of weapons they were deficient in. The armies that ore deployed in the German direotion J are not Up to strength in equipment cr in armament. The deficiencies are being reduced every day.

79. ave already wiltten to you that in PARIS on thectober there will be o. Conference ofonEiiijjiori. Tho Central Committee haa confirmed sendingiral CHSKDROV

- yj -

and the intelligence .officer, Captain lot rank Yea, wo have received this Information.

ave already talked about this speech of HEUIJCHEV'a saying that there oould notocal war on its own. It is Just this which le the dreadful thing about the thole situation and it is felt both in the country and within theence his insi.'uoua policy which re ahould note andhis desire to strike and to destroy ntoeiieally everything tiiat he con, aa far oac-iie aft^JUgjUi rill allowo scare us and those in hia country who disegtve withKHRUSEHEV) fieatroy with theou undorotand that all r* nd many In the countryill inwadiately be si!wit.

These are theionsanted to report on frou thia

- the uost important. oafear of then must be expanded uponertain extentill allow myself t'c continue with thia during the course of our wrk. sk you to keep thio lUt.

S.: ilodrink ourill toll you some nev/ political tea nMdb the Russian people hove reuSchis is doneurpose, not by Tiro Soviets nwot. OneHow do you live? Cell,

Ca you go to the cinema?" iveo to the olnesa"

"Co you go to the theatre?" o to theive well."

"Do you read tho oadf not hownowive iell?"

Anothor one. One Soviot arks anotliorll tbore bo a "thy"? KERUSKJESVa battle for peace will not leaveon another."

ew la aokodGB mmliavo you concealed the fact thathave relatives abroad?" ive never conoonlcd the fact thatrote thao no mlotlvca abroad." ou urn concealing tho fact thnt your brother lives init is ny brother vho roally lives atn tho one who is

S, : iaEUaiCIEVuestionnaire to everyonewill you do we reach (dokhodif) Aiiv-Heo?" Soiiwonc wrote HV.hen we reach America

you can go on,ill stop right Thle la the life of the


V umour throughough

06. (Checking hia li&t) ust show you on the photograph and students. You rer-iBb-ar that you asked ire who studied inwitli- one noa Colonel 1'AI-AKEEV, ffikolaj. He finished at themo, ras in Italyongonior officer under tho headSecond Directorate Lt. General- KCHOVALOV. Another one, Majortoo, also works for EfE'OVALOY. aentioned Colonel FUKOVSKIJgone to Iran. Coloneluty to SJOLIKCV for internalthe GRU. There isolonell.ek33ndr Nikoloevlch who tasthen workedenior officer in tha Operational Directorate with the Third Dlrectorrto. Now he has also been transferred, to Generalthe second one, who is in the Ctdel of foreign relations. Then Ithe name of Coln airman, working in the COcur GRUe hasew personal report on meKDLIUAHOV works in ths CO inepartmentconcerned vdth GRU cadres. entioned tl'jrmhis is just a'. ; hat they nro still in the sure*'j'Tj -

I ill tell you in Biuret nnd then in detail, about thofacy received mo very nicely at their hour!. They live on Granovskogo Street, opposite tho Kraialiii hospital next to tho Vosntorg.

G.i Howontootid you ling them No, tbey searched insis wife rang for me atodVlodiniirovioll coins, bi'.ok, and'so on. They expected ids back fromthree cteys earlier. Oranovskogo Street,econd

entrance, eine aloneuest, taking their things with me'ina emailhere isatch on the piece, do-.mataire, but theyp toas to be allovii' in.



arshal of the Soviet Union ZHUKDY lives in the building, below the SSROVs, who has not so far gone to worknU3ItCi"3V, SOKOLOVSKIJ is workinghief adviser in the Glavkom, ZHUKCV has not yet agreed to do so

ti. l Harthfll of the Soviet Union GOLIKOV lives On tho first floor,UW)V, Head of the S'uiu Politicalll in thio houseCte. Opposite SEROV on tho somad floor) lives the Chief Prosocutor of the U.UD2KKO. Above SEROV lives SUSLOV, member of the Presidium of the CC and above SUSLOV is ths flat ofll inranovskogo Street to which your obedient servant goeouesti All these peoplo ore in the second entrancethere was no conversation about tho people who live ln the first.

S.; rrived, gave hira bis shirt and all the littleall very pleased. Thoy laid tlie table. as alone as aarrived, asked me how iry duty trie bad gone, on.'J. then went to thethe Korean Notional Day. tayed with the family, aid thatgoing to Prance thoy gave melist ofave got them all .out. onthoiave brought you is from- thoy gave ma caviar endave not brought the kolbaaathoy have it in Franco. ob on very well, SEROV rue thesigned the first paper authorising ira to coiro horouty trip for After lira. SEuOV and his daughter Svetlana liad telephoned severalranching mc,y SJHOV rang CIESHOV, SOKQLOV'S deputy

in the 3rdOKOLOVcroind (subject's name)?" ill go end find himdiately", Uo culled lot out of tlie Cotaiiittee, asked what it wau nbout and he toldto call SSROV urgentlyis hone number Granovakogooelephone at home and one at his dacha. This CHEZaov ss the deputy to SOKOLOV nho is sitting in SOKOLOV's offico rove me tho key and saidould telephone from there. hat trustI The safe nan closed it is true, but not sealed. losed the door, aat down and telephoned. Jio call "Tou seem to havec want to see you." aid "Comrade General of thene said "Come tomorrow'clock." ent to his house, he went off to

/the Korean

tho Korean receptiontayed on with tho family. Their attitude una excellent.

Soon afteras auiitnoned by IYEVL3V, the Head Of the

Direction underaptain 1ste have como across him, IYEVLCV is concerned directly with America as VOROKIH doesngland, e asked me: "THiat would you think if wo sent you to Americaaid that it was an attractiveI oia still capable, healthy and willing Tho country is very interesting and important for intelligence work. ouldagree. This is my open answer to your open question, hen, two or throe day3ad seenas summoned by CHEZHOV, -Ho saidare thinking of sending you there. e will check in every detail. You would gotraightforward Counsellor to the Ambassador -but your work would be for the GSU. That is where tlie conversation stopped -what iiill come of it God .only kroi.-s. They may of course toko me. SEP.OV may, of" course, give tlie order "Takeout of this Committee and put him to work in GRU" and then we will see where they will sendither to England or t6or there wore conversations about England too. Thus during my work with you here wo must think in detail about my conoiunieationa withnly along the line of agentxcluding tho Cocmittse and my visits to Embassiecnly through ogenfcLBs, meetings with Janet

and so forth. V'e Must be prepjjod forhiseal problem. question which affectseavehouldow to poss on to you ijanedlately this or that importantour Higha fornew for four days beforehandESRLTK frontier ivould be closed onh, and that KOHEV was sk you to think about this. This is ell so that my ideasore in your heads

>iy missions in Prsnoo arc on tvo shootsave photographed nnd which you have not yet seen. sk you tooutean travel tlirough Prance after the closing of the Exhibition. . Somliow wo shall lisve to work for France, for General dohall have to work through you if tlvcy will not help. sk you Prom your deep Inowledgo and experience.

to think out socrj thing intereaiing ooan achieve socio thing on thia dutyo that onceo home with results. You rend my report and knoweceived th/uiks for my work reporting on thator all By photographs. They she* tho new anti-aircraft system ineople from tho Embassy have not been along thia route recently and have not seen this base.

VUx/ The photographs warn good, rare Yoa.

S.: Incidentally, aboutant's grave. etter, went to tho Central Caoiitteo who told tho Embassy to allocate money for tho payment of the carvttoVnr of the ceietry to clear the grave up and nstructed people working in the Erv-irry to go ond check on thle and to go there mora often. They con seem alort from the military and political point of view, as on intelXig-mue officer.

hould also reportid not have time to spend much time

tha Prench Bxhlbition (In HMDOS). now ofill give you the name end show you some aoomonts.ont with TYKRE, and once by myselfaseoeption nt the "mnoh ilKi-uney, given by the Ambassador* ave noould not sonnlreid not look for them and there was not enough tine. one knownave anyoqualntanoeeCO17. Give me soias acquaintances of Frenchmen who speak.'. Russian and somo French and who woreV* Or pick out aomaone from

firms vhleh night Ve must think aboutany Of the French

tho vera in"

Thia is not so easy,

)Io ahould be one of our people. If you read you will see that tho GRU haa given at tho task of putting ten or throe Frenchmen In touch with our Rezidenturo. Two or three ore nothis leive ae one. Givean who oan fool them and do whatever ia nooeaaary for ua*

People vho oan work with frurislane oan achieve something interesting throuab thio lit*. artn given the job of choosing DIB

itan and

oitee and mooting poiiito in all tham. Va shall knowwo or1 threeown. Ie that bad? And thon, if you giveomethingillecoration.

hink that wc ought to explain to himia moment that Prance is not quite the same as England ond that we do not wont to bring tho French in in anye want to keep this entirely secret from them and therefore ne ran not got the co-operation of the French in the seme way ao we could do in England and, although vve will do the best to help him in every aay wc con, it is going to be verymore difficult for us tfiilot we arc here. tou had better explain this to him.

You must raaasaher that you are ln France, not in England and, as ou reeoisbor, yeu yourself told uorenchman who has been in the USER and who visited tho aluminium factory. Ho one knows where there are leaks. ,

3.: But surely there are steadfast people in Pronch intelligencebo told andare working rrtoleheartedly for tho French and for uo? not want to shore our knowledge about you.

S.: nderatand that you are clover end experienced oneo-officers but surely Fknaoa ie cur


H.: Yes. But if wo were to tell tho French whot wo ore doingwould complicate matters. they would (twit to bo here too. Tobo ableecurity and thcrefcre although we are quite prepared toanything within our owa pore re we are not prepared to do anythinginvolve bringing in the French. (G. explains), '

S.r Evidently they have few acquaintances hero because tlie senior officers in KDHOVALCV'c operational section (uchaotok) sey "For goodness sake st us two or three peopleou oan read, thia in my brief, .know. In Euglond they only gaveission for making onotame time we con infiltrate our people hsre. to can do ooarthing profitable bore. ak you to think abouthat you doearn mo thanks -this is your busineos aa caoo offlcsrs.

H.t Youratandill do everything in our power,powers areo front hero in

7 ' jo

"Do you thinknngo tbsffindhis ie primitive, is it? Ortool, sewn thing ogain Xiko th*oodor tint from iTOI^ffiVSEIY and for tho electronic linnuol. Helleirt think out ncmnthing good soecoration Mia em rmrotod'> norel. Then you tillep with all the "cc.coo on it.

a. i It ia not oofor uo.

S.: Ioutoith empty bands afterays

they vill eay that hs has only btwS) groping about and haa done nothing.n't go tAeSt with ompiy hands.

S.i "all, let us think loentnlaehey did notoney for nvthlng. Te ahould talk abetculd like to diecuaa uith you, Zt muat think uce^thing cut.

Kal Yes. ould like, to talk about CTiWB with him at thianow that he haae have got to bear In mind thatKKE is going to ta important for the future of thia operation it isnportent that he does seer'thing foi the firms uhlch he represent a. He has olroady spent r. long tinsid. He has not carried out his teaks -he io due to go to Yugoslevia. and although ho is here now, he oannot stay. Cthoivico he is going to lose bin. job snd hia potentialities for the future (G. or.plains).

S.: Ho irentionod the Dane to ne, he should certainly go to Yugoslavia -he ia cot necessary here. It CM very good that we mat. He said at the

3.: "ell, to go 0R|hall not be going to England, tdro aie none of those sort of delegations. At the beginning2 alVS should visit tho Soviet Unionelegation. ay be able to accompanyn *ho jutollurgical delegation to England. INS chouldhis ia layertasYt,

G.s He onn bring veli

Tea. Hc lolls mo that his firms ore

i-o*th; is lorlug touch with thee. se,eel


ou know, ho

you know, ha would bo randy to work exclusively for uo andnd to receive money forhis ia clear. In general TUNIS lies manyts to bring his wife hero but what uae would that be. "'aeBtaurout justn houra had changed ond had forgotten oil his mcuoy. xpected thioadave hlntoad already changed all ey dollars into francs. Hall wo knowsychology. Hoood follow and wn aro fond ofeittle self-seeker, of course, butn honourable can and haaot for uo. He must be eupported in tboe, is year concern not mine. He should stay hereouple ofo show mohere was no point in going out with himm tired and this is morehen he oan go and ooan back later Curing my stay.

hands over envelope ond letter given to him in VDCCOV with

arrangements for PARIS iwetilr.g. Ho UM given telephone number of safe flat and told that one of cose offlcera vill always bo'available on this number. He is told how toetens' told olweya to speak innglish and never to telephone from nil hotel or from the Soviet ill check the number with you later (see below).

h -JOth Espterhnr in Oxford there willyieposiumsti-uoture end making of vcper, on the theoretical and te clinical aspecta paper production. The rymposiiyrt will be attended and addressed byexports from many

The Head of the 1st Directorate,s very interested in thia and the head cf Um Oteel cf SHELIGAHOV. BSKEEHGV i* vary . ; in paper from the point of view of "paseporticatsia". Thereno delegation from un. avee to get me overt inn to rial '

H.: houldo could get that. t* will try that,.

J.: here ore te.onefurther discussion of use

S, i During tiviJw hend of tliethe CocsEitteo

i .J

in ths Coeodttee, got torenchroron U'.rie Paulobothe FederationocnanlcB. 3he wrote this with her ownot hershe spooks English and French, of course,

ti* mustook oterbapnoan arrange aoeo links through her

the conpany sho works for is interesting

H.i I'll have to leek it up.

': Howt3ie electric rotor with betterloo whioh waa givenresenturore. All Ministers and prominent leadersne, for oxaraplo SSROV end GVISHIA11J. It would be nice if wo oouldrench firm riiieh manufactures th-eo rru-.oro and build in tho legend that this firm hasiftuntnu? of raxors to the Cooraittoo with on accoapenylng letter.

: How many rasora dod?

S.j Six, xt since on tlvi 7th November thoy will celebratelAth aiuiivoraary of the Solnhevik Revolution it would be nice If somer cognac could bo pioked up with tbe Tills wouldit and especially since CHURATKV requested this specifically. He even askedottle of cognac like VAFnfTfiOV'o and his year of birth'.. lan to bring OHURAYEV the odds and end* he asked for suchood pocket-book,oocks, eta. ill get bottles of wine,or SSROV, MALIHOVSKY and OHURAYEV. I'llTSIfi'aOV to take Uw bottle to KALEvOVSKY snd when he is told that it is from the Colonel he hod met rfio is talking aroundull olonel for twelve years no* and it lo ties that he ehould be proposed form sureV will not object. KALTKOVSKT will probably say "Go ahead and writo the resolution." m not losing by tho factring hea presents, itrima faolo evidence that they tiunt ma by the fact that they accept my gifts. IJy legend io veryot along well abroad, they food tie and give me small prcesntouy other odds nnd ends out of tho moneyave. They even write letters and notes to ao with their requests of what they xt. ould like to hove nooe records by VSRTWMOY and LESECfEHKO. ovy one tond ho in listening to'it all the time. Itarity for Soviet people to have* these records. Next

% .- -


I needll gold lady's watch either Omega or Longlnes butshould be on the dial. hole lot of little bottlesthe Sorova and CBUEAXBY naked fOr this oo well ao others. itsuoko and Arpsge, eto. But only little bottles; re quetod as wellCSOK and KAPAPILLI, seta of bill-folda,and oatcli strops to watch. eed about twenty cheap, boll eed three small briefor Gr&RXfEV, VARHITsOV anaaddition manyedicine cmllcd Suotonon vhlch la token hink it is RSnufnctiund in Holland, maybe your doctorsobtain it. In addition thetlnlde you gave me before nosreceived and they request wore. ot of batteriesvolts and'I think the brand ntm io Vertrix. ill leave theyou ana please get mo wore of then Ex-lox tablets as well as others

the safe house telephone rumber was checked with subject to be sure he "had it written correctly. Ho was tcld hov/ torench automatic telephones end was given tokens. Sublet then revioTOd his financial'

asolliuro tnollara have been computed for my food and for ay lodging loin onlyaximum ofrancs daily. Theow have costsreuse. on't care what the coat ie as long an my receipt will rendmncs per shy for lodging. (After discussing the possibilities of moving to another hotel Jt was decided that tho easiest, usy would be for oubject to request another room in tho omio hotel the prioo of which would be underay. Subject ass told that this should


be no problem since very adeq-.urts rooms could be had well within hiswas told that orrengvmsnts suohnore made in LOhT-OK worein PARIS because it would richurity and falsification of acould alaoroblem and in addition the proximity of hie hotel toEmbassy would make it likely that tho Soviet Embassy would knownorm! prloeo of that bottl ..

In addition " .

- in _

8*1 In addition they gaveranco orollars Tor ry travel money, which mould lent flw dayo tliroughoutoca. Please erninge an itinerary for nie which "ould to consistent with my cost' allowance for such trawl,

C, t This sui'j Isthan enough to cross the length ond breadth of "ranee If ono -ere to travel by bus. (Subject showed an additional travel pans piepcxcd hy hia Admlnlstv-.tivw faction. This will alao bo photographed, but in tho evftflncs lwave this drcumant on hla person. Subject showed all hla othor papersail tic Vat back to tin. rmi),

S.! "Ivy wanted aa torain hackould look around end reportould nr. il Baston ayhome. ave to have visaseonyill speak, about this ot our Ooiioulnt* tomorrow, ydo thia,filli certainly pay ths difference in*i* anS fly boo;:,

Sbia list of the po*nihlconhers of delegations who hnd been prop:zed to ov.eaiv*honew will core; should alec bo pnotOCCS^>ed. The-tivnfc through In rod hove al reedy been approved for OOtflna; here. thecloula bo iccwhouldo lint on no- person la OMr? onyone askc about it. is atatOMyvoeUedI'TxVATuT.', Ivan rovlovich. HooJ.oiwl. Hot Xtw'y follow Midnewdeputloo tol_lent. ill be roo'.jvcd either by tho Eozi'dent or by hie Deiuity. It eeew* that the Resident la travelling throurjwut tho oountry now,a not sure. Hi thinzr.ted to report to you todayequest fcliat young end on your further Questionsill be able to recollectouentnry fetalis.

'lob.J Ke 3eid thatowelegation will arrive here that he

JaTflft net. To what extent will bn In tied up cith this delngatlon?

I have to do lrj't thiifi upotol and

hor cith this ITDlTX'.VTCaT,f Interest for

/onoh of the n

ooch of the

meraSflrs to



you have to go to tlieee polnta with theo?

Yea, that ie joueible, hut it ia really up 'to mo.

But ha will no', he tied up as he vas with fhe first delegation


at all will come.ocieion to 'oavo money and noteo:td then or only to send very fow.

y,is thefamily's request. (Reads long listeaves with us to jsjroheoe for hin. Subject thennail no to- bock full of purchase rnq-msto for his om family).

J. i an seey yeu needsy3 in PARIS,

G.: They must have tn>ten three or four days of planning just to writeV'

S.: They tookhan that, (ftjbjoct was explained that duo to

the (inevitable interest ot. tin* port of the French who njust surely know that

he had at one time been an intelligence officer posted in Turkey, it would

not be wise to meet too"'d even if sliort intervalsat the very beginning were used tiwss should be stretchedtlsn1

0,: First of oil in view of this French expected curiosity it would bo boot for us to raoct in the evenings nnd not during the dnytiira when itie too easy to bo spotted. Although wo would like to swot renoonahly freqxwntly to receive oil of our eunweat buoinoos which is so important, in the early oto^cc of your ntnyillat longer intervals later.

8*1 That is right; gree.

G.i How about our ne:it nectlns? You have laid out your schedule for tho day and what do you propooo?

S,i How about six .'"

O-.i That is too usrly, it in too light yet.

J.l Heired, 3fcy ahoulft ho notree dcy tomorrow end go

out ontl we con neet on tlxf!;er.


G.: Then wat the day after tomorrowecause itdark than and yon can go outKHE

S.: ll,1 you arrange to liove someone drop me off at the other end of ths bridgeon't know how to find it very well yet

H.: ill do<f;

ill the materialsrought U* available tomorrow? ". No, not tomorrow, but possibly the day ish you tohance to look at it, since there is much about it ne should discuss.

!5. Thct ishatwant to do and that is why wa rantJ meet the day after tomorrov.'.

S.: That's fino, then you vill study everything tomorrow and the1 will meet yout* the other side of the

t Do you want to look at the map of PARIS to see exaotly where youin relation to

S,: Ifotm very tired and you can show me next o will drop you off in tho vicinity of yours Georgeill go with him and Goorge will drive to thatsince Iw knows tho

orenell toast waa drunk ao Subject made bin farewells and leftatttours. He wan delivered without incidentlow ate of speed in tho vicinity of hi? hotel atours, -

Original document.

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