Created: 6/6/1963

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Acting Chief, Plana and Cupport


Alreraft Srateaw Branch Contribution9

Fighter Acceleration

Assiaaptloo's sad ffabllltatlcn fata

four fightar sodals, thend D, theere eatlnated to be In aarlea productloo

In thohesethe only cuperronla fighters in production Incan operate ot speed* fromo Mach 2.

Only those plants currently menfactuxins are larolrod, as tho flow tine far ths fighters preclude* productionn* facility la lass thanaths. Xn aeeelemtlog production of flehter alr-eraft ths saBber of shifts vas Increased froa one to threeoaaieerstoly larger labor force was ntUlrsd. Hbes an aircraft Is already la production at the tlae on ecceleratloa project ie sOTroved, the acceleration can be Initiated lanedlstely on the existinghe rots of product loo acceleration to be attained dependo prtrau-lly upon 1 '

production capacity of exist log tooling. Jigs,

esaeoblyroduction sc^pasnt, etc.

uumut ofin process.

e. The escunt of material la atonuje, la transit, or available frca other Boaroee.

d. She errailabllity of ranpowtr.

Tvo additional types, thend the Firebarave beea Siren fightereither, hovrvrrr, hove been noted In

fighter roles.

Vtoblllratloa of rjflhter Aircraft Produetion

A cgxparlaoa of cuaalatlv* produatloa onrojected produotloa at current1fe, ovtirated productionocerOerafterand tbe octolllzstlon gala.

Produatlca without Produetion With


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SupcAcacntary pato for Briefing Aid 10

1* Using tbe sese assumptions as vere mode vith boober eircrcft, production of lighter aircraft also wc accelerated.. Th* airereft Involved ere the Fiahbed C, D, andthe Fitter, thc Fishpot, end tho Fiddler. Although included ln tola estimate os fighter types beceuae of codeoauce, no air defense role la estimated for thcnd the maallght C. These ero the only supersonic fighters in scries production in the CB3Eall can operate at apeeds froao Much 2.

2. Only those planto currently laanafecturing ere involved, ao the flov time for the fighters precludes productionow facility vitbin twelve soothe.

3- buildup progress) for all of the fighter types are relatively stepp; the buildup of both the Flatbed and the Fiddler is partloalataj rapid.

The Flshbed is estimated in production et tvo facilities, the second source plant entered productionS and baa not reached en esUasated peek rate of production but will novo done eo by the end With two producing facilities for theteep taildup obtains.

5. The est looted buildup for the Fiddler is also notably eteep. Tha elrcTaXt lo believed to have entered series production bat to estimatedds rate pending completion of testing. It is asssaed that the design wold be froxen and that production vould buildup rapidly under the Eobiliartlon conditions.


Original document.

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