Created: 6/1/1966

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cia historical review program release as sanitized



A coUcciion ol articles on ihe historical, operational, doctrinal, and theoretical aspects ol intelligence.

All statements of fact, opinion or analysis expressed in Studies in Intelligence are ihose of

the authors They do not necessarily reflect official positions or views of the Central Intelligence Agency or any other US Government entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying US Government endorsement of an article's factual statements and interpretations.

Cood prioate dinners are ano gather information.



Of tbe many ways lo which adversary totelligeoce services go about recnusjagarticularly insidious ono Is by "socialhen officers of the service operating under diplomatic cover Grit approach their targets at receptions, parties, spotts affairs, conventions, etc, or through social cadis at borne. This approach is distinguished by the fact that it initially carries no hint of resemblance to the classical methods of recruitment that depend upon blackmail or other kinds of duress. Far from upsetting the target, ft presents itself to himleasant relationship apparently devoid of any kind of danger. This is exactly why he needs to be put on his guard against ft.

The usual pattern of such an operation erhibits the following phases. The Meeting

First is the initial contact It may be really accidental or just have every appearance of accident To the target. In any event, ft will always seem accidental. Tbe handler, who is ever on the lookout for agents, will at least have madeoint to be where trustful contacts are likely. That Is why the first approach most often comes, not In mass gatherings, but at affairs thatarticularor social elite.

In this first coo tact tbe handler will usually confine himself to bland but friendly conversation, learning the prospects identity andposition and identifying himself and his cover position. If tbe prospect interests him, he will suggestoffee or lunch

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Operation, Charm

Tbe second phase is the laying of ground weak. The handler strives to make the target like rum. He is most engaging, treats the targetood meal, and produces tickets for tbe balletports event At tbe same time be takes advantage of tbe favorable atmosphere thus created to try to learn more about his companion, getting bim

of Hfe, his money problems. He also brings up. circumspectly and without taking sides, current political topics and the tateroational situation; if he is from the Soviet Bloc be emphasizes that what his country wants is peace. He tries to find out whether his guest has strong political opinions and whether be nurses any definite antipathy toward the Eastern nations.

If at this stage the targetegative or guarded attitude and has perhaps declined invitaboos, there is an intermediate phase in which tbe handler renews his suit and will not let himself be put off. He mails him some new show tickets, say, along with his visiting card, or teleplmncsriendly way to suggest getting together again, or he may sometimes even venture to call on him at home. In most cases he is at least partially successful; out of simple courtesy the target cannot go on forever categorically turning down all invitations. Nibble on the Bait

The thbd phase is the intelligence approach proper. Itbeginsong time after tbe end of the preceding phase. Tbe handler now knows his targets persoriality well and tries to exploit its most vulnerableneed, ideological leanings, weakness of character, hunger for an important role, professional ambition, etc, as the case may be. As soon as he feels on sure ground heirstuite natural-seeming one for some innocuous information obviously in the target's field of familiar knowledge.

The essential purpose of this request is to test the prospect'sBut the handler, in return for the harmless irdotmarion he gets, does not hesitate to offer him some httle gift, perhaps something for his wife. After this, the dinners to which the nibbler is invited are likely to become quite sumptuous and the checks so high that he does not even otter to pay his own.

Sociof Courtesy

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The fourth phase is that of recruitment and manipulation. Having established that the target is ready to furnish irdonruUion which he does not consider very compromising, thethli il the most difficult part of hisdirects the conversation to the man's professional duties. Finally he asks direct Questions about

e nicj to make itutual exchange by oflenng to supply him with some that will help him in his work.

The chaste "social coo tact" is over; they have begun to talk business. Now things will move fast as the handler proceeds tois last wedges. Gauging his speed by the psychological reaction, he thrusts by stages or directly to the burning questions. He may pull another stop to overcome the last bit of resistance,oregift. After that it will be hard for the beneficiary to refuse to get more important and somewhat more confidential documents When these areeimbursement for the effort will be called for.

At this stage the meetings occur oo two levels; alongside the "social contacts" are more furtive ones, as of hurried businessmen. Soon the confidential aspect begins to predominate: "Better not call me on theinally, when they arrange to meetafeubway station,ublic park, the target will perhaps realize that be has embarkedlandestine operation.

Tha is the point of no return. Tbe handler sometimes now turns him over to one of hit colleagues, who, not being bound by the atmosphere of friendship that permeated the earlier phases, can force him to toe the mark, make him understand if he doesn't already that he has taken an irreversible course, aod ultimately useif need be.ut step the recruit will have thrust uponomplex system of communications, involving dead drops, secret writing, or perhaps trips abroad toandler from tlieof the adversary service.

Unhappy Ending

Need one tell the rest? There aro only two possibilities: either the target, recognizing the machinery in which be is caught, will at the last moment have enough courage to go to his own chiefs or to theservice with the story; or he wiD be Irretrievably enmeshed, the docile tooloreign intelligence service. From then on he loses


all heed- f action and. as to be a

friend aod colleague and becomesommon spy."

In tbe midst of friendly faces, of animated sociala

bard to believe that it may be "latex than yound yet it may.

A Stitch aa Time

ense It is never too late to stop the progression ofudden awakening of conscience and understanding canot of harm even kmg after steppingthe line. But ft fa so much better to forestall the risks; sol too often, otherwise, we can only assess tbe damages without any hope of repairing them.

There is one extremely simple step which can shield everyone from these dangers and protect ourfor those who hive access to classified documents to keep there superiors informed of any contact with foreigners. They willlearer cocsoence for doing this. And they will help us protect our common heritage


Original document.

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